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Publication Date:
April 27, 1953
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LETTER TO ALLEN DULLES FR[15973637].pdf | 98.64 KB |
Dear Allen:
Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842366
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375 Park Avenue
Bev York City 22
April 27, 1953
Since I wrote you last, Simixaeff caw to see me on Saturday
following his return visit to Mouraviov on Friday. The
interesting points an his account of this visit are as follows:
1 - The regulation, in force since the last var, that Soviet
off icials, however high their position, cannot receive a foreigner
alone has evidently been abolished. Mouraviov came to see
famkh:leff alone, and received him alone in his office. While
talking frankly with Simkhaei'f he turned on a wan radio,
apparently in order to make it difficult for others in the
surrounding rooms to overhear their conversation.
2 - When Sinkhaeff entered Nouraviov's office he sav only a
black-bordered picture of Stalin on the van. Be jokiney
asked why there were no pictures of the new lesilers. Mouraviov
answered only that he will shortly take Stalin's picture off
the yell. Such a statement, even as a joke, would, have been
completely unthinkable a few months ay. It indicates that
a rapid. decline of the Stella myth is taking /agree.. The
tenor or the conversation seemed to point to the conclusion
that Mouraviov did not know whose picture should bang on the
wall, but was quite sure that he would, soon be able to get rid
of Stalin's.
At my request, during his next meeting with Mouraviov, Simkhaeff
will try to find. out what the party circles know about the position
at Malenkov and the others. Mouratriov arrived from Moscow only
about ten days ago and should be up to date on the situation there,
since higher party circles are usually well-informed. I hope
that because of their old friehneuthip� Mouraviov will be frank
with Simkhaeff. What we can learn in this way may shoe whether
iffy theory on the subject is correct.
3 - Mouraviav told Sizakhaeff that before leaving Moscow he had
's long talk with Mikoyan, who is one of thenold guard' in the
Politbureau and Minister for domestic and foreign trade.
Mikoyan told him that things will change rapidly in Russia
(referring to the general atmosphere and the peace offensive),
and that he is confident that relations with the U.S. wrill
greatly improve. Be ordered Mouraviav to do his utmost to
revive U.S.-Soviet trade relations. Mikoyan pointed out that
Great Britain continues to carry on a very substantial trade
with the Soviet Union, and expressed. the hope that the solution
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Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842366
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375 Part Avenue
Nov York City 22
-2 -
of the Korean problem mud other peaceful =ries will bring
about a cheap in the attitude of the U.S. goverment and
pdblia opinion towards the Soviet %ion. Mikoyan
asked MourimriOv to concentrate all his efforts on the
pronstion of U.S.-Soviet trade.
Best regards.
is/ L Moore
P. S. Unfortunately I again have some tOouble with my* throat.
The cancerous area appears to be quite small azd. in
its initial stage, but starting on Monday, Z have to
undergo a series of traumata with sows nev sal power-
ful. machine. I still hops to be in Washington on the
30th, however, and hope that you will be able to see
me for a short tine.
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Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842366