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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
September 28, 2021
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
April 23, 1953
( Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842365 Dear Allen: Security Informaiic.R. 375 Park Avenue New York City 22 April 23, 1953 Mr. Elia Sirnkhaeff, a British subject of Russian descent, who has been working for many years for a British fur organization, Linmpson, Fraser and Ruth, and whom I met several years ago as a bridge partner, called me today and told me the following: Re vas visited by a certain Xouraviov, who has recently arrived in New York as head of Amtorg, the official. Soviet trade organization. Several years ago he vas a subordinate employee in the fur department of Ps:torso and, as a result of the Russian sales of furs in. this Country, was in constant touch and on very friendly terms with Simkhaeff. As heed of A:Wrap Mouraviov approached Simishaeff, on the basis of their past friendship, requesting him for help in contacting leading business and financial circles in New York. Mouraviov said that he had instructions from Moscow to make every effort to resume trade relations between the Soviet Union and the U.S. and to develop them to the highest possible level. Re :sided that the Soviet Union was waling to sell goods of all kinds and wanted to make large purchases in the U.S. Mouraviov asked Siterhaeff to tilt* the matter over, and to contact him within the next few days with suggestions for the promotion of Soviet-American trade. , relations. I have been well impressed by Simkhaeff over the years. Although he is a British subject, he has lived in the U.S. for many years, and would, I believe, be disposed to eat in the best interests of this Country. He emigrated from the Soviet Union during the early years of the Bolshevik revolution. I thought that his personal relations with Mouraviov might be of some use and decided to write to you about it. Please let me know if you think that I should have any further discussions with Simktmeff. He does not know, or course, that an writing to you or that I know you personally. Best regards. Sincerely, /s/ L Moore I.. MOORE P.S. Sam Anderson was in New York today and we had dimier *tea together. I told him the above story thinktog that it may be of interest to him in connection with Fast-West trade. San, however, thought that at this point the :natter has more politice than otherwise. sc-ti - - Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842365 Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842365 con Security Information 375 Park Avenue New York City 22 - - However, if you think that as this affair develops it would be wise to have the 0.I.T. become better informed Mr. Anderson is 'at your disposal for further investigation. /s/714 P.S.8. While this letter was being typed Simkhaeff telephoned me that he saw Mouraviov again and has "many interesting things to tell me". I shall try to see him MOT the week-end and write you twain. P.S.S.S. As agreed, Count Faina will come to see you at 4PM on Thursday, April 30. Among other things he wants to talk about the danger of pre-election "deals" leading to the nationalization at big industrial enterprises; may be you will find it useful that he also see General Bedell Smith? deaf- N Security Information Approved for Release: 2021/09/13 C00842365