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Publication Date:
November 16, 1960
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Approved for Release: 2018/05/01 C00730192
16 November 1960
PARTICIPANTS: Messrs. Bissell, Barnes, King, Esterline, Eisemann,
Hawkins, Drain, Gaines, Beerli.
1. The meeting was held to bring the DDP up-to-date as to JMARC
operational planning on the eve of the DCl/DDP briefing of the President .
On the day previous, a JMARC staff meeting had crystallized a new concept,
as set forth in the attached memorandum.
2. At the outset of the meeting, C/WH/4 raised two related but separat_
problems: the loan to Guatemala and the provision of military assistance to
quell the revolt.
3. The DDP heard out the JMARC presentation and raised the followinL!,
a. Would the effort now contemplated be enough? (JMARC persorr
put it that the success of this effort depended in large part on the internat
reaction thereto. That reaction should not be importantly different wht ler
our operation consisted of a 600-man mountain-top perimeter or a1500 000
man beachhead with airstrip. A more meaningful contrast would be bet: een
either of those actions on the one hand and a major joint CIA/DOD action on
the other.) The DDP requested that JMARC planning encompass an add -
tional 600-man force, for possible use in a second mountain area.
b. What policy clearances were necessary? The following were
(1) Approval to use a ZI installation for up to 800 men. (JMAR:
undertook to provide the DDP by Friday noon a specific recommendation
complete with installation blueprint and cost estimate.)
(2) Approval to use the Canal Zone facility for up to ZOO traine,s.
(3) Approval to launch strikes from Nicaragua.
(4) Approval to launch air resupply from U.S. bases,
(5) Approval for one LST, refitted for the purposes of this ope -alion.
- 1 -
EV7 q.y
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Approved for Release: 2018/05/01 C00730192
115 November 1)60
1. Our original concept is now seen to be unachievable in the face of the
controls Castro has instituted. There will not be the internal unrest earlier
believed possible, nor will the defenses permit the type strike first planned.
2. Our second concept (1,500-3,000 man force to secure a beach with
airstrip) is also now seen to be unachievable, except as a joint Agency/DOD
action. Our Guatemala experience demonstrates we cannot staff nor
timely create the base and lift needed.
3. Our present concept:
Land a force of 600 men by LST on beaches from which they would
at once move inland and create a safe area in a mountain fastness. Thee,
and those who joined them from within, to be resupplied by airdrop. lu
launch in late January.
4. Needed to bring the above about:
a. One LST from Navy, to be outfitted by Navy at our direction.
b. 200 new recruits, in addition to the 70 in pipeline. Believed
that the recruiting would take 5 weeks, the training 4 more.
c. Use of the Nicaragua airstrip (with repairs thought to take 10 clays).
d. Use of Panama for either training the 200 new recruits, or for
holding ZOO from JMADD while the new recruits are trained there.
e. Use of or comparable area for final, Case Officer tvpe
training of up to 60 men going in as small groups.
f. Permission to resupply the 600-man lodgment from U.S. bases
(best: Opalocka).
g. Clear delineation of DPD-JMARC command lines so that the
latter can issue orders to the former.
h. An intimation to the State Department that part of the suppert
for the 600-man lodgment may have to be in the form of U.S. (and allieJ
recognition of that force and its nominal leadership as a provisional
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Approved for Release: 2018/05/01 C00730192
4. It was understood that the general reaction of the President-Elect woild
perhaps determine the further progress of the project. Subject to his indicatet
general agreement, the DDP undertook to get answers to the above pone'!" qu AOflH
next week. JMARC undertook to proceed at once to establish directives and
instructions to accomplish the revised plan, the date of launching to be 1 Feb� ary.
5. In general discussion of JMARC problems, it was agreed that consith.r-
ation would be given to:
a. Gaining internal approval not to polygraph Army increments to ttle
training program.
b. Establishing an officer-in-charge, with full responsibility in the
field, in connection with any Nicaragua construction.
c. Reducing substantially the requirements for internal staff clearaaces.
6. At the close of the meeting the Chief, WH/4, having earlier made passing
reference to the possible requirement for U.S. and allied recognition of a pro -
sional government, also stressed the possible requirement that allied governments
jointly support the operation from its inception.
7. Very tentative budget figures (in the order of a $42, 000, 000 total) Nxt, re
left for the DDIp's review.
Richard b-.--Drain
Pre -DDP Staff Meeting
WH/4/P&P: R.D.Drain:jss (17 Nov 60)
1 - C/WH/4
1 - COPS/WH/4
1 - Mallard,
Barkley, File
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