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bl Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C0069114 ,SWELBACKGROUND USE ONLY 110 fDriltril fjvcssErm Amon 18 SEP 1968 SUBJECT: Reports 1. Listed in the following paragraphs are 60 biographic reports developed These reports cover Americans participating in the Ninth World Youth Festival, Bulgarians and three other foreigners in contact with Americans at the Festival. and various other persons 2. participating in the Festival: Glenn LNU Neil LNU (identified Franklin and Kendra Kenneth BAILEY Marianne BALDWIN Caroline BLACK Tebbeth BROOKS the following Americans ALEXANDER (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) as ABERCROMBIE) (b)(1) (b)(3) mew Leslie LNU (identified as C OGEN) (b)(1) Cassandra DAVIS and Barbara Jean LNU (b)(3) Sarah DOLITTLE Steve GERSHADER (military deserter) Keith and Phyllis GLICK Mike GOLD Dr. Richard GOODLIT (probably Dr. Carlton Benjamin GOODLETT) Ina GORDON Mark and Barbara GORDON David GOTTLIEB (Press representative with American deserters) Kenneth 3. and Barbara GREEN Ronnie LNU (identified as HELLER) (b)(1) and Annie LNU (b)(3) Alan JEHLEN and Kitty BERNICK Bill JONES (military deserter) Sharon KAHKONEN Julie KAYE '4. NC FtTli MSS 874 ET BACKCROUND USE ONLY, NO D1SSM EIDAD i liaW 1 . Enitdd ff.::( :Laval!. � _ 0:73;m:in :Ai , � [4vhr.i!iv.:!::.. Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 ii FO F7371" th1)131,..1.1 BACKGROUND USE ONLY, r3T,7T.:11 V1'01111 1.Lo David KUO Rena LIEB Worth and Tosie LONG Jeff MELISH Laurie OLSON and Lonnie SCHLEIN Charles ONAN (military deserter) Scarlet LNU (identified Sally PEW .. � John PICCIANO (military deserter) Mr. and Mrs. FNU RABINOWITZ James RATONDA Alexander and Bridget REFREGIER Andy ROGERS .Carolyn ROTH David and Elizabeth SHACKETT Mark SHAPIRO (military deserter) \ Sharon SHAPIRO Kenneth SIMPSON Carol STORY Mindy THOMPSON Richard TOMCHAK or TOMCZAK Jarvis TYNER Martha and Elizabeth VELLNER (and another sister FNU) Walter WOODS (military deserter) Alan YOUNG and Fred KLONSKY 3. A number of foreigners, including Bulgarian interpreters (Emile, Nicole) Mino, Sanya), other Bulgarians (Nicola, MILERSKA, PHILIPOV), two Soviets (ALEXINOV and SHADOV). girl (HESKETH) were Americans at the Festival. 4. and a British as PATRICK) (b)(1) (b)(3) in contact with an American Negro (MINOR), a German worker (HEINRICH), two Germans with Students for a Democratic Society (WOLFF and HENNIGE), and a French student in Germany (WEDILLE). Attachment: throug Mfl FUEON (one copy each) SECRET BACKGROUND USE ONLY DISSEll 1.1:82�A ABROAD -2- (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � NO FOiliS'i"i .110 trPml ABROAD (b)(3) 17 SEP SUBJECT: Bill JONES American Military Deserter in Sweden dnd Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival � 1. Bill JONES, a U.S. military deserter living in Swpden, has been acting as spokesman for the group. On 4:Ju1y 1968 he and Markt.-HAFIRO, another deserter, staged a sit-in at the Amer:ran EMbassy in Stockholm, for which they were arrested. Released on bond, they illegally left Sweden to attend the Ninth World Youth Festival in Sofia, Bpluiria, as guests of the Festival Committee and the Bulgarian Government. If JONES does not return to Sweden because of the pending jail sentence, someone else will replace him as spokesman for the deserters. 2. JONES will return to the United States only to fight in a revolution against the U.S. Government. He feels that the capitalists can be made to change only when there has been a violent revolution and the power structure has been removed from their hands. Ue views the war in Vietnam as the logical end of American capitalism. 3. JONES is a Castro-type revolutionary and opposes the Soviet view on revolution. He pointed out that it is easier to land in jail in a Socialist country than in a neutral or Western country, and that one must he very careful in expressing one's views in a Socialist country. lie has no immediate plans for his future. PLEASE TRANSMT REPLY VIA MIRK MP. S. J. PAPii;li .� "1 I� . � ,nt-1111,1 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET NO KT. PISSEM f3r771 ABROAD 17 SEP t)531 SUBJECT: Sharon KAHKONEN aka KAAKAN (phonetic) � ,4 Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Sharon KAHKONEN attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. She roomed with Sharon SHAPIRO and Carol STORY at the Festival. She is 19, an ethnic Finn, and a member of the Young Communist League at Cornell University. PLEASE TRANFIT 171Y V LIMSIT, R. S. J. MICH r � � 977V:1,-)01,1 � ',ie.). Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET NO F9 Fle,m NizsFm tpl ,f1.-rmo SUBJECT: Julie KAYE Participant in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Julie KAYE attended the Ninth World Youth Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria (28 July - 6 August 1968), arriving with an American student group that had been touring Italy and France. 2. KAYE and Carolyn ROTH were roommates at the University of Wisconsin several years ago, living with Jackie -.>�GITEENSBURG at 416 !qpt Washirmiton Avenue, Madison. Bot5----' 'WM�TEITVe inj:the National Cooidinaiing ComiIttee to End the War in Vietnam, 420 West Washington Avenue, Madison. 41/!. 3. KAYE and ROTH are not leaders and neither Itok an active part in the Festival or in extra-curricular activities, nor did they seem to have any contacts of intelligence . significance. Both will be living in New York City next year. PLEASE iti.i REd t UWSO4, AR. S. J. of' (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 NO FP.T5P1MSSEM NO 17 SEP igss S x...Y.141�01L.- ' UBJECT: Da , merican Traveling Around the World 1, David KUO is American-born and claims American citizenship. His parents.are Chinese who are now living e.APPliox and working in Hong Kong. David is About 22 and has Oriental features but does not look completely Oriental. His address is 24.22_HoOcing_R90,_North_Vancouver.�BrWsh Columbia�CAnalii-774 � he has beiirrirtfirtr ���;ripirir-s-iirce-49615 . 2. KUO has been traveling around the world and arrived in Sofia, Bulgaria, in August 1968, after the end of the Ninth World Youth Festival. He had traveled from Tokyo to Helsinki, Finland, crossing the USSR by train, after sub- mitting his itinerary to the USSR for approval. He was traveling through Eastern Europe alone and was camping in. the Sofia area. 3. KUO avoided divulging personal information and shied sway from political discussions, confining his conversation to sociological matters and to the various ways in which people work. He proffered no information as to his source of income. He appeared to be a "seeker of knowledge" rather than a drop-out. 7 �� .FLEASE THR{.z!IT (7,PLY r.f4.. S. J. PAWN Nctribrag: .V7PaPT r 6 fl Pr,;z1:Nvi InnenAn 1.1 � .. ...I' J1 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET � ) in r77,1 ,n7ncitm (b)(3) 17 SEP ER SUBJECT: Rena LIEB aka LEIB Participant in the Ninth World Youth Feltival 1. Rena LIEB attended the Ninth World Youth Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria (28 July - 6 August 1968) but did not stay with the American delegation. She had attended the University of Wisconsin several years before that time and had worked for the National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam (NCC) at 420 West Washington Avenue, Madison, hisconsin. 2. In 1967 LIEB performed secretarial/clerical work for a blood research project at either the Massachusetts Institute of Technology or Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This project was supported by funds from the U.S. Department of the Navy. She has a tentative offer of a job with the Paris office of International Business Machines. She was traveling in Eastern Europe and on 7 August 1968 visited the American Embassy in Sofia seeking information on the Republican nominee for President of the U.S. PLEASE TIVICNit REN.Y VIA LEON, MR. S. J. PAPICH , . t Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 411 SECKA NC r-dr. r rp-nn ion ; Nu -.P10 t" Vfil 4 4 ,.(tt (b)(3) 17 SEP 1s6a SUBJECT: Worth and Tosie LONG Participants in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Worth LONG, black, and Tosie LONG, white, who claimed to be married, attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. Worth LONG made some contacts with members of the Biafran delegation at the Festival. The LONGs were a quiet couple. They returned to the United States via Aeroflot from Moscow, using the tickets of Ronnie LNU and Annie LNU, who returned to the U.S. aboard the charter flight. PLEASE TRANSIII.T RI:RY 11A. [TM, LIS. S. J. FAN: � Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET Wahl NO DiSSEM ABROAD 17 SEP 1968 StiJECT: Jeff MELISH aka MELICH Participant in the Ninth World Youth Festival' 1. Jeff MELISII attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. He wanted to visit the USSR after the Festival but instead he spent four days in Czechoslovakia. fle is from New York City. PtEASE TRMISMI.T gr?!.Y 1.!A!Sfin, MR. S. J. PAPigli RID biSSEM APQr19) Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � � � SECRET NO 1EICJ! giSSEM tta (b)(3) 11 SE P 19,50 SUBJECT: Laurie OLSON and Lonnie SCHLEIN Participants in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Laurie OLSON and Lonnie SCULEIN, who particjpated in the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria, were together frequently and visited the Chinese Embassy in Sofia, where they were given a complete set of the works of Mao Tse-tung. These books were confis- cated by a Bulgarian in civilian clothes who stopped the cab OLSON and SCHLEIN were taking to town. The Bulgarian gave no reason for taking the books. 2. OLSON did not travel to Sofia with the official American delegation. SCHLEIN was aboard the charter flight. (Comment: OLSON may be spelled OLSEN.) PLEASE TRANSMr1 REPLY JA LIAISON, MR. S. J. PAati Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � S.,EnEt - NO iSSEMRinntl) (b)(3) 17 SE P 1968 SUBJECT: Charles ONAN American Military Deserter in Sweden and Participant in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. CharlesONANa deserter from the U.S. Marines living in SwedOria-NTTITZZ-Ihe Ninth World Youth Festival in Sofia, Buliiria (28 July - 6 August 1968) as a guest of the Festival Tamittee and the Bulgarian Government. 2. OMAN, an orphan who grew up in Boystown,.Npbraska� enlisted in the Marines and volunteered-fh-iii times for duty in Viet Rair but, when he finally received his orders, he changed his mind and deserted. He spoke with great sincerity and deep. conviction, but without obvipus emotion, about his feelings. He said that he. did not want to kill and, when he realized that he had to kill, he desertedi. He commented on the insecurity, dependent status, and changing political orientation of the military deserters in Sweden. He said that the Marine Corps would 'wipe out anything and anybody standing in its way in Vietnam" but that the Army was not quite as "brutal." He asserted that his "great awakening" came when he deserted and that he was positive that he was doing the right thing. PLEASE TRANSMIT IlEPLY VIA MON, MR. S. J. PAPICH 7130'Z'.:R 7.1.1 ri40 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � � SECRET NO PISSEM KO aiSSEM t (b)(3) 17 SEP 1968 SUBJECT: Scarlet LNU Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Scarlet LNU attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. She became quite friendly with one of the Bulgarian interpreters assigned to the American delegation, Nicole LNU, and they were together constantly during the last three days Scarlet was in Sofia, 6-8 August. They may have gone somewhere together after the Festival. Scarlet is white, 23, and rather plain looking. At one time she worked near Marianne BALDWIN, who also attended the Festival. The two were acquainted but were not close friends. (COMMENT: a Scarlet PATRICK attended the Festival.) PLEASE TRANSMIT REM IRA NSW MR. S. J. MICR � ig 0 4 t at (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � � SURI nlq,SEM 6kp 19tis SUBJECT: Sally PEW Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Sally PEW attended the Ninth World Youth Festival in Sof.La, Bulgaria (28 July - 6 August 1968) as a representative arri.4v.,_1 agyjamatAric F444 a l_eftist front group in aliff0-itla. She mingled freely with the American delegates at the Festival and had a date with Nicole LNU, one of the Bulgarian interpreters assigned to the American delegation. She was seeking an invitation to visit the USSR after the Festival as a member of the press. 2. She said that she had a friend in Sofia, Dimiter Muir? who asked her to bring some of her Ameriali�FMnds 137TTaa visit. PHILIPOV lived at St. Dimo_H. Dimov 10 Sofia, and his telephone number war-S-2-89-52. 3. :PEW is 22 years old, has long straight brown hair, fair skin, lovely features, and a full figure. She needed no make-up. PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA LIAISON, MR. S. J. Pi � r-.11 J\fl' �'" Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Salhtl � NO MTN mssEm No rLs.SI\A (b) (3) 17 SEP 1968 SUBJECT: John PICCIANO American Military Deserter in Sweden and Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Johnt�jQ, an Army deserter living in Sweden, attended t e Ninth World Youth Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria, (28 July - 6 August 1968) as a guest of the Festival Com- mittee and the Bulgarian Government. 2. PICCIANO deserted from Fort Dix, New Jersey with three-months' advance pay in his pocket. On 16 September 1967, after traveling around for a while, he went to Vancouver, British _Columbia, Canada. He still had his passport and money at that-time. 3. PICCIANO had started reading about the war in Vietnam while he was in high school and received copies of the Vietnam Courier, printed in Hanoi. He never attended political meetings or demonstrations and made his own decision to desert. PLEASE TRANSMIT MIN VIA LIAISON, MR. S. J. PAPICH Ail3t-v)11,-* Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � � . NO FOREIGN NO nn 10. Rom (b)(3) 1? sEe 7968 SUBJECT: Mr. and Mrs. FNU RABINOWITZ Participants in Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Mr. and Mrs. FNU RABINOWITZ and another couple, names unknown, attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria, and planned to visit the Black Sea after the Festival. Both couples were in their 30's and both men wore beards that ringed their mouths. Each couple had a young son, one named James and the other Shawn. One of the couples was from New York State. PLEOF TrlF!.!7 fir.RY VIA J.�PAP:CH Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � � SECRET� fj FLEIS1 !MEM TITT 17 $EF SUBJECT: James RATONDA aka ROTUNDA or ROTUNTA (phonetic) Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival 1. James RATONDA traveled to the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) aboard the charter flight from New York City. He is white, 22, and lives in New Jersey. Both of his parents were born in Italy. He is very quiet. He roomed with Alexander REFREGIER and Kenneth SIMPSON at the Festival. PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA LIA!SON, MR. S. J-.'PAP:(11 ri7.7-7�71111 rorOprIli$ tv"" ":"" � : '7,7)1DAD " '� 14d r). r Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 41/ saRET � NO F01116ti BISstm NO !MEM AEA 17 SEP 190 SUBJECT: Alexander (Alec) and Bridget REFREGIER aka REFRUGIER or REFRIGIER (phonetic) Participants in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Alexander REFREGIER attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. His sister, Bridget REFREGIER also attended the Festival, arriving from Italy and returning there afterwards. She did not seem to be doing anything particular in Italy. 2. Alexander REFREGIER, an 18-year-old white student, 5'6" tall and weighing 120 pounds, has long blond hair. His sister is 20 years old. Their father is a professional artist, Anton REFREGIER. 3. Alexander REFREGIER was acquainted with a M S' - who lives near the Alexander Nevski Church in Sofia. ohe a bought one of his father's paintings for 60 leva. 4. REFREGIER shared a room with Kenneth SIMPSON and James RATONDA at the Festival. PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA LIAISON; MR. S. J. PAKE fr7C�'rff:11 ;M. 1 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET � 141 FIFFIE; P1SSEM NO ESN AEA) SUBJECT: Andy ROGERS Participant in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Andy ROGERS traveled to the Ninth World youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) on his own and 'Was trying to visit the USSR. 2. Ho attended a joint meeting of the American and Vietnamese delegations and protested when some Americans decided to leave before the program ended. He obviously looked up to the Communists and did not want the Vietnamese to be offended by having people walk out on their program. S. ROGERS is 21, white, and has red hair and a full beard. PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA LIAISON, MR. S. J. ?ARCH Pee -rpr:..7.T 0, t tifif _ (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SraEl Ng FPFIGN� flISSEM NO n7:A (b)(3) 6c.3 SUBJECT: Carolyn ROTH Participant in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Carolyn ROTH attended the Ninth World Youth Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria, (28 July - 6 August 1968), arriving with an American student group that had been traveling in Italy and France. 2. ROTH and Julie KAYE were roommates at the University of Wisconsin several years ago, living with (bX6) at 416 West Washington Avenue, Madison, WiscCiiiIii.---TatliVEYW-- active in the National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam (NCC), 420 West Washington Avenue, Madison, Wiscon- sin. 3. ROTH and KAYE are not leaders and neither took an activ-e part in the Festival or in extra-curricular actiyities, nor did they seem to have any contacts of intelligence sig- nificance. Both will be living in New York City next year. ?LEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA LIAISON. MR. S. J. PARCH - f Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 NO FaiElliti nit� NO DEEM ABROAD (b)(3) 17 SEP 121168 SUBJECT: David and Elizabeth SHACKETT aka SHAKETT (phonetic) Participants in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. David and Elizabeth SHACKETT attended the,Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria, %wits and probably visited the USSR after ;he Festival. On the , morning of 10 August a Mrs. Mila fraTIERsicA walked into the. American housing area and Ardifeirriurfiirent�tle SHACKETTs. She was about 70 years old and spoke English, which she said she had learned in school. She wanted to exchange correspondence with Americans so that she could maintain her ability to write English. Ker_gslares isiglAaargsRleau,Lt124 Sof1A4-4, The SHACKETTs hid bOth-woiked: and hid'7flitrict-* $3,000 which they planned to use traveling around the world. PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA LIAISON, MR. S. J. PAM! r, � �114,-'11N4 a - 1..;$,. r..,f).A � Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 411I SiCEI NO FOREIGN D1SSEM NO pr.71 ABROAD 11 SEP AS68 SUBJECT: Mark SHAPIRO American Military Deserter in Sweden and PArticipant in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. , an Army deserter living in Sweden, attended Ninth World Youth Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria (28 July - 6 August 1968) at the invitation of the Festival Committee and the Bulgarian Government. He and Bill JONES, another deserter, staged a sit-in at the American Embassy in Stockholm on 4 July 1968, for which they were arrested. Released on bail, they violated their parole by traveling outside of Sweden to attend the Festival. SHAPIRO fears arrest if he returns to Sweden. 2% SHAPIRO, a native of Minnesota, had spent one year in Vietnam and was slated for return there when he deserted. PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA LIAISON. MR. S. J. pAPIR Afa i(0 fli1t:114 Age, r� i � (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET 411/ NO FOREIGN DISSEM NO DISFP4 ABIOA1 (b)(3) 17 SEP.1968 SWIJECT: Sharon SHAPIRO Participant in Ninth Korld Youth Festival 1. Sharon SHAPIRO traveled to the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria aboard the charter flight from New�York City. She is from the New York City area and was seen off at the airport by her obviously Jewish parents. She is probably a member of the Young Com- munist League. She roomed with Sharon XAHKONEN and Carol STORY at the Festival. She is not known to be related to Mark SHAPIRO, one of the American military deserters attending the Festival. PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA LIAISON, MIL S. J. WIN rA--- ,Lj ISIM34 5fel"" fi J.,:� � vilt I Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 SECRET Ivo u.n oiSSEM NO DIM 14/341�1 (b)(3) 17 SEP 1968 SUBJECT: Kenneth SIMPSON Participant in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Kenneth SIMPSON attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria, arriving on the charter flight from New York. 2. SIMPSON is black, about 25 years old, 5'6" tall, and weighs about 115 pounds. His address is Canfield Street, Houston, Texas. He works but also attends summer schools and has attended either the Texas Christian University or Southern Methodist University. He tried to form a SNIC group at whichever university he attended, but this was prohibited so he founded an Afro-American Society. He is a member of the Du Bois Club. 3. During an evening discussion about 2 August SIMPSON indicated that he hoped that George WALLACE would be elected President of the U.S., as this would "speed the revolution" because the people of the U.S. would not "tolerate WALLACE" as president. Asked about Richard NIXON, SIMPSON stated, "If he is elected, I'll kill him (by gun)." When those present showed consternation, SIMPSON reiterated his statement. He sounded quite serious. 4. SIMPSON was sensitive over references to his race as "colored" instead of "black." S. He shared a room with Alexander REFRIGIER and James RATONDA at the Festival. PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA LIPSON, MR. S. J. PAPICH - Pn 019,11 4RPlitn Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET NO FilliEIGN DISSEM 17 SEP 1968 SUBJECT: Carol STORY aka STOREY Participant in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Carol STORY traveled to the World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria, aboard the charter flight. She lives in Cleveland, Ohio, where she has studied drama, and she may be a member of the Du Bois Club in Cleveland. She is about 22, blond, and extremely fat. She left Sofia on 8 August to visit the museums in Vienna before picking up the charter flight in Prague for the return trip to New York. She roomed with Sharon SHAPIRO and Sharon KAHKONEN:at the Festival. .PLEASE IRMO IFILY VIA USK ML S. J. PA6.431 4V771, "TctRil ! .-CgL in rIttrol Auntmn .. Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 411/ SECRET NO (b)(3) 17 SEP 1988 SUBJECT: Mindy THOMPSON Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Mindy THOMPSON attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. She is 17, appears to be mulatto, and is interested in the union movement. PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA LIAISON, MR. S. J. PAPIEH Nil FITFMN DISSEPA if SECRET. Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 4110 aLuilL 1 NO FQPRON MsrPti NO DEEM ABROAD (b)(3) 17 SP 1968 SUBJECT: Richard TOMCHAK aka TOMCZAK American with Kiev University Delegation to Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Richard TOMCHAK aka TOMCZAK attended the Ninth World Youth Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria (28 July - 6 August 1968). He arrived with a delegation of students from the University of Kiev but lived with the American delegation. 2. TOMCHAK, an American citizen, is studying at the University of Kiev under a five-year program sponsored by a Slovak organization in the United States. He was just com- pleting his first year of study at the time of the Festival. He is studying Soviet philology and has lectures in both the Russian and Ukranian languages. He hopes to teach in an American University following completion of his studies. S. TOMCHAK was tight-mouthed about his background and made no reference to his life in the United States. He is about 20 years old, has black hair, and the appearance of a clean-cut American. 4. He gave his address as: SSSR-USSR Kiev-37 �Ulitza Prosvegheniya #4 Obsheghitie Kiev State University (KGU) #2 PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA UPSON, Mt S. 1 PAPIER NO EST ABROAD i,.1 FOREIGN Nal* SECRET- Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Ntlik011161i DISSEM misfilogallAD L;;;1968 SUBJECT: Jarvis TYNER Head of the American Delegation to the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Jarvis TYNER, black, is president of the Du 'Bois Clubs of America, with offices in New York City. TYNER, who was in charge of the American delegation, arrived in Sofia, Bulgaria, before the opening of the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) and, with his assistant, Caroline BLACK, met the American delegates arriving on the 27 July charter flight from New York City. TYNER worked closely with BLACK. TYNER had a car and chauffeur at his disposal. TYNER and BLACK were leaders of the American Preparatory Committee for the Festival and TYNER attended many meetings of the International Preparatory Committee for the Festival. He had visited the USSR several months prior to the opening of the Festival. 2. TYNER attended the ceremonies opening the Vietnam Solidarity Center on 29 July. 3. TYNER was criticized for his lack of organizational ability in connection with the Festival and also for his ineffectiveness as a public speaker. 4. TYNER was somewhat sympathetic to the complaint of American delegates over the lack of post-Festival plans, and, in at least one instance, refunded a portion of the 582.50 paid for the package deal. He maintained, however, that there was no promise on the part of the Du Bois Clubs for a prepaid post-Festival tour of Bulgaria. PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA MIK Mt t PAM PO FOPEIGN ptice_torm ri(PrP! 4ppnn (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 NO tIbr ISSEM O MAHON (b)(3) 17 SEP 1968 SUWECT: Martha VELLNER Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Martha VELLNER (phonetic) and her two sisters, one of whom is named Elizabeth, attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. The three visited Prague after the Festival. They are between 18 and 24 years of age. nag TRANSMIT REPLY VIA NUN. la S. J. Mrii: NO hiiEl 6ISSEM NO OEM ABROAD SECRET Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 acwit .� NO !REIGN IIISSEM . NO DISSEM ABROAD (b)(3) 1 7 SEP 1968 SUBJECT: Walter WOODS American Military Deserter in Sweden and Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival 1. lialtei="\igDS, a U.S. Army deserter living in Sweden, attended the krnth trilld Youth Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria, (28 July - 6 August 1968), as a guest of the Festival Committee and the Bulgarian Governmentl. 8.APPR9 LA / 2. WOODS, a 20-year old Negro, was'torn in New Drittana., Louisiana, and had lived for 15 years in Los Angeles, California. rre'was a draftee who found 1.!t impossible to accomplish anything effective in the Army and did not wish to waste his time in jail; therefore, he deserted. He is studying the Swedish language. He wants to become a teacher and to help the black people. He hopes for an amnesty or pardon so that he can return to the United States and teach in the ghetto areas. If he cannot return to the United States and help the black people there, he may go to Africa. 3. During a 1 August meeting of some members of the American delegation with the deserters, Marianne BALDWIN, of the American delegation, was quite hostile and asked numerous questions of WOODS. 4. WOODS could become a black militant leader because he has become increasingly incensed over the fact that the war in Vietnam is preventing him from achieving his goals-in life. PLEASE TIANSINI OEM VIA LIAISON, MA. S. J. PAWN NO FOREIGN msson NO BIM ABROAD SECRET Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � r � � (b)(3) SUBJECT: Alan YOUNG and Fred KLONSKY Participants in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Alan YOUNG and Fred KLONSKY attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. YOUNG is press representative of the Liberation News Service (LNS), the best-organized left-wing news service in the United States. He was covering the Festival for LNS. KLONSKY is a well-known leader of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) movement in the United States. 2. YOUNG and KLONSKY tried to enlist the support of the American delegation for a "spontaneous" demonstration at the American Embassy in Sofia on Vietnam Day. YOUNG and KLONSKY were the only two Americans known to have participated in this aborted demonstration, which was organized by4adatfori-best � German leader of SDS. 3. YOUNG is 24, intelligent, refined, and an intellectual leftist. He is an excellent linguist and speaks both Italian and Spanish fluently. He is not an emotional leader, but is an accomplished writer. He met with the Italian delegation and was seen with some foreign women who appeared to be Spanish. He attended the meeting of the American delegation with the American military deserters attending the Festival. He was planning to visit the USSR before returning to the United States in September 1968. PLEASE TRAVI'T "P""1 pi-- ,r� 41C 0 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 5 (b)(3) SU4JECT: :lulgarian Interpreters Assigned to the American Delegation to the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. The Bulgarians listed below, last names unknown, were interpreters assigned to the American delegation to the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. The interpreters were between 21 and 25 years of age, 2. Bmil,.the chief interpreter, said that he 145-S graduated a few years ago from the Harvard University School of Interna- tional Marketing (or the International Marketing Institute at Harvard University) and hoped to return to the United States soon. He had volunteered for the interpreting job and would receive no pay for his services. He said that Bulgaria was a long way from Communism and that it will take several genera- tions for the people to develop the correct spirit. He fully expects the time to come when each man will contribute his utmost and the State will satisfy all of his needs. He admitted that he had two cars and, for this reason, he considered him- self selfish. (COMMENT: Emil ispossibly identical with Em. 3. Nicole, 23, is a political science major and is about to complete his schooling. He hopes to enter the Bulgarian foreign service and eventually come to the United States. He said that he had been separated from his I9-year old wife since May 1968 and was hoping that the separation would help mold her to his pattern. He spent much of his time with the women of the American delegation. 4. Mino (accented on last syllable) said he is a chemistry student and will work in a chemical plant until 1969. He learned English in school. S. Sanya, one of three female interpreters, said she is a student and lives with her parents in Sofia. The girls were quiet, unfriendly, and apparently serving as interpreters because they were ordered to do so. Sanya complained of the long hours, admitting that she retired at 0200 hours and had to arise at 0600 hours. 6. Another male interpreter, both names unknown, was in the tobacco business and was frequently absent because he was attending conferences, one of which was in Plovdiv. He was short, fat, in his 40's, and resembled Khrushchev. PLEASE Ir !71'7 V P. WY- � ! Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 (b)(3) SU;3,1LCT: Nicola aka Kola LNU Allgarian Contacting an American Participant in the ivorld Youth Festival 1. Nicola LNU was at the Vinzavod, a wine-bottling plant outside of Sofia, Bulgaria, about 30 July or 1 August 1968, when the American delegation to the Ninth World Youth. Festival visited the plant. He struck up a conversation with one of the delegation members, stating he wished to practice his English. He said that he wanted to visit the United States and was awaiting a visa. He indicated that he would be working for the Bulgarian Government in Washington, D.C. 2. Kola is about 38 or 40 years old, 5'9" tall, has black hair, and is of medium build, weighing from 155 to 160 pounds. He is from the seaport of Varna on the Black Sea, is married and has two children, a boy of 15 and a girl of 8. His English is quite limited as he has studied for only six months. He was unable to engage in a meaningful conversation. He finally admitted he was in the Bulgarian diplomatic service, but below the rank of Ambassador. He seemed to lack foreign-language ability, other than his limited knowledge of English. He appeared quite naive, particularly in his questions concerning prices, living conditions, and schooling in the Washington, D.C. area. He was friendly and was quite proper in his behavior, asking no provocative questions. He said that he worked in a government office in Sofia and spent the weekends with his family. 3. Kola met the delegation member at the American Housing Area the following morning, by arrangement, and the two went shopping. Kola bought $10 to $15 worth of gifts for the delegation member and his family, including a wooden half-liter flask and an embroidered handkerchief. Most of the purchases were bought in ZUM, the Bulgarian State Store and Kola pocketed receipts for each purchase. 4. Kola did not meet with the delegation member again, but took his name and address in the United States and said he hoped to contact him there. 5. None of the Bulgarian interpreters admitted knowing Kola. � Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � r (b)(3) ,A SUBJECT: Mrs. Milka P. MILERSKA Bulgarian Contacting Americans at Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Mr ,:n_MTLBRIp--eicie;ed the area where the American dIatioIIV�Virginib World Youth Festival was housed on the morning of 10 August 1968 and started a con- versation with David and Elizabeth SHACKETT. She said that she had met other Americans during the Festival, but did not mention any names. She is about 70 years old and said that she had learned English in school and corresponded with a relative in Kansas City, Missouri, whose name she did not provide. She wanted to write to Americans to practice her written English and gave the following as her address: Boulevard "9 September" #124 (1,2,3,), Sofia, Bulgaria. t'Litta Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � . 1 kr, Fr..":`7r 't 1 : SUBJECT: Dimiter PHILIPOV Bulgarian Friend of an American Participant in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Sally PEW, representative of American Documentary Films at the World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968), said that she had a friend in Sofia, 14r4tle_ PI I asked her to bring some of her Americiii'rFlen o a visit. She gave his address as: St. Dimo H. Dimov 10, Sofia; telephone, 52-89-52. FLEASE Bin:" 7 '1'7", F r11 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � III Pin-e------. i 4,4 (b)(3) SUBJECT: Richard ALEXINOV aka ALEXIGOV (phonetic) RIEMTWTFONT Rerorter Attending Ninth World 'youth i� B. AMOX 1 ' 1. Richard'ALEXINOV, a Soviet, is employed by Moscow News and attended the Ninth Norld Youth -Festival .(28 July - 6-KUgust 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria, as a reporter. He is between 35 and 40 years of age, has black hair, a medium- ruddy complexion, and is of Imedium build. He admitted that he was born in London and seoke with a decided British accent. He was Wearing the official oviet Festival uniform. 2. He had a brief, SO-Minute, conversation with several members of the American delegation during an evening spectacle early in the Festival. Americans participating in the con- versation included Kenneth and Barbara GREEN and Neil LNU, No addresses were exchanged during the conversation. 3. In response to a question from Neil, ALEXINOV said that, as Czechoslovakia progressed from Socialism to Communism, certain latent Capitalistic tendencies became evident. He stated that the Soviets felt that too much capitalism had become apparent. 4. He admitted having heard of Gil GREEN, noted Com- munist author and Kenneth GREEN said that Gil was his uncle. PLEASE TRIN.S?, � por;.:r. Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � i�; � " ""- A (b)(3) SUBJECT: Valeri SHADOV SZVIii-Tarticipant in Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Valeri SHADOV attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 - 6 August 1968) as a member of the Soviet contingent. He exchanged addresses with a member of the American delegation while they were waiting for the opening parade to form on the afternoon of 28 July. He suggested that the American contact him if he was able to visit Moscow. SHADOV said he was a stu- dent in Moscow, and gave the following as his address: Moscow_, L1ZLyG1K. yi PLEASE Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 ItiU Pri *:??CH SUBJECT: Kathryn M. HESKETH British Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival 1. K thr n M. HESKETU attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (2 u y - ugust 1968) as a member of the British delegation. She is a "yoting liberal" and a member of Students for a Democratic Society. She works as a florist. Her address is: /3 Powis Court, Yowls Villasx. Brighton 1 Sussex, Euland. PLEASE 044/1,',"...,:`.1 LAT.71, MR. S. J. FiLr.:: n Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � � SECRET NO FLE1 DISSEM. NO imam Biwa SUBJECT: Kenneth J. and Barbara GREEN Participants in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Kenneth J. and Barbara GREEN attended the World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. They talked for about 30 minutes with R C LEINV Moscow News reporter, during an evenin pec the Festival. The Soviet gave them pins. Kenneth is a nephew of Gil GREEN, a noted Communist author, and is a shoe salesman. After the Festival, the GREENs went to the Black Sea with one of the Bulgarian interpreters assigned to the American delegation. They live in New York City. PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA LIAISRN, MR. S. J. PAPUA! � P.', --, Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 NO mil000. nISSEM frefrei A7'11111 17 SEP 1%8 SUBJECT: Ronnie LNU (possibly identical with Ronnie HELLER) Participant in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Ronnie LNU, who may be identical with Ronnie HELLER, and her close friend, Annie LNU, traveled to the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) via Soviet Aeroflot and_ reached Sofia, Bulgaria, from Moscow. The two girls visited the Black Sea for four days after the Festival, and returned to New York aboard the charter flight, having given their Aeroflot tickets to Worth and Tosie LONG. Ronnie said that she had a $200 emergency fund but did not consider this as living off of her parents. Both girls are college students. 2. The :two girls told Alexander REFRECIER that they knew a Mrs...A4ANS1( in Sof a and that Mrs, PLENSK1 wanted REFRECIER to return er um sella and pick up 60 leva she owed in payment for one of 4is father's paintings. FOSE TP:T"T. r'rf 4.'11. S. J. PAK:1 � � � ���,' _Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM NO niso ABROAD .1? SEP Issa SUBJECT: Alan JEHLEN and Kitty BERNICK Participants in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Alan JEHLEN and Kitty BERNICK, who were living together, hitch-hiked from Athens to Sofia, Bulgaria, to attend the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968). JEHLEN is a psychology student at Harvard University. BERNICK is from Chicago and at one time was national secre- tary of the Du Bois Clubs. PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA LIMN, Mt S. J. PAP; Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 1 .�. (b)(3) 17 SEP 1968 SUBJECT: David GOTTLIEB Press Relations Officer for American Military Deserters Attending the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. David GOTTLIEB handled press relations foi7..the U.S. military deserters in Sweden who attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. GOTTLIEB is white and is not a deserter. Plita TRVV.;1T � 1,`,P,. S. J. pApicH .Aral :JO g n'-.�;71,1 � d Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 � � NO SECRET rtf,p4f1 tJ P."177, (b)(3) SUBJECT: Mark and Barbara GORDON Participants in Ninth World Youth Festival _I E 1. Mark and Barbara GORDON attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. They are white and in their early 20's. PLEASE TRANSVI Rin.Y 1.!)Fr..11,/ J. 131.?`!il. " � ! - '71p ;r4 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 atUftE I ro:;�rnr Tienl riAlm (b)(3) 1 7 SEP 19E8 SUBJECT: Ina GORDON Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Ina GORDON attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. She did not return to the United States aboard the charter flight op 14 August 1968. She was a graduate student of library science at the University of Wisconsin several years ago and was a friend of Mike EISENSCHER in Milwaukee. PLEASE TRANSMiT [ELY VIA urn, LIR. S. J. r Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET Nfl F7p::IrEim n7fAcYi AcInflpAl 17 SE? 1S6P SUBJECT: Dr. Richard GOODLIT (phonetic) Member of World Council of Peace attending. the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Dr. Richard GOODLIT and his son Jerry, both of whom are with the World Council of Peace, attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. They stayed in the Hotel Pliska. They were contacted by Glenn LNU of the American delegation who was trying to enlist the support of the Soviet-American Friendship Committee in arranging a trip to the USSR after the Festival. (COMMENT: Dr. canton Benjamin GOODLET, member of the Presidential Committee of the World Council of Peace.) : MEM m{!1 iziva . S. J. We'0,1: , . �shi (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � Ei n 1? SF SUBJECT: Mike GOLD Participant in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Mike GOLD attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. He is white, 21, and was hitch-hiking around Europe. He stayed in the Youth Hostel in Sofia. He was disinterested in political matters. His address is 34 Linden Terrace, Leonia, New Jersey.; telephone, 947-2556. . PLEASE TRA Sii VVIA LIAIS, MP,. S. J. PANCE 11.42 1u Litx,,d4.Li ���� Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET NO FOREIGN 'tlifiSEM NO MRSEM t"'1110 lth (b)(3) 1 7 SEE' SUBJECT: Keith and Phyllis GLICK Participants in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Keith and Phyllis GLICK are white, married,�andlive in San Francisco. They attended the Ninth World Youth Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria (28 July - 6 August 1968), and traveled in the USSR for several weeks after the Festival. 2. Keith GLICK, a longshoreman, told his union boss that he was going to take his vacation and attend the Festival. lie is an obvious sympathizer with the Communist Party and of its efforts within the union movement, and is probably involved with the Socialist Workers' Party. 3. The GLICKs were not known to have had any contact with the ALEXANDERs during the Festival, although both families were from San Francisco. PLEASE 1RANS1 /�� r 7 � S� J.���`� Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � NO StVit. NO SUBJECT: Steve GERSHADLIR American Military Deserter in Sweden and Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival (b)(3) SEP 1958 1. Steve GERSHADER is a U.S. Army deserter who has been living in Sweden since May 1968. He attended the Ninth World Youth Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria (28 July - 6 August 1968), at the invitation of the Festival Committee and the Bulgarian Government. 2. GERSHADER, a draftee, had expected to receive some political education in the Army but remained uninformed and no explanation was ever provided as to the Army's role in Vietnam or the reason it was there. He felt that the Army placed no value on his life and began reading material made available by North Vietnam, the National Liberation Front, and anti-war groups in the United States. He discovered sufficient information in this material to cause him to be concerned over his future, which led to his desertion. He denied that he had been victimized by propaganda, claiming that he had sought information on his own initiative and had reached his decision on his own. He deserted "through the underground" but Commented that 1t is possible to desert through the National Liberation Front in Vietnam. He is presently "reinforcing his political conscience and is finding reassurance." He claims that all deserters are not knowledgeable of or believers in the Marxist theory, maintaining that it is not necessary to be a Communist in order to hate "the capitalistic way, the American way, and the military way." 3. GERSHADER is very sincere in his feelings. He is a pacifist who hates killing. He was open in stating that he was finding reassurance and support from the leftists who are teaching the deserters "about the world." He does not feel at home in Sweden and does not wish to remain there the rest of his life. He will return to the United States only if there is a general amnesty or after a general revolution. 4. He attended helicopter school in February 1967. PLEASE TRAIIStIfT PF;LY 'OR EIMSEER. M. S. J. PAM Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET �tifi 1 (b)(3) SUSJECT: Sarah DOLITTLE Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival Sarah DOLITTLE attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria, and remained in Sofia with Jarvis TYNER and Caroline BLACK of the Du Bois Clubs until the return charter flight to the United States on 14 August. She is white, engaged, and will be married in October 1968. PLEASE ITAPSF.-V ;IR. S. J. PAPICH McTrrl Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET � Jo ForriPP !nmnr41 1"^"r" � '"'3"5. SUBJECT: Cassandra DAVIS Participant in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Cassandra DAVIS and Barbara Jean LNU, both black, traveled to the Ninth World Youth Fair (28 July - 6 August 1968) together. Both were selected as part of a group of eight or nine DU Bois Club members to tour the USSR for several weeks after the Festival in response to a request from the Soviets for such a group. PLUSE TRARSD ;:!"..� 7 !'?.. S. J. 'INCH a ti ni2�....-7;:,-;:i :::-..-,7:::::,] Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � 61j i� � 1 SEP 1968 SUBJECT: Leslie LNU Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival Leslie LNU attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. She is white, 21, a student, was traveling on her own, and received money from her parents. PLEASE TONTA REV Lr7r a S. J. NO11 fkr-in,� trP!!"-rm Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 r7'77jr71 � d ry.rr,r" sr, :;17:)ra (b)(3) c, � SUBJECT: Tebbeth BROOKS aka i4AILMAN American with the French Delegation to the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Tebbeth BROOKS aka MAILMAN attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria, as part of the French delegation, and spent most of her time with that delegation. 2. BROOKS, currently living in Paris, has been absent from the United States for over a year. Her American passport has expired and she feels that she will have some difficulty in reentering the U.S. She was cautious in any statements she made to Americans but did indicate that she has been working covertl ,for the underground in Paris and is asso- ciatedShe may leave 1F 1s or a ew weeks w th-thi, underground in with th istance in The Arm fRIT.A9 group there. � Frankfurt-am-Main. This activity is primarily concerned with military deserter groups formed under ACT ("Act Now"). ACT is a RITA publication. BROOKS was not-TE the Students for a Democratic Society office in Frankfurt on 13 August. BROOKS is a member of the Du Bois Clubs and paid Jarvis TYNER, president, five dollars for her annual member- ship card. The card was made out in the name of TEBBETH MAILMAN but she signed her check as Tebbie BROOKS. She was on friendly terms with TYNER and spent an evening in conver- sation with him during the Festival. 4. She is between 25 and 30 years old, 5'3" or 5'4" tall, has black hair, brown eyes, weighs 95 pounds, is very slim, and gives the appearance of a very small person. She is married. She seems to have quite a bit of money and reportedly spent a $200 donation to some organization in the United States. She speaks excellent French. PLEASE THOM P',?!.Y W VSNI, MR. S. J. PAPICH � Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Nort.fp:-.17,1 (b)(3) 17 SUBJECT: Caroline BLACK Delegate to Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Caroline BLACK is assistant to Jarvis TYNER, president of the Du Bois Clubs of America, with offices in New York City. 2. BLACK went to Sofia, Bulgaria, prior to the .-4en1ng of the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) to assist TYNER in preparations for the Festival. She and TYNER served as leaders of the American Preparatory Committee for the Festival. 3. BLACK is black and is highly emotional, resorting to profanity when she becomes upset. She made a very poor impression during the several meetings of the delegation she chaired when TYNER was absent. She apologized for her inability to handle meetings, stating that TYNER was called away on Festival business. She made it clear that she would tolerate no disruptive or divisive influence in the American delegation during these meetings, stating that she would be held responsible if anything went wrong. She was emphatic- in stating that the American military deserters attending the Festival were not connected in any way with the American delegation. 4. During a meeting of the American delegation on the afternoon of 28 July, Students for a Democratic Society (SAS) delegates accused BLACK of being overly partial to Du Bois Club de1egare3. BLACK called the SAS delegates racists who opposed her and TYNER because they were both black. r ; PLIASE Tr 17,pf.y !!1:t..TVI! mg er,v7 rl?nr"..-"O r Rn7ara . - fk;ft 0.00- � n Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET o 17 SEP SUILJECT: Marianne BALDWIN Participant in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Marianne BALDWIN attended the Ninth World Youth Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria (28 July-6 August 1968), during which she spent quite a lot of money. She returned to the United States aboard the chartered flight on 15 August. 2. During a meeting with a group of American deserters living in Sweden who attended the Festival, BALDWIN seemed quite hostile and asked numerous questions of one of the deserters, W 1 r s ----Some of her comments during the Festival in 1 e she might be pro-American. She was frequently drunk and tended to disrupt meetings on these occasions. She was accused of having been sent by CIA to spoil the Festival. 3. She lives at 213 Vassar Avenue, Newark, New Jersey. About 28 years old, she is a divorcee with two children. She is quite dark complected. She claimed to be a dental plate technician, working only eight to ten months of the year. She reportedly quit her job when she left to attend the Festival. PLEASE WOG 12LY A LIAiSOH, MR. S. J. t (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � t!,P � �.,-2 � , SINE tr: '1��;'Al ' to 11!SSEI f\aiw,.o 17 sEp titis SUBJECT: Kenneth BAILEY Participant in the Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Kenneth BAILEY attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria, and probably visited the USSR after the Festival. Me is a Black Militant and a member of the Du Bois Clubs. .- PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA MR. S. J. PAPICH � j:.,�'.11. Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 411 � SEM NO rpr F-0:=7.1.1rvin SUBJECT: Franklin and Kendra ALEXANDER Delegates to Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Franklin ALEXANDER was former president of the Du Bois Clubs of America and is a brother of Mrs. fnu MITCHELL, U.S. Communist Party (CPUSA) candidate for U.S. President. The ALEXANDERs attended the Ninth World Youth Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria (28 July - 6 August 1968), as representatives of the CPUSA. The ALEXANDERs appeared to be on their own during most of the Festival and probably visited the USSR either before or after the Festival. They flew directly from Copen- hagen to San Francisco on 15 August, instead of transiting New York City. 2. The ALEXANDERs are black and are married. They formerly lived in Chicago but are now residents of San Francisco. He is intelligent, impressive, a good organizer, a fine, emotiowal speaker, and has a good sense of humor. He has modified African "bush" haircut. 3. The ALEXANDERs probably would go along with Jarvis TYNER, who replaced Franklin as president of the Du Bois Clubs of America, and Caroline BLACK, TYNER's assistant, who maintain that white people have a built-in sense of racism. 4. Kendra ALEXANDER stated during a meeting of the American and Vietnamese delegations (31 July) that the black and white men must join in opposing war and racism, both of which result from the evils of capitalism as it is found in the United States. PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY IPA !.!AL !;11. S. J. WIN (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 !IP SERF.3 -10 � (b)(3) 17 SET' 196B SUBJECT: Neil LNU Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival 1. Neil LNU attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. He is a white revolutionary from Hawaii who hitch-hiked to the Festival. He has been traveling around the world and had been on his way for six months. He had long hair and a long beard and resembled Beethoven. He dressed neatly and was not a hippie. (COMMENT: a Neil ABERCROMBIE from Hawaii attended the Festival.) PLEASE TRANSMIT REPLY VIA LiAISON, MR. S. J. PACii Lir; Pt7r.7711!...! nv," .�- .-'Z. (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � SECRET (b)(3) 1? SEP 1968 SUBJECT: Glenn LNU Participant in Ninth World Youth Festival � 1. Glenn LNU attended the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) in Sofia, Bulgaria. He wanted to visit the USSR after the Festival and contacted Dr. GOODLIT (phonetic) of the World Council of Peace, seeking support from the Soviet-American Friendship Committee for his trip. KASE TRAISM;:f iliA ill6011. R. S. J. PAPitli � , Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 J tom V4.� Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � ����� " � � ,1�4,� rn i� � (b)(3) The Ninth tlorld Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968) 1 SEP nC3 1. The American contingent to the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968)in Sofia, Bulgaria, com- prised 85 delegates. A group of 10 delegates left New lork on 23 July aboard a Soviet Aeroflot plane, arriving in Sofia via Moscow. Twenty-one delegates left New York on 25 July aboard a Scandinavian Air Lines plane, changing in Copenhagen to a Bulgarian Air Lines flight, and reaching Sofia on 27 July. This charter flight was sponsored by the Du Bois Clubs o America:and was arranged by Euge 0' OURNOUR, aka Gene TOURNOR, of New lork City.ff 'The 45 other American delegates, primarily members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and those opposing the war in Vietnam, arrived separately, either with student groups traveling in Europe or individually. Six American military deserters living in Sweden attended as guests of the Festival Committee and the Bulgarian Government, with all expenses paid by the Bulgarian Government. They were not considered part of the American delegation. 2. The group of 21 was met at the Sofia airport by Jarvis TYNER, president of the Du Bois Clubs of America, and his assistant, Caroline BLACK, both of whom had gone to Sofia earlier to participate in Festival preparations. Student delegates from Uruguay were aboard the same plane. .1 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � r 2 3. Festival officials were disappointed that the 300 expected delegates from the United States had not turned up, particularly in view of the fact that 400 had attended the affair in Helsinki. The officials were curious as to whether this indicated that the youth movement had lost support in the United States or whether it was becoming better organized and therefore more exclusive. TYNER explained that organization of the movement had improved and that standards were higher. No Festival applications had been sent to either Harvard or Stanford Universities, which had sent large contingents to previous Festivals, because many of,those from these schools had proved to be disruptive Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plants. During a discussion of the youth movement in the United States with a Bulgarian Youth representative on 4 August, the disorganized state of the American youth movement was brought out, along with the competing roles of the SDS and the Du Bois Clubs for leadership of the socialist movement in the United States. Strategy and tactics of youth groups was also discussed. 4. A meeting of the American delegation on the afternoon of 28 July was attended by about 65 persons and was primarily concerned with such administrative problems as issuance of meal tickets, issuance of Festival passes in exchange for passports, payment of fees by those arriving separately from the tour grou etc. Several were excluded from the delegation because theirfe �1 rr--'" Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 �qrprr... t�. r �������-��gr, ro� �-� � .1 10 0,. 3 had not been paid. The meeting was chaired by Caroline BLACK, because TYNER was occupied with other Festival business. BLACK claimed that some reactionaries were present and expressed her fear that CIA people might also be present; for this reason, .1 she would decide who would live in the housing area with the delegation. SDS delegates :most of whom had arrived separately, 1 challenged her from the floor, accusing her of being partial to Du Bois Club delegates. BLACK then labeled the SDS delegates racists who opposed both her and TYNER because they were black. S. No American delegates were accused openly of being CIA spies, although Du Bois Club literature from the University of Wisconsin and the Festival press organ emphasized that CIA was out to destroy the Festival. There was such a paranoid fear of CIA actions that late American arrivals were suspected of being with the CIA and were therefore not allowed to join the American delegation. One of these was a Quaker pacifist who requested housing with the delegation and was turned down by BLACK, who accused him of being from the CIA. 6. Some bearded American hippies were prevented from entering Bulgaria and were forced to camp outside the country until they washed and shaved. American hippies and other similar types were reportedly being kept out of Bulgaria as an excuse for preventing unkempt Czech students from entering the country because it was feared that the Czech students would cause trouble at the Festival. The Bulgarian News Service released an English language item picturing the Czech students. Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � 4 7. The press representative of Liberation News Service, Alan YOUNG, gave American delegates pins inscribed, "I am an AMLRICONG." Festival activities were also covered by Sally PEW, who represented American Documentary Films, a leftist front group in California. 8. American delegates expressed their dissatisfaction on several occasions over the failure of TYNER and BLACK to provide adequate leadership. One of these occasions was an interdelegation meeting on 29 July, when the Americans were generally upset over the endless delays, over-all disorganization and long meaningless speeches, each of which had to be translated. TYNER's ineffectiveness as a speaker increased their irritation at this time. Another occasion was on the afternoon of 4 August during a meeting with the seven Bulgarian interpreters assigned to the delegation and a Bulgarian Youth representative to discuss post-Festival activities. No formal tour of Bulgaria had been arranged, although such a trip had been implied in the $82.50 package deal for Americans attending the Festival. Each delegate had to make his own arrangements for the week between the closing of the Festival and the departure of the charter flight from Sofia on 14 August, and had to finance himself during this period. TYNER and BLACK maintained that there had been no promise of a week's tour of Bulgaria for the Du Bois Club members at no extra cost. The American delegates asserted that a great deal of time had been lost at the Festival due to the failure of TYNER and BLACK to make appropriate lans and arrangements in advance. i _ Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 � � r ::* - rs " 5 Ncs - Most of the American delegates found the Festival generally successful because it had accomplished the aims for which it was created - "peace, solidarity, and friendship" - but claimed that this had been possible only through, the individual efforts of the delegates and not because of demonstrated abiliij on the part of the leaders. Some delegates, however, said that they did not feel that the Festival was woyth the $500 it had cost them. 9. The Festival opened officially on 28 July and there was a parade of all delegations through Sofia that afternoon. It was dark when the parading elements entered the Nevski Stadium, which was packed with 75,000 people and fully equipped with modern lighting. Ceremonies, including dances and other spectacl by 17,000 Bulgarian students, lasted until midnight. Only the Soviet, Bulgarian, North Vietnamese, and American delegations received the "red card" treatment from the crowd. The American delegates had no flag, were poorly dressed, did not march in step, carried a small sign reading "USA-CAW," and, in general, made a poor showing, but were greeted enthusiastically when then they entered the stadium. There were cheers of "Kennedy, Kennedy." Bulgarians explained that this was because Kennedy was the only American political figure that the Bulgarian press had presented to the people in a sympathetic light. 10. On 1 August 15 American delegates met with the U.S. military deserters living in Sweden who were attending the Festival. The,deserters were Bill JONES, who has been acting as spokesman, Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 V Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 - � C Steve GERSHADER, Charles ONAN, John PICCIANO, Walter WOODS, and Nark SHAPIRO. David GOTTLIEB, press representative of the deserters, stated that no secrets would be revealed by the deserters and that they would only provide informai'ion normally given out at any press conference. Each deserter made a state- ment explaining his situation and beliefs. This was followed by a short question and answer session. The deserters seemed to have their own individual psychological and behavioral problems. They appeared generally agreed that they had never felt so clear in their thinking; that they found it impossible to kill; were pacifists; believed that war in general was immoral and that American participation in the war in Vietnam was illegal; and that they had no immediate plans or goals but all wanted to return to the United States eventually, either under an amnesty or after a revolution. They maintained that they were mixed up in their minds at the time of induction into service but that this had ended with desertion and that they finally were able to see issues clearly for the first time. They were quite friendly and one of them spent the night with the American delegation'. During the meeting Marianne BALDWIN, one of the American delegates, seemed quite hostile and asked numerous questions of Walter WOODS. The deserters gave their address erican Deserters Committee, c/o doelk~6 16:16.62WINOR.666-66666,666, Unga Filosofer, Drottning Cagan 13, Stockholm) and said that they � ���ai� � w . 6 c .14 60460+616.1495 needed money and letters from American sympathi/ers; 11. Two trips were taken by the American delegation, one of which was a tour of the Vinzavod, a wine-bottling plant outside � Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � � , .1 7 r , �����, of Sofia, where the workers were most enthusiastic in explaining the plant and in hosting a banquet lavish with food and wine. Additional bottles of wine were presented to the Americans when they boarded the bus for the return to Sofia. Thee workers had contributed the money used to defray housing expenses for the American delegation. The other trip was a mountain-climbing expedition, with bag lunches eaten atop the mountain in the cold and a two-hour descent to the bus in a driving rain. 12. Two members of the American delegation, Lonnie SCHLEIN and Laurie OLSON, who visited the Chinese Embassy in Sofia, were followed when they left by Bulgarian secret police who confis- cated 'material picked up at the Embassy, including the complete works of Mao Tse-tung. No reason was given for the confiscation. 13. None of the following were noted at the Festival: Joan BAEZ, Avery BRUNDAGE, Cassius CLAY, Stokely CARMICHAEL, the ROLLING STONES, CORE representatives, Louis VALDES' theater group, or outstanding black American athletes boycotting the Olympic Games. 14. There were rumors-of deep-seated dissension at the international level. Some said that there was trouble because revolutionaries could not Ilk and argue as they wished and that the moderates were in control. Castro and Mao radicals found the Soviet brand of Communism too conservative and insufficiently revolutionary. They also classified the USSR as too capitalistic. The Yugoslav delegation left early. The Cuban delegation did not Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135_ � � te"'7 8 I arrive. There were two Canadian delegations, one of which was from the Province of Quebec. There were rumors of fighting within the West German delegation between members of Students For a Democratic Society and other students. Some of the Soviet 800-member delegation appeared fairly well along in year to be classified as students; these delegates were uniformly dressed and spoke English. 15. Most delegations seemed so totally preoccupied with dissension within their ranks that they avoided contact with other delegations. Contacts between Americans and other delegates at the Festival were confined generally to exchanges of greetings, exchanges of addresses, presentation of pins or souvenirs, and the like - all on a more or less formal basis. There was little interdelegation contact between American and Soviet representatives and what little there was appeared to be accidental. There appeared to be little or no socializing among delegations, even though several ate at the same restaurants le. Delegates from North Vietnam were very popular and were cheered at parades and spectacles, but none spoke English so interpreters were required for all contacts, which were there- fore maintained on a very formal and impersonal basis. The 3/ July visit of the Americans to the Vietnamese delegation involved numerous lengthy speeches by both sides, all of which had to be translated. Among those speaking were two girls, one of whom said that she had killed 18 Americans with 26 bullets and the other of whom claimed that she had been tortured by having acid applied Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � 1 "1 I to 9, � to her face and throat. Young Vietnamese, reported to be orphansi were toasted for their courage in facing life without their parents, who allegedly had been killed by napalm or other means of torture. Kendra ALEXANDER, of the American delegation, said that blacks and whites must join in opposing war and racism, both of which result from the evils of capitalism as it is found in the United States. The Vietnam Solidarity Center opened on 29 July to the accompaniment of long speeches and gift donations. The British delegation presented eight motor scooters and the Americans, two Nordmende (German) shortwave radios, one for North Vietnam and the other for the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam. Exhibits included parts of American aircraft said to have been shot down over North Vietnam and numerous propaganda photographs some depicting what appeared to be hard-working North Vietnamese and others showing troops said to be American pictured as engaging in various types of purported atrocities. Other photographs showed pointed bamboo stakes, barbed-wire traps, and booby traps. A propaganda film on the war was entirely in the Vietnamese language and was highly repetitious. The American delegation donated blood for North Vietnam on two occasions, 18 delegates on 29 July and 15 delegates on 5 August. 17. A meeting with the West German delegation scheduled for 29 July never materialized. 18. At a meeting of the Lao and American delegations, the Pathet Lao delegates presented rings allegedly made from aircraft claimed to have been shot down oyer Laos. The figure "700" on 4e Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � Otu.' 10 fT the face of each ring reportedly represented the 700 American aircraft claimed destroyed. Many Americans discarded the rings subsequently as they maintained they found it distasteful to wear a portion of aircraft that reportedly had brought death to so many in Laos and North Vietnam. During this meeting TYNER said that the black people in the United States were facing the same struggle against white imperialists as the Pathet Lao and that the blacks were fighting for the same cause and the same goals as the Pathet Lao. 19. All delegations were housed in the Garishka subdivision a new development that will be made available to the Bulgarian working class. There were 102 apartments in each building, fully equipped except for stoves. The apartment buildinse constructed and both workmanship and materials seemed low in quality. For the Festival, there were three beds in each bedroom four in each dining room, and one in each kitchen. Maid service was available during the Festival, as was free medical and dental care. A special post office was set up to handle mail for the delegation. Laundry was cheap and haircuts cost only $.25. The American, Australian, and Argentine delegations ate at a restaurar called Lebed on the Lake, five miles from the housing area. 20. Currency controls were strictly enforced. There were no acts of hooliganism, there was no thievery, and there were no arrests. No peaceful protests were permitted so there was little occasion for the police to become active, but there was no evidence of heavy-handedness or brutality on the part of police., , v Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 64. 410 11 21. The Festival closed on the evening of 6 August with a huge demonstration in the stadium and prizes were awarded to various delegations. Most delegates began leaving on 7 August, and only eight or nine members of the American delegation remained in Sofia after that date. In response to a Soviet request for a group of Du Bois Club members to visit the USSP, TYNER selected eight black delegates to tour the USSR for two or three weeks after the Festival. About 16 or 17 Americans flew to Prague for sightseeing before boarding the return charter flight from there on 15 August. Others went to the USSR or to various places in Europe before returning to the United States. PLEASE IPP30" ; U", pAre:.. 140 P 111:1 " - �.; Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � "*. , 3 I trn rv" ''Sr"�"--;�n -� (b)(3) L. Go SUBJECT: Cecile lq:DILLE French Student Traveling in Germany 1. Cecile WEDILLE, a philology major at the Sorbonne in Paris, was-visiting Munich and was staying at the Fremdenseim on 11-12 August 1968. She said that, since her final examin- ations had been postponed because of student unrest and she could not obtain employment ,until her studies were finished, she was spending the summer In Germany, studying and improving her German language ability. 1 She is a very pretty girl and has some knowledge of English. She said that she was living at Jaegerstrasse 12A in Wurzburg for the summer and that her address in France was: 53 Rue floche 92 Colombesi_Fxange. 242 7064. _ " PLEASE -47 J PAR� fii trr: a ,s "%ntaipa 1,110 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 000691135 � Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � � SUBJECT: , t 1101 er � Karl WOW , rani of West Germany Portion of Students for a Democratic Society (b)(3) 1. Karl WOLFF is head of the West German portion of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), tilt:V./man-American Committee for Peace in Vielzaw, located at WilhailiTalifferStrasse 57-FTinkrurt, telephone 77 64 22. � t- 2. WOLFF speaks Lnglish quite well. He is a revolutionary whose position lies somewhere between that of Castro and that of Mao Tse-tung, and he is obviously hostile to the Soviet position. He was leader of the aborted anti-American demonstratio at the American Embassy in Sofia during the Ninth World Youth Festival (28 July - 6 August 1968.) He was quite bitter over the fact that the East German delegates had denounced him as a "fiscist Goebbels" and because so few Americans participated in the demonstration. 3. WOLFF plans to arrive in the United States in September 1968 to participate in a seminar at Columbia University sponsored by the SDS. His travel plans are indefinite, as are his funding arrangements and backing. He was hopeful of setting up other meetings in the United States during his visit. 4. The SDS office seemed small, as did their budget. The office contained old wooden desks and old manual typewriters. All of the workers appeared to be absent on vacation. PLEASE r"�-� " t' pi4rip 4.) � 4..n.b.� Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � rt f 1 ; � t " 1 111 � r". (b)(3) SUBJECT: Jerry flENNIGL or_HEMAg.,(phonetic) Atrtnahl nini a West Germany Portion of Students For a Democratic Society B. AP PROX / 1. Jerry HENNIGE, assistant to Karl WOLFF in the Students for a Democratic Society movement in West Germany,--expects to arrive in the United States in October 1968 and will be studying for six months at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C. He knows Art 1NASOb and others at the Institute. HENNIGE is 35 years old, blond, 5'8" tall, weighs 170 pounds, is stocky, and has a vaguely defined U-shaped scar on his left cheek. he is a revolutionary and is probably more radical in his views than WASOW, who agrees with the leftist position that work must be done within the structure of Western institutions and who is pushing a Fourth Party (peace) candidate for U.S. president. hENNIGE speaks English well and on 13 August 1968 had just returned from a visit to London. PLEASE Tr' " r nolv.,�-�� Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 r i� rtl - r 410- "f tiv;n I SUBJECT: Winfried HEINRICH Young German Work& 0. APPROX . 4, 1. Winfried HEINRICH was in the car with a member of the American delegation to the Ninth World Youth Festival while the latter was traveling from Frankfurt to Hamburg after the Festival. The car was provided by the Frankfurt Mitfahrer Centrale on Moselstrasse. HEINRICH, 21, said he was a worker and was returning from Switzerland, where he had been seeking employment. He was returning home because he had spent all of his money. He wanted to write to the American and gave his address as: 2000 Hamburg, Warthestrasse 37* West Germany. PLEASE " -"! I rkl���� (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135 � r re) -"k (b)(3) SUBJECT: David MINOR American Negro Traveling in Eastern Europe 7S7 Th;:P � A 1. David MINOR, a Negro lawyer from Chicago, Illinois, was in the airport at Copenhagen, Denmark, on 15 August 1968 awaiting a flight to Chicago. HINOR, between 45 and SO years of age, had just completed a pleasure trip through Eastern Europe, including Rumania. 2. MINOR said that he liked to be where the action was going on and had been in Berlin when the Berlin Wall was erected. He does not like rioting but is highly sympathetic with the Negro fight for equality as he understands that Negroes have no hope for the future with matters as they are in the United States. PLEASE inilt - .40 q telP/Pr, eft Approved for Release: 2017/07/20 C00691135