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Document Creation Date:
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date:
June 25, 2018
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Case Number:
Publication Date:
November 10, 1969
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2// 1. an
American deserter, John Walter WOODS, born 28 March 1947,
stayed at Kirkkokaiu 2, Helsinki, FinIand; on 02 Octarf 1969
WOODS was accompanied by four "comrades", not further
dentified. (Comment: [
/ His "comrades"
were pro ably milftrity Veentees also
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691125
John Walter
2. the above address i
headquarters for an extreme left organization called
Ailyhich was founded in-Hniiik-1 It. The miring of 19
o Ry was originally pro-Chinese Communist, but appar
a recent change in its ideology has taken place because
all of the Mao Tse-tung pictures and slogans have been
removed from its premises. The Demo Ry apartment is
frequently used to house various radical leaders and American
military deserters visiting Helsinki.
3. WOODS and his fellow "comrades" went to Sweden
on 04 October 1969, but at least some of them returned to
the Demo Ry headquarters in Helsinki on 07 October 1969.
4. It should be noted that the American Navy vessel,
USS Newport News, made an official visit to Finland on
03 October 1969. There was a very small demonstration at
the time of the visit and the demonstrators did manage to
pass out a few leaflets to American sailors leaving the
ship on shore leave. A copy of the leaflet is attached
51 DEC 01969
P.2 oEc , 1969
R011? 1
Exclutied tr2o egamtli
aurora:Ng and
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691125
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691125
-� ' � . ��
How do yg1.1.,,like life in Uncle Sam's �navy? � Not .so hot ,huh?,% �
least you! re at uck in the: Baltic and not in Vietnam.�. But
you've got buddiee: over there or maybe.'.hitves been there yourself.
You guys.
: I
- �
,yith long *.t.eurs left .could :expect .to."� sent there any: time .;between now �� � .
� .
-.Not � a .very� pleasant thought, zis it? .I .:guess you. feel, you.r-.r.s in a bind .and
and ETS. .
are. powerless to do. anything about it but that's you're 'wrong:
� Guys. in the service can, and are doing, something. �about it � �� . �
� ':. � ���
. . �
fact,In - .American servicemen. have..:a,:llong;:.history . of :doing something about
it when the brass �have tried. to-11.iclithem� Over.; Did :yoti. know 'thar, af-oer �
World. ..wa�r_ II the brass,; the Governmtint.!:��and.:.big bisnest wanted to. invade
� China.,.'�But the �guys .in the 13:aciflO:..140,een fighting ..for four year's. and
they were. sick. and, tired. of war: 40...T1-MY ..-R..BEUSEDI� 'They,. held strikes and
zaass demonstrations i�be4:�Sent::home- and ...the brass and .thoGovern�
mant ha,d nth. chnizai,..against �ElublhorlsSiresishande .liatt�.to s'end. them .home...: The
GI S and sailor.S.:were'.able��;�-this,,be.calaagE.....t:hey .'ere, Organiae d.. :This ;.; .
type of action has long been used. .by the':.working .clats�,.� whet�her� in uniform
.. �
� or out of:. i.t. C.overnmeart � and.Y.:t.h.e..r.p.lini class of
�. always tried to keep' the working �nlaa.s.,down as r. As, they could push: them �
� After all, the 'les* :you. pay. workers ,-.�:.themore �prof4.ty you raa,ke.. It. was. � ��.
always. a:
They run
power . to
has. But it 4.8 � -no � good unless �:it;,-is:,.0r4sanise.d::.::��� � ��
� � �� � � � -* � '�:' � .� �
' � � �.. � � � �
. .
The armed fqrces has always been!used a.a.wapon .against the working class,
It is used .to suppress riots in the .cities and t0. break up strikes in the
. ,
factories. Working class guys have aliVays stood�at one end of the bayonet
or the; other. Now in Vietnam, working. clitis .guys are being sent 10 000
le s away from home to fight and. if � necessary.; to die in . war ir which
they have NO INTEREST; But the working .class in. uniform has the same weapon
,4 their disposal: They keep thinegoind-and they can SHUT THINGS DOWN.
Since the Vietnam war blew up,�.the soldiers and the . sailors have' refused.
to go along with it passively. .It :-started 'on ..a;�� small' scale. with individual �
desertions and individual refuee13�:-o orders. The American Servicemen's
� " : ��
question' of: power, but the.' 'REAL, :.POWE. R. lies: with:.the Working, class..
the .machinesi they. keep ,prod.Ittction .moving and. they'.'have the
� � � � �
SHUT This; is the**.stxPongest �weapon the. working .class
. �
r �
� I �
. .
, �
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691125
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691125
refusal of orders al:A.taking place more often the Govenmant is getting
scared: The Departme. of Defense has issued a uirectiya to all unit .;
commanOers thaii they are to leave, hands off undargroun0. npwppapers. and
air article 15's 'are to be issued only 'AFTER 6HECKING WITH 4I614SR
Govehment is giving a little more freedom in the hope that
. .
the rouble will stop. But it is onlyjthe beginning. The Government knows �
and the brass knows that the real power: lies in tha hands of the .Gas and
sailors themselves, just like 'out in the World.; in the factories and wsTk-
� shops the real power lies in the hands of the people who _are running the
. .
machines and nbt'inithe hands of. the'bosses.'The'thing to do now is to
�let the GIs and the sailors know-that they have t-ip power and to get,them
to USE IT:. More underground newspapers have to be started and spread, more
mais�organised.and the Front Ihtarnational the.
� � , �
International Organization of G�41 is there to help guys to get. things , 4
. . , . � �
organised, to know how and to keep.them.infor.nled .
about what other guys are'fight the War and the system. There
. .
� . 'are branches Of.'the.SFI in Canada, France:and'SWeden. .The rican,QUoip.
tet!4_4414444a4n'part Oftth d Fr. 'I' 'I i� a .
�:�. Cur adreas'ii ADC, 0/0�Tigernstrpplandsgatan.18,StockhrilM.Sumderci ,
, . �������
The . telephone is 14.4663 in Stockholm,
, .
. .
. .
There is 4 'lot woik ip be done :and IT 1145 GOT Tip BE Doxp.rpwx : . �� �
�!� .
That's net an, order, that's � j
.So Write and. let us kricsw 'Where you.Are,at. send you A copy.of_the,
' .8econa Front Review, the international GI magazine and try to advise you
on any qUeetion as to what you 'can do, to stop the war'irn Vietnam and to
- ,- � � � � 1.
� .iaf