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July 9, 1969
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Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691067
6 S JUL 1969
SUBJECT: Th_e_Rapar_aten�ade
Atra-Erie.c1 herewith is ar,copy of The Paper Grenade,
a newsletter published by tifeAmerican Deserters Committee
in Stockholm.
54: 1969
RC-64 /00- 4471,5-77/J--
ALL rztnrcsvexpprcy.r.r.A.mto
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Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691067
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Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691067
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691067
Last week in Denmark an event happened that may help change the
possibilities for that country. ., deserter, Ted
Price, left his unit in Gerwany and crossed the Danish border.
,.(Ho didn't come by way of the underground.) ..t the border, he .
wae stopped and questioned by the Danish police. He told them
he was n deserter and waa seeking political asylum. The pigs
-'.pretended that they didn't know what he was talking about and
took him to police headqu4rtere. The underground which in never
too: far out of reach,got in Contact with Ted at this time. Ted
� quickly told them how he had been mishandled by the police. How-
ever, before anything could be done, the deserter was turned over 0,
�to the German police and then back to his unit in Germany. Hack c.
in his unit, he was not put under heavy security since he could
not be charged with desertion. To show the determination of the
. Underground,, within the next couple of days Ted found himself at
1 the :11)0 in Paris. Then the underground informed our support :
i groups and a mass campaign resulted in the Danish press. In thiy -
campaign the Daniati police were expopdnX119tollaborating with,
the 1.10 military. 4s evidence the uni)er0.65.1fiki offered to bring
�iTed up from Paris for a court investigation on may 14th. This,
tma44,4he-Dan4sh-go-vernment-e-ven more nervous! Thg-1661.6E-gbV'ern-
men� now finds itself in a corner and must:soon debide if defier-
'tors should receive asylum in Denmark, or at leaat' xee passage
through Denmark with no risk of being turned. ba,1414merican au-
! I thori ties
lEvery once ).n .,awhile, we d-vters� get, ;Ig1ini1itte*46:r. Peciple.,,who
Alkl4k I
� lare workin(i ler ten unno titled 4 our at' in the anti'-imperingist ..
!struggle oI14 desertion imevemdbt. Thia.,is one of those \ .times,
IThanips to oyar� bomraNi!).�:treni*ri,4a4trili,c4tiV . :, ..
' � '.", :..---;
� � i
. ,
. � . 1[----....; ' �fgt ci"- � ' "14.!' � ' ' . ' ' �'01,- � '. � ' ----:..r,
Wsllk,Bro Ieyb, ice .t,tle .-...s,t 3,ssue4s.t--tihe:I'G,�the Swedioh-Gnyer4.....�
ment 'haw- leen tLnding'oux-'moro�of its "V "untary camp" �hit./ It.,,
has bean'tryin, to sen 'dye t to "3,1.1:- a Siberian/so they-sal:1 \'-
become acqucet. 0 with ewadenjj . ..,-.�,
Todq a new deserter went dawn to the Social Bureau Ard be....tils gi---
ven....epengh food money till Mooday, until the bereaucracy,finds out
1 '
if the labor department is ghing to invite him to the comp. The
:1 �
bureaucrats said that this camp was what the desertery pajd they_............
wanted. Well, the oaxtp-iarrLt-sx-ICTry What we've been Oskins for..: ' �
'It's more like what We've just left, the MILIT.alY!! . ' i� .:,
;:. ��,1,1
.4 ..NN
'Alhat we have been asking for io a. JOB TR.iINING PROGR.;M whereA 44
:can learn Swedish at the slmo time th9t, we learn a skil),� anet,'ofl
loourse receive political asylum.' What we've been getting is-Pi-.1.'
des s/A,piles of Bullshi.4ttempts at pacifying us and:brooking �
up our Ommunity. . �i %. �,,
1-1311 . �fil % ' 'i.
� . I, �
The .01P;Os bp,An a 01mpai4 agnintt the 4:q.ep. F:xat; by getting
IpoPle 60...-Z-0 a Petition aga;Crigt the_oamp;. the press
ontrEl SoOng a work466 grop.0- - Tdie �Frienia: Of the�ADO.� - � .,I,
� ::::�i 1l
, ,,, . , ,-
The Friendlt Of the .:DC ,are $1,-pish people whd assist us with job ,�
and 'f6uaingproblems, 99nfrofta.tions with the bureauoracy,:and "
ale kw.12rk with our other. Swedieh support groups. �
. ....--::
No. mpes, where,you ar�,�in school, on a Job, or on your own, you
wilf"net Ge safe from �going to the cap* unless we work together; .
NOW ! Very soon demonstrations and speaking tours will begin, I!
so cows around and stdrt vibrking to help yourself and your bro-T
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� �
(This interview -with-aave Kline and Guy Smith, th recently dis-
ohar(ead Vietnam...vete::aa, first appeared in S.D i� NEW LEFT NOTES.
.,uy i's black,. one nf'the Pt. Hood 43; Dave, white:- Both are. return-
ing eo-work at the Oleo Strut coffeehouse outside Ft. Hood.) .
.NLN: What's thp relationship between black and white GIs? DO you
deal With racism when organizing white GIs? � . . . 1
Dave: Yeah, p lot of white GIs got a lot of. racial hang-ups and
stuff, hut when you start rapping with them, you can nee what rac- You can really see it 'cause the same dude is fucking with
�everybody. A lot,of racist Shit gets wiped out, by just talking to
guys about the role that racism. plays in the structure. 4.1ot of
guys eon' dig that because theyre together in the army. .' .
Guy: Once you get into thatrank thing, they develops that rac-
ist thing more openly against black qrs. Noll, I'll put five of
you biack guys on that detall�Lif.yoU don't like it you can go see
the CO." The On'a supposed to help you but hese a,raoistaleo. If
you oome into the army and you're black minded, or if you're not
going to take any of thet.Whito hatred, you're going to go to �the
etockade for being black, nothing more. Phony charges like not
getting a haircut, being 15 minutes late for a formation, .stuff
like that. -
Dave: 4 lot .of GIs start being conscioua and they think about it.
Soy you get fuoked with and you start thinking about why there is
that race hatred and then you see who;s injecting it into the thing
La tho officera4 ,
Guy: Like when they this ha:Uriot control, they wore �eying hlaok.peo-
ple is and black,people Th .that.. is is a lieutenant racist from ,
41abeme and at theend of,'the statement he says everybody go iiiit .
and vote for Wallace. Either you just sit there and take it or you��
get up and walk out.
NLN: What about the GIatattitudes on black urban revolt:), the
Panthors, SNCC, black caucuses in unions?.
Devp: 4 lot of white guts get the same reaction as back in the '
Stateo. You know,:paranoia and stuff. But we got some of those hers
"HuGY,Newtch the Movement" .And had them passed 'around.
Guys really dug reading it. you knew, they dug what he was saying
about the bleak liberation movement.
:You know, when they had riot control, they always say, well the
army's got the good Negroes�and they say Negroes too-.--and the bad
Negroa are out in the�ateeets. "You've got to wetch out for them,"
they say to us. They try to play on that rano paranoia thing.
Guy::_YOu go in the ghetto and shoot your brother. That's their
phil000phy. - � '
NLN:-How dpi .the Pt. Hood revolt--the refuSal of GIs to come to .
Chicago thia.aummer--get. organizud?
Guy: You .go, into the army thinking you're going to get away from
the diaor1,4nation at homo.-in the Army you cope with it in a deep-
er doip'eo; you got stronger. and you'ro willing to fight the system.
That's the way our .thing came shout...We know that they. wanted us to
to into ,the shottoand fight black people.. .rd there'll be eimilar
things coming thisjeummer, GI h and white GIs Saying we'.re not
. .
going,into.thezitias to.. fight our Dian people. .
Viet Cons Fighters-
OLN: What's the attitude of Most of the guys about the "fief: Cone,
at least after they've come back?
Dave: ..o fightero...they're the best. But the political content
of the fight�the army tries to hide that. They manipulate the news.
When guys go over to the Nam, they expect women to be throwing �
flowers at you. You know, the great liberator role. But they don't
know where it's at and they get over there and a lot of them hate
the Vietnamese. They hate the Viet Cons but they respect the Viet
Cons because they get their asses kicked by them every day. Guys
know they're dedicated soldiers'.
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� �
Guy: Their unity livery atrong and they havi . cauee. The ma71
' jority of GXe arealu.,.. in Vietnam .becausqathey Lave to be there.,
But the Viet 'Dongbelieve in it--, and they're not going to lose
Dave : GIs ieo04.1alit.the Viet Cons are fighting for, basically 4_I
But the army .tells.You It's communtst:aggreasiob. � ' . ',.
' NLN: What, do the GIs think'-about the role-of-the U.S. army? . e,
Dave: ',item got a thing they say every time something fuoks.Up a
, in the world; they, say theY 'should have putsit doldier,in charge. -o�
� We don't hear about strikes.abd thenational guerd..4t the,pres- ''..
ent time', white guye don't asseoiate-the-army_with bating into .. �
their neighborhood. .A.lop of people don't think about the. army toe; ,
much; they think they're getting over mith'it'. The army's got a :'.,.� '
powerful tool: fio matter how bad: the blook is, the army's wore�. ! d �
While you're in the up, this feeling that everything's ,
beautiful back 'there. .., ..... . . .
Glipi ooming back from Nam especially, they know what the war iu
all about. They might not want to Bay it, 'cause they're defeneivdi:
about' it; but when they get baoklioNe, they get pretty disillus- t; '
lolled about what is going on badk there. :ill the're in , . � '.
the :army , they're always giving you blesses on the benefits �Of .,
investing, yee,know. Thel reach the. atock market to you, hoW cap-
italiem is goed and 'all: Guyaa.when theyiget%back and find .out '
that it ain't aloe like'it was on leave, .they're going to 1)60.8E1-.7
ed off. That's what We'd do. When We'would rap with,guys,end.try ,
to ipt them to aesoointe.their struggle with others and .thinking
that they'll be going back home:and spreading the ideas to their ,
friends-- soon on a larger adalei'yoU know i epreading out to the .
working cleso as a wholoi , . :. .
! NLN: What do you think�the role of',theguys� who've been in the �
'ardy, partiblAarly guys Who've been to Vietnam, will be building �
a revolutionary movement in ;marina? . . ' . , �
Guy: Well, I. think the army ia turning out a lot of reVolution�
arise. /h_dpenae� they made me one., Instead of olosing.people'a .
minde up, they're pushing them to the peak of .deflanoe. 'Cause lb ,
the arMy yeuhanit get away from it, and-they can do just about
. anything they want, to you; -; , .
Dave: In the army, there are all these Mere contradictions' with- ,,
in the etrecture brought out in the open. Dudes can see the basic: t. : �
thing: you got rich men and you got poor. men. And all the contrd-�...�.
diction� become polarized, so to speak; They're not glee:Bed over... �
You cen 1300 that the motherfuckerra doing better who went to ool- '
logo or-got'a bar on his shoulder. Guys know where:We at, and
some of'ua have,learnedhow to deal with thee� problems, and take ! �
care of them. ..We're going back to Texas to work, butaifter that
we're going back to the blook.and tell them:where itio at. .ind
that's what we're trying to do:at Ft. Hood--to show dudes ..that.itIle
can be done, that we can solve our problems. . .
Beeoming a revolutionary and overthrowing the structure end set-
ting up a pooplele government. Thatle what we aeo our role as--
getting pest, the. anger and getting into a oonstruotive thing, see- .
ing what can' be done. The' more guys we roach, the better we'reig0;7..j. .
ing to be for e revolutionary movement. Guys are eomipg hick Wo.
The army'eting'its,oyn throat..
(Part two of thie.ibterview will the next iseue46f the
PAPER GREN,15.E.) : .'.' - '' �
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��� CA('SUL: V,Tc 1;Y c. i.1116TNArt%-it
� �
We all know that there is a war being waged in Vietnam. We can
rctla nbout it in the newspapers or hear people make speeches about..
it.' It a grim .reality of our day. What is not so well kno;rn
in he ,Why end how of the Vietnam war, A capsule look of some of
tho history of the war will help,tacienr.up soMe of. this ledk.
01 'knowledge and also pnrhape eXpinin� a:little more aboutthe-Uni-,
ted Stotes and ita foreign policy.
231YERRUhRY l945--resident Franklin D. Roosevelt maid ."For two .
whdole yeaise I have been terribly worried abeut Iridochina(Vietnam, �
LaOs and Cambodia)." Viotnan, a lending exporter. of ' �
rel rubber 'mad coal, had been a profitable French colony for the
better part of n centnry. Ndw that WTI was almost over, the...
Roosevelt Administration decided i'ii.enee.the French out .end take:
� ,
Vietnam 'for themselves. .!
. Gen. Stillwel140 command in Chilawes given direct orders from
Wliebington to 'abandon those French units that were fighting the
j9penuse in Vietnam. Most of these French soldiers. died in the.
jpeglee, se their radio pleas for suppliost and air cover went unan-...
swered. Instead, Washington hooked up with a veteran communist
guerrila-Ho Chi Win41 IF return for radioe and guns, the glier-
rillos supplied intelligence and smuggling downed US airman, out of
2 SEPTEMBER 1945--With the Japanese surrender, the'Yletnememe took '
over their own country for the first time in a century. President''''
Ho Chi Minh. rend their "Declaration of Independence" to ohering
thouennds in Hanoi, and hie government become the recognized gov-
ernment 'of all Vietnam. �
25 DECEMBER 1945--The US :government's Plana to take over Vietnam.
got n rude surprise me the EN "Back 'Homo Movement" broke out in the
Phillipince. Instead of garrisoning the Pacific for 20 years
with millions of GI',, the Truman Administration wee forced by GI's
to send them back home.
25 NOVEMBER 1946�Even though the Fronoh had recognized Do's govern..
mont in. March, they had boon gradually building up troops in South-
(mot Asia to take Vietnam back. �On this data-they opened hoetili-.
ties by shelling'Haiphong, killing over 6,000 civilians.
1950--The worlwas going badly for the 'French: Although they held
Saigon, iIanei!nnd all the other�cities, the communiet guerrilla
movement (the Viet Minh) hold the countryside and most of the
people. 1E10,000 French. troops wore slowly losing. In desperation,
tbe Y:rench government turned to Wczhington. 'On August 10th the first
.:US arms shipment to the French arrived, and.a MAAG mission wee' set.
NOVEMBER 1252-Alith'the war going even worse, the French had been
forced to rely eyen more heavily on US aid. By this month Americft
had supplied the French' in Vietnam with 222 aircraft,. 235 shim,
. 2975 vehicles and 200 shiploads.of supplies.- The French wore .
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still losing badly.
6 OCTOBER 1953--The new Eisenhower Administration decided to got 1 �
involved oven deeper in Vietnam. On t'lio date Socretary of State j
John Poster Dulles called his plan to send over GIB tho "brightestj
achievement of the year."
NpVEMBER 1953�The Vietnamese pogan.the siege of Dionbienphu, the
N, crack French stronghold. Thousands of French troops mado Dionbien..
I phu into en aaero-tecrestrial. fort",. hoping to lure the Vint
Minh into a major open battle, whore superior Western firepower. �;.:
would cut them to pieces.
3 APRIL 1954�The trap had baCkfirpd. French troops in Dienbion,
phu woro cut off, as the Viat Minh brought enough artillery and
rockets out of the jungle to slowly grind tho French down. A-
Aormed, on this data Sec. of State Dulles hold a secret mooting
with Congressional leaders, asking their support for the upe of
Amorican troops and nuclear woapona in Viotnam. Be was turned
dowa, althOugh a rising young politician named Sen. John P. Kon-
; nody called for GI' s to be sent to Vietnam; "If necessary the
jUnited Stntee will take the ultimate... It is war."
APRIL 1954--The weekly mogozino U.S. Now & World Roport told
the publio why Vietnam was such .an important item to our loaders:
"One of the worlds richest areda is open to the winnor in .
. . tim, rubber, rioo, key strategic raw matoriolo nro
1,whot the war is roally about.. Tho US Boos it os a place to hold
at any cost."
.!.21. APRIL 1954--In an off-the-record speoch thnt got into the.
front pages, Vico-Prosident Richard Nixon rovoaled tho plans that ,
ho, Sec. of State Dulloo, and tho Joint Chiofo had .been pushing:
. "It is hoped that the United States can avoid direct involvomcnt
:in Indochina. But if *Jr� in no other recourse, tho Adminiotra- ! �
ytion will have to face hp to it and send troops." . �
That blew itt OfteWoroo, the American people had had enough
of wars in Asia. A storm of anger and criticism hit the govern-
moot, and President Einonhower promisod that no troops or nuclear
:venpono would ho soot to Viotnam. ,
17 MAY 1954--Dienbienphu wan overrun, and thousapdo of olitaFronch:l.
!airtiorno and Foroign Legion troops were killed or capturod. Evan r
ithough tho US Oovernmont urged them to keep on fighting, the Pronch �
uoro ready. to throw in the towel.
la JULY 1954--Pence came temporarily to Viotnam whon the OcnoVa
Declaration woo signod by France, tho�Democrntio Ropublic of Viot-
nom (Hos (Jovornmont), Chinn, Russia, England, Laos, Cambodia and �
the Fronoh-puppot Boo Dal governmont in Saigon. The treaty colfad
for splitting Vietnam in half at the 17th parallel, with tho. Viat
Ninh getting the North and the Pronch the South. Within two yenr4
an election was oupp000d to be hold which would reunify VietnaM
into one country with an oloctod govornmont.
17 NOVEMBER l954--US GEN Lowton J. Collins laid down tho law, in- '�
forming the AnVN Generals that Uncle Sam would out them off unlese.
they support Ngo Diom, the new President of'South Vietnam, Tho
French wore pulling out, and Dion was'Amorica's fair-hairod boy.
Unable to got public support for sending troops� ,the Eisonhowor
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Adminstration &with:4 to pay, supply and train the ARVN. The hopa
was that the ARVN would be able to defeat the FNL without US troope.
A thousand.SS military advioore were sent in to shape up Diem's
1956- RVN was now in tho hands of the Diom family, a clan of crazy
fanatics. One brother was President, another was Archbishop, and the
sister was in charge of the black market and eclline supplioeto zhe'
FNI, Between them they started stripping Vietnam bare.
I This was the year that the reunification election was suppoeed
to take, place. Prosidont Diem just ignored it, because in any freo
choice the FNL would win. As President Eisenhower said: '!; have
never tnlkod"ot corrosponded'with a person knowlodgoablu in Indo-.
chinos� affairs who did not agreo that...poesibly 80% of the POP
elation would have votud for the FNL Ho Chi Minh as their loader,
Sen. Richard Rusaell (D-Ga) Chairman of the Senate Armed
Services Committee said: "I belivo that most. of South Vietnam would'
vote' for North Vietnam'sprosident Ho Chi Minh, if p plebiecito was
1961: The fighting had brokon out again. Presidont Diom's army
rind secret, police wore taRing'a bchting from tho guerrillas ( the
Viet Minh is now called tho Nation:11 Liboration Front). President .
John F. Kennedy had lonrned from Nixon's big-mouth mietako in 1954..
JFK !decided to gut US troops to Nam on the sly, without telling tho.
American people what was going on. In the fall, 15,006. USmilitnry
advisers micro eont, nnd US military spending in Nam wont up to XX
1.5 million dollars per day. .
30 Jan 1963- CINCPAC Admiral Harry Felt said:. "South Viotameso .
should achieve victory in think) years:" �
5 March 1963. US GEM Paul Harkins expressed his "firm belief that
victory io in sight." This is the Year 'of the pig Dull."
13 Fob 1963 Thu US State Department 'publicly suggested thc't if
President Dios gave his people a little more freedom ,they � might
give the war more support. In the' officnl Snieon,nowspoper, Times
of Vietnam, the government replica by chVging Secretary Of Stata
Dusk with "indirectly niding tho NLF". This.was-also.tho ment
that US troope got. thu first go-nhond to launch offonsive oporatAohs
ngainst the NIX. . "
1 Nov 1963 Pacific Stars & Stripes rune n front page headline crying. [
"VIET VICTROY NEAR." On this same day President Diom,is ovorthrOwn'
and then murdered by his own ARVN geneAls. Tho takeover lilts tho
blessings of the US Embassy, since. Diem's government hnd,bocomo too. .
hopeloss oven for Washington to atomach. In .rdpid. succussion7thirteon'
diffornt Saigon governments take office, and dro forced out, ea the.
Viotnrencee Gonerale battlb for power. The war coatiaucatO go down.
hill. �
4 Nov 1964 Lyndon Johnston wins a fantastic victory at the: polls
against Sen. perry Goldwater. President Johnston and tho Democrnt-a.:
mocked Goldwater as a kook because he unntod-to bomb North�Viotnam '
arid, step up tho.war. During the Campaign, Prosidont. Johnston prohisocr �
that hu will not send "American boys 10,000.milos.pO do-a,jott'Asian ,
boys should be doing." This is just 'another in the long chain: of hum.
1965. This is the year that the war dompletoly collapsed. ARVN dessitione
hit 30% as tho NLF were on theedgo of taking over the:ontire country.
Looking back, Son. Russoll of the Armod Sorvices Committeo commontod,
"I do not bclive the South'Viotameso forces would havo'lasted :leather
month becnyee they wore on the matzo of disintogrationU President.
Johnston orders the number of trobpS in Vietnam raised to 125,000 rind
the intensivo bombing of North Viotnnm bugan.
3 JAN 1968. MACV publishes n pnmphlei explaining that the war is almost
won--it is titlod: P1967: YEAR OF PROGRESS."
4 JAN 1968. Tho NLF launch their famous TET Offensivo, NLf units light
it out 300 yards away from Pontagon East, as every city in Viotti= is
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� �
.under major tIttack. The whole world is stunned. MACV.aska newe-
, Imun not to publicize the pamphlet they passed out the day-before.,
';31 MARCH 1968. President...Johnston, shaken up by the power of the .
.danti-wor fueling in America, admitted ho was washed up and with-, .
!drew as a Prosidenta1.04didate; -
Troop esoalntion had finally .peaked at 525,000 men.
I'Vietnam is the longest war ihe'US has ever :fought, and probably
the most useless as for as we are concerned. 30i000 men have already )
'!died so a few corporations could got in on the defehce contraot gravy
and others could be cut in on the n'atural wealth of Southeast Asia.':
, The war is no "mistake" as a lot of politicians, professors
'businessmen deoribe it. Evdry President �ince Roosevelt has had a.-� 1
hand in its making. Tho corporations and. the brass are gung-ho for,
.t--a a long as the profits and promotions continuo. And thoy'vo
all boon tolling us for years .that victroy is right around the �
-corner: -
1 Reprint from Vietnam GI. � � i.
..41ESERTER USA- GOtehorg
' Our film Deserter USA opened in Goteborg on May 5th with
very. good results. I was in GOteliterg for thd past werik sort �
of promoting the film and turning nm the people t4 the work. '
of the ADC. A press showing of the film was held on Monday': '
morning .for all the lanai newipapers. After the film was
Shown a press conference was held where the press asked
questions about the film, political asylum and of. course .
the ANS camp in Uppsala. The questiOn that really struck
me the funniest aloi.ut the film was ',Did all those things
really happen to you at first? So this shows just hay littb
the Swede knew about what we all. go through when, we come.
Also I was, told by a elderly Swedish man that it s;lowe'
that we are really ding something creative and constructive
in his country, and that before he saw the film he thought '
we were just hers doing nothing and living off the g.vern- ,
ment. He also added that: "Every Swede should see this film.4
As far as press coverage of'the film; all the pape-s gave
it a fair review with no slanderous comments.
' The trip to Goteborg als4 was vary good for campaign. too
STOPPA AMS, because I explained.the whole situation about
the camp to many of the groups in Goteborg. An appeai is
now being passed around to all the groups for their sign-
atures. So all and all the trip was of great benifit for
us in our endless struggle. Where T4 Next... Many thtinks
to AIC and SAS fo4. making this trip .possible.
John G.loods ADO:
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691067
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691067
�L olLAU 1/1V- U. , LIU6041U AJUUIUL;tA.L.
congrese of the Left Sc taliat Party in Denmark e following is
a brief history of the'. .Oft Eloolalist Party and al :aocountl of the
congress and related events.
The Left Soolallet Party (Venster Socialisterne) was formed one
and a half years ago after asplit with the -Socialist Popular Party.
The Socialist Popular party , formed during the nBan �the Bomb -
:era was now.reoogniZed as reformist and so obaolste by the Danieh'
Left Wing. The Lef.t,Soolallat Party is composed of SUF (socIalist ..
youth),studente,werkers,Marxist-Leniniets,anarchists and even a, ,
,small pacifist element. Originally they'had 4 memberit
However after-01G Czechoslavakian oriels two of the, members
the party because the party condemned-the Russians for invading_
Czeohoslavakia'Oith.two members left in the parliment, the�pdrty,",
now recogn1zi4-that�the work is to be done in the streets Dot by,
rubbing elbows with the establishment in the parliment..The'parli:-�
ment does help to provide a voice in the Danish soolaty and 'at_tho.
eame time provides the party with some funds to function on. ,
, � �
On the lstrof Nay we-attended a politcal.rally at a park In Coteh7.01
hagen. There were many .pOlitical billboards sod muchjiterature :
was passed Out aboui-:pertY aotivities,There were eleo grouns
le sitting around Onthegrass playing instruments and singing.
The program began about four o'clock with the-.singing Of the
'International". Next the people there were entertained by a couple -
of rock bands. It was really great.-to seerkere ,heada oarepte,.: ,
childeran and students all danoing to theLeame music. Then Came. .thaL? -
more political part' of; the program. An activist in ths:party intro;.
duoed the two Black Panthers who spoke about developing p soliddrity
between all, the oppressed. peoples of the world. They further-de-
mondeA the- raaliee-of(Huey:Newtoniand to-the: represaion of the. -.
Black Panther partyulihec&tetes and .urged :to join donstr4-1
ion in front of the AmeriSah'eMbaasyfter-the.speechea,,were
thousands of people, almost everyone in the park , began to march 4
on the Embassy.
The demonstration was tokinscplace similtaineously with once in �
San Francisco and around the states. !:te. pize tried to hold the
demonstrators aoroas the street from the embassy ,but the demen..
straters to the front Of.:the embassy.; Several more ,speeohep were,
given by Panthers and Danish antivata,.which brought,.eriea.frOdi . .
the crowd-such as " free Huey Newton,. Denmark out. clf#A110 amd
US out of Denmark 1'. Though ther was no confrontation began:M111-' �
ing around , holding up traffic and gonerally harassing and con-
fusing the. piga. Finally the demonstrators marched.,in force to -
the " Folke.te Hue". A party followed whose preesedalwent to.
Panthers.'-There were political-plays, mgaic by-a� joz;
movies about Nam.::Aleo we both made anaeohee on the dasertiOp"
movement,Abd held an informal .dioussion , -r �;
�� �
The next day, Friday, we attended the-Congrese.,At,,the,: do4reaert'
there were -several 'hundred people from Denmark�pia will ge,guelits'
from other"oountriee: ThefirstAay.t!he delagateadioussed the . . .
function,ofcthe congrees and,what could-be deo1de4.. - �
On Saterday we were provided. with translatera and given a brief ;.
background of the: party .1 That a f ternoon We both gave epees hos , be fRry.;L:
the congress and further dicuesed the. voesibili,ty .of�deaertere,
living in Denmark as political refUgeeii.:We�do1701114:16eby-exptisi4ting
how ,the removal of 'Nato from Denmark. would be a viotory for' the,
international anti-imperialistic movement.,
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691067
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691067
Wia,.1t followed next as a _ang dicussion abou:Ct the.Ltructuref.-
the Central Committee. 5.,1,011 an election was held fol the members
of the Central Committee..:rt had been decided that the committee
would have 25 members and have at least one from each of the ten
regions Of Denmark. Any minority group that felt it wasn't being
properly represented could claim ten percent of the seats (2 seats)
before the voting began, but would not be able to vote in the
election. No minority group'did this. Everyone was satisfied with
the election and all faction were represented. More than half of .:'
those elected were very active in practical work in thier local
groups. It was the �:oal of the congress to have a large number of
activists on the Central Committeei
..L .
On Sunday ,the final day of the COngresal such things as member,-:-
ship fees and the distribtition 'of fUnds'Were dibUssed,as well as.",'
the party's internationalpolicyl The congress expressed 10s -
solidarity with the leftiSt,movements all_over' the world , They..,
also decided that all of the t6etinga Of the *Central Committee
would be open to every member .. .
' �is�
': �
after the congress we went tOse6Ybomeon'e who 'helps deserter
get from Germany to Sweden. Ilf&dicussed problems and the,. . � � ..C:' :: .
possibility of having a new deserter coming' from-Germany_asking for
political asylum in Denmark.
. r � .�,.
The trip was informative and serves as'more groundwork in, opening . I e-,
another country for deserters. -Rod Huth and John McLoughlin
II ' . ..
Last ThurSday. I.returned frOm a tour of EurOpe,Checking�out ther,..
possibilities'fOrd.i.serters rand establishing contact and solid-
arity with::Other-antiimPerialiat groups around Europe.Usina my c..:.r..4
Swedish Aliens aasPort for all but two countrlesexperianced -
ouch things as order crossings, york. and reSidence,.fermittrl
housing,jobs,edUcationpolitical.activity,Contaots and most-Of all.
safety from the long arm of the ,IUS militarrand its NATO puppets.:
� � _
Sinne the trip took two months of intensive tiMveling and researchir
it would be, almost impossible to cover mY ekperiances accuratly..�. J::.
in just one issue of the PG. I will therfor be writing' an article �:'.
in each issue of the PG coveriing my trip in detail so that it
will serve (I hope) not only. as good reading, but alsp,as a guide.
for those of planning e .vacation this suMmer or for thoaetof you
thinking of permanent residence elsewhere. I even, have maps, time-,,,
c,ables and prices' from place to place.(If your wond4ring, I was a .:,..
Travel agent before entering the .1rmy.) If you find it necessary.
to split .right away orfor any detail not covered in my articles,
you can contact' me�AAfthe, I,I).0. office. . ..
. . :
''' � . . :
,. . � . .. - ".�:,x,,
,. .
.. ,
REMEMBER; You are no loner an American. in-Nixoe's Ameri.Pq.:, "1.'.*0 �
� You are a Man in Your World - � ... . : .- 14 .,, .1.
Enjoy It .,.,....,,7
Waiter Marshall. '
Approved for Release: 2018/06/18 C00691067