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Publication Date: 
July 11, 1972
PDF icon CONTACT REPORT - ROBERT F[15816479].pdf137.77 KB
Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C00660768 (When Fl cd In) FILE NUMOERs. CONTACT REPORT ORGANIZATION (Nome & full address) Robert R. Mullen and Company Washington, D. C. 11 July 1972 (b)(1) (b)(3) NAME OF "ONTACT TITLE DATE OF Et,NTACT Robert F. Bennett President 10 July 1972 CONTACTED Wei CCS/CCB (b)(1) (b)(3) 1PURPOSE OF COW:ACT Appearance of Robert R. Mullen & Company Executive, Robert F. Bennett, before the Grand. Jury. ACTION REQUIRED SUMMARY OF FiCSI.WLTS, 1. Mr. Robert F. Bennett, president of Robert R. Mullen and Company, met with of CCS/CCB at noon on 10 July 1972, at Mr. Bennett's request. Mr. Bennett said that he wished to bring the Agency up to date on developments concerning E. Howard Hunt and the "Watergate Five." 2. Mr. Bennett related that prior to his appearance at the Grand Jury proceedings last week he had received a subpoena for the company 'records because of the employment of E. Howard Hunt by the company and Mr. Hunt's involvement in the "Watergate Five" affair. Mr. Bennett said that he brought with him to a private meeting before the hearing only records relating directly to Mr. Hunt and that he had informed the U. S. Attorney, Mr. Siebert (phonetic), that a van would be required to bring all records of the company relating to matters in which Mr. Hunt � had become involved. Mr. Bennett advised the U. S. Attorney that he . was willing to bring in all the records if desired or specific additional ones if requested. The U. S. Attorney was satisfied with the records brought in by Mr. Bennett. .s/4/52- 3. Mr.,rt then asked Mr. Bennett whether newspaper reports that the company was involved with CIA were true. Mr. Bennett resprnded that he had not scen any such stories. At this point another member of the U. S. Attorney's staff suggested to Mr. Siebert that he had confused the newspaper items with information he had read in FBI reports. Mr. Siebert conceded that this was probably true. NUJICE 1 E::EW,T1 1:13;i; !CLASSIFIED BY i;SENSlTIVE ;NTEIIIUTXE SOURCES "' ' METHODS INVOLVED CONTINUE.04 SEPARATE sNEETS AS NECESSARY ' IL -1\IND 9 324 Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C00660768 Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C00660768 : "4- rnr, c�-�-�:�/- 1��� � ANEW 44 4. Mr. Bennett said that inasmuch as it was obvious from the FBI reports that the U. S. Attorney was aware that there is a current relationship between the company and CIA, he had therefore stated that the current Agency relationship has absolutely no con- nection with the "Watergate Five" incident. During the approximate one-hour meeting with the U. S. Attorney, they agreed upon the � questions which were to be asked and Mr. Bennett's responses. The especially pertinent question related to the Mullen Company's activities with the Agency upon mutual agreement was phrased "Is your company working with the CIA in this Country?" Mr. Bennett said that any question involving overseas association would have required him to respond in the affirmative. By arrangement with Mr. Siebert, this question was not asked. The Grand Jury questioning of Mr. Bennett did reveal that the Mullen Company had done some work for Radio Free Cuba in the 60's, but this was not considered unusual. in view of the political climate at the time. Mr. Bennett said that he had been commended by Mr. Siebert for his forthright responses and behavior during the hearing. S. Concerning the appearance of Douglas Caddy before the Grand Jury, Mr. Bennett said that if Caddy had stopped his recitation when he said he had no knowledge of the association between CIA and the Mullen Company there would not have been repercussions caused by his unnecessary additional corment that he had intimations that the company did work for CIA. It then became necessary for Mr. Caddy to say he was unable to discuss the "intimations." 6.� Mr. Bennett believes that there is now no danger to the two cover arrangements presently in being unless Mr. Hunt "spills his guts." He suggested that Hunt might take one or two courses. Ne could either take the Fifth Amendment and take his lumps, including possible imprisonment or because he is somewhat of an egotist, he could just go on and become a nationally and internationally famous person. Apart from his concern over the nature of Mr. Hunt's possi- ble revelations, Mr. Bennett was thoroughly relaxed and prepared to continue the present cover arrangement. I. Mr. Bennett plans to be at the Democratic Convention in Miami from Monday night through Friday, 14 July. He expects that Mr. Mullen will return from his trip to the Far East on the afternoon er evening of Tuesday, 11 July. -NND 9 7 Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C00660768