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Publication Date: 
June 19, 1972
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Approved for Release: 2023/03/28 C00573351 1 9 JUN 1972 . MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director/Comptroller VIA Acting Deputy Director for Plans SUBJECT Persons Arrested in Connection with ET.try into Democratic National Committee - /Headquarters 1. . This memorandum is for the information of the Executive'Director/Cpmptrollet. : 2.. .Attached are pertinent traces on three individuals arrested in connection with the entry into. the.Democratic National Convention headquarters. The first individual, Mr. Frank Anthony'Sturgis,� has never, had a contractual relationship with the Agency. The second person, Mr: Bernard L.' Barker, worked with the Agency from mid-1959 and was . terminated as an agent 'on .31. July 1966. Mr. Eugenio Rolando Martinez Careaga is currently under a' $100 monthly retainer fee as an informant for the Miami Station. � 3: We are in possession of the three 201 files and continue to study them for additional details: We have called for pertinent .operational files from Attachments Theodore G. Shackley Chief . Western Hemisphere Division (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2023/03/28 C00573351 Approved for Release: 2023/03/28 C00573351 MEMORANDUM Frank Anthony Sturgis:- Mr. Sturgis was born 9 December 1924 in Norfolk, Virginia. - He has the following alieses: Frank Fiorini, Fred Frank Fiorini, Fred Attile, Frank Campbell, Frank Attila, :,n.d-3 Frank 2.onel1i. He was honorably discharzed from the Following services: . U.S. Narine Crops in which he served from 1942-45, usNa from 1947 to 1943, U.S. Army 1948 to 1949: According to an FTII report he was arrested in Cuba by Cuban .authorities in�July 1953 as courier from the U.S. for Cuban rcb-cis. Iii 1059 he was Captain in the Cuban Army and a government inspector of gambling at the Tropicana Night Club in Havana.Her became disillusioned with Castro and returned to .the U.S. fr2 was forded a special hearing by the INS Miami in February 1960 ra7arding possible .deportation on the basis that he voInntarily exnatriated himself through service in the � .Cuban Al-tted Forces subsequent to January 1959.. It was restored 14 months later. In May 195! he was involved with .a group ;of Cubans � who were to narticipate in an invasion of Cuba. It December 1960 an FBI informant who. lived with Sturgis at that time said Sturgis claimed he was working with and being sponsored by the Agency for some future military action against the Government of Cuba: His photo was on the cover of the Washington Poat Patatle� section in 1961 as a soldier of fortune. i!e described his. Caribbean experiencPs to Jack Anderson of Parade. In 191 Sturgis headed an organization called the International Anticointunist Brigade which he claimed had 5,000 men. -4e has been involved with Gerald Patrick Femming who is head of the Intercontinental Penetration Forces, another anti-Castro groun. He flew in an anti-Castro leEflet dropping mission over Camnguev, Cuba in October 1961. S10,000 for. the leaflets reportedly came From julio Lobo who has been an Agency contact. .fr. Sturgis has never been recruited by the Agency, but has been associated with Mr. Eugenio Rolando MARTINEZ Careaga,,an Agency contract agent, since the. early .1960's. In 1968 he resided in NW Miami and was employed as a used car salesman by G.M. Used Cars, Miami. An FBI report dated 4 Ari1 1969 said that Sturgis a weal known American mercenary and soldier of fortune had participated in Cuban re:-5olutionary activities for the past ten years, on 1 November 1968 admitted he recruited twelve American adventurers and r,iercenaries for military activities against Cuba. In September -63 they net in '.exico and set up a military traininq; camp. Later they boarded a boat and about two days later ran aground near r'eli.z.e, Ti.ritish Honduras. Approved for Release: 2023/03/28 C00573351 Approved for Release: 2023/03/28 C00573351 - 7 - After beincz arrested in British flonduras they were deported back to t'tle U.S. Approved for Release: 2023/03/28 C00573351 Approved for Release: 2023/03/28 C00573351 MEMORANDUM Bernard L. Barker Bernard L. Barker is a former Captain in the USAF in World War II and has been actively cooperating with the Agency dnce 1959 in Havana and Miami. He was a regular contact of the FBI in Cuba when turned over to the CIA in mid-1959. He was used as source of political information in Cuba, evacuated from Cuba in early 1960 and arrived in the Miami area in January 1960. He was hired by Station JMWAVE in April 1960. He was widely known among Cuban exiles as being affiliated with CIA. He was used by Station JMWAVE-to report on Cuban exile activities with emphais concerning iMpending exile raids against.Cuba. He was trained in surveillance techniques and used to make casing reports., At one time he lost his U.S. citizenship as a result of accepting a position with the Cfliqn Police Department. His U.S. citizenship has beenirestored. He was terminated as.. a IMWAVE contact agent on!31 July 1966 to accept employlluit by the Rauland Corporation, a subsidiary of the Zenith Radio Corp. in Chicago. Approved for Release: 2023/03/28 C00573351 Approved for Release: 2023/03/28 C00573351 in MEMORANDUM Eugenio Rolando MARTINEZ Careaga: Mr. Martinez is a 49 year old naturalized U.S. citizen of Cuban birth. Educated at the University of Havana, he has a BS degree and two years' additional work-in the School of Medicine. Previously married to a Cuban from whom he is divorced, his current wife is U.S. born. From recruitment by Station JMWAVE in January 1961 to 1969 he was involved in maritime operations and served aboard vessels as gunner, mate and captain. Upon termination 1969 of the maritime project to which he was assigned he was retained as an Fl collection asset because of his excellent contacts in the exile community. Met by his WH/Miami case officer regularly, the last meeting was on 6 June 1972. The case officer has been unable to contact him since 14 June. In addition to reporting on activities of exile r.oulos he is also involved in investigative work. (b)(1) (b)(3) Mr. Martinez is a real estate partner ot Mr. Bernard L. Barker, also implicated in the plot. A preliminary damage assessment from Station WH/Miami indicates that Mr. Martinez, if he decided to talk, could reveal that he is receiving $100 a month from Miami Station to report on the .activities of Alpha 66 and other exile groups in the Miami area, and that he received $8,100 per year previously on a full time basis. *persons presently involved in True name and physical description of the current COS, Miami, and the alias and physical description of the previous and current case officers. Aliases of a host of former case officers dating back to the early 1960'5 in connection with his maritime activities. In-depth knowledge of Agency maritime "True names of Approved for Release: 2023/03/28 C00573351 I Approved for Release: 2023/03/28 C00573351 - 2 - operations in the past to include extensive names of ersonnel and most of the installations over the last eig years. Approved for Release: 2023/03/28 C00573351