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PDF icon JFK CASE THIRD AGENCY REF[16322774].pdf332.32 KB
13-00000 " . Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 A-2;j AA( ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) 1 CoorL -k-Z ay\ : --N F Y- 0.-4)S4-. SS i1keLAWIn tocwille_K\-� (F-e.i. mcertsk) FROM: Si0...rr tx \-k Okr t e kSe� V\ i ik QUI 0:2902 r /mkG1 4 0 1, aw.e_s EXTENSION Zon k NO. ' DATE S � 3 s- 1_3 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICIAL'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across ciplumn after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1. pci iFio r7 v--E m. ol-k-% 3/29113 /9 if -1 A.....� %ec '3---) For- y V.A r e.0 Fs37 INNew\ 01---kv\ (101-e Y\V�C�tA 0 WO- 0-r �E_ tAo f t� 4-6-D1-iL -lisn -c)g� - 7/A) _ 4 -711-C.O $540-141, ., 't 0 S r-CkAA- ,z.. u-A ) cLvv-. 1 v-- tc . ,. lr. j-c.-- i i 2. . 3. ,f3c..,-0.1. fhtu_sati4''' e_ . _5 y .71,e'a�-� 5. 40 cV Antilt41-- 6. 8. . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. _ FORM a n USE PREVIOUS 1-92 1,0 II %, EDITIONS Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 13-00000 Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 . � 4k14,4 TO 011100101 10100 010. 10 NMI 10113 1000011 010 11001. SOS. MO. I 01/11-.161 UNITED STATES GO ERNMENT Memorandum : Mr. W. C.. Sullivatalli./ FROM : Mr. D. J. Brennan, Jr 011. � ; L...06 twit: 12/23/63 RELATIONS WITH CENTRAL ;NTpLIGENCE . AGENCY (CIA) Id Y4 Reference is made to memorandum dated 12/19/4n,k - Mr. Brennan to Mr. Sullivan. Pursuant to instructiong Age% Pa ch met with John McCone, Director, CIA, on 12/23/G3, to confront the CIO CIA Director with false statements attributed to fiim by Yr. DeLoach's sources The Liaison Agent is reporting this meeting in some detail. .: so tha ou may have full appreciation of all aspects.sX :..,. . A7.ent ?apich advised McCone that LP had a piece of business --2 which neck(i ironing out beforP the end of the year. The Agent ex- nlnined thnt since the assassination of rresident Kennedy, there have 5een various types of stories circulated concerning the case rr, ne evidence collected; that some of these stories could immedi- r\ --% be discounted; and that there was certain information received : he Bureau which very directly affected relations between the �,ureau and CIA, The Agent stated that certain information had reache proportion to be most alarming and that the Agent had requested �::%rmission from Mr. Hoover to discuss the matter with the CIA Directo f ,LicCone.was then told that he was charged with being the 1 kource of information conveyed to a high GoVernment official and to ! Drew Pearson in that he, McCone, had stated that CIA had uncovered I . a plot in Mexico City indicating that Lee Harvey Oswald had receiver : $6,500 to assassinate President Kennedy. The Agent elaborated by i 1 stating that if this were true, McCone had endeavored to leave the impression with certain people that CIA had developed information not !known to the Bureau and, in essence, made the Bureau look ridiculous. I The Agent advised that if McCone had made such statements, we could . ,only assume that he was femploying vicious and underhanded tactics i � ;since he and officials of his agency fully well knew that the story i 'concerning the $6,500 had been proved to be absolutely false. McCone's rjattention was directed to the Alvarado interrogation, Alvarado's admission that he had fabricated the information and the subsequent( 1 - Mr. Belmont . 1 - Mr. DeLoach .... _ DJ 1 :11r. Branigam�. - NOT RECORDED-- . - . � freeL 1 - Mr. Sullivan 1 . , - - c:-...------5/06- :c.........!.:, ,.,.... - .. � . , _ Liaison Etc;fr,2Z170M _ Mr. Papichc. ;.-"7:1_:7:-::-".-:!12.77 -T.----.:7[7-7 - 193 aft 2 1964 22 DEc,31:463f, .. A.e.iiii tfr e,,�../ olg ........ \ ).- " WP:chs . -, / � � .-- A /V-** 1............ ..�d;ir� 4.� 1... --- - sg. - r Cz:into:- ____,.,..! Zrr.:n I ,,..."... _ . DeLc.a, ' � GAt.....,� -.."-7- 117."1 ...,,....."::.:04 :::���:r4,--.- ,,.-- Tei.. �,,,A.,..!'-. Mac ( 7 ) .) ,) . . Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 13-00000 Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 11 '..omo Mr. Brennan to Mr. Sullivan 17e: RELATIONS WITH CIA corroboration of the polygraph.6) McCone was very visibly incensed and left the impression that he might at any moment ask the Agent to leave. After pausing a few moments, he made the following statements:61 (1) He stated that he has never talked to Drem2e2xson in bis li2e.; that he has never sent any kind of mevgage,to ZIEEpon directly or indirectly_and that he does not havA_Any interT4Jkof communicatinct with Pearson. He briefly referred to the fact that he has been the tarret of attacks by Pearson, one of these occurring within the last two weeks.6.;) (2) With regard to the Z16,500 story," McCone advised 1 that as soon as the original report WS received from his people in Mexico City, he contacted Pre41-4Ant Johnson and informed him of the development. He explained to the Presi- dent that this was a matter which required intensive interro- gation of Alvarado and that CIA had coordinated very closely with the FBI. He told the President that Alvarado would be kept in a. safe house by CIA until the FBI was satisfied that . , all necessary investigative action had taken place.-1 (3) McCone advised that he has not been critical of the 1 Bureau; that if he had any criticism he would confer directly � with the Bureau and not get inVolved in malicious gossip. He commented that in connection with the Oswald case, he has encountered people who have been critical of the Bureau dnd the Secret Service and he, McCone, has gone to the defense of both agencies. (5 1-omure th h-atus of - -iny were 1:n vhi h 7'1 ray might PCTION: � McCone was left in an angry mood but he did retain his corn,- ughout. Before the Agent left, McCone inquired about the FBI - CIA relations in general and the Agent replied that satisfactory He also asked about the Director's health tor wa in excellent health. � he Agent answ7reg 071-40-r2.� As indicated abov o statement was made which in any jeopardize the sec ity of Mk. DeLoach's sources. For information. thal2:4gre Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 13-00000 Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 - MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: � i 10 April 1995 Mr. Grant P. Harmon Unit Chief, JFK Taskforce Federal Bureau of Investigation Barry Harrelson, Senior Reviewer Historical Review Group Center for the Study of Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Authenticity of Document 1. This is in response to your request to this office to review the attached document and advise if it is a valid Agency document or something made up using an Agency reports format and information either entirely made up or from other sources. The 3 August 1962 document purports to tie Dorothy Kilgallen, Marilyn Monroe and former Attorney General, Robert Kennedy, together with knowledge of an number of matters, including the plot to kill Castro. 2. Those Agency officers who have reviewed the document consider it to be fra ulent. While the format resembles a "reports" form used in the 1960's, the substantive igormation and presentation is foreign to normal presentaion or collection efforts. Also, the control stamps and other administrative items are not typical of CIA reports written during the 1960's. 3. If you have any further questions in this regard, please call me directly at (703) 351-2909. BH:gb arry Ee:!..)t_7CLRF-1-GI-Azls-4gg-QLIIZ, Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 13-00000 � Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 e*1 BEST COPY AVAILABLE aufrau. IHTnLIG4a ACHEFICT ommo � Om amme glamms Loft irtk all� VAX. Sam "PIP ����� aims viC sr �������� oft& s� sop aiuMw11 sommilln iposeass NOT FOR PUBLICAT1 COUHMIT tusuct � � . . � � � Now Yorke US ���� 11ri ynN.i2.J .� � 3 Attigdr ill 1062: � ." bi e 44. !;:.�.;.'4 .1% 4 . � 13 4 � ; 4E44 � te ill � �.% Mist.k1S. *A� tkp.i 1;� ! s 3 '1-1f-!.��..:.f.� ."*;�ei's � ' Uzi Monroe wciai s�111111111111= WI aiia August 1962 No eaun Irian" ..t 6.DUSr Frogit is' �,) - � .� � � 411144;441L.: woriVrirtvic 6 clot AggEdta_tt, ILt44Wilrb! � 1.� ..14� Rothberg discussed the spparafil-tt.-;jeckjoesiabjseilvithilrilisUen sad the � break up with 'ths�Kennedywolltothbergitold g41 rtailjAssCebe wss'attending Hollywood partion hostuditot mere Alsasieginsaywoodes elite awl words, to tell, noidoobt' ik rising� *bar is trto With . was bsooning the tallt or the tow= Rotbberfindiosted in so that she h may' the President and nano,. Oas itiash-� � mations the _fleit .1;retr President t a secret base flea" Joan's** of inspecting Lthings outer s � Kiliallen replied Ube kneel what nigbt be the of. secret effirt by ctastmed'spaa�aratt and Utiles believed the the late fortissi trrjba eabarreisid.4' f.� source of visit. In the WA-fifties Irengeneiille US end UK mertiments to identifr-V-e�"4--w..q-glear,et dead bedieep Wrest a BritUla goverpesa% offloial� story nay ha* coos frometthe Ilearr.x..ifteh.**orr: � said if the story is troop it rarld Jae. and his plans to have MASA pat am on the ���.� � � . ' 2. Subject repeated'' called the Attorney General and complained about the way she was lkang ignored by the ?resident and irliflorotbar. 3. Subject threatened to hold a press conference sad toyed tell all. tis Subject made vei�trero5 teCtbames'Ijin Cuba and ir.a.4 of the President's plan to11 Castro. 5. Subject made raft-- to herdiary of secretaajand%what the newspapers -would do with.such disclosures. - � � :1 ��- t � iricz . r � 1.117 tis� "� 4 ..4 I � ; . I 4.144/9 . � � . f � -� Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 13-00000 Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 SECRET CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 15 May 1995 MEMORANDUM FOR: Ms. Ellie Neiman DO JFK Review Team FROM: Barry Harrelson Senior Reviewer, CSI/HRG SUBJECT: FBI Request For CIA's Opinion On Proposed FBI Release Of Agent Specific Data 1. The FBI has asked for an Agency respdhse on the following matter. 2. HRG counterparts at the FBI are engaged in serious discussions with representatives of the Review Board concerning withholding the identities of FBI confidential informants. In the course of those negotiations, FBI officers advise they are increasingly concerned about being able to withhold the crypts and, possible even the true names, of three former Soviet agents. Given that view, they believe it would assist their overall efforts and negotiating position if they could release additional information on one or more of the three Soviet-agents. 3. The three former Soviet agents are: a. "TOPHAT" also encrpyted as BOURBON;" true name is provided on sepale attachment. b. EHAmRo.511' true name on attachment. c. "FEDORA" also encrpyted or known as "IRONCLAD" "SCOTCH" AND "JADE;" true name on attachment. 4. Attached are seven documents that the FBI is considering for release. Two of them are CIA documents found in the FBI JFK file. HRG has been unable to locate these documents in the CIA JFK collection. 5. Please provide DO views on the FBI proposal. Atts: A/S - Barry Harrelson SECRET CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 13-00000 Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 SECRET CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY IDEN ATTACHMENT TO 10 MAY 1995 MEMORANDUM The following names and descriptions are keyed to paragraph 3 of the 10 May memornadum: a. result of Ames disclosure. b. Dmitriy Fedorovich POLYAKOV; reportedly died as a _-(s) whether he is dead or alive is not known. c. Aleksiy Isadorovich KULAK (Kulyak ?),; reportedly died of natural causes. SECRET CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 13-00000 Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845 Fg aez _ cCa jeb)(7) mlyi)not e release . His iden-Litv has rrained a secret fok,, (b)(3) Eall years. We do not know if .alive or dead, 10 t-o/ (b)(1) and believe that exposure could damage him _and his family. _ (b)(3) Va. ';171AMIROCK's real name, b. Tom RYAN'sr,jaine should be deleted from the front cover of the LHAMROggvdebriefing. Mr. RYAN retired under cover, and is employed as an intelligence contractor on a sensitive project. c. The name and cover name of should be deleted. itgflf/ Is Fe, (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2023/09/06 C00566845