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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
April 14, 1967
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14-0MM Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 C00555587 D UNiTASSIFIED -:1TERy 4111 . COCDENTIAL. ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET , 90.Y UMACT. PpINWNI FROM: DDP/CA/INT EXTENSION 7486 CSCI 116/01646-67 Dee 11 April 1967 TO Pam desigaM1m. mom Nombei. bwild6wel OAT! IECEIvE0 IalwaRDICE �Friars wows COMMENTS (tkombir osch commom be show EN141 %APR � .0.001. Om.0 u.sacross esker ohne sock ommommt) crnari 1 2 An 1967 it% (110.1 Rro/ri 10. 12. 4- JD IA APR t367 13. 14. . .11�111�11111 ri 07.ST -... - ABSTRACT INDEX 10,1. MT :f.�' 0 SECRET 0 CONFIDENTIAL U Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 C00555587 MINNA St ONLY 0 uNcLASSIFIEn 14-0MM Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 600555587 � 11�� ��, 14 APR 1967 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Security Departasent of State Mitt Deputy Director for Plans a Information on Shirely Graham! DuBois and her son David 1. The following information vas- sugared by a regular, rellab.le source vho spoke vita David DuBois (David McComas). � 2. David DuBois (born David Graham )IOman) has been living in CatiO, Egypt for a number of years and presently vOrks for the Imglish-lenguage service of "Radio Cairo". Despite a natural leftist . bias, beams not seem to be apolitical activist. 3. Dacia said that his mother, ShirleyDrehoeitoBois, also resides in Cairo, at a tommmeryaddress 'mulch be not Totcify. She plans to visit Foot Germany in the near future and hopes to go to Communist China sometime soon. She is very much concerned about his'fatheeit (the late William Edward Burgbardt DuBois) library, in Ohana.which is : legally her property. While Dr. Alphus Bunton retained lei:Mena and esti' he ems expelled, Mrs. Mots VIA not aonoernedebout the libroryi homer, she has now asked an American lawyer (not identified) to in- Wire into the courses of action she might take to recover the Library. According to Mowl4 Mole, all of the RocyolopediaWricena files ere,. still inlabfmas. He and his mother believe that theMER-htates 'Government or An/Arisen private foundations might take over the encyclopedia project. lie stated that if the publication is completed, it would hats a pOmerful influmnoe in African education for eamy generations. owl 30/o1M-467 DDP/CA/INT/BJ,ikeont ul(1Apr ) q- Coordinated v/A7/345/A lasvpre,t37)015.; 0*A 22 14.roh 1967 /081130NY/1) you ! f.,I OL ) war Distributions lute* lin ar.ainiti 0140011j e14 Orig. Ii 1 - Addressee I. � Cl/I0 elowffloold . . 1 � Ittp/ruso (201.271141) t Av/34,/g ox/Lnm 0A/SH0 OZNIA 1-CA/Cr a i cA/m110 arel tio Approved for Release: 2022/08/05 C00555587 RETURN TO CIA Background Use Only. , Do Not Reproduce 1 1