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Publication Date:
June 21, 1972
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CORRESPONDENCE ON R.R. MU[15816496].pdf | 130.79 KB |
Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C00497329
Correspondence on R. R. Mullen Company to the FBI by Security
Ads e (original)
Things moved somewhat faster
than I was aware of. Attached
hereto is the memorandum that
we provided the Office of Security
yesterday afternoon (Tab A, C/CCB,
20 June 72). It =lines our relation-
ship with the Robert R. Mullen
Company and with General Foods
Corporation. Based on our
memorandum, the Office of Security
prepared 3 separate memoranda
on the Robert R. Mullen Company,
General Foods Corporation and the
Association of National Advertisers
and CIF. (Tabs B, C and D)
I understand from the Office of
Security that the Exeeutive
Director-Comptroller authorized
the release of the 3 memoranda
to the Acting Director of the FBI
just this morning.
4 Atts: A/S
(Mullen C/CCS Chrono(b)(1)
Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C00497329
Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C00497329
A 0
20 June 1972
MEMORANDUM FOR: Office of Security
ATTENTION : Fred Evans
SUBJECT CIA Utilization of the Robert R. Mullen Company
1. The utilization of Robert R. Mullen and Company dates
back to June 1963 and grew out of the recommendation of Mr.
1 a long time cooperative CIA asset. Mr. Mullen has
provided cover for the following:
2. In addition, Mr. Mullen was instrumental in the formation (b)(3)
of the Cuban Freedom Committee at the request of Mr. Richard Bissell.
Mr. Mullen managed to keep a low profile in this committee and
avoided public identification with it, except that his company (b)(1)
prepared some brochures for the committee. Also he was the original (WM
owner of the Intercontinental Research Company. Inc..
for its and (b)(1)
ol 1.110 11TSt casualties of Mr. Mullen's name (b)(3)
did not surface in that context.
Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C00497329
Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C00497329
3. As of 1 May 1970, Mr. E. Howard Hunt, who had just
retired from CIA, became a legitimate employee of Mr. Mullen. Mr.
Hunt was an overt CIA employee from November 1949 - December 1950ikw1
November 1953.- January 1954; October 1956 - January 1957; and
July 1960 - September 1966. In July 1971, Mr. Hunt informed � MP)
Central Cover Staff that he had been assigned to the President's
white House Staff but continued to devote )art of his time to the
mullen Company., Mr. Hunt is aware of Ppresent cover place-
ments undor Robert R. Mullen and Comp
4. Another part-time employee, Mullen's
bookkeeper and accountant, is a retired CIA finance officer.,
5. Aside from a brief use of correspondents in France and (W(1)
Tokyo in the past, the Mullen Company's overseas efforts have been (b)(3)
largely in the service of providing CIA cover.
6. Central Cover Staff records reveal no compromise of CIA's (b)(1)
continuing use of Mr. Mullen and his company. Investigation of (b)(3)
Ir. Mullen's activities abroad would reveal the oneninc: and
closinn of Mullen branch offices in
and the current employment of staff agents and
The staff agent currently under cover has
uninterrupted emplo ment with the Mullen Company for almost eight
years. Since 1963,L lof the Mullen Company have boon
cleared and made witting.
7. Central Cover Stair has no knowledge of Mullen's connections
with the Association of National Advertisers or CIF. INTERPROCRES (W(1)
is a new subsidiary of the Mullen Company formed in 1971 as a result (b)(3)
of contacts developed at the Zagreb Trade Fair in Yugoslavia. It is
a pilot operation aimed texJndi1ca5t-%zestoerciaLrLirion e
ships. Both present
have tangential tasks at promoting the acceptance of this company 0:0(3)
as a Mullen subsidiary.
� (b)(3)
8. Mullen has as one of its clients the General Foods Corpora-030)
don headquartered in White Plains, New York. This firs has providee
cover for the following:
4 t�:.:1413r4., i;
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Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C00497329
Over the years because of personnel changes, .of the
General Foods Corporation have been cleared. Needless to say,
General Foods Corporation is not aware of our cover use of the
Mullen Company nor is Mullen aware of out use of General Foods.
Central Cover Staff
Corporate Cover Branch
Approved for Release: 2020/08/14 C00497329