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Publication Date: 
January 14, 1963
PDF icon JFK Case MF GARRISON AND [16083003].pdf161.35 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/06/30 C00487224 BEST COPY AVAILABLE ott, APPROVED FOR RELEASE 1994 ii5TORICAL REVIEW PROGRAM 14 JAk 19:=3 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director Federal Bureau of Investigatioa Attention: Mr. S. J. Papich SUBJECT : GARRISON and the Kennedy Assassination: Bernard FENSTERYrALD et al I. A Washington UPI dispatch of 3 Jansary 1969 reads as follows: Washington -- New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison is OW of seven board meznbers of a new national coreelittee to inveetigate assassinations which is being formed here. Bernard Fensterwald. 47, of Arlington. Vs.. another board member. said the coeunittee's purpose is "To embarrass or force the governrnent to make investigsttions they have been putting off since Nov. 22, .1963." That was the date of 'President Kerineees assassination Fensterwald. who said he was setting up an office which would open in a week, left the senate earlier this week after 12 years as counsel for -several cniornittees. "The co:en:Wee will concentrate on the three best known assassinations -- President Kennedy. Senator Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther Kine -- but will leave its options open on eon. *titer rather mysterious deaths." he said. Our position is there was a conspiracy iu Dallas. there were strong footprints of a conspiracy in Ma-phis where Dr. King was shot and nobody really knows nauch about what went on in Los Angeles (where Senator Kennedy was slain) but we intend to look." pproved for Release: 2022/06/30 C00487224 Approved for Release: 2022/06/30 C00487224 Ha said tbe co:e:f.ittee hoped to find .;ri.ate floaueial support to hire a proles:eternal *tali for its tills cstigattaos. Other board trteeibers, said ienaterwaid. include Bill ?erne? of an Francisco1 a former FBI agent. Richard Sprague of Hartsdale. N. Y.. a contputer ex:Jert: Fred J. Cook. Znglewood. N.J., author; Lloyd Tupling. associated with the Sierra Club hera. and Paris Flar.-,e:ostde. a New York writer ','ho will have a book out next WOOK. on aase.ssinationa. Light ntore board member* will be mauled later. Feasterviald said. 2. WilliainTurner and Fred J. Cook are well kerek.n to yott. Paris laentnande appears in the January 1969 issue 01 E,ergreen as the author of an article entitled "Why President Kennedy vt as Killed'. His book The Kennedy Cons-iiracy ha* been published by Meredith Press. Nov: York. The dust cover of the book states that Flaonde was for trteny years the producer of the Long John Nebel radio show. Wo have no record of him. 3. Reference in made to your tnernorandnro. New York office, 24 August I 6. subject: Blanche .Fensterwald, *leo known as: Mrs. Bernard Fenetterwald. Ifte shotdd be grateful if you can deter:nine whether the Barnard Feneterwald who appeare in this report is identical with the 47 year old Bernard Fenaterwald cited in the-UPI dispatch. If so. any additional information is also requested. 4. Our records show that Richard Sprague, a n.anagepeent consultant and photographic researcher. :if:peered in a New York TI en article of 24 Afay 19Z13 in which he claitned tNet within an hour of the assassination of President Kennedy three men r:-.;ay have been pulled off freleht cars in a railroad yard near Dealy Plara. 1.e have no farther identiiiable record at biz-1. Vie also have rto record of Lloyd Tupliail. We should be crateful for any further infer-nation about Sprague, Tuplinz, or Flaen:nonde. FOR THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR LA NS: JA3.4.E.S ANGLETON CSCI-31 6/001 O31,9 _Approved for Release: 2022/06/30 C00487224_ Approved for Release: 2022/06/30 C00487224 C::, DC/CUR:SA:DEP:att.:an 13 January 1969 Distribution: Orig lc 1 � FBI 1 - C/CI 1 Office of General Counsel 1 - C1/1.�SN 1 � CSC; file CURtEA chrono 1 - DP Garrison flle 1 - RID -- Z01-12.6596 Approved for Release: 2022/06/30 C00487224 Approved for Release: 2022/06/30 C00487224 - 1 I (1 7/1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, Domestic Contact Service � SUBJECT Garrison and the Kennedy Assassination V. 11lian Clarena WOOD Jr., alias William BOXLEY. Z01.83427 REFERENCE Cl/R&A Memorandum, subject as above, 3 January 1969 1. It is requested that the Domestic Contact Service office at Subject's present location tell him the following: "We have been informed of the telephone calla that you made on 27 and 28 December 1968. In these calla you stated that you had information which you wish to communicate. If this is still the case, we.are prepared to listen. Or if you prefer, you may of course go to the FBI." Z. If Subject then appears at the DCS office, whatever he has to say should bo noted without comment, and reported. Representatives of the DCS office should take no initiative beyond stating that WOODts information will be forwarded to the proper authorities. 3. We do not know WOOD's present location. During the 27 December call (para. 13a of reference) he said that he was in Dallas. A New Orleans Times-Picayune article of 12 December 1966 said that "BOXLEY" was contacted by that newspaper in Austin, Texas. A DCS report of 26 April 1968 (IIOU-30-68), subject: "Bill Wood, Agent for prpr::ni y i roved for Release: 2022/06/30 C00487224 Approved for Release: 2022/06/30 C00487224 Jim Garrison, Making-Inquiries in Dallas". noted that WOOD was in Dallas as Of that time but had been in touch with the Houston office in early 1967. In 1967 Subject was executive vice president Of the Houston Tribune Publishing Company.. Subject's father. William Clarence WOOD Sr.. is a banker in Lubbock, Texas (Lubbock National Ban)). Subject's middle name has been reported as both- Clarence and Clasen/. � 4. It is recognised that Subject's wish to establish contact with 1.,ay result from personal animosity toward the Agency (see paragraph 4 of re(erence). from attempted provocation by Garrison,, or from both. It is considered, however, that as long as our role remains passive and non-committal, there is no major risk involved in determining whether he has significant security information to communicate. Donovan E. Pratt DC/Cl/R&A Orig & 1 - Director. DCS 1 - OGC 1 - DC/CI 1 - Clift&A/chrono r - DP for WOOD ale pproved for Release: 2022/06/30 C00487224