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Document Creation Date: 
January 23, 2025
Document Release Date: 
August 23, 2000
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Publication Date: 
November 18, 1952
PDF icon ON 18 NOVEMBER 1952, SI A[10382211].pdf102.83 KB
18 November 1952 (lhesday) MilWls e o attend this session. e e On 18 November. 1952, SI an *mentati ng In view of the success of the experiment of 28 October 1952 in which the subjects maintained a deep hypnotic state, carried out�ir- tensi e tc: for 45 minutes, it was decided to test n a s ar d more c lex operation. o m e a es , �o ere given a routine induction test and gi g es ion o a mo deeper test immedi- � ately following. � The second and. more important te-st of the evening was them ex- allewriter ran both subjects into a deep hypnotic s ith y s an act in a normal manner while in a deep trance state. The e t the room and the writer had both subjects open t eir present. After the deep state had been reached, reviously told the subjectSthv weraoing to meet upon awakening, introduce bjects and instructed the subjec ould e writer then left the room. agreement then had both subjects go to the ladies room, put on the ata and coats, sign out and get into his automob followed the subjects (still in a deep trance) an proceded to the writer's apartment. The wr car, entered the apartment and closed the door. nstrteted the subjects"to-go to the apartment where t y wou e met by a gentleman.they had never seen before. The subjects entered the writer's apartment and a pre-arranged conversation took place with the subjects in a deep sleep state. Thereafter, the writer instructed both-sub- jects to go into the bedroom and lie down upon one ,of the twin beds. Each gubject did this and on instruction when they'reached the bed thevwent faat asleep. Thereafter the subjects were fully awakened by nd there reactionsmere noted. , were extremely startled, particularly so of who had previously visited the writer's apart- had some idea that the place was. familiar to ttd she ere. no knowledge e was or how ated that iad partially during the rip an e had returnedmer to a deeper sleep enable him to carry out the rest of the experiment. her. she arrive awakened state to APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: CCX7) In general, the experiment may be re.garded. as successful as the sults were achieved by md particularly since as never been a good hyp1T.ic sy ect. For matter of recora, cn1 s was the first in a series of experiment along these lines, testing � the reactions of hypnotic individuals over considerable space and time and as to how_much outside interference can be felt without,awdkening the subjects from a deep sleep state. Furthermore, these experiments are designed to see how "normal" individuals in a deep sleep state can appear while acting in a routine manner or in a state of normal social conduct. /