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PDF icon ORGANIZATIONAL GENEALOGY [15826189].pdf451.88 KB
Approved forRelease: 2020/09/28 C00425574 � - 1-4} ThillEll'Elt has been approved for reloase thmigh the HISTORICAL V.7*.i:Y4 PR:7!.M of the Central Intelligence Agsacy. AAA 1;6,7 Date /4/4/et� co *aft 28 June 1957 M. P. C. Organizational "Genealogy" of 2/Dci, 1953-1v6 The historical outline presented below is intended to provide one type of background information for the purely administrative and organizational aspects of CIA's history, during the period from February 1953 (when Mr. Allen W. allies succeeded General W. Bedell Smith as DCI) to December 1956 (which has been decided as the cut-off date for the Historical Staff's projected studies for the first period of Mi. Dulles' administration). This outline is what might be called a "genealogical" summary of the internal organizational changes in the Director's office during those four years. Insofar as the finished history will be concerned with strictly internal organizational matters, this outline can be used directly as a draft of thai7part of the history, after the facts and conclusions below have been further verified, revised, and documented. More importantly, however, the chancing organizational nomenclature outlined below will be useful in a practical way as a tool for helping to understand, historically, the various types of trans- actions and documents which were handled by the Director's office between 1953 and 1956, and to understand something of the administrative channels and chain or command which were involved in CIA's intelligence, opera- uional, and suport activities. The summary below is note however, a historical appreciation of how these various offices actually worked together (or separately) in practice, nor what their juriscJictional lines were, how they influenced the policies and programs of the Agency � pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 Approved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 during these years, nor how they served the DCI within CIA and among the IAC member agencies. (These are all substantive historical problems requiring further study.) The summary below is based primarily on a collation of the 17 ' quarterly editions of the Agency's telephone directories from January 1953 to January 1957.1 in the absence, in all but a very few cases, of any CIA Notices or Regulations announcing intra-0/DCI changes, the telephone directories emerge as a principal historical source for such "genealogical" information on the 0/DCI. The organizational structure as reflected in those directories has not as yet been verified, however, except in a few cases where rescinded Notices (on file in the Historical Staff) have been used to document a given change of position or an appointment to a given position. In conclusion, it appears (from the directories) that there were relatively few organizational changes in 0/DCI, and that there were actually no essential changes in the basic reputy Directorate structure that was inherited by Mr. Dulles from General Smith's time, in which Mr. Dulles himself had been a major participant. Fundamental to the entire period 1953-56 is the fact that six principal officers continued, as before, as the major elements in 0/DCI. These officers were consistently listed in the following order of rank, in the telephme directories, with the exception of the IC, noted below. LiTelephone Directory, Central Intelligence Agency," ,ecret, eds. for Jan. 1953 thru July 1957, inclusive, on file in CIA Records Center. Photocopies of the "classified" directory section (that is, the listings of the various CIA offices) were obtained from the Records Center in April 1957, and are in 0/DCIALD, filed under "CIA...1953-56." 2 441gitt pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 Approved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 .4par XI DDCI UD/P1 DD/I e2 DIVA, renamed and expanded as DD/S in February 1955 ICI (listed in the last positions from January 1953 to July 19511 but in the third positions that is after the DDCIs from January 1955 to January 1957): 1 Lee separate Historical Staff mero on DDIVI group, in preparation. 2 See separate historical Staff memo on nno/s wroups in preparation. - 2a - pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 111111C--,. Approved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 AiNP"r- The DCI, Mr. Allen W. Dulles, was nominated by President Eisen.. hover early in 1953, to replace General Smith, and G4ter confirmation by the Senate he assumed office on February 26, 1953.1 Mr. Dulles had been DCCI since August 1951 (and 11)/P before that, from sometime in December 1950 to late in August 1951), and as the year 1953 opened he was serving as acting DCI� as well, and continued so during most of the period between General 5mith's nomination as Under Secretary of tate and Mr. Dulles' confirmation and oath of office as the new DCI, on February 26, 1953.2 Mr. Dulles' tenure since February 26, 1953, has been uninterrupted. During his official absences the 1)CI and other Deputies have served as acting DCI, but a complete list of those absences and of his temporary substitutes has not as yet been compiled by the Historical Staff, Deputy Direcors In the first weeks of the 1953-56 period, that is, from January 1 to February 26, 1953, Mr. Dulles was CDCI, having been in that position since August 1951. Thereafter the position of DIX' was vacant (when Me. Dulles became DCI), until April 23, 1953, when General C. F. Cabello previously nominated by President Eisenhower, took office. 1 CIA Notice 31-53, Feb. 26, 1953, unclassified; and Notice 20-189-49, Feb. 26, 1953. 2 The dates of General Smith's nomination as Under secretary of State and of Hr. Dulles' nomination as DCI have not yet been determined. General Lmith's finp) departure from CIA was apparently on February 9, 1953. (See CIA Notice 23-53, Feb. 9, 1953, unclassified.) � 3 � � . ""ettalb..6 pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 � Approved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 .-11Pwry� General Cabal served without interruption as DM; from April 23, 1953, through December 1956 (and beyond that date, to the present time). During those four years he was officially absent only on one occasion (if the CIA Notices can be relied on)--that is, on September 9 and 10, 1956. On that occasion Mr. Huntington Sheldon (regularly Ap/cI) was acting nioci. The position of Deputy Director for Plans (MP), previously established in January 1951, continued uninterrupted from January 1953 through December 1956 (and beyond that date, to the present time). The incuMbent during the entire four years, 1953-56, was Hr. Frank G. Wisner, whose tenure had extended back to Auqust 1951. Mr. Wisner was officially absent on a number of occasions between 1953 and 1956, but the record has not yet been compiled by the historical Staff, and no CIA Notices have been seen on the announcement of an acting DD/P at any time during that period. The position of Deputy Director for Intelligence (Dp/I) was held, during the period 1953-56, initially by Mr. Loftus E. Becker, until February 23, 1953, he having occupied that position since its establish- 2 ment in January 1952. On Becker 's departure from the Agency, he was Presumably Wisner's official absences, and the acting .1)/Pis on those occasions, are to be found mentioned in 1)/P-issued announcements in the "OS" series, rather than in the CIA "Notices" series. 2 Whet,Iler Secker was actually on duty durin7 the entire period Jan. 1 to Feb. 23, 1953, has not been verified. Amory had, on previous occasions, served from time to time as acting 1D/I (e.g., in December 1952). On Feb. 12, i953, Amory was listed (in another source) as "Assistant 7)D/I"; see memo by DCI to i:xecu-Ave =,ecretarys NLC, 12 Feb. 1953, unclassified in D/DCIAR, filed under "RLC." � 14 - pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 Approved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 1116�. replaced by Mr. Robert Amery, Jr. (former AD/RR), who served as 01)/1 1 from February 23, 1953, through December 1956 (and beyond that date, to the present time). Between 1953 and 1956 Amory was absent on a number of occasions, and at those tines one of the AD's in the JD/I group of intelligence offices served as acting DD/I, as follows:2 Feb. 2 to 28, 1954: Huntington Sheldon (AC/Cl), acting DD/I Aug. 9 to 22, 1954: Sheldon again acting DD/I Aug. 30 to sept. 7, 1954: Sheldon again acting DD/I Feb. 12 to March 9, 1955: Sheldon again acting DD/I Aug. 26 to Sept. 6, 1955: George G. Carey (AD/0), acting DD/I Sept. 11 to 25, 1955: Sherman Kent (AD/NE), acting DD/I Aug. 17 to Sept. 10, 1956: Sheldon (AD/CI) again acting DD/I The internal organization of the 0/DDI underwent some changes between 1953 and 1956, and are being listed in a separate Historical Staff memorandum on the 1101/I "geneology," along with the changes among the intelligence offices in the DD/I group. Inspector General The position of Inspector General (IC) was held continuously by Mr. Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, from April 1, 1953, through December 1956 (and beyond that date, to the present tine). With the exception of the first months of 1953, when the position was vacant (on the departure of Mr. Stuart Hedden), it is apparent that Kirkpatrick's tenure spans the CIA Notice P-4-53, Feb. 19, 1953 (effective Feb. 23, 1953), Secret; copy in records of Management Staff, in CIA Records Center. According to another, later CIA Notice (Notice 20-190-1, April 30, 1953, in same file), Amory did not take office as DD/I until May 1, 1953. This date seems to be in error, but should be checked. 2 See rescinded CIA Notices, in OPCl/IIS files. -s - .J440ir=" pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 Approved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 entire period period of Mi.. Dulles' Directorship to date. IM rank, the position of 10 appears at the very end of the list of key officials of the 0/XI, in the telephone directory from January 1953 to July 1954. From January 1955 to January 1957, however, the 10 outranked the three functional Deputy Directors (ED/P, DID/Is and DD/6). In the October 1954 directory, the 10 ia shown, in addition, as supervising the EA/DCI, the four Assist- 1 ants to the D0I� and the two Special Assistants to the DCI. The ID, in addition to performing his established investigative and inspection functions, became Chairman of the CIA Career Service Board (vice the DD/A), on April 2h, 1953. Furthermore, he was given responsibility for the Office of Legislative Liaison, taken over some- time between October 1955 and January 1956 from the DD/S group. The latter change may have occurred about November 2, 1955, when Mr. Norman Paul was announced as the new "Legislative Counsel," replacing Mi. Walter Pforzheiner (transferred to 0/DDI). Finally, between 1953 and 1956 the IC had a number of �Assistants to the IC," who were announced (in various CIA Notices) as follow: Willard Galbraith, Sept. 15, 1953 ff. (also Deputy I0?); terminal date not verified) gone by April 1957. John F. Blake, Sept. 15, 1953 ff. j terminal date, sometime after Jan. 1955, not verified. Paul E. Eckel, May 18, 1954, to date (except for a brief period in Sept. 1956 ff., when he was.assigned to 0/DDS) John B. Routh, June 30, 1954 ff.; terminal date not known (gone by April 1957) Herman F. Heggens Aug. 16, 1954, to about Feb. 1957 (when he was appointed :-eputy IC, replacin2 Galbraith) Richard D. Drains Aug. 23, 1954, to 23 May 1955 Howard J. Osborn, Jan. 21 (or 214?) 1955 ff.; terminal date not known (gone by April 1957) 1 Whether the latter listing of October 1954 was a typohical errors or whether the IG was at that moment substituting for the TI)GI (who at other earlier and later times was regularly shown "over" those ssistants) is a question that should be further cl:ecked and verified in other more reliable historical sources. pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 Approved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 � Wallace H. Dena& May 23, 1955, to date George A. Horkan, Feb. 12 19562 to date Donald Dunford, Feb. 6, 1956, to date Turner T. Shaw, May 15, 19562 to date Executive Assistant to the Director The position of Executive Assistant to the Director (EA/XI) continued uninterrupted durin,g the entire period January 1953-December 19562 and was shown consistently as senior among the DCI's several assistants. The ipcumbent was Mr. John S. Lerman, who had served in the same or comparable position for many years previous. There seems to have been same change in his authority over three support units attached to 0/DCI: Executive Registry; Cable Secretariat; and Message Center. (See below.) Assistants to the DCI Between 1953 and 1956 there were variously three and four Assistants to the Director,* according to the telephone directory. Four such positions were listed in the January 1953 directory; three, from April 1953 through October 1955; and again four, from January 1956 to January 1957 (and currently, in the April 1957 directory* as well). The incumbents were as follows, according to formal CIA Notices on file in the Historical Staff (incumbents are listed chronologically according to dates of tenure, insofar as they are known): a. Stanley J. Grogan, from ept. 1952 to date1 (thus spanning the entire 1953-56 period of CIA's history); b. Frank M. Chapin, dates of tenure not announced: probably 1953 (?) to date; c. Vincent M. Lockhart, from about October 1951t (date from telephone directory) to March 25, 1956; replaced by: 1 In April and July 1956 Colonel Crogants position was called "Special Assistant to the Director (SA/DCI)," in the telephone directory. This may be a typographical error and should be further verified, pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 Approved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 9� � d. John M. Clarke, March 25, 1956, to date; and e. J. Arnold Shaw, Feb. 20, 1956, to date. These several Assistants were all consistently listed (in the telephone directories) as under the DDCI, rather than under the NI' himself. This situation can hardly be correct; historically. In actual practice this status surely varied from one Assistant to another, and perhaps from one project or problem to another. Their relative rank did vary, however, from one directory to another. For example, Chapin's position (and/or that of his predecessor, whoever he was in 1953) appears as no. 2, from January 1953 to January 1954; as no. 1, from April to October 1954; and again as no. 2, from January 1955 to January 1957. Lockhart's position (or that of his predecessor, if any, in 1954) is no. 2 in October 1954, and no. 1$ from January 1955 to January 1956. His successor, Clarke, is shown as no. 1, April�July 1956, and as no. 2, October 1:56-January 1957. Shawls position is shown as no. 3 (of 4), from April 1956 to January 1957. Crogan's position is no. 4, in January 1953; no. 3, from April 1953 to January 1956; and no. 4. April 1956 to January 1957. Whether in actual prac tics there was any relative order or precedence among these several Assistants to the Director is not known, from records so far used by the Historical Staff, Special Assistants to the Director Several new positions of "Special" Assistant to the Director were established between 1953 and 1956: one in July 1953; two by April 195)4; and a fourth by the end of 1956 (appearina, in the telephone directory for the first tins in January 1957). - 8 4fatr� pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 Approved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 Effective July la 1953, .altar R. Wolf (former Dp/A) was appointed Special Assistant to the Director. While this appointment was announced in a CIA Notice, the position does not appear in the subsequent editions of the telephone directory. Similarly, William H. Jackson, who had been appointed "Special Assistant and Senior Consultant" to the DCI in August 19511 presumably continued to remain "on call" as Special Assistant from 1953 on. In any case, there has been seen no Notice, from 1953 on, severing him from that position. Meanwhile he did not, however, appear as actually on duty, in the telephone direct.;ries from January 1953 on. The first Special Assistant to appear in an "on duty" status after January 1953, was the "Special Assistant to the Director" (SAPCI), from about April 1954 to about January 1956. (By April 1956 the position had disappeared from the telephone directory.) The incumbent is not known; his office was located in IC Building. In rank, he regularly appeared at the very end, after the several Assistants to the Director. The second was the "Special Assistant to the Director for Planning 1 and Coordination" (SA/PC/DCI), from about February 1954 and continuing through December 1956 (and thereafter, to the present time). The incumbent was Mr. Richard M. Bissell, Jr. Sometime in July or August 1954 (when OIC was abolished)2 the former AD of OIC, Mr. James Reber, was reassigned from the DD/I group to become Bissell's deputy, and with that shift, some (but not all) of the OIC functions, along with many of its records, were I According to the CIA Notices, Bissell's appointment was effective Feb. 15, 1954; the position appeared in the telephone directory for the first tine in April 1954. 2 :Aas separate memo on 7)1)/I organizational "genealoy," in preparation by the Historical ---taff. 010 16110--- pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 Approved for for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 so� - transferred to SA/PC/DCI. In rank, Nr. Bissell's office ontrAnked the fieiritial Assistants to the Director. from April 1954 on, and was preceded only ay the Executive Assistant. Beginning in April 1956, the SA/PC was shown with a special status, apparently directly nder the Director � and no longer in the DD0I's group of Assistants and special assistants. A third on�duty Special Assistant was appointed some time after October 1956, and was listed for the first time in the January 1957 directory. The incumbent was evidently Lt. Gen. Lucian K. Truscott, Jr., but no formal CIA Notice has been seen, nor any Notice of his earlier position in 0/D0I. In rank, his position preceded the four Assistants, in the directory for January 1957. Support Units in 0/DCI Four support activities continued to be attached to the Director's office, as they had before 1953. Al]. four of them were shown, in the January 1953 directory, as directly under the 'XI himself. Beginning in April 1953 and continuing thereafter, however, they all appeared under the DDCI, except for the Executive Registry, Which was missing entirely from the directory from April 1953 to October 1954. (The latter omission may simply have been a typographical error in the directory.) The Executive Registry, called in January 1953 the "Executive Registry ..ection" and simply Executive Registry (ER) thereafter, had a status directly under the DCI in January 1953. From April 1953 to July 1954, ER was missing entirely from the directory, as mentioned above. From October 1954 to January 1957 (and currently, as well), ER was � 10 � pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 Approved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574 listed as under the EAACIs Who in turn was shown under the DDCI. In practices ER was probably acoountable to the Executive Assistant during the entire period 1953-56. The Cable Secretariat continued without change, under the EAPCI, 'from April 1953 through January 1957 (and to date), and was located, without interruptions in L Bldg. Likewise, the Message Center continued, adjacent to the Cable Secretariat in L Bldg., as a special unit responsible to the EA/XI (under the DDCI). The Historical Staff remained attached to the Assistant to the Director (Go].. Grogan), during the entire period 1953-56. In January 1953 it was listed as directly under the DCI himself rather than under Colonel Grogan; but this is probably a typographical error. bistribution in HS working files, 1953-56: Orig. --"DCIe folder CC --"IG"1/ nOLIP /.12C working papers 11 pproved for Release: 2020/09/28 C00425574