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PDF icon LETTER TO SPECIAL AGENT T[16307867].pdf842.98 KB
Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 BEST COPY AVAILABLE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHING ION, D General Counsel 30 July 1982 erssummesommEr Special Agent Thomas Room 500 300 North Lee Street Alexandria, Virginia Dear Mr. Fitzpatrick: Fitzpatrick 22313-0028 .014 Enclosed you will find answers to 30 questions posed by the FBI and the Department of Justice concerning the expandnd Wilson/Terpil investigation. Since SOW2 or the information contained in the aoswers is sensitive, the CIA expects that .lissemination of the information would be limited to those individuals who are cleared to receive classified information and whr are involved in tho investigation or pronecution of individual.s connected with the Wilson/Terpil case. If you have any questions nin. the CfA'n answers, please feel free to call me at SincerPly, Enclosure � ...�: �� � � � ��� '-�:����:,��� � : It . i: . ....� �,.,� : � ..% 11..:1:1..4:1.� .. .i.i.. � � , ,-t �'.. .4::::.... . ' � '����*�100.--% . �-�-������---� � � �.�,_ �i.� .... alp�����-� - ����������� � � .� .17! M=IIMApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 INQUIRY NO. 1 MUM(All Portions classified =MP What has been the relationship, if any, of Major General Richard V. Secord, USAF (white male, date of birth July 6, 1932, at La Rue, Ohio) with CIA in the past? (His most recent assignment is as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern, African and South Asian Affairs at the Pentagon.) ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency contain the following information responsive to Inquiry No. 1. In March 1966, the Agency cleared Captain Richard V. Secord, USAF, for assi nmPnt as a military detailee to theeralligniall f the then Directorate of Plans. The Air Force detailed Secord for duty with the A enc which be an on 5 AI 66. Secord's assignment to the Agency ended on 16 July 1968, and he returned to his parent military organization. In August 1968, in June 1972, and in October 1975, the Agency granted a security approval for Agency liaison with Secord on a continuing basis at the TOP SECRET level. In"December 1972, the Agency approved Secord for a Visitor-No Escort badge with an expiration date of December 1973. 1111Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 OWZGri7 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 I 1 pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 INQUIRY NO. 2 11111111111111111w (All portions classified im.11111P What has been the relationship, if any, of Erich Fritz Von Marbod (white male, date of birth January 23, 1929, at Wenatchee, Washington) with CIA in the past? (At the time of his retirement on 2 January 1982, Von Marbod was Director of the Defense Secretary Assistance Agency (DSAA) in the Department of Defense at the Pentagon.) ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency contain the following information responsive to Inquiry No. 2. On 26 October 1979, Von Marbod, then Deputy Director of the Defense Securit Assistance A ency, wrote a letter to CIA On 30 October 1979 CIA res onded to Von Mar d 26 October 1979 letter The records reflect no information to indicate any substantive re1ation.bjp between the Agency and Von Marbod in connection with Agency records do7Iiever, indicate EIia knowledge of the Department purchase Soviet materiel Hdd program to Our 1.11111/1NININNII pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Owzivi9 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All portions classified records indicate that Von Marbod as the representative of Defense Supply Assistance Agency was the chief negotiator official procurement transactions of Soviet materiel the in the records further indicate that both CIA Headquarters andigarift did occasionally interface with Von Marbod and members of his mission and were generally informed of his negotiations withgIINIIIMIMMIIIIIMIMIIIP The CIA representative was supportive administratively (political briefings, logistical and communications assistance) as required during Von Marbod's several missions but CIA was not involved in in the �urchas instan gency as su sequ a v sed that the DOD would a e up this matter directly with Additionally, the records indicate that CIA officials were occasionally in contact wit �. .rbod in the la ve s a earl ei hties si ernin on Mar od was the of Defense Brown to Further, a review of the appropriate DO records revealed no information to indicate any relatgishp whatsoever between the Agency and Von Marbod concerning Records Sources: DO, ICS onnt:60 iimmimmimmilimmApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 11111111111111. (All portions classifiedIIIIIIIIIIIIII INQUIRY NO. 3 Did Thomas G. Clines, white male, born August 18, 1928, at Washington, D.C., a former GS-15 Training Officer with CIA, have any CIA assignment which would have placed him in official contact with Secord or Von Marbod, particularly since 1975? ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency contain the following information responsive to Inquiry No. 3. Thomas Clines, assigned to the ' Directorate of Plans ntact with each other Thomas Clines also served in 1977 as Chief of the of 11411/11IP Directorate of Operations. This position would have given him ready access to military intelligence officers acting in a liaison capacity for various Department of Defense intelligence organizations. gp 111111.11111111111.111111111111P Records Sources: DDO, OP, OS Onnru;LI MOMIVIIIIIIMMIRMimenromplimmiermeami., ......m.m...Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All portij! 1!!!!!!!!!!ililli11111111, INQUIRY NO. 4 Did former CIA employee Theodore G. Shackley, Jr., a former supervisor of Clines', have any official contact with Secord and Von Marbod while employed with CIA, particularly since 1975? Answer Shackley served as Chief of Station in Vientiane, Laos, from July 1966 to November 1968. Secord.served.briefly in Vientiane !in August-September 1966. Shackley and Secord thus probably had ,official contact with each other in Vientiane. During July 1966 to November 1968 Shackley, as COS Vientiane, Of1,Qq1-.;641 1111111111111011 pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 0111110111. (All portions classified111111111111111P INQUIRY NO. 5 If Secord or Von Marbod had any CIA relationship, did it at any time involve contact or association with Edwin Paul Wilson, white male, born May 7, 1928, at Nampa, Idaho, a former CIA employee and, if so, the dates and circumstances? AN The information contained in Central Intelligence Agency records concerning any CIA relationship with Richard Secord appears in the the Answer to Inquiry No. 1. The information contained in Central Intelligence Agency records concerning any CIA relationship with Erich Von Marbod appears in the Answer to Inquiry No. 2. None of the information described above concerning any CIA relationship with Secord or Von Marbod indicates that any such relationship involved any contact or association with Edwin Wilson. Moreover, the records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not reflect any contact of any kind between Wilson and Secord or Von Marbod during the period Wilson was employed by the Agency. OnRrIg3 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 inine� (All portions classifie INQUIRY NO. 6 Does CIA possess any information that Secord and Von Marbod were silent partners in a company, name unknown, reportedly previously organized in the United States by Wilson and Shackley? ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not contain information that Secord and Von Marbod were silent partners in a company, name unknown, reportedly previously organized in the United States by Wilson and Shackley. 0 R 4 pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All portions classified 111111111111111, INQUIRY NO. 7 Does CIA have any information that Wilson and Secord worked 'together through Naval Intelligence to sell military equipment to Iran and to obtain Russian and other goods from Libya? ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not reflect that Wilson and Secord worked together through Naval Intelligence to sell military equipment to Iran and to obtain Russian and other goods from Libya. Oflnr;r,5 mmimimApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (Al]. portions classified INQUIRY NO. 8 Were the code names "Jack Frost" or "Red Head" used to represent Von Marbod or Secord in connection with any CIA activity? ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not reflect that the code names "Jack Frost" or "Red Head" were used to represent Von Marbod or Secord in connection with any CIA activity. 11111111111111111P fIR c;c:11 pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 MIMI& IiiiiiiIIIIIIiir (All portions classified INQUIRY NO. 9 Did CIA have any connection with or knowledge of General 'Secord reportedly being provided by Wilson in approximately December, 1978, with a mini-night-vision scope to be taken to Iran? ANSWER The records of the Central Intellilgence Agency do not reflect any CIA connection with or knowledge of General Secord reportedly being provided by Wilson in approximately December, 1978, with a mini-night-vision scope to be taken to Iran. Onilnc7 pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All portions cillaisisii!!!!41111 11116111U11111 INQUIRY NO. 10 Was a reported meeting in early 1980 in Brussels Belgium between Secord, Clines and Wilson and in connection with any CIA activity? ANSWER Central Intelligence Agency records do not reflect any information regarding such a meeting. 11111116 immiumApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 ormr:8 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (Ali portiO1 1!!!!!!!!!!"1111111111i INQUIRY NO. 11 In connection with any CIA activity, did Secord work for a high-ranking United States official, code named "Red Head"? AN The records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not reflect that Secord worked for any high-ranking United States official code named "Red Head" in connection with any CIA activity. a11111111111111111111ftwas MIIIIIIII.N.mApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 011S1:1-9 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 MEM 11.11111111 (All portions classified INQUIRY NO. 12 Were the following companies financed and/or set up by CIA for any activity, or were they in any way associated in the past Or presently with CIA operations: A.P.I. Distributors, Incorporated (API), 1911 North Fort Myer Drive, Arlington, Virginia; Egyptian American Transport and Service Corporation (EATSCO), 7777 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia; International Research and Trade Limited (IRT), 1911 North Fort Myer Drive, Arlington, Virginia; Research Associated International Limited (RAI), 1911 North Fort Myer Drive, Arlington, Virginia; Systems Engineering International Corporation (SEICO), possibly at 7777 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia; Systems Services International, Incorporated (SSI), 1911 North Fort Myer Drive, Arlington, Virigina; R. G. Hobelmann Co., Baltimore, Maryland? ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency contain the following information responsive to Inquiry No. 12. None of the firms listed in Inquiry No. 12 were financed or in any way supported by or associated with the Agency. Agency records based on interviews in the course of an internal investigation indicate that: (1) API was established by Thomas Clines shortly after he retired from the Agency. (2) EATSCO was established by Thomas Clines jointly with Husayn Salim, an Egyptian national. (3) IRT is reported to have been established by Thonas Clines. (4) RAI was a business established by Theodore Shackley after his retirement from the Agency. onRG70 simmumnimmimmApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 NAM 11111111111110, (All portions classified (5) SSI is a firm established by Thomas dines for purposes of conducting business in the security field. Records Sources: IC 1111111110111111111111111 50(c 0005(10.1.10.- 00f1r,eil pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 1111111, (All portions classifie 11111. INQUIRY NO. 13 ' If any of the above (Inquiry No. 12) companies were in any manner associated with CIA, does CIA possess any information that Secord, Von Marbod or Clines had any CIA-related association with any of those companies? ANSWER As stated in answer to Inquiry No. 12, the records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not reflect any CIA association with any of the companies listed in Inquiry No. 12. Of),(4w72 okpproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All porti olisilicillaisillile911111111111111 INQUIRY NO. 14 Is CIA in possession of any information indicating that a reported meeting between Clines, Von Marbod, Secord and Shackley in Virginia, in 1978, was in connection with any CIA activity? ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not indicate that a reported meeting between Clines, Von Marbod, Secord and Shackley in Virginia, in 1978, was in connection with any CIA activity. (Y1RW73 im.......mmmiApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 INQUIRY NO. 15 111111111111M (Ali portions classified 111111111111P Were Secord and Von Marbod paid cash on any occasion in connection with any assignment or work with CIA, or association with with CIA, and in particular, is there any information regarding any payments possibly made to them by Clines. If payments were made, it is requested that the dates, places, amount and nature of the basis for the payment be provided. ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not reflect that Secord or Von Marbod was paid cash on any occasion in connection with any assignment or work with CIA, or in association with CIA. The records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not reflect that Clines made any payments to Secord or Von Marbod. MOW pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Of1R11'74 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 � __alai:dlalagrerrelite:%rrr f21:= .4: Icer!.-rr---vvrp-- Li (All portions classifie INQUIRY NO. 16 Has CIA utilized Secord or Von Marbod to arrange shipping contracts for any companies, particularly for any of the companies mentioned in Inquiry No. 12? ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not reflec that CIA has utilized Secord or Von Marbod to arrange shipping contracts for any companies. OfingrP5 MMIIMINApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 1111111111111110 (All portions classified INQUIRY NO. 17 Does CIA have any information that Secord and Von Marbod were paid cash on a regular basis for assistance in obtaining any United States Government contracts, particularly in connection with any association with Clines? ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not reflect that Secord and/or Von Marbod were paid cash on a regular basis for assistance in obtaining any United States Government contracts. 001-1nriti o1/4pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 � � �4, ea_ ��1�S INQUIRY NO. 18 111111110111r (All portions classified 111111111111111. Was CIA associated in any manner with possible payment of cash to Von Marbod by Clines in Geneva, Switzerland, in about October 1980? ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not reflect that CIA was associated in any manner with possible payment of cash to Von Marbod by Clines in Geneva, Switzerland, in about October, 1980. OfiRg'77 milimmimmApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All portions classified manst INQUIRY NO. 19 Did Clines attend the Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, or the Air Command and Staff College, Montgomery, Alabama, while employed with CIA and, if so, dates of same? ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency contain the following information responsive to Inquiry No. 19. On 8 April 1971, the of the Agency's Directorate of PlialliTIMITMETIMITTines be processed for an AEC-Q clearance necessary to attend the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. From 18 August 1971 to 19 June 1972, Clines attended and completed the ten months resident course at the College of Warfare, Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. The records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not reflect that Clines attended the Air Command and Staff College in Montgomery, Alabama. Records Sources: OP, OS, OTE onPw78 tiM11111PR pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All portions classifiedNiffilIMP INQUIRY NO. 20 Provide any other information available to CIA which would in any manner shed light on allegations that Secord and Von Marbod received cash for services provided or influence provided in connection with their official positions. AN The records of the Central Intelligence Agency do not reflect any information not provided in response to the other Inquiries which would in any manner shed light on allegations that Secord and Von Marbod received cash for services provided or influence provided in connection with their official positions. 011Pr:P>9 imimmimmimiApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All portions classifiedIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, INQUIRY NO. 21 Provide descriptive and background information regarding the following CIA employees (former or present) to include dates of employment, general nature of assignment, location and dates of foreign assignments, physical description, educational background, family status, any disabilities, any possible disciplinary or administrative action taken regarding each as a result of any misconduct while employed with CIA, and the nature of the termination of their employment with CIA: A. Shirley Ann Brill, (maiden name Cable), white female, born October 24, 1942, at Loudon County, Tennessee. B. Thomas Gregory Clines, white male, date of birth August 18, 1928, Washington, D.C. C. IMIRMINEW date of birth E. Theodore George Shackley white male, born July 16, 1927, at Springfield, Massachusetts. AN The records of the Central Intelligence Agency contain the following information responsive to Inquiry No. 21. The information is presented in Sections A through E which correspond to Sections A through E of Inquiry No. 21. ofiRgo.0 pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 SECTION A SSN: maMi (All portions classifiedMIM SHIRLEY ANN BRILL (formerly Shirley Ann Davis) nee: Shirley Ann Cable MEW DOB: 24 Oct 1942 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: As of 13 April 1961 (Personal History Statement EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: FAMILY STATUS: Height: Weight: Onr-U;41 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All portions"%1111Wclassifie Shirley Ann BRILL (cont.) DISCIPLINARY ACTION: No disciplinary or administration action on recor ASSIGNMENTS/DATES OF EMPLOYMENT 11 Jun 1961 18 Sep 1961 [15 Mar - 5 Aug 1963 5 Aug 1963 22 Sep 1963 30 Oct 1963 8 Aug 1964 13 Feb 1964 2 Jul 1967 Same Area Reorganized 31 Jul 1967 23 May 1968 21 Nov 1969 1 Jul 1970 24 Feb 1972 30 Mar 1975 1 Apr 1975 9 Nov 1975 pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 1.11111111. (Al ?ortions classified Shirley Ann BRILL (cont.) 22 Dec 1980 2 Dec 1981 Maw for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Cfrigq3 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All porti oinislicil!!!!!!!!11111111111111104 SECTION B THOMAS GREGORY CLINES SSN: OM, DOB: 18 August 1928 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: As of 1951 (Personal History Statement) Height: Weight: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: FAMILY STATUS: NATUPE OF TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT DISCIPLINARY ACTION: DISABILITIES: None. CIA EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: May 1949 - Oct 1950 Dec 1951 - Sep 1953 Sep 1953 - Feb 1956 Mar 1956 - Aug 1958 Aug 1958 - Jan 1960 Jan 1960 - Aug 1961 Sep 1961 - Aug 1964 n mmiimilmmimillApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All portions classified Sep 1964 - Feb 1967 - Feb 1967 Dec 1968 Jan 1969 - Apr 1970 May 1970 - July 1972 July 1972 - Sep 1973 Sep 1973 - Oct 1975 Oct 1975 - Oct 1977 Oct 1977 - 1978 �����mi. flf-Zr;ci ....imimisomApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Sec.�1-1`0 I hiS pa3e1 SeAJ CeL (�O vsf-Lit,R pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 V. YU'S pOr C(LeAJ l'ext l'IJ pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Secii`m) pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 s p r, cke_,K3 e et Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 his p9e (hrth'eL 1`,J '4\kkiL pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 SECTION E SSN: DOB: MOM WM.(All portions classified THEODORE G. SHACKLE?, JR. roarisp 16 July 1927 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: FAMILY STATUS: NATURE OF TERMINATION; DISCIPLINARY ACTION: No disciplinary or administrative action/problems MillPersonal History Statement - Height: We �ht: CIA EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 1952 Oct 1951 - May Jun 1952 - Nov 1953 Nov 1953 - Oct 1958 Dec 1958 - Apr 1959 Apr 1959 - Mar 1962 Mar 1962 - Jun 1965 Jul 1965 -Jul 1966 pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All portions classified NNW Jul 1966 - Nov 1968 Chief of Station Dec 1968 - Apr 1972 Chief of Station Apr 1972 - May 1973 Chief May 1973 - May 1976 Chief, May 1976 - Jan 1978 Associate Deputy Director figs. for Operations Jan 1978 - Aug 1979 Associate Deputy to DCL. Hqs. Vientian Laos Saigon, South Vietnam Records Sources: OP, OS, IG,111111D0 pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 oni-zQw.), Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 IMP EMI(All portions classified. INQUIRY NO. 22 Provide the results of any internal investigations conducted regarding Clines and Shackley while with CIA or since their departure from CIA. ANSWER In 1977, as a result of a CIA Inspector General investi- gation into contacts between former Agency employee Edwin P. Wilson and their current Agency employees with respect to activities for the Government Libya, Thomas Clines unau orize introduction of an Agency operations officer to Wilson and for meeting with a Mr. May of SCI Incorporated on 11 September 1976 without explicit authority to do so. Other than with res ect to Thomas Clines' activit which in A. Dana Meig s, a former Agency employee who retired ____and ShirleyBrill, an A ency employee who retired from the Agency in are two persons whom the Office of Security has interviewed on several ccasions and who are known � . 'emar me t of Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Trkh's par ('s d/et.ActIdPbt pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 p (`s 'frut1( pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 v par (` deituiek IN) Ncgik_( pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 'nits pae 4eA\ilaciL mminm.......Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All portions classified 11111111111110 INQUIRY NO. 23 Is CIA in possession of any information regarding a company called Tersam which was reportedly set up by a Palestinian exile named Ali Shorafa, possibly now of Abu Dhabi, which apparently attempted to get shipping contracts for shipment of U.S. military assistance equipment to Egypt since the Israeli-Egyptian peace accords of March, 1979? Tersam possibly changed its name to the Egyptian American Transport Services Corporation (EATSCO), both of which have had offices at 7777 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia. ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency contains the following information responsive to Inquiry No. 23. Thomas Clines, a former Agency officer, bid on a contract to ship commercial military equipment to Egypt under an American-Egyptian military agreement. An Egyptian, Husayn Salim, who headed a U.S.-based company called TERSAM also bid on the contract. Salim's TERSAM won the contract and Salim approached Clines to become his partner in the project. In about 1979, Clines agreed and merged his company, SSI, with TERSAM to form EATSCO, the company holding the contract to ship U.S. military equipment from the U.S. to Egypt. EATSCO may lose its contract to handle Egyptian military .shipments in mid-1982. Records sources: OIG, OS, DO 111111111111111Milla immimmlillillimillmApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Hussein Kei � 111111111011118 NOM(All portions classified INQUIRY NO. 24 Is CIA in possession of any information regardin Salem, an Egyptian (SSAN: who is presently associated as fEe majority owner o EATSCO at Falls Church, Virginia, and resides with his wife Nazima, at 6531 Kerns Road, Falls Church, Virginia)? ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency contain the following information responsive to Inquiry No. 24. Husayn Salim is a graduate of Cairo University, trained in economics. His physical disabili es re ortedlv include z lim and "crooked" e e Salim s father is prominent in high Egyptian circ s. Husayn Salim, who headed a U.S.-based company called TERSAM bid on a contract to ship American military equipment to Egypt under an American-Egyptian military agreement. Thomas Clines, a former CIA officer, also bid on the contract. TERSAM was awarded the contract and Salim approached Clines to becomes his partner in the project. In about 1979, Clines agreed and merged his company, SSI, with TERSAM to form EATSCO, which holds the contract to ship military equipment from the U.S. to Egypt. Clines met Anwar Sadat through Salim when Clines visited Egypt. EATSCO may lose its contract to handle Egyptian military shipments in mid- 1982. Records sources: IG, OS, DO Onnn q9 pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 pvic ;5 p9e (Peolek- iN1 pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 26 i\is pav, d_etuiel., liNi 4likt miiiimilimmiNimmApproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 (All portions Classified INQUIRY NO. 27 Does CIA have any information regarding negotiations or contracts by any parties in connection with the shipment of U.S. military assistance equipment to Egypt in connection with the Israeli-Egypt peace accords signed in March, 1979? ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency contain the following information responsive to Inquiry No. 27. Thomas Clines, a former Agency officer, bid on a contract to ship American military equipment to Egypt under an American- Egyptian military agreement. An Egyptian, Husayn Salim, who headed a U.S.-based company called TERSAM also bid on the contract. Salim's TERSAM won the contract and Salim approached Clines to become his partner in the project. In about 1979, Clines agreed and merged his company, SSI, with TERSAM to form EATSCO, the company holding the contract to ship U.S. military equipment from the U.S. to Egypt. Records sources: OIG, OS 0(1q7(1,2 pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 _ (All portions classified INQUIRY NO. 28 A. What were Robert Dolan Ritchie's assignments with the CIA, from first employment to resignation? B. Did Ritchie have access to classified information dealing with international economics, world oil reserves, commercial oil contracts, and pending CIA and FBI investi- gations? C. What was Ritchie's involvement, if any, with Watergate? D. Obtain complete description of Ritchie to include social security account number. E. Any other information available to CIA which would in any manner shed light on allegations that Ritchie received money for providing classified information. ANSWER The records of the Central Intelligence Agency contain the following information responsive to Inquiry No. 28. The information is presented in Sections A through E which correspond to Sections A through E of Inquiry No. 28. pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Secli�oN) A p@le. h_tdie_ei pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 fin l's pacr ce,k) Ce_l_ t'L) fik.u. pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 It\ I's p�e. cliek) ecL t`t.i Nrik L( . pproved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 pole, I's //Lock_ (,) �&( Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 11111NMIli INQUIRY NO. 29 Provide any information concerning the employment, association, affiliation, or contact with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the following individuals: A. Michael Pilgrim, associated with the BDM Company (not further identified) Office Number: (703) 821-5J.44 Residence Number: (703) B. Neil Livingston, possible (not further identified) C. Journalist ANSWER The records of theIlIA'do-Inot reflect any relationship with Pilgrim and Livingston. With regard to Agency records reflect the following.information: minm.......m.Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735 po8e cQeo(ge_tfi- t'o 'zf(ok_R, .....gim...mgg.......Approved for Release: 2023/07/31 C00362735