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Publication Date: 
January 18, 1950
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1, .I Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C00355372 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agenc Seal On 1 July 1949, it was announced that an official seal had been authorized for the Agency, and all employees were invited to submit suggested designs, for which a cash award was offered to the winner of the competition (Notice D-49) By 7 March 1950, the final design was chosen and approved by the President in Executive Order 1011 - on 17 February*. and announced to all employees. Since the final design included a number of suggestions, no cash award was made. (Notice 12-50) This copy is one of a series of about 20 hand-colored lithographs(?) which were actually signed by President Truman and then distributed to various Agency officials. This one was prsented to George G. Carey, Assistant drector 00, 1948-1962. L. Davison 00 Historical Writer, 1971 404,04i;� This document has been approved for release through the HISTORICAL REVIEW PROGRAM of the Central Intelligence Agency. Date/ KR? (ITS/HC-3 2 0d 61- Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C00355372 Approved for Release: 2021/11/10 C00355372 .:*,1;4�4 jh/Hu37 , 8 JAN 1950 ITh Iisnorablo Pri Pace, Jr. DL:rcator of tho Zurk.:au of tho r3u'az,ct of tho Budzot t.ar.airzton 25, D. C. Lear Mr. race: Section, 2 of Vlo Contra) Ite11icc is.5;rD=1 Act of 1(.-)49 (P172D1ic Law 1100 81',)t providL:3 for a of office for tho Cont721 latollis=co of sueh dosiEen az the Pmsidmt cIU atprove. In accordanco 1,..1t7.1 this Of;cticm, this j;;,:n.ey ro- ccc..7,te1 tint tuch c(;;a1 be in folm C7 the Itz:raid.lc 'RV:11=h Of th3 Office of th.2 Quar.Jr- ttf.3tor Gen_oral of the Departmnt of tho T'hsr3 is forwarded herewith a propozcd a:rx;utivo 011c17.r sotttrr, forth the dQsoriptf,xla and latoratian t1.1') seal, tcc ether vi..th tz1,2� pnti -,ad (..3=r1g, &11 of vatch Ilwve Loen pli.anared for lac; "Ly t� 14ioBrozch. It is Loc::.os,91.j th.3t this iCi and Intr:-.,,rprztoltion be iL..7.treowd by 1�hc, �Lccordance with Socttan 2 of the 0,1---nteal A7,:;;acy Act tn vder that judici.;11 notLco ii "tr:-;Ln t4is :Joni 4nd ta ()oder that j use it for F111 official purposes. Sincorely, R. H. HI Lt_Ers