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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
February 14, 2000
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Publication Date: 
June 10, 1958
PDF icon MKULTRA SUBPROJECT 85[10421291].pdf56.66 KB
41.1011a5k1644eUti14144 I Cora�w�Cr. DRAFT 10 June 1958 MEMORANDUM FOR: ISE RECORD SUBJECT : )ULTRA Subproject 85 1. The purpose of Subproject 85 is to support the research o MI f of the.StanforcrUniversitySchool,of.Medicine on human blood groups. is one of the leading investigators on blood groups in man from both the imraunological and genetic stand- points. 2. The scope ofillialstudy will include a literature survey on blood groupings from the forensic standpoint. Re will also include in his survey the latest information available on the minor groupings. The attached proposal gives in detail the nature of the work to be done. 3. The total, cost of the project for one year is estimated to be $1,000.00. To this sum must be added $4o.00 representing a four percent service charge to the making the total amount $1,040.00. Theallitrill function as cutout anl. cover for this grant. The cover title of the project is.auman Blood Grcups and is presumably being supported by a research grant frcm the 11111111111.harges should be made against Allotment 9-2502-10-001. The project commences 1 July 1958. 4. The Foundation has requeste1111111111to submit a(slemmt7y) accounting of monies received and to return any unexpended grant funds APPROVED FOR RELEASE cijoo PS- -- c, .2 - at the end of the project year. 5. It was mutually agreed that documentation and accounting for travel expenses vbiel are reimbursable by theoUniVittT5W shall conform with the accepted practices of that institution. 6. The requirement for a six months' informal accounting on the part of the principal investigator is waived.. 7. 11111111111is cleared through TOP SECRET and is aware of the true purpose of the program. APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: Date: Distribution: Original only Attachment: Proposal �.' APR: Chief TSS/Chemical Division