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Document Creation Date: 
January 23, 2025
Document Release Date: 
February 14, 2000
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
September 17, 1958
. - - it1:11%-'dt'd to tr autnotity of ..Trno 1)77 12 1)7:711771-7C7,74--11111111 � MEMORANDUM FOR: THE RECORD :���Wg 111, SUBJECT : MKULTRA Subproject No. 56 DRAFTAIllille 17 SdpteMber 1958 1. The purpose of this project is to provide funds to continue the research program conducted. by at g(0- (6 Stanford University School of Medicine. This program is designed to exploit all the knouledge and facilities available to its director in providing answers to specific questions of direct interest to the Agency in the area of alcohol intoxication. In addition: those areas of basic knowledge required to provide these practical answers will be developed. IIIIIIIII 2. has submitted the attached progress report and a proposal for an extension of the work during the coming year. It should be noted that three publications based on the material covered in the short progress report are presently in press. Included as a proposal fromM1111111.11111M e....-- laboratorm will make available a much better indicator than is now available. Presumably it will measure of physiological impairment due to part of this project is a who is working in 111111111111111111 of alcoholic intoxication make possible an absolute alcohol Which'uill in turn materially aid in the final phases of the general work. Downgraded torVIONMaiWia by authority of:IIIIIIIIII date: June 1977 E2 IMITET; CL BY APPROVED }OR RELEASE vkacooti3O-t'aft,,t_tti , -gownkr:ided to:4111 - &authority oni entet June 1977 ,t7o �19 E2 CL BY1 3. The fundz for this project will be transferred using the amiummiamamm as cutout in the ( ism usual manner. 4. Costs for this program for a period of one year beginning ..: August 31, 1958 are estimated to be $5922.O0 to which must be added a four percent (41) fee to the ($2,156.88), making. thes. total amount $56,078.88. Charges should be made against Allotment 9-2502-15-902. 5. as requested fitanfordiversity 0 �..) School of Medicine to submit to them a summary accounting on an annual basio of all monies received from Also, it has been requested Illifthat any unexpended funds be returned at the close of the tear. 6. Me requirement for a six months' informal accounting =- the part of the principal investigator is waived. r 7. Title to any permanent equipment purchased by funds granted i�b the University shall be retained by the UrIersity in lieu of higher overhead rates. 8. In connection with travel under this project, it is agreed that the Agency will accept the travel documentation and accounting 'which conform vith the practices of the U versity. 9. It is agreed that technical reports reflecting the progress of the reuearch program shall be submitted at mutually acceptable intervals. � Downcrnded to. ?L111 , ;;iiii:7 1 I 4,s1 by authorItY oil. eate: :lune 1977 ������ E2 W.P::L7; CL 8111111111 3..inu 1577 � CL � 0 -3-. 10. 111111111s 'cleared through TOP SECRET and is aware of the true purposes of the program. Be has also agreed to comply with the requirements of the Memeramium of Agreement. APPROVED FOR 03LICATION OF FUNDS: Research Director Date: .15 Attachmmt: Progress Report and Proposal Distribution: Original only. Downi7radcd to:4444340014111110- nuthoritY drIto : .7:117u /977 E2 .n:PD.r.22 CL byaalimmomplimmftft. OPP" TSS/Chemical Division