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Document Creation Date: 
July 13, 2023
Document Release Date: 
December 7, 2022
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
February 17, 1948
���� � , Approved for Release: 2022/11/28 C00295968 STA54,61---ocOft&I NO. 134 Office Memorandum � UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO GPL FROM SUBJECT: CONEI , Lucien E. - DATE: February 17 194E CIA HISTORICAL REVIEW PROGRAM RELEASE IN FULL 1998 The writer has discussed the attached case with Mr. HelMs, Chief, FBn, on February 11, 1947. Mr. Helms advised the writer that they had recently received notice that the Subject has divorced his French wife and that it should not raise a 10-2 question. The information concerning this divorce is attached to the file. As for the discussion concerning Conein's duties in Germany, Helms elaborated on the subject of "handling burned-out Germanr-gents" and handling defection cases:. It was pointed out to thewriter that there is no security involved in disposing of burned out German agents since these agents have blown themselves and only question remale- in7, is to dispose of them by removing to another portion of the Americe:. Zone or out of the country. As regards the defection cases, HelMs stated that they would not present any security problem but more may be considered sensitive. As an example, Helms Pointed to an individu..: who had recently defected to the Americans in Stockholm and had subsequently been b rought to Berlin through this organization for complete debriefing. .After the debriefing had beenaccanolished, it became necessary to. arrange necessary visas and passports tb- move the subject from Berlin to South American. This latter job become:7 Conein t.s. There is therefore no security problem involved, and thc. degree of sensitivity lessens as regards Conein and increases as regards the defected individual. Helms stated that Conein had proved himself a valuable asset in these tw.2 types of assignment. It was also agreed that Conein was nottthe7trict. sense a mess and club officer and that he performed other functions for the mission. Zowever, none of them involved handling classified material nor being aware of the actual operations of the mission. In view of the writer's discussion with Yr. Helms concerning Conein together with the latest developments regarding the divorce, it is felt that we should proceed to a full investigation and detemine security wise whether Conein should be gentinued in the organization employment. In this connection, it is believed we should request the Chief of the Fff:: to verify the circumstancessurrounding Conein's recent divorce. Helms has agreed andw ill dispatch an "eyes alone" request to the Chief of Mission FBM for an appraisal of Conein which hew ill forward to Security upon receipt. v/V \t-k / - 6- pproved for Release: 2022/11/28 C00295968