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Publication Date: 
January 25, 1968
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Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 /0 TOP SXRET 1.111111 25 January 1968 MEMORANDUM: Chronology of Events Concerning the Seizure of the USS Pueblo 1. All times are given in Zulu (Greenwich) and Eastern Standard Time; For North Korean time add 14 hours. Note: Incident occurred between 1200 (Noon) to 1430 Korean time. All information is based on the latest available reporting. 10 January 1968 USS Pueblo arrived on station off the North Korean coast for a three and one-half week SIGINT collection operation. 19 January 1968 200850a - 200350 EST Position of Pueblo reported as 41-50N. which is the northern most position reached by the Pueblo. 44421 January 1968 220600Z - 220100 EST Pueblo reported its position as 39-148N 128-07.0E. (DIW) Pueblo's direction of travel L44$4 Pueblo reported sighting two North Korean 116�((k was changed from south to northeast. 2209152 - 220415 EST :1/4r ships at an estimated 1009 -yards,range at 1 41'4 '220325Z. They appeared to b fishing boats. 22 January 1968 2301002 - 222000 EST Pueblo reported its position as 39-24.0 N 127-59.0 E. Pueblo reported it was steam- ing north. -1- TY*11:3 Q 144n Es-r, Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 TOP S.CRET 25 January 1968 22 January 1968 230300Z - 222200 EST Pueblo encountered North Korean subchaser Nbr. 35 at 39-25.2N 127-55.0E approximately 17 nautical miles off North Korean coast and 24 nautical miles from Wonsan. Sub- chaser hoisted signal "heave to or I will open fire on you" Pueblo was dead in the water. Patrol craft circled several times. Pueblo hoisted US Engign and by signgi ad- vised the North Koreans he was in interna- tional waters. Pueblo advised COMMAND FOR JAPAN of its intention to remain in the area if feasible or otherwise with- draw slowly to the northe,asjt. -2-- TOP CRET _Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 TOP /CRET 25 January 1968 22 January 1968 230400Z - 222300 EST Pueblo reported North Korean subchaser Nbr. 35, joined by three patrol craft (Nbrs. 601, 604, and 606), hoisted a signal to "follow my wake." Two MIG's circling overhead. Patrol craft 604 backed towards Pueblo's bow with fenders rigged. Armed landing party said to be on the bow of Pueblo. Pueblo departing area under escort. -3- TOP/EGRET Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 TOP C RET 11111111111 25 January 1968 230429Z - 222329 EST Pueblo reported three North Korean torpedo boats and one subchaser have surrounded her and plan to open fire now at 2304292. 230445Z - 222345 EST Pueblo reported being boarded by North Korean personnel. 230445Z - 222345 EST Pueblo reported boarding by North Korean personnel. Position given as 39-25N 127- 543E. SOS was also sent. 230450Z - 222350 Pueblo reported it was probably being es- aarflia into Wonsan. -4- TOP C RET Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 TOP s CRETIN.. 25 January 1968 230510Z - 230010 EST Pueblo reported it had three wounded and one man with his leg blown off. NortIi Koreans have requested Pueblo to follow their patrol boats into Wonsan. Pueblo has not used any weapons nor uncoveFeCI�ITs 50 cali- ber machine guns. Pueblo also reported that it did not intend to offer any resistance. 230525Z - 230025 EST Pueblo re orted States intention of keeping circuit open as long as possible. 230532Z - 230032 EST Pueblo reported "have been directed to come to full stop." Pueblo reported it was going off the air now. 23 January 1968 231021Z - 0521EST CINCPACFLT ordered COMSEVENTHFLT to place a destroyer with appropriate air cover out- side a 12-mile limit off Wonsan, North Korea. 231136. - 0636EST COMSEVENTHFLT directs Enterprise to proceed into the Sea of Japan, provide air cover, and position one destroyer off Wonsan to be joined by a second destroyer when avail- able. -5- TOPXCRET Mal Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 TO P RET 1111111111 231515Z - 1015EST COMSEVENTHFLT directed Osbourn to get under- way from Buncker Bay to rendezvous with US TG 70.6. 231047Z - 1347EST CINCPACFLT directed fleet units to proceed no further north than present position and not to position a destroyer off Wonsan. (On receipt, Enterprise maintained stationary PIM (Position Impended Movement' 34-00 N 128-42 E, subsequently moved south to 32-30 N 127-30 E to gain sea room.) 23 January 1968 232241Z - 1741EST CINCPAC directs CINCPACAF to deploy 12 F- 105s and 8 F-4Cs to Osan, South Korea. -6- TO P EC RET Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 TOP /CRET 232309Z - 231809EST JCS directed CINCPAC to have the Ehterprise and Task Group 70.6 move to position 35-30N 130-15E (approximately 40 n.m. off Pusan) with ETA of 241800 EST. 240730Z-240230EST Enterlorise joined Higbee, Truxton and Osbourn, now circling in rendezvous area at 32-'50 N -7- TOP CRET MEM Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349 TOP J4CRET MEMO 127-46E. Collett and 01Bannon steaming for rendezvous, ETA Collett 0350 EST, O'Bannon 1930 EST. -8- TOP ECRET Approved for Release: 2021/03/25 C00253349