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Publication Date: 
November 21, 1960
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19/ /Of c--/Vore, ,Approved for Release: 2018/05/01 C00248169 - � ) . . 0 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT JMARC Meeting with DI)?- CIA 21 November 1960 PROGRAM RELEASE AS SANITIZED 1g97 PARTICIPANTS: Messrs. Bissell, Barnes. Flannery, Estierline, Reynolds. Eisemann, Drain. 1. The meeting was held to bring JMARC personnel up-to-date on Saturday's special meeting of the Special Group and on the DIM. thinking resulting from that meeting. 2. Mr. Bissell felt that meeting had sufficiently reviewed the out. � standing problems to permit the following conclusions: a. We have to be ready to evacuate TRAY of ground trainees, at least temporarily in the case of an as yet unfixed OAS inspection. � b. We can plan to use Fort Randolph for up to 200 trainees . either for temporary holding or for longer term training. .. _ � c. We can anticipate the use of a U.S. installation for holding evacuees and possibly also for longer term training. d. There is no objection to continuing air training at MADD nor to the use of Guatemala or Nicaragua for basing air strikes. e. Even U TRAY is evacuated, it could well be continued In use for the training of Guatemalans. � , 3. There was some discussion as to the cover arrangements which might be arranged for any Z.1. installation chosen for a training area. After - reviewing the probable expense of activating a secure area and the likely difficulty of creating a "refugee" cover, the balance of the discussion was . concerned within. about which it was agreed: a. JMARC would promptly ascertain from DDS and OTR what lacIlic_.:facilities were available and what problems existed in regard to. its possible use to train up to 600 men. � � b. DDP would explore the various facets of air evacuation . from TRAY to eloR including cost, time, and security. In' regard to the latter, it was suggested that JMGLEAR aircraft--: �- lknd crews might evacuate to Del RiO with AF 130'. transshipping therefrom.' _ 17 ' 3 44-- Ci 1- 4 2 , Folder 2 - Approved for Release: 2018/05/01 C00248169 Approved for Release: 2018/05/01 C0024816977'. � ;�� p giail0 � �� � . ���� 11. 4. Concurrently. JMARC would continue to explore the most - promising Z. I. sites previously ascertained, and an additional unused Army post on Florida's west coast... � 5. The DDP suggested an evacuation date of about 1 December. Richard D. Drain C/WH/4/PtcP W11/4/P&POADDRAIN:jss (21 Nov 60) Distributions - 1 � CAVH/4 1 �-eOPS-/W1114� CA/NAVOA5 1 � Mallard, VIII Barkley, File pproved for Release: 2018/05/01 C00248169