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Document Creation Date: 
January 23, 2025
Document Release Date: 
July 22, 1999
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
August 17, 1960
In view of this short continuation, Mcpill;vill be authorized delay of the final reporting on expenditures and a terminal technical report. 4. This project vill be funded through the Society for the Investi- gation of Human Ecology, Inc'. The cost of the program for a period of three months will be $4,775.00. Charges should be made against Allotment 1525-1009-1902. 5. In lieu of higher overhead rates, title to any permanent equip- ment purchlred by funds granted the University shall remain with the University. to:41.66-i;;Ali. h7 or: 137475 .7:-.7.10 1077 E3 CL DY 127475 . , i ; e:: 167175 � 17,77 :�-2,s ,��04- � 0 D2AFT41111 17 August 1960 CL BY 187475 :-110RAIIDU1 FOR: TEE RECORD SUBJECT : Supplement - MnYLTRA, Subproject 68 1. Subproject Number 68 is being continued as a means to zustain a research program, the effects upon human behavior of the repetition of verbal signals. The program is under the direction of Dr. 11-:_isverE*(1 Chairman of the Department of Psychology, McGill University? Montreal, Canada. -.1 2. The scope of the program will encompass the same studies out- lined in the previous draft dated 27 March 1959 which is attached. 3. It is anticipated that long term support for this study will be provided by other organizations (one such organization is the U.S 4 Air.Force..where negotiation assisted by the Society for the-/nvestigation3 of.Buman Ecology, .Inc has been undervay for approximately 6 months), therefore, this project is being continued for a three month 'period only. ..�. \ c1 , . . 0:: � - � � uY 187'7' IlpeDL.T; 1 L.- - 2 - 6. It was mutuAlly agreed that documentation and accounting for travel expenses which are raimbursable by the University will con- ! form vith the accepted practices of that institution. i 1 7. The same security considerations outlined in the attached 1 1 draft should be noted. e 4 APPROVED FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS: ito) Research Diriictor Date: Distribution: Orig. Oaly Attached: Draft dtd 27 March 59 (TS) Dorm3rlded to :46446444044 F7 aut2-.0rIty of: 137475 ezac: /277 L2 CL BY 137475 WWI Chief TSDIResearch Branch ,,����rok.M, ,