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May 25, 1961
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Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C00202789 anTeAtik SECRET CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY COPY NO. 77 OCI NO 0281/61 25 May 1961 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCEDmumENT NO. al "3* NO CHANGE IN CLASS. D El DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGIDD TO: TS S /99O 70-.2 DA1L-:2/1/516.0 F.' 019360 SECRET- r ;7 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS CONTINUED CONTROL IMItEDIA.V.2.11 AETr:. USE 30-B Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C00202789 ,2 2 ys.,2 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C00202789 SECRET CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY At this stage, rebel ter- orism may present a less serious problem for the French Govern- ment than the continuing activ- ity of right-wing extremists in France. There is reason to be- lieve that the networks of plotters conspiring against De Gaulle and his policies have not yet been fully exposed. Bombings have continued in France and have even been stepped up in Algeria; distri- bution of threatening letters and pamphlets put out by right- ist extremists goes on. Such activity may be further stimu- lated by the trial of the insur- gent generals which opens on 29 May. Discontent within the army is still widespread. As the Evian negotiations proceed, the frustration of the rightist ex- tremists may prompt some of them to make an assassination at- tempt on De Gaulle as a last desperate effort to prevent Al- gerian independence. Soviet Attitudes Soviet news media, while welcoming the start of negotia- tions, have cautioned that the French stand will determine whether the Algerian problem will be solved by "peaceful means or otherwise." Bloc com- mentators predict that the talks will be "difficult and tense." Moscow has long maintained that only direct talks between the rebels and the French on a basis of equality can restore peace to Algeria. In March, following the announcement that talks would be held, the Soviet ambassador in Paris sought out De Gaulle to express Khrushchev's hope for a peaceful settlement. At the same time, Soviet First Deputy Premier Kosygin tried to stiffen the rebels' resistance to any compromise with France, advising them to demand recog- nition as the sole represent- atives of Algeria. While there are advantages for he USSR in a continu- ation of the rebellion, So- viet leaders at the present time are probably inclined to support a settlement, pro- vided the rebels can emerge from the negotiations in coPtrQl of an inde- pendent Algeria, with limited� if any, ties with France. (SECRET) CONGO The government in Leopold- ville has remained firm in its decision to reconvene parlia- ment there, although the Stan- leyville regime continues to demand that it meet at Kamina. Kasavubu appears to regard Gi- zenga's claim to represent the legal government as ruling out any compromise. The Leopold- ville radio has said the Congo crisis is "in its final stages" and has warned that "no delaying tactics will prevent. . .the convocation of parliament" by Kasavubu. 25 May 61 SECRET WEEKLY REVIEW Page 8 of 25 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C00202789 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C00202789 SECRET CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY SUMMARY In contrast, there are in- dications that Leopoldville may be negotiating with Tshombe's successors to assure Katanga's participation in parliament. The Munongo triumvirate in Katanga reportedly has indicated that it is prepared to accept a Congo federation as proposed by Kasa- vubu. A Congolese politician has informed Ambassador Timber- lake that the Kasavubu govern- ment has received a proposal from Munongo and is drafting a counterproposal. Leopoldville probably feels that its success in blocking the return of UN representative Dayal to the Congo has strength- ened its hand. Hammarskjold informed US officials on 22 May that Dayal would not be returned to Leopoldville be- cause of the latest expressions of Congolese hostility toward him. Hammarskjold stated that Nehru had been informed and had agreed to recall Dayal. The Stanleyville regime-- confronted with the political threat of a rapprochement be- tween Leopoldville and Elisa- bethville and with deteriorat- ing economic conditions in Orientale Province--has moved to bolster its military position. According to press reports, troops from Stanleyville have appeared in force in Kasai Prov- ince. There is no firm in- formation that Gizenga plans any major offensive action. Reports of military activ- ity in Kasai appear to have led Kasavubu to place Albert Kalonji under surveillance in Coquil- hatville. A UN report has al- leged that aggressive movements by Kalonji's Kasai army against tribal opponents followed a build-up financed by a Belgian mining company. Ghanaian UN troops, which recently were withdrawn from southern Kasai, have been ordered back into the area. Indian Charg�ahman in Leopoldville, who on his own Initiative has labored actively on Gizenga's behalf, stated re- cently that he did not believe Gizenga had enough votes in parliament to become premier. Rahman speculated that if Gizen- ga persisted in seeking the pre- miership he would merely weaken the "nationalist" position and pave the way for a dictatorship by some member of the present Leopoldville government. Relations between the UN and Katanga authorities have continued strained as a result of UN moves to retain control, by force if necessary, of key areas in northern Katanga. Al- though Munongo threatened armed resistance if the UN moved to take over airfields at Albert- ville and Nyunzu, he confined himself to a formal protest of the UN action and appeared anxious to avoid a serious rupture with the UN Command. (SECRET NOFORN) 25 May 61 SECRET WEEKLY REVIEW Page 9 of 25 Approved for Release: 2016/07/05 C00202789