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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
July 15, 2020
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Publication Date: 
October 23, 1945
Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 C00188036 � " WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF WAR STRATEGIC SERVICES UNIT -23ds 6. E STREETS, N.V. VASHINGTON 25, D.C. L2-1657 23 October 194 Menorandum for: Mr. C. Darwin Marron Federal Bureau of Intestigation Subject: ....Xiirt.5r hideout in Argentina The attached report, which is not evaluated, is forwarded as of possible interest to the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation. Liaison Officer r w 30 FIN 15g45 I b7c- Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 C00188036 Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 C00188036 HITLER HIDEOUT IN ARGENTINA The following information, which concerns a possible hiding place for HITLER in Argentina, has been passed on to us by a source, the . reliability of which is unknown to us at this time. OMA NANOLCHHORN, reported to be a reputable member of Argentine society and the proprieter of the largest spa hotel in La Falda, Argen- tina, recently made the following observations: a. that even before the Nazi Party VAS foUnded she made available to GOEBBELS her entire bank account which, at the time, amounted approximately to thirty thousand marks, which money was to be used for propaganda purposes; b. that she and her family have been enthusiastic supporters of Adolf HITLER since the Nazi Party was founded; c. that this voluntary support of the Nazi Party was never forgotten by HITLER and that during the years after he came into power her friendship with HITLER became so close that she and members of her family lived with HITLER in the same hotel on the occasion of their annual visit to Germany; d. that if HITLER should at any time get into difficulty wherein it was necessary for him to find a safe retreat, he would find such safe retreat at her hot alda) where they had already made the necessary preparatio la,0"4" 4 4941 il ' e$315kz 6 Is- Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 C00188036