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Publication Date: 
January 17, 1958
17 JazIllary 195& ?Ca: Lty Direct.:r or Security Cereor Ynage7ent Officzcz SUBJECT: Report Coueerninz Certain Techniques in BYpmnsis lo Th.i5 renort is t,Jon a 13:: the DeTruty Limaetor of Security for inforhtion cchecrnin,7 the contact Knde by this triter vIth Dr. 410119~110ftoaduring the underslghedls recent visit to California. L separrte section of this report includes =ested prozran for prepariLg and traininz individuals in:the use of this technique. ' � 2. Contact %h.'s rmde I:1th Dr.44110111 on 4 Decenbiir'1957 at his redicai clinic inviiiiraleas, California. This gentler:an had written zn article u.nich apneared in the text _ by Dr. - eVOMOMMOMMMOOMW in tais articles he zst fo.'fn informLtion describ- 4..." v.;trt pa. rpri 1....-nd fnr t.%e inrINIntinn of hwmssai.:B. _ wc-n she unaerzizncu's lmention to corsL.nct. 1J1-. 11101MM. 1.,va him rer:crein; certLin questions uhich arose in disouellons tnis 1 _ uritcr had Itithr.r.V"MESTAISSO ET.-1014ZIAWANISCII304' � andCIAAKAINBeigielleMP00-.. This uas durin3 the-fiza when other hypnotic techniques rc: being revieved by the individuais. stnd this Ir.-itsr. Lather than rcrcly covering six basic questions vith DrMO this uriter spent, approxittoly three hours pith trio docfor lellrnin7 the theory of the technique; its haehr,rovhd, case histaries, an-1 pitnassInr. ecteal do7.onstration of-.ho tech- nique. Lo that.t'nis report rzl-y be cuncise, the nix questions posed to Dr.Iui11 be used to include pzuch of the infornation.cov- ered in this meeting. L. Since 19524 (tha date of the publication of the referred' book) have you realized continued c.:accso in the vui-2 of this rapid induction technique? Dr.010100,stated that ho.hos used this tech- nique for apreximstely feurteen years in his medical practice WIth over a tho...ezInd 15.1t!cn:..s. Be ed7isr.d th:,.t he has E7 of thol-c J.11 of his efforts to date hew) been e.-cccLe17*.a. B. Are ttere any gr:::ne or indAviduals utilizinz this teenzir3ue in tha cr-stern 7.-:rt of the United States? � 0". ANSVE.C.: Dr.14,101106hpd no khovlede of sny such eroups.or irmlividuelo. Es exnlaint:d thnt he accuircd this technique thrcur- his comtect 'with a.profernicns/ hypnotist, has nst hcd rr.y contzct Ers 4410Mmisofor the past three yozrz. Ti:olcst .0100410MIP".:25 tn:t he V7: Chief ?ctty Officer in ti ;iay. After tnia introduction to the 'technique byaMMIEWUNIMINIMIE04eveloped his experience in tha use of thiatechnique pcmonolly and does not know of any other individual or croup utili:Ling this techniqce at the present tire., C. Ycv :r:.:ch tine ci:1 vou L%-114:';V"ii nocenscry to =Dater t111.3 technique? .P.Ma.T.: Dry:MOW response was that the :7:echo:lies of the technique ern be rnatL;-cd in frun fifteen to tuenty seconds. 117.-rever, as uith so rAny other ttchniqueo, experience and prac� tice lend themselves to refinement and sophistication in using this techniqe. D. Is it absolutely. necessary to have. the.cooporetion.olL the pstient for.suecossfra use of this 'technique?: OMB: - ' - Agst.� c yn nni n nn r' pr, � auioo have tre cooperation or tneivztient,IanainjaII:ef. nis experimelte, people coming to him al:.e in .need cf..assistanceand. cre Lenerally uillinz to cooperate In order that Dr.Aiinumy sstist them in an.wering unstever needs brought then to his of� flee. Mora cre individ;:alo, he sdez:d, uho demomstrate involun tory resistance to any induction technique. In these cases, where it is found thst te tt:chmioue hz73 been unsuccessful after one, two, or poosibly three tries, the 'individual is."preparodn Car hypnosio by use of such drags co sodium az1;,!thol, sodium pen� tothal, or -a new drug wh1ch.Dr.441011is presently Using uith great success entitled "Verzval." These drugs Dm administered intrevenouoly, and then tne earl?. technique procedure isexercisod 'pith these patients. E. lircmad you consider troiningpopple in, this technique? NOTE: Because of tl-:e nature of the response rede to CnICS� tiou CI this point as net crphasized inrour diocunsions�.but the questien vas azked Dirsatil=k�and his cor=ent reflected his thinkini-; thct the :-ctrn1 instruction or training scsocirtcd vith t.nis toc:inique could to confincd to seconds or rimutcs uith an individvel :mos� Lacl:tround in pc:ye:mica or hypnosis vold furnish him uith the other techniques necessary in in c1_ a hypnotic state in individuhlo. pe erph25ized tha fact test ) cccrirte in the techniqta =Id hi7h dr.ree. of proficiency vo-..Zi.d be a c:Lievcd threur.n y.ractice and. experience. P. Act..:1,11yr how dar,�crol:z is tl�i.r. -tr�ch.-rie,�e? � �It v.:1.5 the e7-inion o: Dr. 11111111MIW. tech- niqL:e is c'..,:-:p2.otc:34 sale. The docto:r forrred his opinion nu a re:Tuat ereleyinz, this tQcnnique in et.,er thoushnd Cases lealCh involved Lseth saxes '�.:;d individzals iron 2;a� to 77 years of ace. This was fl:rthcr subL-tentinted by his profes- hr c: thet i-....,:tnitte�-.1 that if the cnrot4d. arter;" end the vere�dcprcssed for prolonzrA cf tine that this ruld have devacteting, effects upon the individual. Lc:I:ever, in his exp.:rine:its) in properly util- izinr; this tcchnicluol the individual is in-4-,he trance Stxte.- aftor nix Lacer:is,. durir. sthieh this tecisniqu:s - lass boan used.. This io an or.tirely safe pro.cedure.'.:-':.-'. : ,:���� N4-.: � 44...-5 yonwAINNO141101441kiiiiiiiiiagbialmitablaiiimeseeXr -According to no uoy p other thon for sore slirzht cliseerfort, he realized no pain thre-ar.hont the operation. Dr.VANWSMIer:::::csiced that the absence of pain cou.1`_ct not b. ztribtcd sololy to hypnosis and thz-t the use of the lcreal anesthetic was a fr..etor. That tte unesthetic -could be adr:inistered to s-ich a sitiva r_ren vith7.:t pain points up the ir.fluerxe of k-n.- nosisin fccilitatirz, the perfc..-.-.-.nce of tl:e Er.001#11 stnt.c.,1 tt he hr c.:1 this ti pa::chnthercpcztic involvin; ar.d maturentior.. Ile has also -c:3:6 t--is tecirr.;e in otions, re U r.s on trze occc.- slur's in trn c^cr.etions. .i*.c 1,z:a eisr-rwered this technique to ce7.1.,...t.t1:y .occr.:.i"-1. In Cf.::11.15 t:hcre hcvc ds..r.nnatr;:tcd ccrtifl or c.notional rstctiens "� ; 0, Dr.0011011NOW-;I:cd that a fel7 licht alr:ps across the face you'd brine thee-eini!ividuzle bncl: in prospective. L. T,1-r.r!:77":: r)7 T CF'. The technique utilized by Dr. 0411116tz, 1,7) indivieutlwth eu3:-.actions� after ho has been plscce in a recaEtive conf.lition to e..lch strng suc;:estinh;.:. The nrcoo6urc involves p1aoi the cut:sit:et in either a sittinn or st=nding position. Lt this point tno individual is ercuursred to se- lect a po-sition on the ceills5- at which to gaze, and at the sane tins he ;s told to breathe deeply lor ca-:eral ecles. The operator's left han:t ie rineed tohind the auticct's heed at tho top of the nee% to sw:nurt the head and preven't:nu:-r riFht hz.-nd puch:,u the s-:bject's head until he is razing al:est directly upward. The, operator then presses the riEht thunb end index fin;;er azainet the Ta- gus nerve and carotid artery on each: side of the Adam's apple, nr...d pressure is exerted with both finers directly to the roar rather than in any sort of a pincer nwerent..- This is done in order to avoid ary echstricticns in the subject's breathinr. While the rirht hand 4s' operating as dozer:it:ad above, the left thcai.h anA second fincar are - - pressed firrly a5:sinst the neck just balau nastoid hohind ench ear, . This is also done to prodz:te a sli5htly detached feclinc.nile these. pressures are boIng applied, the operator then "pours onnthe siirtTcs- mlons. 1n1,5 rTern-..ton =0.116 iruJ Zuur - areunt of tire involved is doterMincd by the point'in.this proece3:1_ when the isdividual relaxes completely in the hands cirthe�operatorcH,-.. It is at tnis pointsthet the presruro is released, and the individual 15 pcmitted to recline if he is in a stated position, or he is eased into a chair if ho is in a standinz position. Durin!-: this tire the operator's fin7ers rerain in their position;for a psychic stir-111=f to this. proecesinz. The suuentions are continued and a deeper trance � state is etterpted. flee, post-hyphotie curTestions can .be presented at this tire. .If this procedure pro-';,es unsuccessful, pr.-WhitIow nd- yiacd that it should be tried a second and third tine, snd if ter .5 no success, then the hypnotic drugs, as mntioacd earlier 'in this relzo- . randun, should be used. The purpose of this technique is to pernit � the operator to "resch" the subconscious of the individual with the greatest ZUCCCIZG and facility. It in at this point whore the usual hypnotic techniques nay be utilized to dcterrine such thins as tha. � stet* of the trance. Catalytic teats and the phsnomana of rerression ra7 be attcrpted. 5. ST.IM':.; ?": PCIA.T.Tel:.; TnIVITC!:1.5 2.1; a;.7.1u,;-:.;.,T-i.:(1 prol;m7r, by this writer lOr poosil-le i c n the dovel=ont of individuals who would be co:..?etant to ttilizo this tcceniquo in furtherinz the secur- ity reel:urea and objectives of this Agency. rt.- 5- 4ElEir � v. Eelention of Tn17!!!..1:nrs .The primary criteriz for the selcaticn 1:14.1vicua_to sucn a training prorran would he the c!etor7-1.rzl:ion on the vrt of eacn individual that this is 2 werkir.: .ven 1,7 n so-colied tor, will be able to reuolro any s.teh col:cern in their: This uriter, bc.eauso of ikis previous experience in luchosis t-,roz7r-euts undertaken by the Office of Security, uould rosermond individuals as nr.41001111.0�61011001, ? _ Lr/414NNE. snd tha Inviter as candidates ror a b. Con.-Jrel.)cnsive Ra-.1c-,7 of the Literature ror those on the team vho ere not corhleteL;; cooversrnu in articica and teNts re- lating to the phennmana O. hypnosis, it is recommended that this be esnoidered thn first p=se of .this traininc pro:Trm. lath a rs-riew of the literature z o beckgrounal, all team rankers yould have so-:e pormanznt found:tion'uson u:;ich to bass their ad7aneetl treinin7.. Ciwp sossions should take ulna.� durins which pertnsnt or interesting iters should be discussed to enrich tba back- ground of all concerned. - _ _ Fnrr47t-TrAininor For thosb individaz2t On the eug-ezted zee= '1.0 asc�i tizz,:,* 1.y profssaisnal thie, in the opinion -or this uriter, yould sz.rve-e. very uorth- td.3110 ?urpose.7 -In denlinSWith an individual yhelconsiders hyp� notise: az his prine field, instruction can be reccivad.on other 7 hypnotic techniques which can be interrolatodwIth this =aid. technic-as to enhance its CiCCOZ21. ". d� Dets=rninr,tion of FollOwing n review of .the lit- erature tne tnih;: in program, it is rcsono- � :sanded that at this point c review shead be mado to deterine- vhat assets should Ue utilized in this pro,-,ram. For instance, it richt be thzt in order to lessen the resiutcnoo of an vidual to the hypnotic irduction process, the use of vnblininal projection my ba conzidemd. This technique has achieved sue- cess in corrorcial uovertiuina, as"Lct Fopcorn" or NITink Cohen projected on a semen in cert4-in rvvie theaters ior 1/3003 of A. second at five-second in1crvals. It my be that subliminal projection can also be utili=d in n.:;ch n'ulty an to - `ure V15W21 surr--+i-in such az.. �obcylamertOop or ',Obey sinilar success. ouith 144411Wr - � c. PotcrT7mtien of It v.-id bo at this sta;;e of t: t:'. ti,rtt carly eclind obzlectives rihmaa 1..4" C234.4;b1iLh::d. 1:it3 a cler-cvst series of c'ojt-etivet:, thepro- crnm :ill have the clerit: reacosr,ry so that it will not be- come merely a poeudo-scia:V6ific exparinnt :mien will drift soigragiOm