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Document Release Date: 
January 15, 1983
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Publication Date: 
October 10, 1955
INFOP.W.TICN RF.PORT COUNTRY: USSR/Internetional/Canada SUBJECT: Uze of Vetrazol in Sovbloc for Interrog:Ation and Brainwazhing/ Negation of 1.06-25 and Adronoehrome � by Frenhuel ANUIRED: Date: Sept. '55 k. � � mot. # 00:A-h6357 Dist. date 10 Oct. trr � SOURCE: US citizen, chemical research director for one of the large' 'pharmaceutical companies in the US. He is directing a rather extensive research prosram for his company, including work on - tranquilizing agents. He has been a very cooperative source and has furnished much information on pzychosenic cents. et, 1. (.1"1:=4,.=:taUritish subject who has been in Canada for three t � ` ,w40.21, ...'�n`''''Prv!**IJNi �- e orn4 yUC" .Ar; � ;;"' tat the � drug post freouently used in the Sovbloc for interrosation and brainwashing is Metrasol. The hallucinatory and painful experience with this drus is said to be so severe that after one shot the subject is amenable to anything in order to forestall receiving another shot. Yetrazol is widely Used to bring on shock in the treatment of schizophrenia. -- � 2. 'It has come to my attention that Frenouel , when taken intravenously, negates the hallucirlatory exPerience induced by LSD-25 and ;;;;reno,- chrome. This has been rerJorted in the literature by rabing'4, althourh the drug is still in the clinical stage and is 'not yet on the market. � * gamma isomer of Meratran � Dr. Novara D. Fobins, Christ Nospital, Cincinnati, Ohio vg.. ewe Imericrat JHccl 'srocietien ,3eurnv.1 Amsrictm Pusoction Jeurnnl 1U1)t:L3li of U.S. :AT:y ;:odicel floportnont Bu1lat1n or !!;:ieno CurrTnt 'Act of ndicsi Literaturo Epielooloicul end Vitnl Etf:tirtics .BpiderJolocicid cTort Eonthly .EpidenioloEical Report Veekly Excerpts r.-...dics journol of Infectious Diseecos Lancot Ebdics1 rullotin Pharnacy Internntional Physcbolozien1 aztreets Public Roalth Reports Tropicrl Vixens(' Lulletin Vitel f:tatintics .r 24. -r � 1 0, 1 r'7\ ) (e) -Aarraro 7.ron=9. (b) 7.3teri..21v other t!,:-.n tho at0L-Ac.LOth. (c) .:arrart: ;.r*tlusts, or;:n1Lme, or nty;ichl ttraIns 01 the ctiolo.ile:$1 a4ontor our ondolie di:mono:J. 2, 3. :-17! Tv, Ty. �7-1 7'.1",r"7 t'FF:CT. (a) 1.11.nnov.r.r. or doathe in sn1zicant :Iroups duo to tho ou.-u1ativ0 Wect of o!ie,31c3151 or mdloactive =etor141e uNleh indLcate onc-.7 intont. (b) gt.dia31-cy1dence of pixntins of tho followine. for dolzlyed cfract u;:en r.,2n or� (1) KvEte,p1 dl,1.71cr, or alteration's to cauzo injury,- illnees, (loath or eff:ciancy. (2) a:ents or ill:lc:ay. (S) Inrcntsf.1 frxrzn, inr.r.ct or ar..1.1 voctf,rz of disease. (4) 1ttv.; 1tr hezt of diocace. (5) Pirextod detivItivo hotts ot disn3se. * (o) Unuzwa ot!tbronks of-coxnunio:.Ac direanos: with voriodi of j inoubttlan 1-,ct2cof1 exrt anl1.t c2rtai1 dlewines ?nth innifIlwan onstt; d'4f.:c-::sc5 with vubi!cutc't,::re,,toz,s; nidi of .10,:h Jr:ell:once with or ::I!.!:frat (d) Co=uhic:Ibic discasf�f; afceLY.:tz tni,n1:3 t:nd tri.:74mitinit.A.c to zan, (e) Lv.Vonce or dolii:onto 04-crn�on or tho Nrity� 7.otency,or SUitaVaity 1or tize Turrovo intcrgs or mixlcal tapplics. 1.t. or ytir0 � .. � (a) insiurt c2"2,12nfc:Uo nwl or wt.:lel aro oiLn;fic.-01t, 1:t t:To cr r L-11 cistr.:Inn. (11) incit110h.r. non-cso..1:,/o illac.:acv or mlin VaLLC!I arc i� V0 of (e) 1Oti ani;:.11 coHeAo to to Stl:Tay (4* �:17k .N1112.11S. (.)7c: 11-. of c1.1:,1o.;Ii- rz-r 10-1�; Cr71., (e) Th r.:e (A' othor t!val for ctfooti (r) cvlecnco or ;_val:F.lio.:Joal A '00 � ��� r-No I. D. Snurfv,i or '7:47,!1.7 The level or Soviet mierwriolo.:71 btoetevistry, and�nuclear scio7ice and the pottIntial f:)r men rrocuction or Wand It; products ror attack on extensive 4rces alpeara to be belew thlt or the U.S.-allird nations, butiit arpears th:A, the U..n.a. is or producing sufficient qUentitics of these aesnts and ot%cr products for clandestine uso a5dinst selected groups or in lixited areas. � � A sufficient quantity of III, or radio active n?cded to produce si6nIficant effects could be rent froa Russia to tha U.3. These proeucts can be :lent throui-,h the diplomatic =all, or by ship, plane, balloonvor su531cd into the United States in various ways. There are many ii7Lplc nays of plantin:.; the material after delivery. Vectors or diecuse such as infected lice, fleas, mosquitoes, or rodents can be delivered throuLh the air, by indivicuuls, or delivered in shipl%ents of ::.aterials, for e=nplc; outbraLks of butonic plague � occurred in one of the Latin kzerican liarublics due to infected frees on gunny sacks which rare shi7ped from India. A cevac,tating cpide:Aic in rrazil landin;.of ylanes fro: Lfrica .4Slch carried one of the voridts most danLerous msquitoes w!ach establinhed breedin3 foci throu.;hout an area or several hundred thlcs There arc a nu:7.1,er or preducts whIch n1:;ht be mnloyed by eLboteuro for uneonvontion.31 varfare alch are nanuSactured rer industrial purpoeo in this country end which ray�Le obt;Lined on open arl-zst, Anti-cholint,stersze ch(micals :re used as e,ricultural insecticiriss. .One ilaht menufi.,ctures thoseacm)cals is locz:td in ::altinvr*, end, in V.:A eel-in:, the peSt su=7.1ar e'worker in this piL;et di:od fro: brief accidental c;:zlosure to a very small quontity or the rInteriel, toY.i0 rodsnticicies, such as "eatu" and "l=" are UCOCI tcneively by city health CepQrt!ionts for anti rat camT,Ligns. � txtrcmcly minute quIntities or at least ten berylli= cw17ound5 can cause poisoning. At lest roar or the con pounds Trocuce acute illreL�sces.. Air conoentr.e.tionneont'..inIn cubic :.-47Lar of sir will ctc f:�.:71 or ilin:rs endin.; in death. h toxic effcet ^ran r..11ardocs ib t for of illrc:ss celled uDeleyed Chc-7.1c:1 r'nelimonituan in r.hich clinical cy..11,te= Co not appear for r.:-..nths or :;ears after,? to V.le Continttien of air, furniture and otYer tkrtieles cn recUt in inca7tTltuticn or dealh. T;;f: over.t:e Oysician would confuse the diaiincir. with other. diseases. Thsse c..771onnde are &Nall:tuft in Lriny rector%rx. ens in � deadly qw:ntitie:, rsnufoctered arLIcics, such as fluorescent _ULU bulbs, In bulitUn;s ell over the U.S. � XI. wT).:PL Nrnmt nr tr:CrOZTIV!A, :.1,7;Tn - : . : � . It is rcosonablo to ouppooc that in cvent evidence of use of methods of unconventl000l wnrforo by tho hovict cr,oinst tn anion notion shoulo como to hana, wo should ontioloate that similar cfrorts woulo be attomptcd in thiu couotry. tho used uo basod upon blolo,;ical, chemical or radiolo.;ical rrodirto not unuoually encoontered the area att.aciled, such use 7.-ou1d te convincins; ovidenco of worlikc intcntion and caroullity of execution. Intelli!;ence must therefore be on the alert critically to scrutinize and cvoluoto all inrorontion rTe,araing outbreaks of uno3ual di3eares or illness, or unusual xanifestation of enUrac disonses in our allied n2tions. � III. FVM-CF: OF T;F. r7 TiTrV77TT.Y. WnI.lanP Tut'. The gpreilranco of illnoos of a kind unusual in the re:ion or in the rersons arfccted; an illness wilich lu not unusual in a locality or in an affected ;roup, but which is more widespread in its extent; or an illneVs which is not unusual pciloo, but which is unnsual in its .clinical -courts would raiso a sospicion that unconventional warfare bad becn initiated, bhilc there is no doubt that radioactive substanecs have immediate,' curoolPtiva or deloycd crfocto on mnn, de7on:!in; upon the zuhstance uned, i. uould seem tio4t broosioev of the ocorcity of suth throuo,h on channcls in this country 3nd the difficaltien inhcrcnt in transportation. in vicnifieont r.:uantitics from other countricc, it is unlioely thcy ul Le USed in unconoentionol warfare. This conolooion is fortolicd by tho fact that other catoriols of known lothal effect and sirorle of disscooination are -readily available. So far aS in knOwn, hnowleoso of thu erfocte of ultrasonic waves opon zan-has not.r.roLrosood to a point whorc the uso or this m000lity mii;ht bo intic;retcd in onzenoontional Idontirication of ony illneso as resultin,;� from V.7 or L. Later,o!lo or boour,ht olo;ut by Cthor :::thoolo of unoonvootionol'warfLoo idoronen'o LT-on a inc;.. of vospicion on tho port of or zno of cur pool)c hoalth out.:7oritico, and upon corolla clinical 4no ePiCtoololoical utudico. It con be antici:onted that tho ag�coranco or an u000vol illness in any rart or thc coontr,y, portieulorly'in our citioo, would oo roTorted to thr! o7:ropriooe oublle 10:olth aut:%ooity by tho phoorci000 pf tho coholonityo Jn the somo !.!onnor, rrcvnlencie or nouoloa eccurity or other i)onifeototion of o not unoo.:r,oteo dicesze would also to prom;:tly brouht to 'oho ott.cntion or the zo.;rorrioto ouo.00ritics. It xs to the rublio hcelth oo,..ontoOti000 of oor voricuo :�oovvrn000tal unito thot l00% to difforrotioto boto.ocn oo illnoro or its monorct,..otion, rosultinl: fron naturia chAn of clooxiotonces aa re.sllts br3v..;:ht obout artofloiAly � � cr/ttcf�el(f.10 1.17.M CAT. AFTFCTZ C7-11.CCM17TCNti, x. CAPACTlY C7 T11: rr7R TO C?::UCT E-CCW.F7:TTC:*ALI4AT:V.RE. A. AvailabilliLy of medical and other personnel. � (a) Organized and directed by the Soviet. (b) Unorganized sabotage. (c) Sources of personnel. (1) In Russia and the satellites. (2) In neutral countries and cur allied nations. (3) Within the U. S. B. Sources of supply of products. (a) BW; CW, RI and other products in enor:y nations. � (b) Esteriels now available to the enemy in the U. S. (1) Those which require planting. (2) Those which de not require planting. C. Conditions �in U. S. affecting vulnerability to scents: of � unconventional warfare. � (P) Favorable and unf=orable conditiens in the U. S. II. MTCAI. 1-011713a7.1 C7 1:U11F7F7.73 UM CY moN=TIc!LI. EGE!:57i.; 'J. E. � . . - A. Mdical evidence that unconventicnal warfare has been accomplished in an allied nation. � (a) By CW or RW products (b).2y other mans. � III. Evirrpcl: CF CT C? urcow=7:AT, Tn 5'17; A. Eadical evidence thnt mcenvontione] valrfare her been aceonplirhed (a) By ti, CU or Ell products (b) By other means. �