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Document Creation Date:
December 17, 2024
Document Release Date:
January 15, 1983
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Publication Date:
April 25, 1955
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(DELETED) - COMMENTS ON VISIT WITH (DELETED)[12887898].pdf | 194.51 KB |
25 April
orrice, opic
�:+..:1'4 7;7?-4i%
Co=nents oa Visit vith
1. I had dinner with
'wanted this in:crastion z-J.nt to you.
22 April 1955, and La
2- presentlY on loss to to US Public
Real,h Service in 1:achiaten, D. C., where he Las a title of Connander,
arrived this. 7,:ast� week for tha pur7)ose- of locatins a hcme
for his family. on loan to the 1,:3 Public ::-.-1�11 "
���-.�fi � �/--l%�"-����/.....;,::
Service for the pest two yaars and will return to-tr:e-7
1 July 1955, where he will take up his 2ormer duties in the Eaurology
.14�44.. .,��277
3. Dr-re.j...has an M.- S. dezree in Chnr.istry, an M. D. dezrec
and Is a fu1l-f1ed;7ed Psychiatrist. speaks of hin as tne best
Neu.rochenist in the field.
4.--D-2.:.Li7.h2s been workin in Washinton, D. C. on LSD-25
and gave these fin:linzz of his to P-14-21:.
a. LSD-25 can be detected - it fluoresces under ultra-
violet lizhts. Usin5 the fluorametnr, you can =eke
A chnnical deduction in -the blood nnd sIdna) fluid.
This dntection can be done to .0002 of a zauaa in � �-
.a period of 30 secoaaz.
b.' 140 percent is mscreted in the
ttrira�C �
C. It passes the blood brain barriers.
-.5. ...70).--,:_... '.1fcels that .7.,.� .4:_i,.....---:=7;11 should b^ includnd in t.l.e
,:"..`.-..�-�-..�---- .,e:... ;
--4-e-1=7-. -He-er17.1.7--eit.:,....:=17 C3 Yar as his departnat :LC c^-r-r-,e4 saw 6 � �� ��� Z.. ,.....
it would be co::Iplete because it would furnish h4m vith a .1:euroche--ist.
..-:............�..-".... ._ .
Las worked wit;-.... .-.......-a. In.c.;:ct -ast r--1 1.nows his aOlitv and
.5.......-.....,.-- -..-
-,,,�_...:7 : ,,:�.., return to,..I.Z:T.::) iii1I-vorii-with hi= a5ain on .
his .problew.s. . ...
� �7.'? . �"*.
6 Isq.'r-r. kno.t.r.vlur reaction to this no I :ccl
� '
, o: it. If :Jou 1:aren't tuiy
ater.litl o 1cc lot hnov.
7. - .doct1.1r fro=
Vi at you verc io ner.ctir.;:; o nv
"thorci'.Ir vJc L...aa 7:aver triodcliILal1y.E34 ..� au
to oxperiz.r.mt ulth it rl-cccl.to do.
8. 1.-as a � rac.',t,1.7..�Ck. and
1utrcado all neir otar:
vill�tcl cent to Lim :or reoearch.
9. The Dhotostato yore cent to you by pouch or. 23 April 1955.
10. The ori-1"�'1 four,
. rc.s.,zardo. I o.sou� re you 2.no not
lesocned in anyway. It be of real inte.rest to to co hot/ t'at.sy
vill you r..ay send on to th.e.n.
U. I ez enc1cr.z,_11erculth, e:roy?ort on 7.?1:znzolc� of 11:?-207"
vLich vr.c. cent
. " �
A. Np-207 with tnn crpirical for=ula - C20112.3112r3CI. IrC1 AN1.c coloctcd
$o1-L U. co.a.'ativo pliamaco1ojit.1 atudy on a GV.CieG Of r.1U
phonothiazito dcrivativea.
The 1hainmacolo3ica1 analyzie of UP-207 can be ca=ariv,sci as folio-Jo:
House IDi.v. Chlorpro=azino
:30 VP-207
Rabbit LDr3 i.v.: Chlorprorazins
. EP-207
.411: 3.3 nz/kg
67i 5.8 Fs/k3
30 taz/kg
27 A3/143 .
2. Oat, bf tLe zost characteristic properties of N?-2117 is abroad.
cpeetre of activity oa isolat^& alsoth muscle oreass.
(izoinIxte.iii ig)
(HuLlan tixrapeutic dcncge
Math:Ann Ant7.7=inm
( .....-__ .
-.1731atd ...11c.e:.i.sic.:.! Gua..nea mig)
(E=a741 therapeutic dosaze
karonaline Ar.ta-o-irn
gul-Loa pie)
(111=an Tilerapeutic Coxlee
(luaan theral:cutic Cor...age
of VP-207
of 11?-207
of UP-207
of EP-207
35 X loss active than Atrenill.
-100 X that of Atropine.
.1.5-2 X loss active than
^ 5 :4 of .F.>ndenten-
3.3 X lens active tbaLl TjT
- over 103 tz that 62 DE)
3 X mnre active than
� 1.1.1 ranse 0.5 pe.eaveriLel
3. Potentiati6n. of barbiturate arenthTsia ir nice:
1I-207potoutiateat Larco-sedative effect of peAttothal.
* Dra-7 used:
a 20 mg/ke Poatot'
C. 04 3 L'111:::
+ 3LKill:-.3
cal i.v.
UP-207 i.v.
.1;P-207 i.v.
or es3r^1n lyi-,r; for =ore
thaa 2 Mi;Vat.C3 0A.ttZ Bit1Q
(Seitan1y2). -
4. to":.3-r.lz5r1 ,--)H..*.IJIlticrt ;;1 nIcc (h,-.) -0.:1!) tflnt):
.. .... - f... . ,
A Pon-y.1.11y ir.2:fective 0o:N., or LtprvMne (4 c,/J;.z) rroduccs rartial
. . ..,
atalcesia in. auirala pretreated with 6 r-/I:z 1.7-237; cc:::?icto
anc:lcznia in obtained if tLe anizalu aro protrcatod yith 15 nal:3
21P-207. rr-fn7 vilone has ue anal:pale aotiom.
5. Effect trr.r)cratura:
T110 body te:::?srnture of rabbit and rat iu decreased under the
action of 1;?-207. To obtain a tenporaturc drop in. the rat of
0.3-L.2� CelSiue in =mai roan tenperature, 2 rdhg N2-207 ere
C. Dinitrolezel hrnerthernia in rats can be inhibited by VP-207.
IrLibitiem of onc1 llir�otir" con' io:i in rile--;
11r-207 protects the ani=als against these types of convulsions.
Circulator:,, G77;t-m of th,; crlt:
EP-207 produces a noderate but fairly lc lastinz blood pressure.
_fall (10-30 = Ed) in doses of 0.5 - 2 slc/ks. The effect) ho'.;ever/
iu uot Tory proportional to the quantity of dru3 injectea. Res-
piration is not affected. The reflex pressure rise duriu3bilat
oral clanniald of the cm:non carotid artery is ithibited by EP-237I
but rarely .abolished. Adre--14ne preSsure rise'is also less
narked after EP-207, but this "adrenolytion offcct� is nuch
than 1.71.1at yruld correspond to the his% adrc;:.nliwe untagonit= iu
the isolated. se=inel vesicle of c;uluoa
rilnrankRY nracpa, 177-70.77Th.'IC7-7 0727A.1217.7.) TIrr, TT OF
37.11117.C.A1.1a0.17S: The usual Chlorpro=aite indications.
75 to 500 rz. rer day in :it ei" 25 lo
patients received an LIG. pr day vithout side
Up to cit veeY.s.
� � �
� No offect oa liver function, codinIta-Cio-a of tho
bloDd, blood pmtre or body
Yany of tho al,ovb ratiento prior to 11?-207 trcatnorit
expericaced 1c1 effccta with chlorprocazino calch an
blood rn:..ccu:fc .cyento=c,
.increaccd ce:n1.:entatiol rate of to blood, cdc7=
ana iacrca.lcd. To cy-eptono did dic-
appoar vn tho paticat5 wore cl:and to I"2-207.
the doca7;c of I2-231 exccedal 500 =:;.. par day
CO= patiectn co=plaizedaf la.4nitudc. �
� Boalerca, 3 ti =on daily, 1-2 tablets can avoid the
� pyriptc= of ANS d1sturb:1=oz dua to the application
'0: Moracinc-lil:e co=pour.de.