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Publication Date: 
April 11, 1955
S � � nzicar OF Tat?, 6--3.1 April 17;5, to: � � �' �� v.-;41 � � .� � 13.5, ��������������". ..� � f 6.12.7-7:AL 6ri1czdUvii1, vir..Lted certzli:1 cleared contact:I 7, r:-.1:1 3 ); talkcci to - � -- � � , , � .. . .� - ..������ ���, ����t-t . � , 4.......� w '''.." a /* . �' ....'.... /irt.�,: -, :.. ;:/z.-..., .7.--:.-� :' . Z.') . . . to L-..._..........J.__.: .. --SO- coneultant-at-, .... ....� -- --,�-.4( 10 Apri2. ); culd tarr:cd. .� . .... e � ..., 4 ,O.,......' '' �7 .'"--:,.- :- 7 ".: t " 1".7'7': .; : ' -ti-...."-',"""'4 �"� '�^',"--"`"."-:�.""-.-...-:........4,-..t.:,---�,,.,,..,..._;,....:,-..,..i _, �..,,,,, �..,,....�,, 11 ( 22. April ). r.otails Sol:thus. ./ dd 4T. cnd the pzr eJitic so.heealocl Sor ccafc...--cro.c:cs the day. � 0- r� A � - On the e_',.^terr_or2.1 ar.d in the everdrz of. 6 the .-Titer , . . . ���� � tZ".0 Ce, therritt."*. in c:ocut, 1.3:0P 7 Api-fa end : ' -75-rraz:i�sc-, L14.prc tely 9:1:5 '. hortay _ . ester conferences b It Via to", � � � - . there Waro. � � � , rt. � . � ��� 1.. . . � .� � rot, � Fo13.o:rire � �� � L.� .6. t�b-;.0 ;7r.::�1;�'." "4 � ��� �� � � � re. � e � a. � ��� out:LI:led renera..1-teras the an:.1 ttr�seititdd interest. � conference. to hr .kftcr lunch., the sp_..-r.a briefin;.: re- .2;;;����,,-- (.7�7 . veatc..d with tfle Trae c-carc.ronec, including ccr.crel craz!....tione, .1zsted about throe hou..d. Later the.t after:loon and the LTitcr co:atinucd the d.iscucsiens for several ridatienel hours. " .� On 8 Umtlw,�u 2:1710 cowl 1I:GO nni the writer worn nhowli over UM lueut of 1:;;JI ic,iS,cioneou 10- cluinz dot::11cd yinits to t!:e;:_ -1-11t:roric:;; ai.orntin roanz,Jabo...ratorins, at-a1 on:nc6rim:: set-up, rr dio-activo nroos, co:T!,:nicaticns arca, filen, security nyr.tes, etc.. At 11:CO .7..othor Lcmeral cOnforance M3 hold: with 777;and thn t, lunch, to irritor had cvrzi2. short talks .a.!th At approranatelyI:30 P, and tho writer and rOtUrne'd to -. . Dur-lac the two-day the writer I:or:able to introduce feir.- � discusaion r=i,7. subjcots of intoref,t to AR:ICI:OK= and pro a- of inte-est to us. Thezo dincusaioz.s, nostly cencral in rat-, -,:are at ti=s su.f.aciantly � pointed to obtain sv.71a speolfic ana-,:ers or opcns. Sot out axo statements ia sabotance coneerninz various Ito= disoud: . _ LSD � statcd that this was a vory inpartant ch=ioal and � porap 1iith t-ctr most valule. Ser cr 3c hirzaclf: is doinz' cx- perinental work Irith it but stated at the present tir: the control of:the-- for clIr use'hos not :Jet Lean uorked out: Ire altrces thc.chczlical has a very h15i potential and nuen an-parircntatioa iv neadod.,'He has not uzed it in pychietric ( An croot derivativo -- and possible ontaLanist of LOA � - D poychocen.2. � e.%': � � � rthai a 'very They Co �. not. 1.-61.1c7c wead Lc; ty itaelf for cur *Cf. Seca that it. would intorczitin;; %:or:-..ed in ccr:'..)Ination cherdcalc. prtiirJy th5.1-2::-.z it. r..l..culd be tried vith Chle;.--,re7"� end pea:Ably zano in em-Li:-.1aticn with 32..:Z. TUILECTI .. � .4. t.c.c! t.bzt th.cire '.mz itt.itrz.t. .'LsJ. in Z5en teal: cra � or. the/ 0 CaL L���� .���� ��,.. � .0 Le thou...4, the. poychccr.-....lic effects c- he Lad iltit it. � - . It, was th?-t. r,P777.B. cx of Eeratr-an); wcr.:11:1 t-o.--rhrt:>s be =ere effective and. interactin_s th"n ' � Mr_ly tr."-P7M3t�Cilzti r coraCIZ ��������������������.. _ - that in lac c�nal 6732-Lien; .101, efra for it .-A.'e cTect.. i -ed- obvicur..3.7 t7re was . . rect. 3,1 er the e'en-yea:L:1"dt 1.c.,ctu-ft.: or the-nature of verk Lo he.1 net wor.?.:ed with it 071-:cri:zentcaly 46.nur." the:la lino:. re also 1=11c:etc:a he felt that jii by the ae-veral caLezt he. hafi wort.ed wit:a; it racht have c_n rxr-lerrtc effect: � A -1,144 -.1- statcci tL.t. it z-1-..-:e.rt"-t anti cho..11:1r,cive ruch cone3.eratien. th^ c.1-tenical v:_luable for the encl. cited thip : Ercup.orLi rc�J;;ht our, � � � onc of Lho 1OCT roo.;:lo of a ncorl;y cry olnb and one 11,-..,otor twtctr.C. Lin back end. neck 13-in:eh a v thot Lo cLuld noL crz1j.cri up, ever:r Novo:nnt , vurj� nainfal. -21 boo!: to tho and zavo 10 cc. 0.1 Dolitrone intrr-unf-1nr7v. in the buttook end within rannt,-.n this doctor wan able to! etralOvten up, novo about evennuing a Golf clUb ud felt no rain." scid.:ho did not check hc*.r lon,-; the condition lanted but he 1-.-mcq it 1.:--;ted a. ...ozzi t cove: el hot= and lie s',-..ated it1.-nn the rirot tx ,sz ..%-,3.itrono had been tz ood -1.�;r1- -A rat thz-tt for rs:opac Itho had to j'ar12 from parachute.; and in lir.o of chlty be a-abject to brol:on laze, opra:In.s, etc. and who had to perforr-, an assi=Yt in a c:iven period of this �sairlit e an ir_porte..nt discovcry. The 1.-1,-1,tar - � -7- � � � the6 this could bo uorkod out v..sino, an automatic injector dc-r!ce and said in hi n opinion it definitely could. He stated he would work on the prol):1.cla ar.d give it thol.'�-.1i.t zinoo he dr.:aria- rcoo:;:kir,F..'d its value to us. �����", 110 cc5i t:lat thc".17 wcracil do no.= no,-;:. -In the future.: on the - . .. -. � . . ...: poyc.2-.1oenie and z-c.i=,-.2nic .effectn of "3:olitror.e.: ..._.... .. . , . .... �. 115i.T.17 coml.:inst.:tic:a with other chc.-Ticals. fle statzd jt(....114:1tl.d o tried uith l!alr2SJ�'n�cind 1,50. Ile said he had done no ar.2.cr3nents caons� these :Linea but thoujA, be i7.-portaut. � � 7.121:-ZI (a can) - - � knct.7 of t2-l1s rare ca., and kncnt tbat it. had been (;tt'rlied. in "WIC U .5 .5 .:16 titat it was a po-,:erf'.._1 zmenthetio but it a.nd uy of adninistration rdcjit proca.uCo ow- uce of it. 5 ''711-11" BoLh.ecct.ors a_Trced that tho as.4rin tablet was ri 13Y of ad.-.:ininer�zItJon and reL:sibly as7iris oczbi:n:d. Itith other-ehe:dcals produce interestin:; result:). :lacy had denc no work alon tut ad:eitted 'yhat pills could Lc made to rei)cmblo aspirin tablets and. this wa..7 indeed a very co=os Intizz.est-In:2; but did not ar.T.,ear to be good fro.= cur point or no a talk pro�uecr particularly since centro7 vsuldbi.; difficult. getd axperi=ntiea with this combined 173.4,11 cor�, oth�'r clerg�Its. .7...77. -.3 "*11' of cov.xce:. with all type= of � r����� l'.arLItur-ates. ud bic3 ii�-������ to a � �� . . tv.nt. ,e A � " �,.....,cm.a.ous contributions in tho field of Zarbitur:rstos,- - pIrticular1y hit) intro,luction of cdin:.1 1:antothal. The vritcr as!:od botl.'mn if they 17.;re nrsir cLanicala in this field uith unuslial arid Etran:le result.D.' 'The writer I:ss inf0:.-1-1 there were no parLicula:1-17ncrbarbItu.ratcs c=rently studied an ny no;; infornatien r1cn. ccc lines in t'ne future 1.rculd be tron:--:1Ltcd to the n-7,17,,:rmr Ur., e , 41 .2'47 ... 7 . � ,S........., � 7 .,-,'...1." ?.... 1;11.:3 rofol..-red thc vritnr to t1-.2 1.9:.;5 :::dition 145s. - -- � ,4 .4 -.0 ��� �r. � NiUre of GiaLs.i.1:::.N AND r--on point. of ViC11 Cocaine zi its d ivtiVC . -... that. vn;r1c.coule i.e rOital7deno � C;17,71.71.1!�70. A ;71771 .t-.117.) 7:7T..'="3 �LrA�,,L�������':,',f �� ��� �� �� �-t � _ � � � -�� 4^�����4 1 ��-� � � .1 � 1.. � � ���-: �-� ���� 1-6 - 11 .4 � RV j�...4 � le� ..... � 0���������������� � le _ "11- -1101 , .� . � . etc. wor, hir,111,-�r to arK,-r oneratiOnS Ci: Zit A ?..;cncy - of our ty-;..e.. They ed, that. p7cotic--.2.:1:4. cvrrthin- ti7 c; ITerl::.v.-1 in co:a;ination with 1-acchol nrid tht tboy vould thc:==elver, .. 1. le ���� ���+1- Al.... � VA e� ��� � �� � � ,..�������� ...�� ..--��� � 1/44 o= it. ��,�-� � V V .4....o.LLZ.,V c�Ilfor�1��� bin=lionr, .4.;it.h it rind imuld pe=nible th icl that wou.14.11;oT�11, potontia'.:�orr, for Lho effect.= of alcoho1. � � � t . �.� . � ��� --'LLatod that ao a:cdon hnvo a 17.ny of otrzen via tutc. iv-1;o tho r.othar's sto=aall to anoint .111 chilatLyth. 113 otatod avc:cn is puml-pd into t!zo mother's sts:.�:-.1c.h threlK)1 a tuto ad tec1 or havinz a blac bab7 at birth, ar...perontly a pin% LcIly rcsulto. This rnzLeon uscd succccoluIl:T. Zio fy.c.cotod vo Lvc 5072C thouLht to placinr.; ras into a oubject's ztorch as a p000iLic woy to prodecc � Be .said different could bo inaucad into tLo storoch Lhroczh tubs al:scrb�-a from tho stonach into tho Lody. baia. - this .coule, le cazi23- acoa=plis'aedl:ith uncsn.ocimlo sobjc.ct, � r�T r� ro:Trn rt--�����^.N? r�c".--re� � ,-c� � rvo-s t',rt 17Cf.I .T tal .�Lod _to or mt _ _ ..tca that � �, a vast array of olootroilio equi7nont of alltyp,71o. . stated thcy tt rcrdciccz-LL7.dcrvicesIaro not- ,nva�112o on the - -Llar%ct and at -t'nov worc ontircl:;- - ,e tcy-, to-, r1,1r.7 o- *r.c�- qlliro too much attention to a2rvta a vsoft1.1 purpocc in our wor;:. - � - was � 1-1���� �����G-All.�� 4. � 1:ao fa:naiar cloctranarcoois anci stated it ac,d felt .it toof111- to t1-.. It &..lould. bo Lhat the :roan t1d 4 ttd thoy be clad to dosign and build a:::arzttus. for to if cuot � . 1:0C r:31-.1.14r.7... � -1 thoy would 1-:c.o1vos aLtc77t to eovolop ai-T!Jratus or dirAcco thot fry. :7:ant:Lanz:a hcratororo. ot::tcrl inte:Totod An any vnlIcual - ' 4 rcr:ult.r. cf or relta.that croc-e r.i.r.r chcr.icaln� �t electronic dericco, 1.;1:17 cound, etc_ i inclivi:laolo tal:zoc1 to vtatcd voll-awaro tlf_sze occurred but ft thC7 cro uucfl.y cucJy c_15.r.Lactod "4�,� v.. 1 they vculd not bo in tho toot intorOnto of tax ptcnt. Thoy a:7dd thoy would have to think this- ovcr btiforo cr.propriatc ncr could ba tarie. The wr.itor introduced the =atter of dict=7 e..acc.!s as a pociblo 17:aapr..1:1. Th3 *.d-ritc,r pointed out stz.�-rdc.rd. ;2c,71et or or in prizOner-:��=nrilinc, to be n l'o-- cuctainizz; foc-d�ration.Tht. ritor c.zkd the in:avid-Ia1z tal;:ed to to consitLor J'. ;treble= vIrst),,,r tLc7 then;lit it :21.-Sat to :cod to ca:_; -.^v3d a:cc' encto 1.. W.. � - � r_orr.1-72.1 but in fact,. be rrepz., rovc4:.:.(1.) ?Ind volp.d if.e fear; etc. in a prizonc- or lower rzantr.3..resiztalee., incrulso Cr� affect the zer.cry... All :.loctors talked 4,-.4 fat. CO10::: and in their opinion it uid'0,7; 771th t�-�-�.-..sit.--r to rt.e..1 t!:n f'rte:yd for crcz,.tn _ in thin nat-tcr.. cLatcd tf.:1-Zc, dolicioncy'wcrad be of intcre5t to ur... � It nhoulct be note-1 that rot-ar..od internal rod1cth c.nd trathcr.l.ty on e:-..ot.icns and r.:11.:Inc,tion,uczd their � � � ri � an tho r....-ailn'ule* at 11.0 is not cleave: and rot tallmd to :..1thouch it n7Peors that. ho Lht, tl-dc also intervzit.in1.-, he had de:le a za�eat deal of work. on pz.4.1 and its effects. Pbteztinti.:.:; cicJ.z, ho lzriter paintc...(1 out are ir.torost.-Inz,- to ts.� All doctors r...r;reed Vnat fiald shr..1.1.1d be explored. They have nothirz tb offcr of jatcr intorecrt %meld ha To to bc civen thouifut,. the prosont tine and said it .�-������-��.� 1...���:- considetion XCJVcr. to of 5-.1.1.fate produced by rryeth This cziczi.��� er.f."'Ct �-"r� - � . only it is.stron.:c.r and Ths.y.suest c=.� or � � s����1 ifr ������:��������-.... .or -"- this prelLs.:....ulon uoiJ. �"*".1...rey stated, he-.:evcr, to u.s. it 1:ao won Lcao-.r.r.: For conclrol p�-lrpores, the. vritcr introdi_lced thc subj,64,:t of Brain'�:ashing. 1.21 individu.7,1,1 talked to e7:Pressed i:reat interest t.l.te r.atter 1.7..:t Celt that ti.cir theuzhts were not' t:e12....fied co to to advarleo any ic:aas in this connection. The:,- could ou.:: cat no tech:licit:2-s or subtle trestnents that ni:ht have produced this phonoz.ona bt Jet � � I . � � . � they' ::cro rcinfor:-:c0. 1-.t.1.7110 , lei,. (.:* rtP.- � � .....-;:i7.7.%. � ' 4'; �z..,!..--: !.. ---- 7. ,. ..,.....:ri;cd that. uo clear end�contact,-.2.1---- ', �� _.:,�:..:..: in:orm i . ir.F.;:a cpfocialty tic....s ;...:1c.-7,t..he1ic1oz,./ .^...nI V.:a at pro.nont is on the staff r..�.t. � � - � � � � � . . � 47 (..k %.0 fi i�!: a I, .7 � ��� t-a^ yer7 uho -.Too r � , v tnusual ieces and r.nnufacturin.7 tii r.c.-3..--y.:ts for nr-,e ro thouzh.t, 1:0 uoraez 'cc,. an if:412.1 t:,-;:e for ua to tt..1.1.32: to. C-1. -Tr Z. 7:1rr 1.1.1e.,.. writer c-lisousasd at 1e:4;th of the oven tho viclontly culjcct for ar:.= cpLnions or io:2.s as to kicu tracli avd-,..;:ccts cold be � a contre2-c-, eittiaticn. Froblor-; coo:a:IL to c.12. aicIerat,�lo thou.--ht.� Clot-4.0y related to the f,�,'bove � r1om of � Crriarl1-o corctc r-r-rocn. - 1r,s- r�rl.ecn itith.ozat zhir �...�.�A triVocat leavin telltale zrk en the porr...on or leJlvinza hanLorr. 7ne � .... � ircrz werc ath tie reirr ^ very r:ortae Laz, had - I:so in t210r� case.s. Th.; s T:ortUt cleric::: had of � -(*. .trariOUScae i:i littic cylincs.f.:rs cir_ilor to thcao the ao�da bott.loa. z4....ed. that � st-torecl for our att.,dy (con liteJrature � fa:- t1-.1n has nct yet 1:-.-"on narkc:ted ....rrit,er is of the c..75.nicn i�he t�::a cic3 in his of:loc., for atut27. also r.c.i.c:d. that as a firat,-aid Ui;C:n ( � ����'. �� � � -barbiturates tIlis Ceylon hnd/Ereat Lerit prIrtteu2nrly un&ir ficid conditions. .� - � � ���� ��� a r . I The writer as%cd various contacts LI.o:; had rnCe 0117 studies of pnycholc-ical irrrt cf z����_ny type. The ens-.:c..�r was nocative. The writer aced if any work had teen done on such thina as unasaally pntcd 3:cons or slir.,htly out-of-proportion roons, rus.1=.2.7 roor- etc. The answer ozain was nc4;ative. This, based on e�er � .1f4 obviouzly, aparod to be/the fact that(=________,� was for assistinz; Lunar: bein,-..,s who ere ill and not for research into pe:yeholczical prkle7:a. , In the disaUn'sion cerninz.: lobo=cmies wns ascertained th per;'ernred lobetor,Ias of veri:::In ty2e3 Jj :nnttv.17 of colIrsa.. They were not particularly inprescee, '6:y-the uoe . � � lobetores cu...� work Lased primarily cr. the fact tl:at it was elum:3y, denr-zrouss-regzirod e..zr,ert surzery with not teo - . . , They wt.,ro 1-7.-4arc of the te:m alas:de-al lecGto.y but aprareatly felt that this.was not s..iitable. They knew ef bra,in surzory -j� -tut since this roc:sire:1 on..eininc the skull they tht this . . � . not fnc--silil e. � - � � , The writer if tLoy hnd din- ': � covered or 1r;rked with any l'unueuza " mc.'"cinal -lants or Lad tic :� off � - offs':�t� 0 "1:�-�:�:31:-.:-.1." Inc. Ir t.1 cc:c:ction, it. in LI- -3, teresti.nLI to the ttb4c-ct of )7.-.:�sinroun:;, � � 1,�t � r ! r� r. � :-.� � � pa.rticularly the toxic vr..:-Ioty: :.:usurooru.: In a ceneral zuld had ;:oticcd. several E.Irticlus in the 1:-Itcrattu-o ctel;cr1bin3. the use of razshroons as an -intoxi.nt, -par timaarly prtive 51borian tr-rocs. Ue thought this uas very important and felt a study should ho rade. Ee suested that perhcps 17715hrc ono -,:!Lich wens to:tic possibly used at O'sncr if vorce. in conbin:tion 'Aith LSD Saline r-1-)t prod tnu.sual result?. Details noti.f. enveloped. 0"' Pezhaps the nest intercr.V-,-, dii;oussion. of the entire trip ccelu-re-i durin3 one of the conferencr�s. -4.1.--.---711::..:...theut ar.y pre:dour, rei'eren-e, 4t."-e�-�i.��� ....� r. 4;,.��....�'" . � - . � _ � . . . .. - ...t.051re61 the ti-ritrzttil: ho were f.::...711i,zx -.14th the ;or of. tr. I1.:3 in, C.:an.aa. C The :riter. stated he was w'ith 311.725,1-; . - . the vriter note the of troric. fren an . c,orioe iy.Y.I.nt of 7ic-t-f. Thr, t:'Ct -t,t^r and I:a re azar.dr.i..-1::, it and r2-,adyini-: it as best 170.oz:111d; rn.c �,r.riter. aci 47".2 if he done ar-/ L.aonc,, EL-1d he he not but, hiz..,d road all ay:D.11-.123.e l!...terature alenz, these lines to do so= tctLon if he Could sC1.1C arranr,.ene,nts.. stated flr T.3z tr.".722: :�:2:.; Cr.: :Lie L'Cil 1:71.T.:71 P.111.1t.t.e1 the..-cifeet en . 4 cnirtals wes also tho lit.orzLrcr. stat.f.:(1 of c:.:Lrero i.t. r. 1!czi2an.. urz;ci.1 done in. ttiis connection rj1C.i tht: techniques Le esed�in such Cfi t;;;), r:(1.`:,�� "r: � � � 3 Cr`.:1.1" CLC. 7.I1C:11;ritcr (114.,z...ut3sed the isolat,ion problem in very r,enor.O. terns WI particully a:.;he.d thr.lm to I.-Aro con!..-idr2ration to ..-7a,va and roans to which the isoletin technique could brour/ht tb 1.�car on will or none tuf.:irlingor cvon ,r4- � bj CC triU:.; 0.2,4 .74.4�47..tCd in: Zit the problem a7pcaro.d inportenco to lin of tremendminiand he certainly intendr.ld to rive this =atter con- . SideraLle thc--ht. urtd com7.1eto studios of o...7..2eri=ontation Lnd l'escareh in this field a nu=ber of tines dar4ng the conversations in the several conferonces the writer had uith him. 1 POLY:21?..7-11. r-,�� :41E3 in very L-,er.c2.-al torps dia:rass-c.d .the r�,s2.raph of the uccs L".o of it. 1.11k-rez r. nest or the doctors nrer.^.-t ad c:Do of the. c:e-v-ior.s.., none or thcr. had a al:an= to stle it in actIzt.,..1 aulcu � � with Lr.. ua connection wit.t). 1;he orIcLaal dev;:loy:-.4:nt of resT.nnse to cxzet qaections concernin:7 m-!autirin.r. eovionn 1:111,4 p.1' ��������� � "" � � : ���� I LAI rritcr irafOrnIC:C.1 there uore on the .staff of r.,everca indivic172..alsece ro.4'-rt.'. on-a lat.= I:ho d done vor-j ad- vanced work in the inyo.;:tin.z of and de�-oloi-zzf., of. 'sensitive dovioss for blood prossure, &hir radiation) etc. Cno doclier is .$1:r,�, � to Lave. cieloenur...7.rous,-;r:.-.1.1.iri and ralatod- r.onstn-inc, Ii121.C.11 /ITO cer.z..b.le of ada.;:tion to tho r.e.E:r.rronont of. dooveased or inercarez3. blood pressuro or laced flou at r�zny points in the body. This diceon V11 s not Covelor.ed bcoeuso the L-.nocialists roforrod te not alcarcd e.nd it wrts felt that ex,?loratic,r. alc:.4; Lido line could tit. for th � � these clet.trances. _ or,es :...tat:cd at. the r_rer,cat tir-n thro ere no new inhaLanta he felt wculd b.e of interect to U3. EC. .p0.12.2tOd out that ;-...o..3ern. surciapa techniques of ancsthar..ielotzro rc c.orrplex hospital-typo equirzt 1 nal :Ir.:darn cpc:rati-nz CCC are extcanivel:,- equip7,2d tt tIlat this of eciu4pr-zat cauae. certainly- not be trans-pc---ted into eny crude area or under field cenclitions. Cr.7.7TFC;I.11) Since tho1; and had --,.1�--rced the pre- duetion of any of the a,,cr.a ph-d.r,c7.:�gla 'be cf int�-�-�-st � � tht-:y be contrzlleds tl:c ci,:r�ntion ;:zio put to the doctors 11111.-: they reLar2ed the 7.-..robler as very interestfina, no /, �1-1� ",_- e-fs.- .e ...,:: .:-.����-z---.=---.-..� :-,:...,- .,,..........-, . �,-.L..g bhotild be ca.cared and inter-Tie. s.,..: z- �-�-�-�.;.,,......---:--... .-..r.r.;..,./.1,�..,.. -�.: . l'-�;.?---' _ .:.:state.i. that ;,..!-ft-L2.7... :..�,....f ''- �- r-.7r.���� --rtf-rr. st....-:.::-',.ed 1.:-�-:-.1 O.- no -_. / . � rosenz-ch. in lar-.1.1:-.�.?..a2 t,.�-��;-::, ef� 7-7,-,T.'"....-.)...".�-'i CZ-s�/ ;*.-.t.-...-^... Or.r.n. n. =Id ha nrobal:l..3,- 1 v3ou1d have of L TOXICC.).1.:Xa The Itritcr ts-ccertalned that .0, � � e e � .ri-r* . / LiC,C not. have. a taxi- oolo.Tirt as 3'.1ch but LI:cy th hove cher:lists ancl pherrzcoleLt�ion their staff 1710 have dc-no to:zicoleicLonl 1:crl: and their servicesu1: be made zUa10 at ytime a to:r_ical:::-.5..eal : ������ Tu 11, of costroLleci pro-juction of.' heads.,c.hosl� ortraelies ��� �����04-��-�� �. or v::ricua psins was. discussed with tl:o clonred contacLr. They az-j-b.:c-7..1 that certain p;-ins o.nd Zcheu coald bo produced by but- tha,- of r...s to len31,11 of tin-.0 of the cttacl.: and before the onset of the attack wouldbo C;irficalt-. The problem of hew to p.roduco a --Tee-if:Lc or rain that told develop st.r.-eral hours ctftor the of a chonical vas cLiscuss-oll but no,"1diato ideas were proposed in this connection. AT_ 77.7.0 This topic 1�:es introduced for dlocusz-Jion but since the n-lch-1-0 � � cur-rso%e and utterly useless under car the ratter vas; not pressed. , � ft�ilure of tho to be ot' � Trai.l./.3 to vzs. thu ,!...%ubject of xicro-.-Dj.r.c.::a-k2.-.: devices for -inject,ion of � crit antrouced. stated he 1.:szni of the. pencil f...n;:coter-type of de7ice but stated z.; far .he ao one- � had built any of these .lericea on a vt.:ry 57211 .cale. I:c ar-rced1 beuevrr, r.r.P.:z.zer.ile�.7.,:e of Ivy:eon:lc neccaa's,...and injcetc-r mollanis;:s ssch a device, could to 1.7�;;1.1'.. ft.s "=".� � ritatet! th.;3 tyr.,, or device 1:oulti Ix., effective for actl:p_l_purpoecs. 10 r.,tet/-4 type of device. could be. 'ouilt in =11 sizes that ccold dofinitely r.c.snotrzto cavr c1othin.4 includinc leather jecl:ets, etc. , The writer 1,.2nt ^,c;�.-cf ca:;ctie5ion tho prola,-...rt of a con- trolled a�.-nesia cnd itc value. 114 writer r�lained th:.:t cur trperi:.��-nta indl.cated tit:tt certaLn c ica3.o, a:.c.1 other thinze produced attnerda but th.c.'..r.o x:ero 'not r.ot ;�r-ncra_l_ly total rtr.c1 that ur.dor vott_14 we E,^aerautee ar.r.csia in any t:yre Cr work. The doctors cancunseci thrs r-atter and a.,...-r,ecd that ecntelled anneniaor t,otal a iccia was not �I.:tail-L:1b1� en:apt post:ibl,y thrc.t.:011 sur:c.ry which t:ccy ruled out.. They also felt that. electra.shook cr induced chr,c1:1 1.1b.i1e they would c.1..c.tral.:T.z,- produce art-..esi::: for the actunl diock. ope7.-ction, ..ould not proctace aralesia fer periods preccdint; t!.-.e attainir7tration_ or vr.e s:-ter.k. They inclicat.od there was S37.C.`, cc1a 1 prodt:co..c1 for conziderclac't periods folleu-c-- the 1;r-is vat net contr.:a:led z. would be :.z.,-��otty. -� .�_. � .�. ���� - . ctcd : he felt t he 6iven the pr.-clactm he would try prolucea c2 throuf:h the ure of a serier; of cilfferofttly--�-�cttin-, cc che::!.t.;a1; or cherdocas that act uDon difIcror. areas of the brain. Ileztatod he thouf^.t thet 1-y svitchiz:(; the che.:-..7.ictals ..� _ � � Xorth . � in rini; the .r � � fcricr.,Anc the int.erro,:r.t-lcm it r_it bz.t.poscitle to ro,:.t.l.c.ct a f.orr. ; 'r."e atzted that ccrte.inlya cul-...lcct who hod under,:or�te - - - � tYpf.s. 2 of reactionst cer.a..:2�1 pc,yel.c.)enic cthetticala and had been Jr,- �:.�� terroj,atod alcnj with the.:::e Che:acalr. weuld probably (11:::eriented ar.d. -.:�.:�112.d riot have sucieut, rcnt.l car.acity to cittre.rentizte lietwoo.n fact cr.d. fanCy. :Ohm. � Veit-hcr clocLor et-ut/aA or inl'or:.:atien. � .����������1.') y .Tho vritc:r as::cd the doctors if they 1...20 Ina of 3i5ipoepray devi.ces. The dectres were tilth the ,/ � � ' ecrice tut z,:-..perently no use IT3 beinaruc of it at- ho aid not, like itprir.arily becaueb it produced bruiecn and wounds on he felt for his work that other nnans of adri--iistration yore rrre suitable .z2id r:ore .te..-_ptzbic. They }:new of r.o nog 1yposT:ra2,- dorices culd certain:1.y %:orc not, desii?�1.inz, or deircleping any therx,F.,:lvez. out that a could not sr..felzc be 12.zed. clothi_ric or ler..ther. Thci :crc not far:I.-liar pith rt.. I or ���* � � �,��� � � � - 14:�-�itt�-�-ti-.1":ttti- t�.:7-t 7*, sheto erani-'e a "ncr.;" hypo:..T.rry" as a prisoner-control dc,vi C�C= ) .........1���������������� � . ,�����.�-: o. � rr � , Tno deetorp . :were familiar wfth ncrvo casco but. such etc.e-.t iich havo no 2.-ez4 elir.ical. vcand are highly aen;:erouz..,, are not handled at doctors ad:j..ttod that thrze cc or gacco vhieh could attz.ic..k. tho.r.orvez in h-r ��� : � '� � � dbce3 crointerosting but no .sustions .1;c:re .off.e.rod. � The Arritor =plainect cur ceneral theoroteial intorost in the production or convu:Isions as a direct veapon or poseibly the use of t::e Cora period following tho c�onraloion as a moans of obtaininc.: d) � � ��-�� Tho vr.Ster 1-21so dihc,Jcned or !ni.ernIpted swna no nuLhod for c.,-ottl._:).7, off a cr.-.11-,--uloion in a Chc.;:ically-cc:xlitived a-abjoct. The dce.ers� uhLlo therarl worn ' unable to 6f2or svccific ic1 altho.I.7h thcy a:!reed the iLincs w..!ro interestinz. They su.:xested the folloui: a) Anrxniun Chloride Arnoninm Chloride intravcrioolay will produce conralsions. b) Pyradoxin deficicIncice pill cause convulsions. a) .TrIzzel (an anzlo:.; of l'ntrazol) Jo a conwlcant. 'Known as ���������.�=16 Trizol in Cermaay ia 1333 and 1532. e/e d) ti 1.22:E22 a --....biturate of the Lli Lilly Cc=pany Is a canyulst,nt.. d) Y.-soled= S'.11fate intra=aocularly will oanne convulsions'. In � 1.1�SS Of et; � . arc 67:711.7:::::77 and in ;Lock therapy; .1r,y ctcted they ;lure ab--t to receive a yro cf 11243 . xlenhins which aute::.atic.:711- j IA 1 ���."/ , -1, � � ,,i'saperately stated- that ii33 and Coriico- Groi--1:ic tcie3 c1d be ver7 v.sefu'l in tostinz ne-r7 cir.:�--,s cor,nT.:aticr.... _ ' - idth thCar -;:e effect. 0:ote: This I7tate:ent has been A - tine and rain to tho writer. 5eo report ea 4 C'N.r ��� >K.7 C.& 2..r. A.1011" cc- dooply inserted a:IA:strode tochniqes h%ould "Lo or i.e vnlno. Aninal tests v.ninz thcso tochnic=s ere no-J. widely Lsed 0- � '0 results are.rost, intxrcnt3n:: and MI.:lay-indicative. Dr. fc thilt. � throol;h these test,s r.uch now r-atcrl.r.a on brain function would to doyelo;:vd. The writer discussed the use or aninals'and znirza experinentation in testing and research on pcychoccnic YEI chemicals. � -th74:edical-Sciences-Building7and-at-a-sVcctarca-several-niloa-cut- ...,......-4-operates a:ten:aye experimental animal colonies-- these incluext many thousands of animals of many types includinc stan:Inrd colonies or nice, rats, rabbits, pigs, dogs, cats, etc. but only a (6 or 10) noneys. These in connection with sl:ecial clinical oases but pure research is continncus'? being conducted at all tines with .t;Ic ani=als. The writer vas r,, are prinarily held for testing direoc - that th.07;',L..would be glad to carry out animal experir.entntion their anials if this were essential to some future (This offcr was not ficyclo...7,ed pendin--: future stady.) e:Zr St-ate d that es far the U.S. was at the Institute o � the ".���� T.5.Ka LB. 17:43 roctership crthet ' as he knew the best monkey colony vork and both were excellent men. lie � stated .that t.e raon.key colony the institute �is C�-,.T.,..:::).numercz.1 aways totwonn 90 an :MC% ;lc! felt tLet both Dr. and wcul.d co-operate tm my tiro-they 1:ero approached. know of no work. at vith "waltzinc :lice" or wit.1: the. Gibbon Lut expres:ed intercs in studios with the Gibbon althouL,h ednit�tir�c h 1e 1:c of the From sevoral convcrsatinns it r.p.,::ezu�od oLvieus that, _ not deyelc7,cd0 =Er All perso:i.lel iutervIewed :'Cry htic.11y .�.ctateci to tEe ritr that. I. � 'Jerk could be .ttc.:ptcd 1.-ith their =opt uhere i. eceld dhosra that it defiy.itely 1:or4u . the, patients zooe... :hey nae..e it very elec...r thzt their vcrl: tras te help those the.t were.i11 pcintozi cut thet DTA-T.3-0 Ver., �.;ere ell aLcd in that dirr.ction.. They said, helic-rers thrt this did j. thc. fro.- � cfetz or the rtc't deter:zininz; posoitld of rc d.raz,-s3 der_712217 or frort.vcr'.:-;nz, 1-.Z2c tl.ey ccild. 11:3y ntztte::: v their thou,-0.1:-.4.1 rearr7.hl. to r-sc1 the 7 22e-;-:-6 of the Vrt�'_aas ir.!:)ar. the 1..Titer eo.-ire...-.;er.1 to . � . . .- ... . _ . - thr-a 2,17/1 1.4.:.o... c,...........i- azi- . � ��....,..; - -, .....0 .., t. 11 '- Vriest: eicrorl (see Scllclanz) ,1 �-� � 7- C �Iu thr.t fi discuc;:.:d.on ..Pa-r,� � 7 .44 f6 fl a- ". IL: nance reco7.1- . riene...L.s.:1 for clecs..=:ce by this 4,-er.c.-1 z...0 that thrir r" tracntn could te. theoe loyal onti pntrietie k.zericon ia the opir.ion of doctor to Lelp tuld could-n1zi. contributicz-Is to �.-aricw thcy felt, the bo :tut-emoted ino a' �I,.� � We ".. � �FIr7 iv. � '15 a distins�Aahed z.s.nd r.hysic3.3t. 1 She ha 2 a vast ran;:e of interCsts; is rearaed as exceptionally brillir:t � and is a specialist on the effects of ultrasonics, radar and radio on hunan bainr,s. �� � been for a num7cer of years a Research Contx.ltant ����:���:-. at 21n biochemistry and ;harmacolocy. Prior to that he was head of thu dccarnant and Lean of the Collese of Pharraee1ot7y at Jirzi he ia rezardee. as .outstand#c; pharmecologict. . _ � � � - c .--tf � -D.F4-. 17%. . � .N. � "ITV -0 . . � � A. ���;�,C... �L54;3 � C...1--b� r�ar and. regaraed as c::e of the nest brilliant p,5.ysiolo-ists in the Unitod ... " . - ' � - � - ....- �"'"'' .. ' '' .: ';`;..!..1.,,,...,..-,..,.��. --2,-,,,,, States toczy. ��,�-�,.........�����....-..-....:..�.:,.���..-i�,..z.--,,,.............,-,...;.----: ������-: '" � . � . . ' � ��� � � ������-� � � � *.e��� It is believed he trobably has a clenrallsc of so:-.0 type rh fron this Asency., e . � 0* � a coneultant in !:euroloz:,7 � �� ��!' � , .. � &LAIL!. 1.0.3 rec=cnacld because of his .!7-1crTho_of hrth probl(=N Lnd rolated - ����;�:- � _ � , matter:: ofid hi:; 2'"cr.,;,-nized 4.� , / /.� o , � � �I /7 � '7 2, in a connultant, physiolocy and rztc.',1c.ine. ;�:oro prtaCu1c.rJT, however,�.77.-r7 -..:,........;?> is. an ex.:_tcri:r,cntzl_list and of considerable Lbility and has &slated:a !rest nun:er of inntrurx:ntrs which aro believed to be of C07:133./Icrable interest to the l'o]raph ranch. Io het..tsbi1t.nany diffcrent tyl.7e3 of Ple;tlisyclographs ad de- vices for the r.::,asu.rer.ent of the .1-2c-.7 of blood znd blood pressure. descrited as a Of great inz..,tion IL:et a person who uould. be velu.ablo for Agency use along lines: of interest to us. � � ���������.� _ � � "...ft.!. � , rr 1 - Beth of t!-,...:se men arc corisultants to a. are cf con- aft " �/-te�- idrablc fulterest, to 113. -J'isari LT:enter z2.1d ner .ezz ,����*--.1 ��� of spocial =cacz_l dr.:vices and has work-d with othr-rs develcpi c-cci-1 anastheUc devices. ra.1.1.1thig dr.; et, CZ n .7:_n7 si cicjy C./A � � to ;du ;,1:u proc2,ss of clez.i.rwIce now. . _ ve. � � -rf �� I. � 4.� .1-e" � / As noted ri.1;ove,, t C V2it. to � o opinion . , of the irritcr, very profitabie,�not, so r:.ach for the fact tiLlft. _the -iter was e.ble to pick up new infor.�=ticn or ne.-.1 chet.:icals b .1; prizzarily he- case of the particular cnthc..cizz:a =Id uilLin,7ness to co-op,:rate she.rnby tato inclivichtals inLc.rviewed z ui propesitk': Lhe nar, z-.11o7c, for clearv-ices, the 1ecAt3 pc,nns tn ( n; j...7ht:1 c4:Trovni - � � 21-to C ' � � r � : co Lc or ;:p74;,.-:....) pAus t.:;r during thin tri') '";ould Le cic!red.:-t t!:-.! Teo :r7..�ur.;, kyr) _fr./. n-..1.7 of cent.rIct or on rricrltv Thio 1:1%:,:lp would thea forn a sort of pobl of brain power or a nucleus that:would work if required oa problems' of interest to this .t.c,ency. They would be a ready r'eserve � future fn117 cleared in the event of/Lrouble that wad probably be extremely valuable in research and in advice. Tho writer wishes to point cut that. this is not his idea but that it seemed to stem from the group. Certainly it could be said that the � - " Lull facilities of the--:" can be :ado arc:flat:1c for our work, with the only provision thzt be remem.bered a hosoital and human cxnerimentatica encopt within very 1iiod ran.-oz is not carried out en private tatients. financial discusricno were involved in any of the a70 and it was ve:: .evnhatically ncinted out to the write" ' no :-noncy ai .'old II for any of the work th-,t.',7rL c!ono for 3/:�, GoTernmentt-paittler:OrcraT-she---,224.-- As noted-rl.e-viously this waz more of an exploratory .nature and was not aimea at l'immediate results" . � but was rather aimod at a possibla full cooperation in the future. . � .. � ;.� :SPECTAI, Ca'77.1.2:TS Of particuJar interest is the intercommunication systen that is cpereLinc in .."artodny.. � This is based upoa.a renar-bIe pacuratic tube oysten which covers the entire areas and all build1:.Ls and.which operates with crcat speed ;.,nd efficiency botwocn the � _ var.:xi-so il.Ln aid the 0 1;1:C:is :11:.;01):1-4.411 :Ind even to is over one rale aw.v. These tubes, sneer:b.:1z 4. � � ��� .� � 't � / e � -� -��� � vOry sexure ;:n0 vr:ry fant. T a ho.ecl:rity c: tLo tuLes is p.0- ; dicatod on the feet if they arc tx7Tered with or opened, ceases "ce....6c � - to function. In opinion, this developnent is extrer.nly useful and'very cafe and caves a great nunber of personnel and much tine. .t43-e-cxnlained that it is essential that caso histor73-es, often buli7 dee-anent:4 nust te sent rapidly between the various hospitals and rust novo innediatcly ahcad of a visiting doctor. This is done threu:,.% the develop:sant of a taizhly effeetire central cenmunication systen of pneunatietubes� zravity.plpes between flocrs and automatic lifts for horizonal novenent. This central'com=unications ustem set-up is the heart of the ad:ranistrative operation �related In addition to the handling of docunnnts, X-rays, etc. � throuLh the tu'ee.systev-s� it i3 also extrenely intcresing 1.=ause of the ccnoral intereication techniques and the sinolc instrunantatien " . . . developed for rapidly locating individuPls'and for the han"l', . . . . . _ --nur�tor-of patients that flo-.1 t' t ef Lt-f t ��-� -ft : * �� ��.=��� . :no Is . to the writer, after the Triter had expressed admiration and interest in the intercom'systenjtlit he :would Very gladly-pen:lit inspection and .exa7inatien of the systen by officials of tlas A6eney and 'would co-_ opp.ratc: in any y ith the covern=ent if a study of the system would help. This sanc-ceoperative attitude ex.pressed by C 4- --CDIrectorr-Hedical-Eem=oc.s.-E-Ji-�th-g4-Lho inComed � ..f.7:77.1that they .would be weiceno again and questions concerninG the � having to do .vith the adninistration pLruc_rc or vorkinz facilities of it would Le more fully end conpletely explaiaed at any tirle they co uishod. ' ���� C.; ? �11) cf.- . , � )3;,r Lyn , � 4.���-�- I (� � , / � ." � � -rt .4IN:i VI � �''� for duri..ns period tLe 1,71,.i.tec vas icit. or partier in crest, was the fact. thrl .y � Z�tr.. �-�7 C` � e� 4_4 � e � 17 cau:.-..e ol this: and Lccat:se of the cr.trer:ely favorable ct.titude. � .* � the uriterf mclueetcd c.�stionod cancer:lin.; LSD mid certain other related mattel-s. Thc con�.�ersations, rortuced to the � 777.-e � 'St oiz:pleat terns, reflect thLt would civ e to . _ .'"��� EIZIC4arit of 11.0 required for e7.7.-,>arir_entalrc. end that Sti31 extre7=1,,,. interested in t'nc ratcr-ial end was eV"', c'. C to 4-'.(3 -Int-r- 41 " 1' sts of t in :sation - thz c4.4' t. the net. riinwith LSD " _._ A � - � � .5.nt.ereatodt. drz. stated l'�e beur.d t. ft � -revert", years �AAA A LA�, *�-��'�.-� at + atteazled aa int=hatioaal �7pareni:17 or-faro-nee lr.z�ceent a A ���� Deienticts and so7:a1ca or other the subject *f orzot aad its derivet..3 , yac trol:c1.1t ino � ,no part of ���� re1.4+^+, �� Lhey 21co: so.iontistz ezelt....-'r_oci to t�Ist.t t:..oy seest a ,J (. � out the 'rusts that aff,�:cted 12�.e crein in the, Sovict Union (erz�ct. *6.5,. from:a rtloti and they hnd no interest in tLe ahe:-.4caI Apparently- felt thr.t.this r...3.1;.-.ative of their attitud,, ane 'Interost. a.lso 1-o vas -c to to the i�..crit. CoasZ. 1:1 tho nc.=:. Se:: days t:o at ...end a " Coast roc.;r:ration � t � ;..;,.->n LL. C1 he to be et Atl.anLio CIty, flow Jersey, tO attend the Anorican 1):,ychi.otr.lcConvynti3d. (P7...e� .�.- � 9.33 x houail also 1:.3 ne!...ed tt to a. Ge..1 attend this co:r:e:Iticn and .furthcr, for r.f.8:t.-ter of record, tf2"....r,t������� to attend the convention end is ehairr.en of one of the CrOUp11, Of particular. interest are the fol.lcuin statements yhJch arose Cle 5 .j., � . frOI2 conversations I:et:eon tho writer anzwors � � ';��� . Wer1.1 based on his, e�.-ra views and his conversations .g - stated that J wz interested in the use of Chlorprc=azine an� an. � � � re, e Cr- aritacc.aris!. to LED. Furth,- not tried co:A:inn:don effects,i-..-.ith. ...� ID but they do intend to try. In addition,is vorking on Seratenin. . 5e:catch:In is described as. apparently an ant;cnist. to LSD of the perisherol rerves. .� - ' pz:zt.ioular interest, to the vriter. ;:as that the staterent that LSD in 'ter .n..-1-inistrrLf...ine,1 in tn thn rsry' 3cns t;1,-8-1i ife.uncl end this riinn�:rnars Also of cre7r.; 1.:ns. the thrt :.Aeld the e.-it c; btate.r.ent t;Int s te.unc.8.�.-1inaero!:.--els. in .d.".s.Ls clan be the skin. ror 12.atter of record, the vritor � � broui-;ht this up ses..-cral tires to rake certain he had heareo-E-r:'...--- staterents correctly. The however, sbeinz non-tdchnical, did not �.441, � �� �.. derta C)i� ) tail; nor e..,:plz=lation.s nor did request :sto dovolon this the= It should be : J.Jaa well as ot.hers contacted the writer they will attc.::f... � . tr. C to put; to 111 the en-t tk.i convey any qi:er.Lions of this typo to thus() inciiv.i.clua:13- .� for c ..c. � � .� � � I .r 7' r :. ..� tialdnZ idth St..a..�c.t2c1 c pro:Linent ...../(7�7.- fiC11X-0 in Eoi1yood 47:0.05C r.c. as not. el! C -",^c� did not. abk) bad written asked. for a quantity of LSD 11,-� Vanted to U30 it at a party. was shocked at this NT...J-1d turned it &lin but subsequent3y learned this sane person in 1:311;,-,...00d had obtained LSD and also Hose:dine (sources ur.1.2own) and had used both sone sort of punch at a party 'and the psyc'notic effects and revAlts Imre violent and terrible. 2.1017: .Tho 1.-riter felt. that he could not prer.s this any further . to o back and atte=t to obtain further - t i at this tir.c.- . . . he vas curious an to the effects and who had tho�perty . and. try to punp this ir...forraticn out at. _ Atlantic City NO1T.: It -should be recalled that I n.sceritly wrote aback on the effects of 1.k:se-aline znc.1 is 1.21,.---,:lectcr.b1(.3 -about 1:51) and as far as tLe writer k-uci 1Lviri in_ Calif orrati. liCTE: The..1.-riter considered� the idea of posing an a (looter at. �- � 2.4.�p� � .,;�� � and L.uith , � � the idea in v.icIr of the fact co:re suspicious if too sharp questions were as%ed cenernin: � �-- LSD.. was described by both Drt-r-.. a:3 a perfect:1y nincore, henctst; , rInci sdentisf. � � � �� - � . -� � � , In addition to the aLove,/the fire control system f the now hvildings,is worthy of study. As in cost =odern industrial plants . and in large mdern offiou buildings, fire control and fire reporting ;3.1 r < � '� � 'signals arc irriportr-,nt. Thec.- buticlincz. hato a very elaborate centrall:t controlled fire spotting and fire signalling apparatus' which is based on a central control panel in a special area. Bunlicato pLne12 ere placed � '1,7:e. in strategic points elsewhere in the%. _.,7-1,complex to aid fire apparatus !and aid anyone reporting Cr fighting fires. This central panel also contains a great number of indicaters, dials, regalatcrs for temperature, air pressure, air conditioning, etc. While not unique, this would never- theless be worthy Of study of any person visiting this area for the special � reasons sat out . Also of aMitienal intorest vas a 310-scat thPater that was . . . pooially desiEned for lectures =vies, denonstrations or whatever . ' . . � � ^ _:purpose. recnired. It annsrently is accoustica:ELy perfect and by s:.%eeial � _arrang7tent of the seats the stage (nr things on the stage) are clearly vir:41-1r, fran the seat area. � It of course, is cquipc 1-hr� latest - and sound devices and an excellent PA systen. It is obvious that this Agency, if it neves into now quarters, r.ust have theaters of this - _ _� .. � type blrilt in and it is believed that a survey of this theater . . be valuable for cur purposes. Another item which obviously so-ld be of interest to Security � all and to other elerlents of the Agency vas the fact that przlctically/of � .1)14-fry the u'orking�aroar; of thu new buildings nre equipped with ai-;ny different types of facilities bunt in. For inane, in the research areas, there axe plus in the vall for automatic t5ming and there are sockets for light and heavy :-.owcr. .Therc ere c:-.7,:en cor:pre:;sed air, lith and low � � � pressure -steam, hot and cold i:ater taps and other zns outlets and there uuro vacUum tubes in :an: places as oinle wall outlets. 71dr, type or viriand ripcinc in the opinion of thc uriter is also wcrthy of ourvey _ . Bina) in hirly sensitive areas in -any new buildInc, which this Accacy .=ast havo sone of the these elements or v.othods of inotalirt-Ton 1.,114-,ht be very important. � /-/ � ' ��- �����:�";....1, --/4.4.< � On ziaturdays 9 Afl, the writ -r tcy-ed to-..:.. ' q : ;111 �� � "e��-� ��;� er,:i-N Cr. betw-...en 2 O ,.. -�7.- d 1. � � � ---� � � �� as usual� uas most eo-cperative and a:;ain, expressed his ullainc_ness to ca-7 out any type of wask or tooting that 177.,,ae. be passible unLier his present scircurstances.. He stated that his =.-k preClueed exhaustive resetzrch but .folt th-at the:so ueapons .("truthserul and-pnyehc-tnic ch-micr'lna6 � g,enc.c. uoainnS) -were cries .that recuired a r,reat.dez...1-;�-:ore than.anyone.he knau o2 had placed in the to ec,t2.,11c statr,d at the . -/-,, - -... . tirz his criminal wor% ....,-,_ t..,...4: �...,Irector of .Saeurity at-ttns- 4.- . ... -.. _ P,...:-.�:...:.�,-:--/. "gr=it-7.-. ,...,� slackinz off because-- _..,,.juas not in ceo-ft � .41,.."..--.:>: health and because certain people at ther.-.7.4.:�y re..arc!cd the use Of the � ,. � :�:--. �-----,,,..,:�� techniques, oven for"crim.inal.caoes, Iwsuitable as a 04-4;:y function. seurces indicate:,:.:Zis in and :72:7: be diet:ha...yr:ed.. ) C(.��:. � � said he had dam a feu more cp.aes and Lis .results hzi -A , � ���;,� been rood as far ao.the police wore concerned: ,,.---�--7titzlted at the nresent bad repute at the ri- pctcit tine he either used scopalomine intravenouuly at the b-eginnin:: of the technicrus or scconal. There:.-,fter he VVC3 i:r.:-z-kli_atoly or at -- 3f. lathin the 3..v...xt ton ranutz.-.s. 1fc LocoiJ.dcd this, :;;;Li:(.1.and it lia:J prod.uced reeillts as far 4:3 he rat; concerned. 74-" /1/ .��".7 � statc...(1 ho had nct had a chance to test out- Cillorpre:au_zino with pentethal and felt this should be done. lie sur:_-,ested that. wo exa=inr_,, r-cw 1.9..3. Lilly elle:deal Iral: an.-.'n or t-t � stated he had interest in this worlc,� there were an ir.firate rr.z.hos..r of che:�licals to ho tried and in his opinion (r..tated to the writer pre� . viou,sly) an "EEO rachine vas essential to this operation. -.....:�...j..:,.statvd. in in the near .futtre, he was' to have an .2E0 r.achine for the culesthesiolo;:i department at the .1).eita2. for their 'sole Use and with this he could end would test in a lizated ray if we would send� che.-Isica_l.s of interest to 17.9 with proper su7perting infomatien. ..- 742- ./Zee-e-t-.:�:. r:-.� ..-7 ,... . z2.-x1,1,1. e....-v.ine a new e1lo:7.1ca). c& 1.;?.L3 vi-Lic.11' has bra,an. cievc2crc,c1 1:3.- r...r. .1..v.ztzt.::4,-...,r., in 1.',.1:31:�:',:r_t lia by the nz�zp.o or. ..�, , ,....* 4..1.,. 4: -; .. .7.�_,.�� ,� i ..... Dr.. :"..":-....,-:�:z (feu). �1::::-..-,--- .. ...."-4...)-,ser".�-i this -Che:aicz..12. as a E.:-p.ecf!_fie -,-,tv.,-.-.cni t-t _,. . - to the barbiturc,tcs and he 1.-�-c� '---,1 1...4....d:4-1.--- ta obtan ..the -che:lice..1 fro. _ ... -.- .. .... D:,.......-:::::.-:";:i. � ES a-tatc,.d'r.........;. had pro:liPr'd to -,-...��-r4 ---,- ---7.- ,. � - � . . . t.�,...-../..".....,,-..�.�� (.... .ft -721:- "Ati�-�,:. :o v.( ����� �: e...7.7s.rin.t.-n!..�!..-1 ,purposcs and�:,_...-.�...� .-1,i-.ated e. � 4. ccal to he vcald werk with when it arrived and 1...e;-9 us inform:4i. In this connection he stated thz3 there was an articae appearinz, in the .1.CF,:e. of j0-111.1a rj 155.5 and the _ 12177.1-Si1 ,Januery 1955, cE.,..Ccrrt thiS not:. thel;,:ical.� 1-7 *: � that some acp he had attended' a convention in , e., e, the rest, appa.rent17 '.7.:Ork City, at which 4' . er� � t. � ���� ""..��� ^ :as et; : �C! r-c:7.-nt. L� . he Iznem or� and .1-zzaz. that he has, of ceurse, su:Tected enc, in -.:oz-:: � .41 � � fr ti3.onr; "Lrutll st.!,1,o.c1 hi= up to 1::.; . , � rec;:a and i:hat a d1ac.n;s3.on held chti-irr3 nalcoci - � hoi liis en "truth AccorcU:-.E.,toZ. Z. ...., / r ....�:".�.2 . V .....1 67./1. . � j.,.. ..: ,....,, ... �-� a. - cc., -,cra Lao you 1,; ol.-17.,-ut that?" and ai-::aront3y denied 1Jorkir-, . 0-7...--/..---;,---1--- eisr:-....!_�......,-,�,./..,-,.� . on it. f.,------.-.!told -5-..........::::::::; "I ca.n read '..,./.�,.t-ao:en the linea-" culd :farm h,, . _.......f.,7�;-� _.--� ...:._. ..r...