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January 15, 1983
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Publication Date:
January 10, 1952
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TO s Chief, FLANS 10 January -1962
FRITS 1 Momo No. 1361 .
1. Rooantly I requosted 03I, to provide the available
information an alcohol antagonists and the effect of Bontedrino, in
particular: The initial studies indicate four posoiblo approaches to
the problem which have not boon othauotivoly studiod.
a. Uso of alcohol antarionisto boforo drireano.
1. Bonsodrinn
2. Forvitin
b. Adsorption of alcohol in the dirpotive tract.
1. Chexcoal.
Z. Aluminum 01 properations
c. Noavy 6atinr, of otrchoo and mica3. before and whilo'drinkinP,
d. Accolcrotod alcohol oxidntion (elimination).
1. Enzyme adjuvants, sudh as nicotinic acid.'
2. If it is anticipated that a proparation in liquid pill or
C5:-.7-1capoulo form should be providod for '.17-=' use, ======r"hno ouggostod that
furthor reoearch could bo inotigatod at and culminatod
quite rapidly to determine tho'most offectivo =odium, This uork might
be conducted as part of the "ARTICHOKE" program.
3. A summary of the ialtial technical findings aro attached for
information purposes. It d000 not represent an extonsivo covcrage of the
Attachmont: Intoxication end Alcohol AbsorpLion
and Antagonists
. . '
Intoxication and Alcohol kboorptian and Antaaonisto
1. The dogroo of intoxication is a function of the blood-alcohol level.
This rolationship was determined during the increasing and decroasing
phases of the symptomm,and it was shown to be approximately linear.
2. The a-ponranco of symptoms occurred when the -appearanco threshold"
was attained (0.31 to 0.6(4 alcohol/blood). Tho diaappoared when tho
"distappoaranco throohold" (0.36 to 0.75.(,) waaroachod.
3. Attempts to minimize the intoxicattao offocto following the
ingestion of alcohol have boon ooncontratod upon the following mechanisms.
a. .Absorption at tho gastric mucosa
b. Acceleration of the oxidatinn of alcohol by the lit.or.
.c. Retardation of assimilation by the coils of the body (particularly
cortical brain coils).
d. Increased rapidity of excretion.
Of those, only rooearches involving the first tao have proven at all fruitful
and studies of adsorption have boon most thorouGhly considered.
4. Some of the-earliest work on the absorption of alcohol (1916)
shows that absorption is prolonged and appears later when the alcohol is
taken after food. The eamomorkors found that the intake of food with alcohol
not only delayed absorption but that the absorption never reached valueo found
when alcohol was riven on an empty stomach. It is claimod that thin dis-
ftppearanco of alcohol is duo in part to the alcohol novor being absorbed as
such. The claimants ascribe this to the alcohol being bound' to some constituent
parts of the food such as proteins and amino-acids. This theory of dilution
seems to be confirmed since the blood-alcohol level varies -with the quantity
of food ingested.
S. Coro Germano to tho problem at hand than the physiological modhanism
of absorption is the search fora spocific substance to lesson the absorption
rats and hence lower the blood-alcohol level. Of the limitcd number of foods
tested, mild had the Greatest �Met.
6. Attempts to reduce intoxication with dr13.t7;c usuallyinim at an incrasao
in the rate of oxidation of the alcohol in the liver. This rate is established
by an enzyme process in the liver which can be influonced by drur,IF. The
an:7mo process is a nicotinic acid-riboflavin oyatcm that is responsible for
the oxidation of alcohol to acottadohyde and aldohydo-rautrize in the oxidation
of acotaldohydo to acetic acid.
7. Drugs which accolornto alcohol metabolism include almnino and insulin-
glucoco. It is claimed that insOin and insulin-frets pancreatic extract are
capable of increasing the rate of alcohol motabolism approximatoly 647;; in
therapeutic doses in man.
U. Autonenio druss silch no nr!renerrie Substrnoes 111:0 srehet.11ine sulfate
(bonsearino) are found to be most effective. It kvs.a bee:: raven in emountn
rencins from 0.5 to 0.7 crtmc/kilo-body voicht to 17 subjoots nn-1 found to
show a definite inhibiting effect which VAG greatest after 30 minutes but
then diminished. The drug 17".0 ivon both orally end intravenously with
consistent results that wore rolatod directly and oyclustraly to the amount of
mnphotamine given. YarsC.rine, neronalin r.nd atropine sulfate wore also tooted
and found to bo effective in the order listed.
--N.,: � -�