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May 15, 1952
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44: �
15 7.:ay 152
r)c4-ut.7 Director or Central IntoLligcneo.
- s Deputy 13IrCetor (IntrIliceneo) .6
Deputy Director Plano)
� 1,cpat,7 niregtor .g.e.zir..intretion)
,V..113J7.C71. s rcecial interrozations
R.7.77,1t17:47,11 .1X/OI &i to DD/2 on Zubject$ dated
� 13 .17z,rch 1551.
1. P.'.:::s-rnf.�To c tab1-1 sh interi-a field prez7a.-2 using
special t:ohniquas ininterrogationo.
2. FI.C.P.:1 'ZD: FI.C."Ta:.1.-
- a. The =et practical:10 -.7:q of initiating field -..tuaz,�e of
special tce.:-.-_,..1.ques in CIA interrogations is by assigning fu_11
authority and responsibilit-r, on LT. 4r...teri.�e tOtc offices
noted as followz:
(1) 0125.co of Tnyn.7ct-.t.on and
Over-all authority and res;:onsibilii-dy for Projoot
Articho:m with s.:yocific r-c.r.,�z>onsibility for traini_ngonzl
' 221d C.Z.SiV11.11;1 the= to fisid a.x..rating -.rats wtere su'Jjects
z !:ro c�vellable cad tho field situation hes been evaluated �
-71 . I!LSO as conpatible ...�.-Lth CIA p01107 idor:out-it( 1..-ttg-,�er-ltr.
� .. �
(2) CIA re-lical rtaff:
Itutt�ority and resp:insibility for providing E-,..2.idzzi.ce
4.1nd su-).:Nort: inclueinz t'.10 p.moure:�_rent and assig-.roant of
;:pecially c 21f1cd nedical pc:cannel, to the Office of
. .
Inspection and Seorritzr.
Office of S:ccial 07erattons:
Aui.horit7 and rt:-.72orxib1liti for pro-,-idir.g r.clooted
subjects and facilities in no fiold for usc by I:'.130 trained
peronclj pro�rieed that persor.no3 aro L...-le.or the co.. and of
tc Chicf of the fiat.' staUon concerned.
b. "hilt) this arranzelent is the :1,3st practiodblo under
=listing et:cr.:etc:noes, it ::4Y not bo t:-.o best pernanent erranzo=ent.
, The offices concurring in this proposal should, therefore,'
evaluate it after. six r.onthe with this factor in rind.
c. Paralleling this intern aosizrznent of authority zrd
responsibi1it,..2 the research proz.;ran wi:11 to nest. effective if
carried out as renews:
(1) CM 1:edical Stc,ff:
Authority r.r.d responsibility for evaluating
presently knean technic:1m3; deternining rzeass le.:ezety they
ray be in.2rova1; end sper-scring� research for developnent
of nel techniques.
(2) Office of In...Tr:actioi nd recurity:
FuU respensibility for evaluating t.nd ;.3.evelopiag
aids to detection of deception (pclyg.aph; etc.) Irhich riU
no longer be considered a part of Project Artichoke.
(In carrying cut this respotriibility, the I2O o-ld depend
to the fullest extent practicable.�.'L.7_,on the irechnica.1 Sor-rices
Staff for devalcp.-.1.snt of %adv....et/7 d h;,rdwarc asneceesoz7),
(3) Office of Scientific Tnte/117,cr.ce:
(a) Respor.sibility fcr r.onit^ cring the Study net-t
being ttnclertaken by it.he Pcsenrch and r.evelopnent r:card,
Department of Defense, as a basis fcr evaluating Soviet
� capabilities in the .field of special Intcrrogatior-s.
OSI to r.ake available to the Ca r.eclic.l Staff ard. the
other offices concerned results of the st.I.dy�
. (b) Responsibility for ing and evaluating
Soviet capabilities in this field.
(c) Reoposeibility for continuLaz the centect %I:1th
the Department of refense re-prezentativcs estatlinhed at
tho rec:uest of the Director in the 1:.O Executive. Sescion
of 2 April 1951.
...,.x....... ,...,-��������,��� -7fzir
3. DICC1=10:::--rko Tab A. 1-.. .... .
J;-,.. � - ,-..,..s' .e....
"4Clati"Ve5417 r'''�,-���.m -Tv,- *-� .
h. C=CLUSIGal:-- .
. .
. . , . . .
a. Pion usnco or epecial teemiroce in crA interrotationer.
s%ould initiat7d A3 zcon as pracItcoblo, and their usago/bo
. .
initiated in t =out cx7.7.ditioun mPnncr in accorecnco Fith tha
intcrim arr=o7cmf.nLs outlinud undo,' "Facts" procentcd above.
b. The ofSicos concurring in this propccol ehould reviati
the intorim crrazzamonts .71.17t^r they haTo.tem in cfrect :or Di:
ManthS and tzfze recor...mcmdations reqardinG the /vet practiccbia
13.2=37ent orrmlgomont.
� r�-t�* rt, Tv! r
!iv 1 4.4./ .1
That ..^1-.rrrert�?or.s.nts otatlinsd :feove
to a,27;rovec1
for i-r.v.,diate ei,tatt it virj fcr rcry-lc-.7 artor
vi:cmont;:s tT tte offices cone:1=-1;7, intipronoact.
. Azestan:: :7)4r-cat:or
Scientific I.It.r.lnco
41=TS2 Tab A
$..ssistzat. Lirectoricelal q?eration . Li.I.A.Lecurity 0.f1icer
Aseistccat Olrecloriz'olicy ticor.a.naw.ca CI edicel 5t=
ACT= r tcVir Anmarly:
� .
A:vroved (dieep2revod), c=options, if arci. �
.� .
Director orirVircctor
� � �
� �c.%
or:a. �
' � �
Y.-ese.",' � .��!4-4"..1:1�Zsr.
TA7.3 A .
� **
'a. Pro3,-et Articl:o::o is* a spectal azency'rrozraa
::���� � '
tablir.hed for t.:�-lo develop-lent and P.2:-.1icat1on of *:129.-ci.v.l.
in CIA intcrr ions *oral in other CI:. covert Z.I.0 3 VZ:le.73
control of ;1,1 ir.divirl.tal -Ts g:escired. � Acti-,ritics
or Project Artichoke lur:e lxxln p..:.rst..vocib7 varier:a compenc�nts � �
of CIA for at "'cost yoar, end previolsly sz:crarlic offc
to cicv-aop or.d a?ply techniques-of this naturo ix:ro =oda t-j- the
Arzod Servioos czr1 Cr:c.3
b. A carective estabtiraim2; CSI as the. ceordinaWr of
intKocrakd CIA and int*r-A....7er....7 t'ais �4.-1dwas
arsproved on 13 Ifarc...:1. 11. � Sinco that dots OSI ts oored
to evaluato kr.ev.n .t.ehnicrocscd to tnco-icr M7.1 enc.:5 11511-43
contazts .znd Vntr'zovc:r infor.matien
=ay bo ovail."2;lo within CIA or t:...roiaz;h. �then? CIA etannols. At
yam t3z..o3ci ho.s endoz.-ort.-.1 to c-zaluste thr.t tho
r-osa a�ndfor ito Satellitesazy hovo Covolo:nd r.o77 and
techaitz.tos for this iyarpors.
Esstats of tho sozra:a to ento Pro notod
* (I) Proortntly tr:chnlerIcs
in ono for- or p.r.o�V--..,7,- .":t..ortr no
ir.t�-.zsont toCr.r.A:
(a) Narco-hyyncsio:---&-.. sedic=
�=vett:al 1.1x.bit:atc3 incone:rel. Fv:ti.luationt Mose
tochniveo havo boon p:.roven to. co effective cznd tZ.cy
. �
involve littlo risk to tho subject if ad-..tnistr,red .
under direction. Zcy t11 protheo
Ueda and co= 1:roviou1y conceal,,d irr'o=ticn in
a nrcloriti oZ coons. Liz-Lited
med.o4.-:1 e:verier.ced
� :4/...z.l.12)
intcrrozation personnel wittli beckground end training �
thoiz .7:application; preparatAry r.calcal exani.ntion
� .� �� � � � . �
to i115.11`0 proper physic:at con;lition
. , .
. . � � % � � �
pay�cholozicni. int�errie-er to ezaterr.ino r,trc,nst.� '4,11
� . ��
nosses c�nd the moot proc.i.net.t.ro.pa.t.tcrn. of ir.terrocation
. .
to follov. Subject. 1.1.mially linanokr.67:/ode of cetn=1
intAiTazatien�.� Fay.siolozical aft-c�r-effccto bo
ano17.�.caibl a doctor a3 ic1on tnt drugs of
sone 1,3n1 had bccii used,
� .
CZ so= 4":.1.1:.:0 in.
� � interrocz..ttions and in control, -I ran
� not bo CC.e.,T.e,lessfnl and re../..=..:.-ses coorAration fr.na
it s-abjects, ' 1-festion.s ezist rezerelinz of
control that can be opplicd, pertimilarly in act:
acatrat tho ror.a1-ajal of � the indtvithi,TI ea
� �
zoveral cL.yscre-con,�litioninz �ecr4oci rneetsc,,-�
rzst cases, P.esilres e.-rxriencod hypnotist bat no other
� � ' rapport:1w; technical r.eroonnel, Subject ,....sualy� her%
� no rzrzery of the 4.1.-f.14.t b ntrres*.nt th,:rei r.01-:_tyi �
� .
of doter:lining thsticentrol is notldL17 achicv-d (Or
taa4� 1 .�
a-bicat, ia re:Laar
� .
� ; � � � I ....I, �
� . .
l� � . . . . � � � � � � .
. �
ii. a a . . � �'; (o) .1:f�turo7:Irrs,r7 c_nd electric :-77vFlu.,t-1�.n;
� . � . , �
� ra. 4 1 ���, li, 1... p� AO . .1 .. L.. t es ��� ob. ��% f� � AU � �
&L.6�; YW1.0."4"".."" .4.50,0 CI
_... .,......., A. �... .,................,
along *tto lite.a or interest: t:Io ec7eri. ty of the. trec.t,-,
� � �
marl' of injury* end ;;;e2.7annent drzta-,e to
subj.:et., zr...d tho hich...,#7 experienced r.ersor.nel requirod
fth search cd c thr4tion of the.= tcdr.,-1.,7�2:-..1
(2) Oer ite-csn.ch aro polica oz,-
T;011 int-cllizenzo officers on a ro.711.no bacis arc notid
for t:.-.e record c..3 forLorzi
tiono aro conI, jri1 of val.uo becoLfoo �
� �
they =slot the. intcrrozator in colnino �acc7..sz* to,,00rtz.Lts
typos or intavie..1f�1s. non co:mbir_:�d
or.p!,.;rsical streSsj tley ineTeozo the tonsion .c.nd
� .
the occhmtstion of subject.
� � (b) Cont7.-.:r.17 con_el.e.cred
ex. most uoft1 zi itc:a or "1 oczosin3 41"
to:1;:a0 co"
� (c) for:at:tr. etc.
.... ... �����������
rvaluotten: 7.110:30 itcs can bc� usefulii rtr:croo
� of the stre.-2:les prorheed Tchon they are vrithr.lz.-imn fro=
thoso eillicted to their u. J1corm o;c13t
a .
to their us:kr.3.T.crs ir. interroLationsj 4.� fts ��9 this has r..:14
tcen verified by re:sea:oh. "
(d) FTt t.z.1.!.:r1etc11:-1,yeercic acid; cto.
Evcarzati; e.c.finito r.z.,7.1.1.te have "c.ecn icd
� prodacirz =fusion cubjcots treated
thee� itcze h.sve tot yot shozn
fo.r int:Tr.:Lotion
.44m 0
. � .
(c) 1.4 do to e..,, tcotion of e.1..-ct::tien:�.7;-�.-a2-az.".:-.1e:-.:
. / .
� � "
� �
The c1on2y ,--;e:r..1 ::r.:17a..-::n. luls a: --�-'crioty of v_ist.,�,:;es b�..-.t
is boziozaly of 7o.l.tte 1.1ion used on volunt�ery subjects
cndoororinz to prove tha.t they hz.^..0 r.othin,-; to hide.
Then ssed on this tr.sia bi a called c2cratorj it it;
ofScctivc in produoin5 ur.,of,31.
re-J�Itszn uneovcref.l.
2:o r.rw toonl.q.i.cr. or zzatorisls h.s�vo teen tszoovi:iTed
which el:ew siLnificr-nt przzaso ort tie 1.i.reo of 7roject.
�,, r.1;ch rceo:trch CIA oV.lor �
� *.
� r1 - � . -
�--- 4.;"
tk:encloo cancer:x:1 co r2onrorInz;j c'.1.--..ectf.Ld tor:ard '
providinc a bettcr ovaluaLion cr i.rovad unace of .tic
itarz notcd ahovo. Prindip/o pro.,�raln in
� arcs
t1i4o .2i:cotton �
(a) no Par:As�As az,rectl in the r.cr.orand.:= of
13 1.1_�-�a'.-1.1.951: o.t cotablied a 2L..,�iol ofprofenoic.:nal
� .
pax..1c1 to 'E.vallato ponsibilittes and givo directioi
in the fiold of rcrearch experir.or.tation for t:10
of this prozrrae. � 'Jr.
L. �
tho 2r.r.l cad ondeavoe'ed. in coml.
junction ?rith all': to cr.list the serf/icor, of others
valifird professional �'.7c v�-e-ro larr,cly
unnueect�nful. in t;�_in affort ar.d AS:tax-SO:a' 1=nt.::13 4-'-orro
vezrzonnel on the rale/ or cleared foz
.concr_Lltatton rd.th it1,1ro had 'Lcnc dback rrond
tho ccier.tifia ooncer:Led. Fur therzzro, t:-.0re
ran r.o cvie.z.noz at that ti:.13 Qat stc! z i2.dto
availabloin Ue izrzocliate future. 1.Thenpito ti u htsr�tlioa-3
Par.el ar ev:�:7 effort to to of r.trViCC, LtzJi
� .
for 1:-.0 ansiatzzoc cortatotod of -u,:::c�Itionz
and advioo of a rater cc.nerai. natxre. In addition: the
indtvithals o vcre nervinz on the Ptlnel c.ad �
=re concerned with otlicr ttor ro crion.utho Lin�zs of
their baakixound and c.-c�-�*rience. In a to
Dr.' -;%'111,....4144,...-44c/atr:d 2 October 1253., indLoatod
that. tho 70-1:11. !.ad con-..ributod about a3 111C1 Z:3 it co..21d
for tho present and =-1ii. reo-7urcos were built up in tho
az,-anc7 to undortl%o the staff and ficld work nocecoary,
tho miuld hold itsclf rlizis (az individuftl corzult:InLe)
to bo of rzy� PirtLor In
. .
� 1.....r7r7r-�
173-111 c'.1-)cr.v�-:.tent. to the al:ove: =rane-oznts
� . � .
were made thereof the ?a:lave:11d cease to opspata a3 �
" ouch, tztc.1 '.to In�Lid U2 r.a.12 or the mr2ber2 Liar4 r'-�zaly
neo.:-.21 and avannble. Little need or o2rort,�.-.nity �
for Port:ter use of the me�_-.bers has occurrtd. since 'that
(b) aa, eZtizrnato. roastn-o to �:�ro�tic:e
Ur: tcst profen-ional ad�rico for the pro,feet)
the Research and arxe1e2ment 12,card, at V..:J3 rcc'ico' cf tio
� � � �
DP/3 has undertre:en f. stur.:7 of the tee:nice]. feasibility
or Artichokc-type techniques. tithe-orb tho Study is
dceiunecl esteeniblf to ��ro�t4cta c-rA7-1.4--.. a bettcr .1=a313
for ova:lc:tin?, Soviet oilitins in. this field: it
czn. be =era in evetur..q�ing vr!,1
The co7Imittee members ha7e bean
solc�ct-lds andj sul:,ject
to their avai1z.Lb4-Lity tcld elev.-a-zees E ho.ad
� �
on the subjcct in the ner:.� future.
.(c) CIA rtszr.-zIrch 7`ro �CIA is sDoru..-cr-L-z
resea�ch to derb-r.19�2 tc.ch�-�..iques
����/..0...� � .7 IMO �����.�
61....61,6.../ 6__, '--
bi15tiei forientectinc decc2tion ar.d to eval4..4
certain to-r.ce of ct�uss havi_ns a pothntial for ur.:0
� ..
Project Articholm. F.esearch on the aclapt:lility of
Irfpnosie to the various acts of the Pzoject
conducted vi thin the ac,.e.r.cy. Limited fe.cilities_for
teetinc doviccs as they are' c:crelopcd haYe berm
ezld botaz cuttl:a4chcd,
�*, ed(�������.../..6 �����
(d) 2 ril, 3.251 tho
Deputy' tirect.cr briolcci the TAG in tx,-..ci.vo Sere-crl
� :..r.rm-F7?2"c"%,
on the pro:iect. n:g.c.e4 ��
� .
to assist the ozency in the nattor- a.^.d subsecsellta,y,
' � .
liaison officer:I no:Anal-ea for to project. T1.9
licticon cfficoro havo bcee :lost co,oderetive but, c:;cent.
for thc Navy dcsIcnoz,they havo not been in a pozitter.
to contribute to tha project. It ie ho;cd Zat ti-de
RD3 13tudy no t.f2 6. above, riach, T.113 p1ar..---c1 in C Or ditlat4
with the 7.4V.: Ceeiznees� x1U rosult in a tzt-ter. u-totara
. .
Of Dop:t.nt of Do.�fer-sto vel.alz on. In itha
. .
mcantice� infor.7.atior.frorn to 1:::..Tra.-tosait of r.afensc
Coacerrr.?..r..g ne-a technic-3.es or rAtariaa;,- 1.tich rdr,*.lt be
adaptaLle to CIA o7rational 1:-.S 1=1:tc lartoly r.ozative.
r 710'
d. Dval72...1tLun o-
(1) A co=plete ev-auaLien of Soviet capabllities
ecrinot be aia.'.0until the PX43 Study ha3 er, t.".1b1 t�o144
netris of foot rev:rang the technic:.i feasibility of v.:trio-az
Artiche.ze-type tcohntf.t.wa. A prelireLnirr. svalurtti_cn of the
rather frazoontary altallcOele "ezon not confir.a th.e
assertions in ceoiie quartoins that tho Soviets have .a -conz.4.cr
drus" or rovoluticnary tbennivo for raal:ing tak.
Eost of the CCI.T.0 CZ-Z:7,11741d hie showa the r_z,-c-cld ttern of
torture, exbeastion ultizatda r._--..dp1-*-sical. cellapoa
of the subject. Such use of &tr-e as nay turte bean Indicated,
appeared to be ao e.. the lines of incrc:aoin the tw.azion and
thereby hasiezelri, the colla;se of the.eubject.
(2) re carnot accept tato of evidence
that to Covicts 11.1-:13 not ddvtlo:,e,d nc.7 end effee&Ave techniv.cs.
or.o or the cor:mn chre-netcriet-lco of nest psychi.otric. toohnicics
hAVO comiderce. 11:13 bccn a ert.a.'un c--:ount of
respect to V.::: evc:-.11..,. It W.Lou.1.,.1 c;Icoted that. 17er:cotton of
days. drim.......11,�.pslia
� salasiamayst
these techniques v:o..11d ir-cludo perfecting the :17:1CZ i
characteristic to such an extent that the indivia-131 ic
totally unaware that ho has given eeryt-21inz at all. .
(3) Contributing to the Soviet capa'ollity in this Cic1d,
'whatever it r be, is their rather proz,-.e.cssive e-nd foi-frard
loed-ng psychological and psychiatric reseerch pro:7a-1. 71-4ey
are reLl versed in all of the t4o1^_niqics of it ich wc., have
knowledge. rsile there have been inferences connectirz this
pros= with their interrogation personnel, ex. direct evidencs
of such connection has been found. A detailed st;.-.&" of th.cir
prrycholocical e-nd psychiatric research pronrans is now in
. .
process in the 7.:edical Division, 0:71, and it is hoped that this
T.111 proc.)ace cone loads indicating whethe_r or not they are
� P-pplyinr, special techniques in interrocations.
(14) Of interest in connect-Lon with Soviet c-noecoilitics
era two item....3 which 1742,70 t":0 Zoviet a2cnts intercc7,tcd
in the s-.1-.1.7.cr of 1951.. Those consist-d of identical
plastic cylinders containing hypodermic nee.iles attached to
�" Ca. "b" " 4
to, bat about half as long
. .
shavirf- cream contair.ers. One of the it,e-.7_5 was analyzed
incoekaletely in the field end retal.ned there. The other ras
shippe.d to rashineton but, upon receipt b-y. the Project Coordinator
in late August, the contents of the tube had been lost and the
needle broken. Exhaustive ehenical and spectroscopic .analysis
of the cylinder, the tube, the needle and scrapings fro= these
itcas revealed little information of significance.
(5) The acents are voted as stating that the r.ce-Liles,
when applied to any 7art of a victim vaild cause hi= t. beco.74
ar.enablc. to the will or his captor.. nilo this esuld nem any
*. or a variety of thins, conclusive evince as to just hat
devices can or cannot accorplish is P.ey-ated. efforts
� �
to obtain f.:.rthcr ir.for.zation, either from the a;ente� or: on
the r:aterial analyzed have beert unsuccer.1.!fu1.
e. CIA Cperational.Possibilitiss.
(1) Despite tho fact that T.-e- have been unahle to devclop
� .
new techaiqucs, there is snfficient potential in those avaLla:�.le
oricir.ally to justify considcratien of their use in I.:1C rif*..e.�
Principle handicap to each use has bcen our inability to provide
the =cetera. competence for a final evolnation and for such
field te.sting as the evaluation indicates.. Repeated efforts
to recruit nedical 'personnel have failed z.nd until recentlF
the CIL tredical St.aff law not been in a position to assist.
.(2) Ls the nedical support sitmntion beca.= 1.-.ereasi_n7ly
acute, alternate mt-Aheds of oaini
r.-cre cor-siac' _-ed. ......, 0 0
Recently plans wore developed whereby certain eicar.ed contacts
17ould rnecrte_to to train nedieal personnel for CIA for the
field testing procrtr.m. The plan, in brief, contemplated
establishing contracts through the Vett:I-F-1s Administration,
and tImomgh the Ilr.iversity of V.i.nncsota. . Under the contrasts,
personnel would be traf.ned in the use of drugs, electric s',-.�.oe%
and other potential fltelds, ostensibly for the purpose of
doing research in. psychiatry. Ito contractor, who would be
Sully cleared and briefed, would evaluate those tr.:ch.:Ives
ho considered IlDrtZ-17 of field testInz and would screen the
personnel in.traininc for the physical and :mental aptitude
for field :or. The nanss and Personal history Ztatcn'ent_s
of prouisi_ng candidn,ca vo:...1d 1)0 cub:dtted to CIL sccuz-it;!-
career:L-1c. a the appropriate tine tho inavidcals ;Iecti.r.g 2.
rorriarcncnt: toild ta'.:e leave of aicsenoe fronthrir reocarch
lc:bort:tor; anct be brou:ht to CIA. J.sor indoctrination, after
tl.cy would procr.cd wif-h C-.0 field '.(...stInz
. �
_ _ ft'sVC-314
� -;-:::4i'!"4;�"e
After suitable ap?lication of theill teehniq...ce line= field.
cor.ditions, thcy wo�ald retn-n to the United Statee where thc..
. � �
rcer/lts wenld be evaluated in conjunction T.i�th the contractor
=id further lal>oratory resenrch yerl: conducted.
(3) This procedure was held in abeyance rhen it
lea�rned that the CIA :Lott-lea Staff nicht new bc in a poeitten
to provide the requisite evaluation and support. In fact,
because of certain pm-ellel prozra7.2 Stlich the CIA Iredical
Staff haLs recently underte.,:en, the entire orce-nication and
responsibility for the project nicht well be revien-ed in tc
licht of their new' responsibilities and ca?abiliticsb
Certainly this is bar.,�icelly a nedical pro:rtr.2 reviring
co.7;etcnt nec:ical asirice er.ct direction. :yea if it were -
necessarf to use the 'alternate. plan for proviclinz radical
support throuzh the contract prozran noted above: this
nicht be achr:--Listered more effectively 1.�;�1 the CIA cdicl
Staff than by CSI. Also it would probably be useful to the
CIA Medical Staff in other procrens they have eetablished.
(14) Under the c,In.F.--.:.strnces, an interin arranre-lent
appearS to be the nostiprectitablo way of tal:ing achrentazc
of the potential 11�..lich is believed to be availdele in the
ttrae of special trer-^.icv.cs in CIA interrozations. This
arrancerant 'should provide the nest direct line responsibilitic:s
for carriina out specific field usaze of narco-hypnosis and
such other techniques as the CIA L:edical Stair nay consider
AO be feasible ab this tine:
(5) An intorin zwrancenent is nceessai-y du_rinz 'rho
initial staccs in oreer to no �1.11 use of the resources
available in Vac various CIA officez. Also there is a need
at the bozinninz to provitle full policy and sccuritr_contr-ol
in operations.. At a later date a different arranzenent
provo to bc more effect-Lye and alco con:Intible 1-tith tZlo
22CCCZZDZir policy a�nd security co.nzie.erations. �
(6) Interti rce?onnibilitien cam be aznied to tho.
officcs concerned en To/lows:
(a) Office of Inznection and.Cee.,rifrir i.uthority,
and rcc2ob1lity to train percor.szel and assicn then to
field operatin,s. unita 1�4:crc eubJectz ore available end
the field situation has been cval....ated bi rff.0 as ccripatible
with CIA policy and security :Interests.
(b) CIA f�-�dical Staff: Authority P-nd responsibility
for pr"ovieina cuidance and v.r.oport, incf.udir.z the procure-
� .
tnnt and assirnncat of specirCay
valified nedical nereen-
tell to the Cfrice of Incpccticn dSecurity-.. �
� � ' r
(c) Office of Enee4a1 C-:����rattens: Authority
- . �
responeibility Per T...rov4c1Ln.s selected cubjects and.
facilitier.� in the field for i.t.se 1-3..'.10 trained pca�nonnell
provided that pereennel :.re ���=lcr -the co=nand of the
Chief of the field tatien concerned.
A revier of the effectivences of this arraae:ement
after silt months and saitatle recennendations for arrival z...rt
t.ho bent pent ca�ranzement rovid be in order.