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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 17, 1954
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� 'gr. �-�� � - I � -Ntitihror A16, to/es � 'A Chief, :.;ecurity Research aaff Chief, T(Iclinical L.rancli Conference, 13 iebruary � .1,�� 1. On Saturd?y:mornil Reses �1" of and discUnee ran pror project-known as In gene as follows: IA tie United StgLes, in lsewhere there are large are . milkers ho of the count .1 Ihich�they are ut are citizens. These for various reasons such as a demo from their families possibly 'anti-Communist, possibly Y,ebruary ChieL, ..,ecuriLy pro-Communist reasons, p to their native hones in is concerned with the cont:tActine through covert channels back jut missions for this Agency. 2. nore sPecifically, the rechaniem within the... 'ted States of contacting alien in the and thrc - ereenente with tl and in connectior. projec in rnd tpA. arranee tO hae v.. then t'ended and reli:oVed from the 'United Stdtes 4,4 : . as "undesirable alien the use of thefe mocha is it .is believed thn given 7.6e1 entre int contemplates contactine, these indiv4tua1S, carefully ecrecnine and testing them to see vhcre their loyalties lie and indoctrinating, these people so that they, when they return teimplimipppg will carry out missions for this Agency, re- ' eardless of Communist screening and "brain wavhing". 3. The exact technique of contacting these peop34.has not e been worked out but throuch sympathetic "comnittoes":or' "fake" '- kft-wing or(:anizations, it iu believed these people ctn be reached and contacted. /1 usiness .reasons plum Inteneral, the project of e .e people &n eon ine thea o perform intelligence f: . . Al//3 project contemplates a '7 whiCh-wjil be a ways' and means - United States and elsewhere) ?/ � I. The main problem in this case hns been and always will : be to determine A) where the exact sympathies of the individuals lie and b) how cnn we be sure the subject will perform the mission once he ems throueh the Iron Curtain and C) how can we train or indoctrinnte these individuals so they can pass the �screening" or "brain washing" that probably will be given them by �.'4��� � 4 . � � �a�;;;�,... - ' " � � ?. � 4. . r,- � � �� �. t�a� a' � � Conmoists npon tlreir return to Iurtherncre, in t'lis con- nection, how crn they he node Lo successtully resist, tills "brsin washin-" pr "- r-Pntw;" so that Lhoy will he passed or accepted by th and yet will ultLiatcly carry ont Ueir a c..,i`mcd .Toward this on ad his group designated to study this problem anl to dincover ways and moans-of as!ur5n7: continuous loyalty Of individuals dispatch Zor this kr- .cv_. In carryin:-, cub this' assiTar.ont, been 3 .',-- ''. al-ix indocp-inat'it rC' � '._,' ����1' - �� �-- , �- IP ?r,z,, , '.� --.� 1;' ' r--- .--,-- la additinn� .., _ -",,-"-, ..., arparcntly talked: wl h , tilers related interests aloar hesc.liws. rive writer � . and cannot establish exactly why vTS not re d .. ,.,... .' to the A ul AliU work originally since it ;tr.., .vious,that ' -' 1,.; throw , was to a certain extent aware of � - 1 -'.'7'/. viouslv . th 0..4., er so-calle .: As far,as it De.greups unde report along AI MX% lines t- � 441. man prevlOusly rgviewed and found in,many waysAllito unsattsfaery� ' and empty..:-,: � %, %e l' after six or eight weeks or study witt ha.d come to the concl!asion that the tinslici' ' o this problem t,as through solectio 11C, octr' tip, and Ultimately, hypnosis. However, aru. also apparently core to the conclusion AP no tc,,t cT con. designed as yPt to:detcriaine the sixty-four dollar question; i.e.', csn individualu:hr ocm-flanded undor hynnosis to do things that thry would not otherwise do because of norals, trainf21L, ethics, '. -con- :,, ,/q 11111=7,ht4 l''!; up'or the ',10. (,- 1.'f WPS Chair.- 8 / C. x,', ad Was reapOnsible-fq, �f. which this staff had 5 I I.( etc.? This eerd-cnd was,rovealcd contprence an i ical l'A-onch andT:ossrs. �-:.-:,:��,*7.i'e -... and. �,r-. i� 'r. � e4r. A 1 � - melt., c a eut:threo_an .-oflOt; � '-' !I . Aird ail arrived at t!zis : �.: :mats aro, this disccvcry was not.ro4srded as le ;nailer Unique.-::, -,. , I Howava ole inportant fact arOse.frem,th6 diScussin and that.':'' .. . . .3.s, �and his Group 1,elievo. they have m-n and thq� A : 2- :- � , 4- , . . ...v,9 IT t.,� .,:.'...can Supplbodios mid areas where actual tests csn ro made7to-i-.!.,,-. � - 1;... .. :W.4 establish whether or not individuals will act aralast their ''''�. - � ...'''.; ''- ').- 4-'��'..';'- ',!. .. , �� morals, ethics, upbringing,.n , r therrorc, under the cover q' !4:21.3 of this loose project named can be finanded and carried .but t4ithOutAmIch- additionsl:approval. ''-�% ' . �his'type of experimentation X= f''..� - 1,' � - ' ,or work within the AGoacy.' It appeared obvious triall merabers', ' '- %PO, A r���t '1,1 at.theeonfcrence t 1 could. not accurately be. 44.,i). � ,.,... .in the behavior�of 1 Len g seAt bac%'into; �ik:',;.,. a '.,.-unless certain very pos. ido ,ari efinitive tests hadbeen-run.�.. � s � � . .� -. � and results very clesrly established;':, .;..-: .� ; ...� a:. � ::-... � .�� .. 1,,ii�,"T : '.��� � ..i: ,.'. ;:v. : v. ta' , .. .;. . , .. :):41 ,.., '� t ' � �����"' � � . � � ,;� f ���� ��., � � � � �� a. � e ; e � ft � � - I� �� � .46 I � ; ,.litlich in-tho runnint: of 1� specific work for this At;ency. \ � I \ 8. .This problcn ':as discussed for sevrn1 hours. All hands porticipaLed. It r.Teed:in :enern1 ths thls type of work - had to be cnrried out A) %dbl.' :';ocurity cl0a ancb and not as a free- 1 . lin.s t !,. lanci5 show and 43) that it should be carried out with the technical asse ts ln the ARTICHUhr, e;zporimentation program. nnd since felt that full 60.7:f approval could be obtained' . nd re oenined the clear needs - of a ype experihentat on. --,_-',_: .,.. land tillepreidso - ,,,,,,._:,, felt the ARTICflOKE machinery couIc J Jrou.!Pt to E,Ir� u Y in this type of work; i.e. scientific support. (chemicals, etc.), support in 11:,-pnonis, nedionl nnd psyc!liatric support. and technical support (tape recordine,n, -movie picture'camr Ps �ezular cameras, etc.). Furtherrore,.in this connectie ARTICHOKE Ter, wan in the area tiAd one of their basic assign- ments was theNcnrrying out of ,,ests'to r:otorm.ine wile-Li:0r or not ARTICH9KE could ro as Istr as control of thn activities, thohts, � etc. of the individual in controlled nissious nnd possibly over ' . long distances and over considerable periods of tine. . � It TIPS nrrced 1 conclusion of the donWeuce�that Quid return t_ and continuo his training and 191:4J1. nonday,1voul return to ;;Pshintou and come up with a series of teats and ides that could be submitted for ARTICNW� study al agreed by ressrs of this conference to oth stated that the; felt ...,ocurity would nrprOVe Of the use of th ---....�:=.-_,J0,,ccliat - .,-; co sarryinE out ARTTCHOPI; ox)(!r57-cnt,rtLon. bnLII - plso felt th project, hadf;rcot mrit Pa cc,rin La fundancntal facts ;.�1., could e del( nstreted. It was also recogni-xd that if _and el his rroup could produce bodies mid if certain very much, prinitive, and ultimate tests could be carried out then a more accurate pre- - . cou d be rrde in connection with the ultinate coal of . ack into I; pointed out .that an their )ossible inplementstion. It was conve- the details and . that when the nnttor could be forna lj taken up) ecurity would he able to define its position and raise whatever nbjections pi;:ht appear. IL was also agreed. that: the Technical bralich would ansider the natter from an ARTJCHOKE point of view and be prepnr.0 to ,assist- in the desiv.ned tests vud workim out :rlys nnd mans of cafryirig out experimentation which 10 :c �nclusive aui411 uld ultirately work to the success of th reject. : � _. �... 10. resar: roconi7e the drastic moral � problems involve( fn e!t.prrfr4cntation of thjs t:Tc ntiO are of the opinion that whether or not this procram can be set in .motion . . should be a decision for a very�hi�-,h level. , rechnicr,lly, ho,.:ever, v.i � - � 'this type of experimentation is to�deLeine fiily -last how for human teini,s tan ).c�controlled ,(vith or :rithout their. consent � � � I � � � . � � � � usinr, AiZTIC110E techniqueo,, � .r�c��;:�-�-.'"*.� ;'�-- �� ...,:-:�� ;i,..:k����-�,. �IN, '-,.�� ' Ir'-' % � .11. � Yor -ma. Iter of record, tho Technical Eranch believes we -.,. ./ .! 111 t eke full: adva. t.a. d-e �-� he opportunity to -act under this � .� ,�cpver. � Th . .. rill.ssion itbelf has mcrit, particu- it.: . larlY if' throuuh 1,R.f.IVIOXE we can "guarantoe" succescrul accomplish- v. tx �o � � . . .. tent of �Ois.sions .1).r its use 'irrespective of tl,e rbrain.washinif \and Of.:-- ,. , le ru .ir11 oy., be applied te'�the returnin:-T, azents: by the \ � r,..11P' � � ... . The �Technionl Lranch also �Lclieves that the r', vv: 1 wor 0. rway'tildse ncestires can be tested is by ac us]; experimentation- . � .�%14 ';. ,� � . , � � �:. �� r� which it not 1'e of the it ademic or clinical type and, rrust be o.r...:.... Vt. 41' .7t , ; � ' a typo that proves beyond any doubt certain premises that pp to'''.i.., ti..:���,:�. -,���� - � � � � now have never been b ..-,..... � d. .The Techhical Branch' recommends, � ' � ' ;�'that. we .: support till '�:-,`-' work but believer, that the entire� . 'operation should be authorize. by Security: and the technical and..,- `� ,... etcchanical *operations be placed ;squarely- in the jurisdiction of -1*�;� the AILTICIK) -... , id directly under the control of the Security .� Officer . . an Sbth emphasized. the fact , .v. 2t this 'typo o work must not be overwhelvdd - 'and overburdened J.n a:maze of statiStics; tecluii-.-4 cal reports and learned ace.ciemic experimentatilon." - since previous experiences along these 11n9s ., clearl,v.:� indicate ,that when this appears the 'end. �:: results'..ard .almOst.�always necative.. . ��., .''.:..,...', "