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Document Release Date: 
January 15, 1983
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Publication Date: 
February 16, 1953
PDF icon REPORT ON ARTICHOKE BY (D[12884404].pdf176.12 KB
rp, 7, 77, / TO: Security Officer VIA: Deuuty Security Officer VIA: Chief, Security Research Staff, IS FRON: Chief, Technical Pranch, SRS, I('SzS 5U7JECT: Retort. on ARTICPGKE by , Surimary of,- dated 2 February 1953) DATE: 16 February 1953 1. The writer haa made a very careful study and analysis of the' e repon_t on the ARTICHOKE problem. In r:encral, the writer agrees in the overall statements set out by the point out certain elements in the dispute and tend to indicate that the r:reap but wishes to report that are subject to 1.;roup has not 1-ecn totally informed as to the nature of ARTICHOKE or the pr,F!sent status of the. ,../ 4 �� � J., 14 017,01'. work insofar as t'ne_TeGI-Ini-el-Q.neh is concerned. O.) The r:roup continually stre:)sen ion;-raw:e e:7peri- mentation, particularly of a psycholor;ical and psychiatric- - nature. The writer Woes with this,as a .gcneral premise ,but.* while condactinq this lonr!-ranr,e research it apr,ears-absolutely essential that wo develop, and have ready for instant use tech- nique.' l-ctc. that will or at least ,1 assist in obtaining in- .. formation in vital cases. The writer beleves LiviL inizolvad, � � corarlmz, and curtheroome rose' arch such a3 carried on at ii t, be nroductive (certainly in tho immiate fu Lure) and 3.:; unrealistic and will not 1(-: or �L:., operations people when it is needed. Le 1,11,- ���.M. y �-� � . I AP, . - - (2) Thb discses th- -13C of:nrio;!s While in a general sense Is accurate, it does not specifically ret to the core of the problem. The writer as.T.mns that the gro-ip is familiar with most the.techniquc..-s but \ it is possible that has never cons:IA:red or pbsf;i- t � .�..:,.....� bly never heard of it some.. The writer -tLias that the 'group is looking for a weapon that will nakc an t' individual talk at great lenrth on pertinent matters while there is nothing in their report to indicate thn extreme value of a chemical agent if it will produce only one small bit of verifiable information. -7-7--.�.comment, that individuals When they r,oili7e they ar2 drugged tend to become tac-i-turn-- is not accurate. Individuals may beccyle taciturn under certain circumstances if they feel th7.t they have been dru7;ed or attempted to be drurgued surrepticiously, but :riti..of the estalilished AKTICKOKE tectrliques i3 to conceal the fact of the drugging behind a medical cover and then nse drurs as a medical 0,* � �- � ttottgt treatment in sTetatic eases. (3) . discusses the use of drIlr,3:: hypnosis ,..and brain damaring processes and calls them elaborate, imt)i-tIctic?".:).,. and unnecessary without, it appears, roing i.nLcT specific re7lsons - - :lily these proce.�)......, ilight be used. Thep' comment that equivalent - � results could be :Accomplished by expert:; usinr, immole techniques of interrogation. The writer does not agree with this at all and -.-can cite instances where absolutely new information was turned up usirw chemicals that was unabrailable before the chemicals were - 1 4 I L used and whore "cxnert" interroaLors iIicl aLtemnfs.c to' obtain ' (4) '7777 apparently supports the "textbook theory" that ih- dividuals under hypnosis will not act ttainst their will in re- t. pugnant acts 95 violence and acts of disloyalty. This is a very It u I. � moot question and the writer wish's to p6nt out Uhat t1iere0�-,e j. ; no tests made that can be regarded as-definative in this matter. The writer wishes to point out that experts in th..2. field of , A 0; t � 4:d � P " hypnosis arc not agreed on this point ancitcl,..71 pllees50=�And noti-4.m,tors feel that there is a good chance that these thim7s can he accomplished throur!it hypnosis. (5) .The group comments on methods of coml-aLirr, the ... L , � k.� '1 technique,and their recommendations in r:eneral a.ppedri to the writer to be fairly thoitnd sound althour:b a7,ain tests to support (6) these recommendations would take a great deal of time, melley, and effort before authinedefinative could come of it.' � - � roc oru tenth, Lions that lru-ge extensiveS tuaies be made in psycholo7.ical:01fects, human behavior, studies of se- duction, persuasion, and persistence. are. undoubtedly, worthy prodects but would be time consuming and results .*rAld not, be forthcominr, for extremely long periods of time. 2. That .1, when the A P.ECOI iiIDATIOiIS � ,rroun ever meets as a unit that ;VTICHOKE Team members be permitted to talk personally to the group members and lay before them specific examples and certaLn items whinh p03.1i111 the members can give pertinent advice. The writer- �A,. ����1 �*"- :- J-n� � . . .��� � � � . � � . , ,� � this. s .1. � � ���� : ��� ,) o' feels that the 1 Itroup has never been thoroughly briefed or indocrinated in ARTICHOKE'AjD THAT their report quite clearly reflects that. lb � � 3. The writer cannot agree with thel opinion that "little. threat, if any, to National Security bxists because of special interrogat/ipn it techniques or agents." .Tha writer wishes .to point out that th* or* requires one break for the successful compromisinglf ina individual to cause � � extreme damade to a nation. There are numerous recant classic examples of � � � � 1' (1,. � 1.� V."1/ � � -.4 A...4 - it '. � I ; , 3 � &LC. 9 , 04 -1.,����'"I'"'"1"."7 ----2.--����-� �.. � . '� (1., ,,,,,L, . (.�..� � ��.../ 111.44."7,r.7.10. ������ . --- 7 1-71 1/1.1����11r- � ( ,--;�,����," ;I ,...q.....-44....-?!. .4.. ....-4 ........-4i'�7 ,Itt"..L.: '''11....--� ... �� r . .. � j ;N., .. : .../ ) "' .! .� .'�-:.7 ,:- . f" . . ��";� 7- ��-�-0--C C- -Z-.1.7- � .1-1.-41---i-t..%_ 4---1."-r"--?-4(..-- � ........---.) - ..� � . . . / A , i , .1 - f..����:// -1.���\ � I . ���-�7 � . (-774. *7 ir � . L' � � / 0 . a