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Document Creation Date: 
September 25, 2024
Document Release Date: 
January 15, 1983
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
April 17, 1953
Diflice Memorandum � UNItED STATES GOVERNMENT 4 TO : Technical Yrnnch DATE: 17 April 193 FROM : dSUBJECT: Recommendation Reeardin7 ramerinental Pror!rnm in 1. i'ollowinf: the neetin7 of 16 Anril :1?'3 on the ARTICHOTT Pro- ject, the followirr recommendations are submi.Aod on the e:1-ner5nental nro7ram in (3) Af.'yer the clearance of . is obtained, contact- to definitely nscertain whether they are interested in wor1d.n7 on a project in which th-, A7cncy is 1r-11/z:rested if mutually nntisfactory terms of definite resenrch objective and paymcnt, etc. are arrnly:ed. I ll morally that these two jr1C.ividuals will be interented in suoh n project as their r-,encrel in- terests hnve bc-r determired Lhc7 are definiLely interested in this particular area. Assumin7 that are 'nLercrted in purnmr,7 tir2 project f,Irther, 1sue7ent that the urglersi7ned 7o to to definite' deterin1ne if th2ae men nre.inLercsted in lecoriine covert con:-.u1.tnnt-: to the "t-eney;'whether they would 1.'e interest/72(1 in workin7 on research nrojectn az indivinls in their own.or7nniznLion or outside or whether they would nre- fer to work an n team; whether they prefer firincin7, threur2h a fund or7anination or whether Pands could be directly 7iven to Lhem and other definite s-J77en- tions that they may have r:J. to the nrocedure of such a project. L' is discl:ssion, a neetirk: s.ivild he held in :-shin-ton determ!ne whether a7cncy annrove- the proposnls and recommendations nade by the under_ sined and the three nroon-ctin eonsulLsnts. Tr this approvni is forLhco-lin,- ns nasume it will. then the ne::1, tens en'n 1-e :,nk,2n to mnke thee neorle A-cnc7 consnitants. tha the three rCorementioner! People ecome eonrmltrnts or the n !IeeL:n- w1) A. 17e nrr?-1-1,70d either in or x-v;h..in7ton to set un Lent research �inns. At deeisierv-7 can 1-e mnde F � to (11-11.7:7 ulll in1estd7aLed, what institution will be author-I:led for subjects, other nrocedures will be Ilrylertalmn, etc. Also at this time a more definite deternnation will be made as to whaL future number of individuals will have to be cleared or will be involved in the research project for the followin six nonths. it this meetin7 too both short-term and lonr,-ranr7e research plans can be definitely aryeed upon. (') Followin-, the neetinrr. in -shin7.ton or of all the parties who will initially institute research aCtivities, the necessary people carrying on the work in Washin7ton and the initial plinf:les of the rcnct7Tch hor;ins, the undersi7ned can assist and stimulate in startinc the research procedures and lay plans and take action for future activities. 4Z=Ir ;�� 1: �