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Publication Date:
March 11, 1949
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Approved for Release: 2023/08/26 C00144197
13. Unroll 1949
FROU : Chief, FBM
SUBJECT: Anatoli Michailarich Granovsky
0/0 0
itex 1�1
1. Anatoli Michailovich Granovsky, Soviet deserter, became the
property of. the German Mission in Deoember 1946, after considered
decision that by this means Subject could be minutely debriefed on
his knowledge of the upper love 13 of the Soviet eepionago organisation
in the USSR and Europe, information of a type previously inaccessible
to this Agency. In clearing with p-2 USFET for Subject's entry to
the United States Zone of Germany, we were consciously aiding the
Swedish and Denise Governments which had been placed in an uncomfortable
position by increasing Soviet pressure for Subject's repatriation idad
by certain inadvertent indiscretione on their part which rendered such
a repatriation for security reasons out of the question. Our action
rid them of their only other alternative. that of liquidating Subject.
taitil September 1947, Subject underwent a series of continuous interro-
gations by members of the German Mission, handled with the maximum of
security precautions in the event that Sebjeot should turn out to be
a penetration agent for the USSR. (A: completion of exhaustive debrief-
ings and due to keen interest on the part of Subjeot46 former Soviet
employers as to Subject's whereabouts na well as Subject's own diffi-
cult and untrustworthy nature, expeditious and satisfectory arrange-
ments were made for Subject's disposal...NW
2. It is pointed out that Subjeot's story, as contained in refer-
enced communication, is, in its skeleton outline, factual. In its
particulars, some of which are major issues, Subject has deviated far
from the truth. Subject was never promised entry to tne United States
and it was clearly understood by all parties concerned t4t.t after final
cash settlenent at the port of embarkation on 21 September 1947, we
were uncler no further obligation to Subject. it farewell letter from
Subject, contained in the files of this Agenoy, is quoted herewith,
in part and in translation from the Russian:
"For my part personally. I hope it is known to you what
a disappointment it is in connection with the impossibility
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approved for re ase thrtiii4h
the Central Intelligence Agency,
/ /q
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I Approved for Release: 2023/08/26 C00144197
at the present time for me to live in the U.S.A..- Thie is
understood, since, except for the USSR, I have relatives
only in !Lexie� and the U.S.A. however, I hope that I
sueoeed in arranging my life better in South Amorist.* than
it is in the USSR. In parting,, I promise you ihatin-My'.
life henoeforth there will be no activity directed against.'
the U.S.A. and their interests. In 'case of necessity you
can count on me as your loyal ally."
Subject, despite his unusual value and keen intellect, was throughout
his stay in the J.S. Zone of Germany a continuous vexation, in his
attempts to force our hand in hastening his final departure from
g4rope. Subject's undesirable personality, plainly set forth in our
files, had long oonvinoed us that we were dealing with an extremely
difficult person. It W4B feared, despite amicable final separation,
that we had not heard the last of him.'
Richard Helms Iftrirt"'"-
Approved for Release: 2023/08/26 C00144197