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Publication Date: 
September 22, 1980
PDF icon POPOV -- SHORT FORM, DE-S[16113104].pdf180.16 KB
;.4 ,,_,Approved for Release: 2022/08/25 C00144079 DCJ I .............. AVAILABLE al* I CLf )1 .70133,34 This documant hboa approved for ralotin Owigh tle HISTORICAL REVIO MOW a the Central Tnte11461100 IOW �- ..;...... SENDER WILL. CHECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND 891-TOM UNCLASSIFIED I CONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO - NAME D ADDRESS INITIALS 1 villill 2 3 4 5 6 � ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION � COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE ' Remarks: Popov -- short form, de -sensititied ..-- FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE -,, Imigimift iiiiik /9/80 ..4.... UNCL IFIED I CONF ENTIAL 1 SECRET 'NS NO. 237 Use prsrious aditions 1-67 P t� GPO � 1.04 0 - 535-11S1 (40). � Approved for Release: 2022/08/25 C00144079 Approved for Release: 2022/08/25 C00144079 Moscow At GRU Headquarters in Moscow Popov was questioned.about several matters, required to write a report on the Mili affair, and dismissed from GRU for mis- conduct. His wife left Berlin on 17 December. Developments in his student case, which was taken over by another GRU officer, do not make it clear wheth- er it was a factor in his dismissal or not, but they show that later the Soviets kept the case going to screen the_fate of Popov and to obtain a readJ1 ing on CIA awareness of his fate. In accordance with the communication Ian, Popov signaled by a "wrong Approved for Release: 2022/08/25 600144079 Approved for Release: 2022/08/25 C00144079 -9- (SOT number" phone call on Z5 December for a meeting Moscow at a children' ,fttheater.on 28 December. His failure to appearaossibly because he could not obtain a ticket to the theater, automatically triggered an alternate meeting at the Aragvi Restaurant on 4 January 1959. The meeting was successful and in the men's room he passed an sliti message written in a pocket notebook, containing information of good quality. The message also what he thought was advised that he had been dismissed from GRU for/a combination of reasons-- the Mili affair, the Illegal in New York) and some distrust of his student case. He was in the. Reserves and awaiting reassignment, and he wished to talk 11111411111111iMP A brief note passed to Popov instructed him to write to his accommodation address in Berlin and explain what had happened. Popov signaled for a second brush meeting at a bus stop on 21 January. It was successful ba Popov passed no message. Popov said that he had mailed or would mail a letter, but no letter was received at the accom- ed modation address in Berlin. The message given to Popovcontainidescriptions of new meeting sites and 'instructed Popov to use only the S/4 carbon which he had received in the last meeting in Berlin and to destroy his old carbons. It also asked what was meant by diStrust of his student case. A copy of Ne this message was prepared as an sik letter, which was to be mailed that night to Popov's home in Kalinin by another CIA officer if the meeting did not take place, so that Popov would receive it before he was posted away from Moscow. The signal from Popov WAS misunderstood ismunisr* d the letter was mailed by mistake. Nosenko described the KGB's observation of the mailing and the recovery of the letter from the mailbox. '4 .7 Approved for Release: 2022/08/25 C00144079 e Cylinder Letter V L_ Approved for Release: 2022/08/25 C00144079 Along with the KGB-dictated S/4 notebook whiCh Popov passed in the Aragvi Restaurant on 18 September,. he passed a secret message printed by pencil on �... eight small pieces of paper, which were rolled into a cylinder about the size of a cigarette. (To distinguish the secret-writing message from the secret message, the latter is called the "cylinder letter".) It was wrapped in a bit cf cloth, tied with a string, ,and smelled of perfume. In the cylinder letter, Popov reported that he had been arrested in Febru- ary 1959 and that in the meetings thereafter he had been under KGB control and wearing a microphone., The idea that Bopovcould write a message and smuggle it out of Lubyanka Prison was considered preposterous. The message therefore was thought to be a hoax and the content was treated with suspicion. One thing which strengthened the suspicion was that Popov claimed to have gotten away with an incorrect and incomplete confession. Technical analysis determined that the cylinder letter was written on more than one Piece of paper of the kind used in the Soviet Union at that time for magazine wrappers, that the writer had access to either more than one pencil or a means of sharpening a pencil, and that the hand-printing was probably done by Popov. Analysis of the case with the possibility that this was genuinely a secret message opened a window through which the foliOwing could be seen: In order to gain his cooperation, the KGB probably did not subject Popov to hostile interrogation at first but obtained what it needed to know to run a playback. Popov agreed to participate in the playback, hoping to earn a light sentence and probably hoping to se his cunning against the KGB. After Approved for Release: 2022/08/25 C00144079 Approved for Release: 2022/08/25 C00144079 he had correctly carried-. Cut the firSt two controlled meetings, he was given better prison conditions, possibly was held somewhere in KGB Headquarters �.. rather than in Iubyanki Priiort may have been allowed a visit from his wife, and had access to newly reoeiired-Magazines and writing supplies. pated as a consultant in some but not all of the planning sessions for the , September and October meetings. JIB he demonstrated his cooperativeness, the guard lonf.him was relaxed somewhat and he had some degree of privacy. By 18 September, probably his uniform WAS tossed to him; he was told to bathe, shave,dress, and be ready by a given time; and no one watched him dress. The scent on the message was probably from his shaving lotion. 1#11111111111111111111110.- There is evidence in the content that the cylinder letter was genuine and that the KGB did not know About it at the time. One item after another was contrary to the ITIOs interest. Among other things, the letter revealed .:7 the extent of KGB knowledge of the Popov case, or lack thereof, including what it knew from sources other than Popov's confession. It showed Where the � 7. He partici- KGB had made some analytical errors. It outlined the KGB's plans for future meetings in the playback. Host significantly: it mentioned that there was high interest during Popov's interrogation in something to do with Marshal Zhukov. This can be understood as the KGB's effort to determine..thatr,it-had caught and stopped the right person, the source of the Zhukov speech report fed back by Blake. Finally, the letter was totally "Popov". Even his wild idea of appealing to the American President to save him was understandable.. It came from the "gallows psychology" of a man who had changed his allegiance and was trying to stand up against the Soviet regime, as his brother had stood up and written to President Kalinin. The KGB could not have thought this way or understood Popov's *44 need to walk in Aleksandr's footsteps. Approved for Release: 2022/08/25 000144079