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Document Creation Date: 
September 25, 2024
Document Release Date: 
October 4, 1999
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Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
March 25, 1952
S:TANDANT) pnroa #40. 04 cc MeinOrandUM � UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO FROM SUBJECT: I Se I z 4 4/08i22 6/ DATE; 25 Nar. 52 k 1. You have asked me to put down in writing some of my ideas on how I would go about getting expert help on hypnotism. Above all, I would rely upon proven experimental psychologists who have their feet on the ground on this subject and who have done plenty of research work on hypnotism. 2. The most extensive and careful series of experiments on hypnotism were carried out by over a ten-vear period. He began his work while he was still at the/ d finished his studies after he trnnsferred to the His bcok, entitled - is a carefully docu- mented research classic which is a "must" reading for anybody who professes to be even seriously interested in the subject. Unfortu- nately,111111111111.11ris no longer interested in hypnotism and more- over he has become auite feeble, but his two principal research assistants are still active in psychology and would prove particularly valuable as consultants on a research sroiect on hvrnotism. They are 3. he became's psychologist. He is an and non-docmatic scientist. At the 'before extremely competent, broad-minded, Present time, he serves as He has plenty of experience in research, experimental, clinical, ana business psychology. I would certainly trust his judgment on any problem dealing with hypnotism or drugs. An indialtdon of his writinr and thinking can be obtained from a recent article entitled .L.11.1111111.111 I believe more thanill11111111111-has main- tained an active interest in hypnotism since their research days with D 1111111111111111ris the inventor.;m2Lt.rtest of succestibility which was 11 'given considerable emphass inn.= bock. The test has been used by . other experimenters, who have published about it in thr 3iterature. .:- t. I".. .1 I, � � \ D ..11 " c 10 1) . 1 I. - .1 ..l; .). -^ rrtm tine tc tim-1111111111rwrites articles on hypnotism, or con- tributes chap ters -to text books on the subject. I have seen him hypnotize on many different occasions and I know that he is very effective in producing all sorts of hypnotic phenomena in his sub- jects. 5. I am sure that both111111.11111111111111.4ould be glad to Cooperate with you on such a project. I think that thew wmul r,ple on a_gpod. team of advisers.