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Publication Date: 
January 22, 1954
PDF icon GENERAL- SECURITY SPECIFI[10413901].pdf234.68 KB
COPY #_L If/p/-3 � t 401.4.�,� :e . -.'"1��:' - � � tlt,;;?�1: � TO � ATTN ";.t.'� FROM ���17V.,* � V i A : AIR - � SPECIFY AIR OR SEA POUCH ' DISPATCH NO. � et � Senior Represents. iv SUBJECT 1. GENERAL. Security � � � �- r. MP X� � : r.� SPECIFIC". ; ARTICHOKE Report ,:r.�� � � �C" � � � . ;��� � � 47., " � � I �1t., ii�/A'r"--a.! ���' � DATE : JAN 2 2, 1954 �, tf ri� ?';,.� .s .. . . �" � r � , . � ,.,,, - .� - * 1 ..Herewith report of ARTICHOKE Team on first assignment.:-,." -. Conbidering the speed with which we had to operate, I be--.-..---.,...i'......t.:"...if..!�:.,'�... .,...�!_,..;. ' - 4.'.,.' lieve it went extremely - well. :We were ready when called :: � . ....�.','� � � .7",-� *-1 � '� . � � ....!,i � upon for, support, even though the operation did not materialize. ,;-...4-..�..;.... !'�*��,-) �: � .�.:" � , � s � .$ ; t'is 4".���,. ;-: tyYt� 4Lit.,./:.atI. 2. I have left blank certain identifying information which. �,',t is known t, � I r;' '!":1"��� �t_ ": -4`"�'������'''''..1-..1.%.� ENCLCSURE: '� ... . ),,.,:l..E.....,� .,:�,..:i..� ... 1.,..-..,',..,i q.."..:- ...,-.,;�..i-, :.,- Report of ARTIOROKE.'!, , � . �, V. ,-.., �.Team (3 copies) � �.,�1 w.,,,f;A:�.1.-.,:- .�-.;.,...-- �� *-!A.t.; . � ' � � *:. !-Atrt N.� � , *TT tre:' v 7�01r 6 ' :44:7 =;� ���:.f!, it. � � tit � � . 4 a . � 4-.A. � - � 4 � ? **;, - � e�...414 ler r � � . .��. � r �. ,sePt! ..e ';,� 11. . is(V.4i1J: -1,7; 4 �i*�1 ; � �'.%.:1�-:," 7 : � 71: � � � : � ...!...�.t.' . 22 -. 'January 1954 ,i, � ,'..,,,i., , '. - .. � . ,.... �,-.... Distribution:. . '6,r....'?.. I.. . , � ..-1-,...-., �-1, 2 84 3 � Addressee...�-�.:.'. � � IP � CLASSIFICATION ..�.300,�tesr�r�aqr4r, ,at . , � 4r: ���� Ireal .� � . � ;�� &Vogl. � 1. I ��� ' r7.46.1e,..61 . � "IrlAteat -7triNg-x-4,:t4ert4 � � (1) As a-Iltriggersmechanismn for a bigger project, it was proposed that an individual of descent, approximately 35 years old, well educated, proficient in English and well established socially and politically in the ******* Government be induced under ARTICHOKE to perform an act, involuntarily, of attempted assassination against a prominent ****** politician or if necessary, 1.40nst A erican offi- � cial The SUBJECT was formerly in but has since terminated and pmp oyed with the *** Government. According to all available information, the $JECT would offer no further cooperation with Access to the SUBJECT would be extremely ire= probably limited to a single social meeting. Because the SUBJECT is a heavy drinker, it was pro- ARTICHOKE PAGE Oi .� PAGES - COPY #/.. . . AttauliEnt#2111111111Milk .8 il 1. The ARTICHOKE TeaM visited Sing period 8 January to 15 January l254r.7�IETTalo-i'sils of the-visit was:to individual of ***** de ent-be-ma e give an evaluation of othetical praltm, nanely: Can an: l'orm an act of attempted assassination involuntarily under the influence of ARTICHOKE? . . � 2. PROBLEM: a. The essential elements of the problem are as follows: � . � . posed:that the individual could be surrePtitiously drugged through the medium of an alcoholic cocktail . at a social party, ARTICHOKE applied and the SUBJECT -.induced to perform the act of attempted assassina- tion at some later date. All the above was to be accomplished at oitirrvoluntary uncontrolled social meeting. After the act of attempted assassination was performed, it was assumed that the "SUBJECT would be taken into custody by the *** Government and thereby f." Other than personal reaasur- ances by ns of security involving the : � L_ �r-� 1 **1114rrr.50.4.J.:0ft....171V,214010i,V�AmA6,1e.A.��.... zguk ��� . . 4.14cAt.e#4,.44Z*Pok.oVSSit�-%�:�����.4;- � ., 11011111We PAGE Or 3 PAGES- � � S. ! � ;I. N� � ' COPY IF / 103 Attaciocnt .#411111111011* ' project, techniques, personnel and disposal of the SUBJECT were not indicated. Whether the proposed act of attempted assassination was carried out or not by the SUBJECT was of 1R ,great significance in relation to the overall prolect. 3. CONCLUSIONS: a. In answer to the hypothetical question, can an .individual of ****** descent be made to perform an act of attempted assas4mation, involuntarily, under AHTIGHOICE, ac- cording to the above 'conditions, the answer in this case was - probably "No" because of the limitations imposed operation- 'ally as follows: er (1) The SUBJECT mould be an involuntary and 'uraittingSUBJECT..... (2) We would have none, or, at most, very limited physical control and custody of the SUBJECT. (3) Access to the SUBJECT is strictly limited� to a social engagement among a nixed group of both cleared and uncleared personnel. 4. The final answer was that in view of the fact that successful completion of this proposed act of attempted assass- ination was insignificant to the overall project; to wit, whether it was even carried out or notothat under "crash conditions" and appropriate authority from Headquarters, the ARTICHOKE Team Ma4. undertake the problem in spite of the , operationalaimitations. . ADDENDUM: Two main problems presented itself in relation to answer- ing the above..4ypotheticaL-question. � a. Security: Insufficient considera=tion was given to the fact that .any leakage of ARTICHOKE through performance of the proposed problem would jeopardize the entire future appli- cation and praposed activity of the ARTICHOKE Team in thliallp area. S. 13/3 � . r-- t.� �� � � � r� t. � - � "=�:�.;,... 4"joi#���111*"7"".'" � �-s � � .�J PAGE -3 OF d _PAGES . COPY. # � Attadiinent# b.. It was the unanimous opinion of all ARTICHOKE members that unless the ARTICHOKE Team had more detailed ac- cess to the opezational plan it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to carry out the assigned mission. -?1K smot Pit,* ,L� �� � 4,04a.e, 3 41�6 amyl ;Att � �. � t I ��