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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 2, 1960
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V/ Approved forRelease: 2019/05/07 C00137224111111 (Ti kt'N\ ts), CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY REVIEW 2 June 1960 CU13A Soviet trade specialists and technicians have begun to arrive in Cuba in sizable num- bers. On 22 May, 80 are be- lieved to have joined the trade commission establish in Havana during Soviet First Deputy Premier Mikoyan's visit in February. Venezuelan news- papers have reported that Rus- sians and Czechs recently pass- ing through that country en route to Cuba are documented as mechanics, technicians, and experts on airports, hydrology, meteorology and other special- ties. the Cuban Govern- ment is granting visas freely to bloc nationals. The US service attachds in Havana have a reliable re- port that only four Soviet technicians now are advising the Cuban Air Force, and that air force personnel Anaxe been PART I PART II told that MIG aircraft are due to arrive in Cuba in late June or July accompanied by Soviet pilots and technicians. Pos- sibly in a prior move to purge the air force of personnel whose loyalty to the Castro regime is in doubt, Raul Castro is reported to have arrested 23 pilots and 22 enlisted men on trumped-up charges in the past few days. The expected establishment of relations between Cuba and Communist China may come in June. The Peiping Opera Com- pany will spend most of the month in Cuba as the highlight if a lOng-planned campaign em- phasizing cultural ties between the two countries. The newly formed Cuban-Chinese Friend- ship Association, headed by pro- Communist Cubans who-have re- cently visited Peiping, will probably play a prominent role 11111111111111111111111 OF IMMEDIATE INTEREST Page 7 of 8 NOTES AND COMMENTS Page 1 of 21 Approved for Release: 2019/05/07 C00137224 Approved for Release: 2019/05/07 C001372241111 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY REVIEW 2 June 1960 in the campaign. Some 30 Cu- bans are reliably reported to be attending a six-month train- ing course in China, and at least three other student, labor, and official Cuban delegations have visited there in recent weeks. Peiping has shown special sympathy for Castro's revolu- tion, and Cuba seems to be a key target in plans for stepped- up Chinese propaganda activity in Latin America. During an official visit to attend Argentine independence celebrations in Buenos Aires from 25 to 29 May, the Cuban delegation headed by President Dorticos concentrated on ef- forts to attract popular sup- port for the Castro regime and showed little respect for the Frondizi government. Dorticos flouted protocol, made vicious attacks on the United States PART I * PART II before a pro-Communist univer- sity group, and went out of his way to meet with leaders of an actively antigovernment, Peron- 1st a labor group. The suspicion that Dorticos plans similar tactics through- out his current Latin American trip has led Uruguay and Brazil to treat him properly but cool- ly and has elicited press criti- cism in Peru and Mexico. Strong differences over Castro con- tinue to cause political ten- sion in Venezuela, and Presi- dent Betancourt has been trying to put off Dorticos' visit to Caracas. Meddling by Cuban officials in the domestic polit- ical affairs of other countries has already irritated several Latin American governments, but they hesitate to criticize the Castro regime because of its popularity among some political- ly important grou s in their countries. 11111111111111111111111 OF IMMEDIATE INTEREST Page 8 of 8 NOTES AND COMMENTS Page 1 of 21 Approved for Release: 2019/05/07 C00137224