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Publication Date: 
October 15, 1975
' � pproved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 [ NATIONAL SECL.R ITV INFOR\ T ORIGINAL 1 - T Unnuctiorl z-ed--i---:.-.-4os-..:-:--e- \ VOL 1 OF ! i.o Cr fini:....1! :::�..:-... ...):,.., � 0111� ihtito) t�tiati) Report of Proceedings Hearing held before [. t --.'1--7-'.. ,NO_ �'" ..; - ?`.- .74. sfr.--. 1.2>�,?>77. .!� ":.%-' �s,4�-�-�:,,,Y.-twiz..4 purpose other than the-establishment of a false identity,,,_.a.nd_ specifically that it should not be used to cast aspersions or in any aggressive way against the alleged -- the person whose: identity was invoked. My question is whether you know of any use by CIA or by any other Agency of materials furnished by CIA in the way of false identitification or alias identificati to discredit the person who was the subject of the documentati as distinct from simply to have a false identity. Is the questIon-cea - Dr. Gottlieb. Yes, the question is vi,ry clear. And my answer is no. Wides. And that would include not simoly identifica- tion cards in the narrow sense but false documentation -- and let me add an important qualification on that, I am not about overseas operations with regard to foreigners as part n a covert actfpropaganda campaign, but I am talking about sPecifically American citizens? Mr. Lenzner. Are you includinc2 thc.provision of alias documentation to Howard Hunt and Cordon Liddy? 20 i Mr. Wides. No. And that �./as ultimately in connectinr, 23 perhaps, with t.;-.(2 discrediting operation. hut I am talin.! 22 I about a situation where the use of the documentation itself tqas to discredit the person ,:;ho was the subject of the o 24 1 documentation. 25 Mr. Lenzner. And you are askinei specifically about TOP CRET � , , :t7 vox., Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 � 7. c: tr, %V.ithingtOn. O.C. 2000) 9 lo 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 1. 20 21 22 23 24 25 ; Jr4Z4 ' AfX.:44.4.,W.;:80;"�", !is% ;$ Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 ;TOP' -RET tfl;:t1% American citizens in !th's Mr. Wides. Yes.-- � � - Dr. Gottlieb: e'nswer:would be no. Mr. Wides. Returning to the question of training, are you ! aware generally, or do you recall generally activity by TSD in training police and other law enforcement bodies, State and _local law enforcement bodies, in a variety of technical activities? Dr. Gottlieb. Jus m nu. (Witness confers with counsel.) Dr. G,ottleih. I was aware of this activity that you tal!:ing about. Mr. Wides. What kind of programs did this involve? Specifically, did this involve persons from TSD to your know- ledge going to a local area and giving instructions, demonstra- tions or advice, or did this only involve law enforcement personnel coming to Washington to a regional TSD office for some sort of -- as Part of -a seminar-or class -- or what kin:! of arrangements were used? arc Dr. Gottlieb. That is a complex question for me to answer. My general answer to it would be that it was to my remembrance almost entirely the latter. But I want to make the exception. I can remember at least one incident that had to do with thesc letter bombs where, because of the urgency, an because of whole lot of other things, technicians in TSD ';ho were TO Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 L N-�� too. D.C. 20003 410 F.01 Si,�I. 10 11 12 13 14 !! 11 11, i! 1},.3.42A4 pp roved 011R 4:�::.P4-1g72;7�17:4::.1,'"WjZi,J4i.0-4*.:,':, roved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 .1 y.t.14/41.711 0 p 12 � vat. , knowledgeable'imr- 'Department.- they did go analyze the � e*. " 'atT:i:area.:wntIlipto.tshe.lp the New York Police - 9 -2-I.-:guessyoujiouldn't?"call Canada domestic, but up to Montrealtohelp the local police body problem and.defuse'the bomb. That WFIS training, I guess you would call. it.4p:But!:they did go. That was out of - � : . the pattern. ��,� � Mr. Lenzner. To make sure the record is accurate, I think you asked whether the police would come to Washington,or the CIA, or would the TSD go to the police. And I think you said ! it was usually the latter. And I think you meant the former. Dr. Gottlieb. I an sorry, I meant the police would comn to us. Mr. Uides. :shat was the normal pattern. And I didn't mean initiated by TSD as a component, Dr. Gottlieb. He was talking about later and former, ahz! I misunderstood the order in the sentence. Mr. hides. Who were the heads of the traininy. branch duri.ilt: the period that you were Chief of T.:;6? 19 Dr. Gottlieb. I am trying to remember. I an just hitting a blank on names here. Could you 21 stimulate my memory? 22 if you mention 24 (Dff the record discussion.) I am not trying to withhold this, but a few names I recall them, Wides. Off .the 2.F.� Mr. Wides. i.;ack on t'ic record. TOP Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 1 2 7 4 -4Z'-' -,,.- .:, � p).?..rved..for Release: 2022/02/01 C06095085; 1 Li V>, KTj � - 4),), '1,"-; � those teChniqUes...ii-roperatrons-fthatthe'tIA would be interested 7' � � ..� �-y� Dr.�no-awnre(bnY such. Number one, I wouldn't be. But '..n'cidents-where some officers trained Mr. Wides. Are you aware -- Dr. GottliebIC-17understrid'your'question, are you asking me whether I know of any.i � � � in some technology by TSD were later contacted and asked to do in? .0:57 4 0 C 3 n.3ton, O.C. Z000.1 10 11 12 1.611 14 ' 15 � 16 17 18 H 11 22 25 some technical operat dhS�dbMeStically for CIA: Mr. Wides. For second hand CIA operations? Dr. Gottlieb. My answer is, f have no surch knowledge. I Was not aware that the procedure was followed, nor do I have any specific knowledge that any such happened. Mr. ;4ides. Off the record. (Off-the record discussion.) Mr. Wides. Back on the record. What about any recollections you might have of operations in the US jointly participated in ZIA aid local police in the areas of audo-operations or technical surveillance? Just without being specific first, do you recall having any awarenc.s- of that as distinct from operations, for example, involvinq embassies where there might have been cooperation with the Ft:: or other Federal acencies? (Witness confers with counsel) Dr. Gottlieb. My recollection there that is relevant to 'AtUtt,:iT.,',.:Vill;0\1�M*000,4V4V;iMtwv;-A. , TOP RET "c'4.N.WA,"="0'.'9,",11e4Ciqe44h"!ItiVY4411t,:voki41K.v.O'A',,,4, AN): Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 CD cz 0 0 L-; 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 f: Release: 2022/02/01 CO0095085' - - 12 your question is that I have a:remembrance of equipment being coming up once:or,i6irce' where personnel:wasfused Mr.�WidesDolyou_recallwhetherLthose were instances 7 , � involving the WashingEon-Metropolitan Police Department? asked for, the loanfzIps;7t I don't remember -- and I don't know the specific'sofitzjust remember that request .1311-Er:dscremember any situations- � Dr. Gottlieb. :,Myrecollection is of a local police department, Washington:or;Fairfax. � Mr. Wides. Metropolitan area? Dr. Gottlieb. Yes. Mr. hides. You don't recall any from other locations? Dr. Gottlieb. No, I do not. Mr. Vides. Off the record. (Off �record discussion.) Mr. ;:ides. We were speaking about the TSD responsibilit- 17 overseas regarding audio-operations. First, by audio, was tha:-. 18 ' used as a term of art to include both terti?hone taoping and � 19 electronic surveillance in the layman's understanding of P 20 both? 21 Dr. Gottlieb. Yes. 22 Hr. wiJ1es. Is it correct that at least from the earl" 2Z sixties on there was a general jurisdictional agreemr'nt in a 24 rough sense that overseas audio-operations would be conducted 25 'WNW by TSD, and that the primary respo sibility domestically would TOP CRET oVe. Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 CO kit � ,61:fre7, Z:141,4910-1$3 0 C 0 0 0 10 11 12 15 14 15 - 16 1 1"; � 1? 2: .; 22 '� 24 r.,A$114')4;�r.� 4����-:44-it, � � ����-..- � � .A`� � . S� 13 -Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 CO0095085 , in the Office of Security? Dr. Gottlieb. That is my remembrance. Mr. Wides. In regard to foreign audio-operations. Mr. Lenzner. When you asked that question, when you say domestically, do you mean who would control it in terms of the Agency in the US, not who controlled domestic audio surveillancl-!? Mr. Wides. I meant which component would have the primary responsibility for the technical aspects of it, not any policy decisions. Is that responsive? Mr. Lenzner.. Or audio surveillance overseas? Mr. Wides. It would be the Technical Services Division. And in the US that responsibility woulr: 1-,c in the Office of Security. regard Co overseas operations, did you over have occasion to know whether American was eithor a target or w�-: overheard in an audio operation? Dr. Gottlieb. I an hesitatim: because it is a very genoral u.uestion. Mr. Wides. Let mc go back. Gencrall.y what kind of information would you have as 1!caci of the Teebni.;:al :ervis2e4 Division as to the target, by which I mean not simbly the nature of a building or the facility, but the category of persons wished to be overheard? Dr. Gottlieb. I wonld h,-,ve to bu'. it this that atter:Int WA7, made to keep out of ':SD as much specifics in th.,: TO P ET Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 4 0 3 .F... sei3srtinte,.... 0.C. 20003 FM SI,cel, 2 ���:, 5 6 8 � *.:?,`_ � _ _ . _ .4-.,..,��.;,Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 � � T...-43:`"!;.t 5.1:WV`"'�':7�AV:1: �60 r.;� rt � � ' � area as they could. Now, 'in apy practical setup that is never possible. I an sure the Audio Operations Branch was aware of the nature of some of the targets. Being about three steps beyond that, I was to that extent less aware. So he_might have occasionally been aware of the category if not the identity of the invidividuals who have been over- heard, but less frequently than the Branch Chief? Dr. Gottlieb. I think so. 10 11 12 14 . 15 17 1 .1C. � ! � ,. ii 2 i. es that - was-- rea operational -- Dr. Gottlieb. Restricted to the operational group that did it. Uides. �/ould there be any records, to your knowledg-.. or would you think there would be any records based on your experience in the Audio Branch regarding tie nature of the target? Dr. Gottlieb. Every effort would have been made to minimi7e that, is the best way I coutd answer that. Widen. The next question, !lased on what we just covered, in wIwther vou can recall ovor hni n aware :,erson,)1., either that an American was the target of an overseas audio operation, or learning, without seein(.1 the actual taoes, than an All,7!rican or Americans can be overheard in th course of a:: audio ePeration? (%:itness conforn with cminnol) TOP ET 4-sitk,,Ame.41,We�i , .t. .1:AVallik7=:41,7iS*V4,;^.'A.t, 4a. .44, � ..4.04:45; %VS � " Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 � PrIone (Arai 202) 544.60 2 6 i! 4,,:,,,..,:A.pproyed for Release: 2022/02/01 C000950857------..:" 111:4S � � � , Dr. Gottlieb. I think my bese answer to that question Mr. Wides. Excuse me. If you want to have any off the record colloquy with me on that, you may do so. Dr. Gottlieb. I will do it off the record if it is helpful. Mr. Wides. No. Dr. Gottlieb. I think my best answer to that would be that I had an awareness generically that in connection with the O.C. 70003 - 1: 12. ' ���� , 4 MRCHAOS program there were audio operations that were probab v targeted against Americans abroad, si.nce I had a general awareness of what their mission was. But I was never aware specifically that on this day in that country this American. Mr. Wides. Was there ever any discussion that either you participated in, or that you were aware of, regarding any constraints as a policy matter on conducting audio operations abroad against Americans? Dr. Gottlieb. Can we go off the record for a minute? (Off the record discussion.-) Mr. Wider,. Back on the record. Dr. fott.Lic11,. INs 'Thief of th.- TF.D T nrlly not. ' involved in discussions of tilat kin:: at all, in that context. Mr. Wides. But I take it you were aware of the cilAns program generally? Lr. Gottlieb. Wir":es. nid that come up in Part in rogrd to /our Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 4 0 0 0 0 LI 12 _ __ _____.......-......,-..,, , .4.,,.-,,..1.--- ... � pproved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085",frif,,t;'�?4:1`. ::117*.11.5'�.:- . ,,...: %.). �uvret' ",-- . i it.* 4, '.1..,,A7.5.,,,r, s-! .4.,...-�"......5.,yr -''':'�;-...-...,rc'':i-AVt'���*f*t.,�tffi.-s..3.Aoi"' ..-:f�L4' 4./:Eck,1135:.-ra-L4F4.44... - . -:.--, ,..14,,,...-4::,..,. � . T.-v.- zic.-is-ttligt... �Anels� or-I: t.,..s.70,- .; � .....,.:7::.?-4 ce..?�,-.;:,..:;, -.1.2:*,.. coop eraticin'.:iri ' they program r as s i sfa nce ' to '..i. � g �:-;--.1,::....'."...,!;�.i.,:ex..r.:-.31)-!...;,-.441.--;,-;:VP-'1,firie.--�%1.-..,:,:-... -??.�,. r.-.r-='?;C:...-:�7.'� . � as a compOnenthelped_withiri-MDP?zindbeing on the distribution 7 . � . ,'";...:�-.=''''' . �-k . ..., list of Mr. Lenzner. Are youasking how did he become aware of it? Mr. ides. Yes sir. � Dr. Gottlieb I.don't-remember how I became aware of it. . � � It started out as a very sensitiVe. project. There were very few written thing3 I remember seeing about it. I think I heczwAreit_when_they asked for our cooperation in the audio area. And I must have gotten an Oral briefing, but I really don't remember the context of it. Mr. Wides. I believe we asked you on the record with regard to TSD participation in domestic audio onerations. : 14 let me just go back -- I am trying to refresh your recollection' � 15 � 16 17 18 19 . 20 2: 2` 2 �' � 24 -- and ask you whether you recall, to complete the record, furnishing any assistance in the area either of audio coverage or surrepticious entry to the CRAOS programs? Dr. Gottlieb. .In the US? Mr. Wide3. For an operation in the US? Dr. Gottlieb. 7 :Ion't have any personal remembrance of either of thor.e. Mr. Wides. 'Do you recall whether you happened to learn of any operations abron.1, au:'.io or surrenticious ent_ry, in which TD pa::ticipated, or any consideration of operations al,road that y�au learned of ugainst TOP either Ramsey Clar -- let's tal:o - -Approved for Release: 2022/02/0i C00095085 , Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 'I .�04,141760mtv themone., t. ,%�41.4tif`�/? �-eizw, � t,i0,4r, Atrit .5:1V �thellrecord for a minute? . 1.0 f 7 � Mr. Wides. Ys (Off , the record �disCussion.':)41 . . ' > Mr cdrd Dr. Got tlieb My :answeris Mr. Lenzner.- May I ask,'-does the Committee have any evidence of that? . � � Jae made abroad, in an effort to pin down witnesses for prosecutio::: purposes, and not in regard to other people, but that has hraodcasts were monitored. Mr. Lenzner. Pin down witnesses? Mr. Wides. Off the record. , (Off the record discussion.) , Mr. Wides. Back on the record. What about either Janes Fonda? Dr. Gottlieb. no. Mr. Wides. George McGovern? Dr. Gottlieb. No. Mr. Widcs. Let mc come hack to activities in America. Off the record:. (Off the record discussion.) Mr. Wicks. Back on the record. Dr. Gottlieb, there were allegatio made hy representat TOP Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 � .. - .dat, �� ' �it %.0pproved for Release: 2022/02/01 6-0069&85 N410*.Alb: 4.7t-oret. ig Vlift �,,e4,1411000,, 400111,t4 'illNks!7711k? .;*-101-tosrvkai�-:'� - rt.* 4.fh7c:Pring of 1972 there was .44.46.14v, ok.'1.44 44, : � � . � --.����-�- �P.r.;!tv?... a forced.physicalbreakinat-..theZg;7....7bassy here in ^ 4 0 3 C.; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 r 20 21 ! 22 23 24 25 spring of 1972. ire you aware�pf.any eneral assistance by the TSD in I particular, or the CIA7i t.nfgor any other connection with Washingtonatthat there,was-aTho:a--physidal breakin, forcible':entrr:at-.severa �sapartments of representa- ..��::::-7.;;.,?:f6,1a4,,'-4 � �-:��!":'�'"''''''T.,.-1'.,-47-,,--"1,, -,...:,). ,:-..!,:,.---�-R.:%. -4 tives of the ChileairGovernment,anNew-.York in connection with . , .,,,-;,s-,;.,..,--?' .e4:" � �:7(--0:.1.1..-.-: - _ ---- --,-;�" - � their United Nationsmissiorithere;This was in the late g. � . . . . those breakins. Dr. Gottlieb. I am not aware of any. Mr. Lenzner. Burt, let me ak you this. A couple of questions ago you asked -- I want to be sure I got the r.uost-jo,' right-- whether TSD had furnished any assistance in, I thin, surveillance or surrepticious entry in the US as a oart of tho operation CHAOS. Was that the question? Mr. Wides. Yes. Mr. Lenzner. That is not directly related to the question of the breaking in in the Chilean Fmhassy,- Do you have evidence that CIA assisted in any way in domestic operations regarding operation CHAOS? Mr. Wides. Not in regard to audio or surrepticious ert.ry. And I just have to go back and check through my files a little' more completely before giveino you a quick answer as to anv other kind of technical assistance. For example, TSD was involved in the mail program, and CHAO was oetting some of :Ay! TOP e�tt. 11,1t*,14 ' � � ' � - Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 C) PtIon* 4 0 t.. 0.C. :0003 V.; .,.....�� Jr. ; .�.,.:.-, atg.� � `. evi:%,13e.--.- 1FtA. 4 si{rt.4=7/ X oi&J7,14:40-VX-e-f-:d1/4"Nta-X.41.,V41 , _ � tiCkik ..,;..-1.,..�,s,r,r.v.1,,,.-te P." � es � Itgit04'.,k.;ellf � .�' ...:1%.W.4:.!:4�4*�' . .;�4,4.; ' , rs, 43w :4..� 2_,�: - ' 'e �,-.:,.-411:0�41.4.,,,,:rit-t_lc..tettv;yiiz,,,,,�&f.,:rtilifigitalti,t,;,:vie. � k.,,,a_.. .�1 7:1".. int 41 "P 4.-J4.**. 740. 1 '''.:4'ATIt:1 ...e...'� ...Z.:4%7 f..,i "..Ve'40...Attgl...IF,. :1....... � . . At. . ... , .� -47 . � 1 tape '-from`i.that. . .reak ins:or � � � ::::,A ."; ' \-- -,, � .4�."1 2 ...:- - if,;.:-- f..0�. , .AtiP no. iirevo - ,.. -f. :4/!%.,. .,,.. . most o t'.:.1.'ssUbjective, .and'most'ofthose drugs have a ... .� ...... - ,--'5 te:--T.;?,:%.--1W.I. -7-''''W!: significantly'subjectiVeffeCt. l'-, ----- xikA-14Ewg,W 38 I would �say..:,thhtLSD'had�by and large an effect that I woli - � call disorienting, Otherworldlygave you proprioceptions, 2 5 4 I :----.:-,%:',4,7 �-�-� which means perceivingfeelingin your self as opposed to 5 i ..:.'2.,::'i-,.. � . � �:-.-����;�:,,:....t,-...,,-.... 7 ._;;;�,�:t-,...,'"�:.,- , % . � feelings of things-out.sideyourself;ylike seeing a door as i 6 . ...;C:��:_.:,_--,-,-*;;:':, ' ... " � � - ' .: 4-4�...:,:::-,-, : 1 7 opposed li to'feen4].sdmethingfinsidel'.your awn body. And I was � 1 8 4. tft.the,..rn,aitc: 'ati...!-...-;- 2 . 1 1 making the point-- actions of LSD have to do with this disorientation eyproduCtionof.bazaar feelings in the 1 *.',- ; fields of colorperception n.;thefiels of how you perceive I . , .. ..:�.:.,..._..,:.-,1,--� __,,.1--j...:.-,.......f.�..:...z.:,:.-: . your own body. And:it:hai an effect, as I remember it, -- I a:71 ..-. trying to think of the term for the opposite of dilating the pupils of your eyes. Mr. Ralston. Contracting pupils? Dr. Gottlieb. Yes, contracting the pupils of the eyes. The last time I took it was a long time ago. So I an having trouble. I really am trying to recollect that. Mr. Maxwell. You referred to it in your opening statement. but it might bc appropriate to have it on the record here. Do you recall approximately how many times you administere.4. LSD yourself? Dr. Gottlieb. I would guess, if you con'nine the times : 22 I administered it myself and the times it vies administered to 23 !, in an attempt to get some neaninc on the unittinc 24 25 tion, I would say from six to 12 times, I tzirJ: that is 4-ho TOP S ET Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 E.. D.C. 20003 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 2: 24 95 39 used:But'Ionly:Y'rem6mber-.=sthat - Mr. MaxwellCiriTS;OU'aiffeentiate at all the experience: that you hwaedwhen....7 re Aeing of its administration and when you not, time? Dr. Gottlieb. I:wasthinking about that just before you asked that: I don't thin) so:: it was administered to mc unwittingly I was quite familiar with the feelings and I identified it, now I have LSD. Mr. Maxwell. So if I am correct, you are saying that you were not administered the'drug unwittingly prior to your havir taken it and known that you were taking LSD? Dr. Gottlieb. That is correct. Mr. Maxwell. Do you have any notion of how many times ye' took it wittingly before it was ac:ministered unwittingly? Dr. Gottlieb. Three or four times. I was going to get to the Neretran next. Merctran was a drug that had very little overtly perceivable effects, as I remember it. It was mostly what they call nalcptic, somet:Iin which keeps you awake, something which is -- again I will usc the term "a psychic energizer," which make you feel energetic and sort of with it. It was kind of an up drug. And I don't know that I can really say anymore. I am not giving a medi.:; lecture on those drugs. I an not qualified to do it. knowledge of them is outdated, I an sure. I I y Mr. Maxwell. That was the purpose for using :Ieretran TOP Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 410 cif 11 SUCCt. S.E. Wlininoon. D.C. 20003 1 2 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .414We co� pproved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 t, - ,.......�,....4. ,,..�.t. . --- 4,0A. . -74._ +A � .40444441. 4Vati.74441, x �,-, ... ..;,.,:- ili1V":-.44V,P.A5tt . , ..,,, . T.,>, ,--.-crrix.7- , � � dd. A V.' � . 7' ''',.� .e... .1 '.-^r-VY. Dr. GottliebIt-WOuld-.bebasically to get the interro- ..-41,-.4;,� .- . ,.. .. - gatee to be charged:bp:and with you and sort of eager to work, . � � %,,-!-:-..;27.,.-,,,,�;.f.,,,,,-,-,...;:�Y.-:' ' .:.. ' .. and maybe have him lose%allittlelsleep, to get a certain, what .40.4*�:::, � I would call, psyChiC.:advantage: ..--i.'-.7::..S14?&Ni0-01ZOPrOk -- Mr. 14axwelligoulo(2,the!:theory be that if the individual was induced.chemicallyto:g6.beyond those point of fatigue �which he or sh-e----l4.a-1--11y.---not-go�b-ehond, that the resistance to questioning or to suggestion would he less? Dr. Gottlieb. As I remember the work on ;Ieretran itself, it turned out to be not a very attractive drug for interrooa tion by itself, except in cases where you only wanted a small effect, you were almost there. But I can't say yes to your question. I don't remember following that particular line of analysis of how it worked in interrogation. Mr. Maxwell. I am not understanding, then, why you would use it. Dr. Gottlieb. Well, you could keep a.prisoner awake, say, by just talking to him. You could also keep him awake in a manner that might make him worry about wh7 hc couldn't slce!) 21 by giving him a Mcretran. It might be termed, I guess, a 22 23 24 ; 25 manner of stress that could be applied covertly. Does that make it clear? Mr. ;laxwell'. Yes. ,Mr. Ralston. Dr. Gottlieb, may I ask a question about TOP CRET Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 cr � 14 .15 .16 17 18 20 21 en"?youTwere witting and when � -4V-14 � .4......A244,V,7 rl � you were unwitting? ko..14-tt".2-.t1,01vTs.r. .6.1ft - Witt Dr. Gottlieb.-',I'don't'remember�..aignificant difference there. Mr. Maxwell. - Would youfeelUncomfortable about attempting! � to describe your .1e;'Oe'it.7...,!::::reactions of individuals - � tc., whom ye-u---a-d-mi-ni-at retx-an�or�LSD2 Dr. Gottlieb. � I don't think I would feel uncomfortable in doing that. I think I would feel a little inadequate. I thini: one of the things we concluded at some point, after a lot of wor}: in this field,was that they wrre a little unpre- dictable, and that there was no standard sequence of events, at least in a behavioral sense. And that is why I sort of � hesitate without somehow having my memory jogged by somethinq we wrote or by an incident where there is such a description, I would hesitate now to give you som-thing which I consider a- standing observed reaction-. Mr. Maxwell. Perhaps later on as we go through the reports of the interrogation that involve those chemicals you may he able to help. Dr. Gottlieb. Sure. � � � Mr. Maxwell. There is a memorandum that is dated 2n March' 1952 for the Deputy Director for Central Intelligence on the subject of project., TOPT ET 041- "a4 44-4/4[-t vset Irsvy � 0 Wjstaln910n. 0.C. 20003 410 Forst 5tre 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 14 13 21 22 I at Dr:Gottlieyes � Mr wasta;.cryptonym I didn't remember vely�'.crytonymAnd I was wondering � if you recall that-PrOjecas.!/you-are listed as a possible � - � � . . member of the projectadvisory,groupw en you were RDD? " Dr 5->r,can,g ..7piecise reaction I had , - � � - when I read this.*Thisrwis).oneofthe many ideas that never - 7 � � �� went through. I never-reMember'an�active, on going-project of- . � � . � - this name. I think it was a proposal that was made and nothing ever happened. Mr. Maxwell. My understanding was that there was a proposal to be a testing facility within the CIA for Use in connection with ARTICHC=. Br. Gottlieb. I don't remember that ever happening. You were asking me about their capability. I don't remember any facility within CIA for experimenting in the manner that this memo implies, because it doesn't really describe it being carried out, I think-you will remember that in my prepared statement I did mention a period of time at whil we did administer the drug to CIA employees for what we calla:- defensive pharmacology purposes so that they would be with it if they ever got it again. And that was done in a facility, as I remember it, one of the traininrr facilities. 24 '1 But it certainly wasn't a special facility, it WAS nothing 25 special, it was just using the room with certain people in i. TOP ET - 444, - Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 t�V� 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ,41,'.(4e41:".4'44.1.rdinf= tig110"ItiVV4Vk;:074 ,t-4,11W7,24. :',.-.70,14-MIA.14F:�M'4:- � ,F:';'!;�;:.: 01,401,1r,s3.041 .40 ��� TOP .-� (r.. AV 'Ltt ..��� � �fr '4 lritev, 111' *it Mt. �-� of TSS?, DrCott eb. Oc-- . � - . conducted,a1ememb 43 conducted only on members -44.41%,41-1;41,:k44L. � 4--42* ffr\X717:::77:1-14--:� they were vftszr the operational side, " � 4-;4171AAMW*AVAM. and some"?-iri he TDDP who.either felt.;themselves, or someone else-..ke1t,oughtl4to ave that .tra , Mr: MaxwellAlow.werethose:people made known of the ��� � ��-��`.7-.: possibility -c-f- ha:vingsuoh:training?-: Dr. Gottlieb'.. They.were.completely witting of what was going to happen and why;-and all" that. Mr. Maxwell. Throughout the Agency, or throughout the 011P, how were people told that they could participate? Dr. Gottlieb. It wasn't that kind of a program. They w-e: � approached -- and I forget how -- it wasn't a paper that said, � , anybody that wants LSD show up or present your case. It was much more a program of somehow -- I don't remember the mechanism -- of people who were going to serve in the Soviet Union or in placed that would be exposed, they were approachc:'., and told, we have this capability of exposing you to this dru, and the reason we thin; you might be interested in it is because you might someday be covertly attacked by it. Mr. Lenzner. You used the word tests. Those weren't actually tests. They were actually considered a part of training. Maybe they were evaluating reactions, but it was mainly training. TOP CRET - Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 CD CD, La � N-- Wathington. O.C. 20003 410 rust '`-14t;.� 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 , � rgve Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 CO0095085 TOP,S. ET � - � . /1_ Dr.-GottlleCertainly: , � ..-/:.::.Mr.-.Maxwell-Cou?_d:)you'zhavel:any recollection of roughl -rstz- � ." . � . , . something'between,six:and 1,1, something like that. Mr ; ,In'regard,to,theadministration to_people � � within the DDP?..;:'-- how'many:people-were.% nvolvea?1 � Dr :-::Gottlieb. henticined -in;.rty-prepared statement, I Dr. Gottlieb:. Yes a as small number like that And the program.waSdiscOntinued,'and I don't remember why. � .7 I think maybe --I just don't want to speculate on this. ..c Just as a .little more background to this point we were c There was some evidence in reports from Eastern Europe and Soviet Union that made several people in the Agency believe that this might well be a technique or an instrument that w being used by the Soviets and satellites. Mr. Maxwell. Can you expand on that at all? Dr. Gottlieb. I don't know that I can expand on spcci. reports, but I remember particularly during that period th a very prominent American diplomat came out of that area a made some very inappropriate remarks, and there .,:as a lot speculation that he was under this kind of attack. And t! were several cases where we read reports of Soviets -- I there was something here that Terrl/ was just pointing out where some Scvict either defectors or Soviet arlents that intercepted having hypodermic needles -- I guess maybe t TOP RET Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 COnnogncm :4 - c\r cr) ') 0 0 0 a 0 1 2 3 A 5 '6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 11 24 25 was -- mAtzt.4,4 -��� Mr: Maxwel1 f.IZthinKtheememoindiCates that the claim Dr. Gottlieb.That�they-yould be amenable to the will of the captor.Apz*iA; .:...The'Toint,we!were a ng,i's that about'LSD:a17the wedian't know anything time, maybe that(was:6rie' of its possible � . - -g�,- :"),Vri)4w4wavo.*:,?; Irgri) �/4,. I:.thave,Iseen,other;memorandums in your files that indicate 7.1.7,1=:777v.iet- Union and other countri � �� were administering:themothere was some indication that an assumption could be mde-that'LSD was being administered covertly by the Soviet Union.- . � , Mr.':.Lenzner. � � Mr. Maxwell. For the record, I ould like to read this parag.raPh'of a memorandum from the Chief of the Medical Staf, dated Janury 25, 1952. It is paragraph 9 of that memorandum entitled "Summary and Opinion." "There is ample evidence in the rports of inumerable interrogations that the Communists are utilizing drugs, physif:a duress, electric shock, and possibly hypnosis against their enemies. With such evidence it is difficult not to zec!!) becoming rabid about our apparent laxity. We are forced this mountina evience to assume a more agressive role int. development oC these techniquPs, but must he cautious to maintain strict inviolable control because of the havoc TOP CRET Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 a 0 1 5 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I 22 23 24 25 Mr. Maxwell. L u , Dr. Gott1iebAndZ1t.4was:dated January 1952? � � Mr. Maxwel1YestIt?,was,:b.ased on a commentary that the � individual was makinVaboutithe-evaluation of the role of the � � Office of Security In the ARTICHOE project. 46 There is a memorandum dated 22 March 1952 for the � Assistant Deputy, the Inspection and Security Staff, and the Chief of the Medical Staff. Dr. Gottlieb. We have it. Mr. Maxwell. The first paragraph indicates the Chief of Plans had discussed with Mr. Dulles,- the Deputy Director -- and at that time I guess he was still Head of OPC. Dr. Gottlieb. Mr. Dulles? Mo, 110 was never Mead of OPC -- I an sorry, my memory of that history is mixed up. Mr. Maxwell. He would be DDP at that time? Dr. Gottlieb. I would say so, ycs. This is Assistant, is Chief of Plans, talking about him, as I read it. Mr. Max'ilell. The proposed experiments were to be conduct.c -TOP- IT Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 '.... - -,*..,r ... .4 .... .4.i4e,,,,...t....... 4.1 � 44-w.iy..4- , "".......4-4.1.-, ..^.*.-,;1`... 0 0 0 0 V 0 0 0 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C. 22 25 24 25 Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 TO P- f�-� withinthAgencyon-yarious:interiogation�techniques under . � � . - the overall:direction',ofOSIDO::you recall proposals for series of experimentslwithinthe Agency on interrogation � �' �-�''1���?4,�'!t_i0.4%,\--c-:;,*!-',�� � techniques that-might'ODrefered to by this memorandum? � ,; � Dr. Gottlieb.can�only�tie it into this4IIIIIP thing � �-�-�,��:,-.���-, � . � 471-e.c4, we were reading beforesI,T4i-emember it, while it is actuall the memo before it In my�book;:that they were apparently :�� . improved provisionally or absolutely and really never went th 47 way. a Mr. Maxwell. I don't think -- I have difficulty in linki this to a proposal, because we don't hav(2 any paper that shows what you might be referring to. Dr. Gottlieb. And there is no reference here. Ilut just the time chronologically. , Mr. Maxwell. There is one difference, though, in that TSS would actually run the experiments under the proposal. It is not worth pursuing. But I just hoped that that might trigger some recollection of what your ideas. Dr. Gottlieb. I am sorry, I cant' help you there. You want to know what the experiments were that he is approving. I can't help you on that. I don't recall. It is really confusing when you read paragraph 3. I don't know what the- mean that TSS will actually run the experiment with OSI providing supervision, advice an,1 qualified oersonnel. Th- 1 a very confusing way to organize somcthinc! to inc. TO P Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 0 0 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 ;r17.4,r7" ZA(41.41-ri � Ait 1.i....,7,vii%W.%�0�?: liNeee'W *,40.71.1we4TArc- :74,za0.-Aftit- -.T.44getar Mr:Max-wel1::.n111FWA!!!!!!!: 1952, conducting experimentstor:bthel'Agencylln'Flnterrogation:techniques? k Dr.'Gottlie ,,c,11qotto:my:'remembrancehat we were doing g;7441-r as.I'AriedZtiketch at least in the prepared statement, is that"wewerebginnIng to contact some outside contractors andtryingtOtlsome:.IISD. The thurst of our interest atthe-tim.was7:nOt.s6 much on interrogation as a thesis, as a themea focusjlOaut.'what does LSD do, and some other drugs, I don't remeer-allftthem. Certainly we had interrogation in the back of our minds but I am assuming when you say interrogation you mean experiments that are testing a drug under some -- Mr. Maxwell. Do you recall the durgs aside from LSD that arc the subject of interest on the part of TSS? Dr. Gottlieb. My problem there is that I can give you a list of some drugs that come to mind. But I can't say for at that time is, sure at what period they came in. There was LSD, Mere tran, 1 t , and something called psillocybin. There was mescaline, and , , . . _ there was something called tetrachydro-cannabilnol, the activc. constituent of marijuana. I can't name any others right now, but that was a representative group. Mr. Maxwell. as TSS involved in experiments with Sodium : pcntathol amvtal? Dr. Gottlieb. Mo. What Tsn was interestes! in, ton what was we referred to -- and you may have read this TOP--S Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 --'4.�11"4 1'7tN"' 62S."4"itirrafritt...7.,:st.. '''. ...''..r.;.V:. TO P S j . 4-'11gRagilenr. � ,,..e.-? . ... ,._, .. fr�P' *10.110,77--=-'4, c � � Ag77 i ."-- - - ve � 1.�*4`..k.....act'44-.4. V: . 1-if *4..74 4-4 ...:,,,47 - "i3,-trz...-k,...m. - - 4,,,,-=-f-,,,..g..R.5� tr-I.P.:, :::::.:,....-:- � .. it.,,,,,..,?. eitl.a14,42ti,w,v A. c.-- ,_ nomenclaLure y:.:� . , �, , , , . X tablet:_iihatfwerre �-_,.:;. would'do-whae-7-those-things'iyou-mcntione-d-would do, but could be - relatively Covertly,adMinisEerekand. render somebody in � -,-.---- �-� ���--�;.---b--zfl.TinPew--7.---_ ���� � rol--7s�-� . . '''-'-'-',--...." -- -.-:%,;---.", '-� --- �� .--4- safe 'aspossibresenseless that,:they.could be removed from �, �-�,...,,,F,A4,1. - - :1-.g.--k-'i�'� � - - `� somewhere;f-orsoithat,aguar .couldbe4overpowered. That was - W..__,�:.J.gtAt.W;C.P: a relatively;.nd to my knowledge still is. Mr. RalstonWas'there'something like chloralhydrate? . . .. ��49 r" omething_we call it -- a was something which as Dr. Gottlieb..YesWe were interested in that point of view in a chemical modification that would retain its 1-4pnotic action, meaning sleep producing, .not hypnosis, and be very active, so that there was only a small quantity needed, and it be tasteless, and soluble in liquids, and that sort of thin;. Mr. Ralston. So the K pill was a chloralhydrate type of drug? Dr. Gottlieb. I will put it this way. Chloralhydrate seemed to me to be the best you could have done with the state of the art as it was. Mr. Maxwell. To the best of your knowledge, were K pills or K tabliets ever utilized operationally? Dr. Gottlieb. I am Confused on that point. To the best of my knowledge, we didn't have any that were good enough to use. pow, that doesn't mean there couldn't have been times that chloralhydrate was suggested or used. But I don't have a clear memory of that. P'El Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 OZ. 4 0 cc 3 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 � � � Yqrimacing � you.:=..1z7d!tb-sfspec Dr .�:-Gott. � ��;: � -%--"Vt , "A' irialrft171t% � t .tea�tefll' " .-5�44t 4iVf. . 46, e 4 ANIPet:r'44sit..*1 14trligilatEt0;1:4r. *.� Youiae .:.7 43, thera so th meing that � � -.4 ���,.. � - � � � � l'�!?� " ��,�!,-"c Mr ::!Maxwell. that'in..factithey-yere.adm nistored: " Theknitiing,oftbrows,-Wh ch..7.:.tako7' be agreement, referred to theutilization0fIth.e.,:phrase "K tablets" in a CSI umber220710 whiCleferS'to MKDELTA materials, and - � � describes them a"certain'chemicaland biological materials (including K and L tablets) capable of producing human behavioral aven't read those. -- 50 9 understand that..don't have any evidence � "�-� A or physiological changes. And this was issued on 22 July 1960:: and replaced DDP notice 220-L dated 20 October 1952. That suggested to me, not necessarily that they were ever used operationally, but that DDT at that time considered itself to have such material available. Dr. Gottlieb. That is best explainable by me by saying that there were many requests for this sort of thing, always to be answered in the negative, in the sense of trying to get into a building and needing to overpower a guard, durinc; Vietnam War to capture a courier that we knew had documer:ts of interest, and that sort of thing. And the capability, I guess, would be considered to be something about chloralhvdra or that state of the art. Mr. Maxwell. If a request came for a K pill or N ta51;.:t. to whom would it be referred and to the best of your - TOP Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 ' ..S. � 75kpproved for C\I a 0 .. w.tinsnonn. 0.C. 20003 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 2C 21 22 1 i yitvc�,144. � � Release: 2022/02/01 085 er�Sivs:711... co0095- � t fag ��, 51 � ta- c R E � recollection,-,what-was-..thechain?... t � 25;s' . . Dr. would have to be an approva And I think that CSI states by the DDP in some way. So then would be a necessityforit to be issued. And there would bi prior the desk people who were handli; the request from the field about what the capability was. And in most cases that I can'remember it was not adequate. if that was acceptable, then -- well, I didn't answer -- it would certainly be:referred to TSD. And we would either discuss it, if we felt'it:was.useful or not with the Medica Staff some aspects of i Mr. Mar,Yell. Would this come into Headquarters from an operational unit? Dr. Gottlieb. Yes. Mr. Maxwell. And then it would be referred through the DDP to TSS, or directly to -- Dr. Gottlieb. Well, it might be discussed with the peop in TSD that were involved with that field beforehand. And i it was decided that the area division was interested, then it would have to co to the DDP for appro-J1. (:iitness confers with counsel.) (Off the record discussion.) 25 :1r. Maxwell. sack on the record. 24 25 There is a me:lorandum for Cr�e 7.DPC dated 21 *lay 1952 or; the subject, OSI proposal for an interim fiC.d progra:1, TOP RET Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 0 CD 0 ; 9 10 11 12 13 14 CD 15 in 16 17 18 0 19 z 20 21 1i3(a)(4) C22 0 23 24 25 - proved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085, .7.1..'� .04-4 Ar4 .0-41-4" ;4714j..44` TO l'at,,� .4P4 Opt- ARTICE0I-"S' � 1.1*4.0 "Pole) 0..� -.... :4.T.e......, _, A � ...- -"� , - s� ..,.:i ' �I:P.� � --... . research'efforts:were evenafter:readingthis. - . �,.,-:::,....,V.,;'0--,s14.1' ;7--T-AW'' -:i?...4,ti. ... Mr1;?'1,1axwell. ayipthe..d.7ision that you did ,..yr.,,,,_-_,%�;.:,..-'''-' earlier, it you would draw those lines. And ,�'.v ,;,!4....-4,,,--el, � -�,.......--,..,..L,, ,1 .. --,,,-;::',-.:,....,'...i-X-.--J:::f.;:5�e, ..i.,.;.:;tiri.,:l�-:-.�-. - '.- ,-��:----.:-:-:'-.5.:5-:.,.7....tN...:71-,ks:,�.ttf -- 1:..4.,- - -� one of our .obvious,concerns)las.been to try to understand . ....�.;,.:.-7.::;;47�V,t.'-:-..;'-3-.0,4*.4.,;-1.:'..� organizationally how-theresearch,was_set up and controlled, �:-",:�..i"i.'itr.:r'�-W:;.'..t& .-1. : , .� ; . .-,7''''ai.t�i'l.,'-...-.:, what communications excsted;J:anCwhat was the effect of the �.---C.".-'.:.X,!4?..,:-4.:fv:..-.1-� compartmentation,..and.what kinds of experiments were done � Y��--1-.,..:�.''.._.� outs so o , an where we-have not good records, but -a-- �.:':- . � little bit more firsthand-information. �-,-:-..,.....:���: ---:.::::,:�2:�.1:,.-,_.L........ .;.....:-.--7-,;:�22-.7::.�,!-!�.:,-7:'--,-'-. . On the second page-of ..that'same memo it indicates that: .. .A.:.� ..;::..., "OTS will refer all requests .for the use of ARTICHOKE materials - ;�� .-:-:�:�--.C;;-J-4-:-..::;�:������',: � by the operational or area offices to I&SO for coordination :�.-:���:7-..?,'4.'0.7,4,-..':�:���: . and approval of such use:It is the basic policy that use of �� ., , ....7,;c---,,,--;:, 1.: -.� . ARTICHOKE ,materials by non-professional case officers will be discouraged or prohibited." In your experience with ARTICHOKE, although you already indicated that you were not involved in administration of ARTICHOKE materials, do you recall requests coming to TSS or coming to your office in TSS or TSS in general, for the use of ARTICHOKE materials, and the methods of responding to such requests? Dr. Gottlieb. I don't remember any requests like that. 23 But my remembrance would be stimulated by these memos that we 24 25 certainly would have fumed them over -- we didn't consider we had an ARTICHOKE capability in the manner that I defined TOP ET a Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 1=70g1Vaf � pproved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 tk e - � ar't ih; ' � S' /"*.e. I t5t...gtif4.�4,21.=..:4. ei....4txgk, - 1:41171=-JL ,4450, 4Air- -447.4,4,34".4-akw , 1tAi":1h:laTn;facilit had'no'MD that worked for us .,--,t;,.-;,,;,:_:.4,::-_e_.---;;,-5.,..egz.4-�-, who was was:mkilled'or-practi in this*kind of technique. So . -- _t4..--,,,,-_:-:,-,,,-.3:-f;s4-k.-._. ,.�... , . ?:-2--z:lf.,;;; we surely 'would'over iether to the Medical 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4-,-4,--,4:-2,t."4,-tt4:�W-IAA Ar.-� Staff, or in thiS'case-:.i!am-stire:the'Security Office. - � � ' Mr. Maxwell.,�Dolyou:recall:any-:�..itay in which the operational �,..;����_,.:- A � � units might. have learnedabOilt':I&SO's capability, or the Medical Staff's'capabilityfor such interrogation? �-� � Dr. Gottlieb*Thatis asgood question, because it might. � be that in briefings that TSS at that time gave -- but: I-don't remember that specifically, the only thing I can think of was that we would have mentioned it in terms of technical capa- bility available for operations. Mr. Maxwell. Perhaps you would play that out a little bit. When an officer was beings tationed abroad, would he in fact come through a reeducation process, a retraining process whereby he would be told by Medical Staff, TSS, or the like what capabilities there did exist? Dr. Gottlieb. I remember such a process, an effective process, coming in or being open in the last five or six years I was in the CIA. Before that was a much more informal kind of thing. It could have or couldn't have happened, depending upon how alert and thorough the desk was at which it was being prepared in Headquarters. Certainly some people came over to us to find out what can you fellows do for us overseas, how can you help us, how can you support our TOP Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 ""S 30 ����� .rs�����.,11.� 4���,:x� , trEFA1/4 w!.4 44;2-4, pproved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 ' 3,-*7 � - , .- . .- . - " ,.,...0..,,--�,4.,......,�..c,..i,..c. ,4,-,w TO Flk,R E T,41.1.-74,-;0! ,0. ,DzT.L% . : .--,i+-%si 2,44 ..,.,:.,:i4".7"...'7,:�4114Anik'''44.14441'. 1.47 ,4_!-- 7t.i.�.-,r'7. .:',-:-,.??,A?,i, &az TI.4.1..,..vwx,....,.,-0 4.. ...i�glift-.1'42W,P1'� � i4.-,04,�:.:- , 4.-044:-.-4,-, ;c�-. . -0: ..7' k.�;.+'�?k�-� � � � operations.Butthe,pointIrram making;'is that there was no ..:i..:.,�-f---...':.;;:,,,:'�-.1�Jf'''',e4 - `'W.:,..---�,rj."..g-Zifils.00;i6"-::$;:f ' thoroughl"'comPrehensivedon't.rnt. to use the word fool- proof;Thut-effective.way.:ofdoing.this so that this almost ..ii always happened:',i;"1-4.--. , .1.-,...�.,,�,,,...,�,�,,,,: � ...-�:�_ ::.;:.i.::,;,,::?.4i.2.,-,.4���,-,.:�,�.4..�.. ,ji., ,.. 7, ,,..;,. , .,�:,I.i...,:::-,-..:."--4i,*;.;,/' V.,"4,?.211,,,4..,,,,,T.,...,,,.�.k.r.--::-.74: _ (Witness confers with counsel.) ,....1- e__. Dr. Gottlieb. You questions was, would most case officers .:- going overseas come overTin some organized trade through TSS an n that way get expos :to t e capabilities we had, or interest we had discussed.with them, and in that way ARTICHOXE perhaps was getting around? And my answer was, that process of case officers being prepared for overseas work and routinely and pretty surely coming through TSS didn't become an effective system until much later. At this period the word got around in various ways. A little later, not now, I would go on . , fairly regular trips overseas, partly for the purpose, when I had supervisory responsibilities in TSD, of just checking on how the support of our overseas units was going, and partly to brief stations on capabilities. -Where-appropriate, those things would come up. Sometimes I held a little seminar with all of the case officers in a station somewhere. And they would .ask me, what can you fellows do in this area. Mr. Maxwell. In regard to general training within the Agency for those people who would become case officers who would move into DDP, not so much a reeducation process for those people who had been overseas, but for those people who TOP ..ET Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 I. 4 0 12 � 13 ! 14 II - 15 15 17 ! 18 19 20 21 22 Ii 23 !! 24 25 � 40.10 � !. t." .f.-�lie"..- OAP ' " ' 4g471�&41�*�� ..t: * � �.'"P-Vt,Ala 4 . � .***ii .4.-,..s.W.------7.,-ok--14,1?",?,,r's ei--..syn..14.1;�,.. :7,t.x�,,... ... dllr�' ' ''''' ' �4,.;1:4,11.4..F.ty....--"*....iat4,_.;,70,�14ri� ,"4440,. � 'alWellrel&Wf4k,f!ti;f41.4404,11.4 l'ae.,...w..z......06�14,:ge�alre.," N4'.4:44,,y,4 � ----"." ,..t.,..r..A....L....*: le:44.:4:10 ' ., Ostee.irV:464:::Iir2.4rIFA,It4,3ithAiirrnitt:!�:;:**13kt::;:";:k.�:-. � 1--4:444--.Igetr,t4.1...-4 ,.;��-�.:.�414'.,54 _ 7t- - izo..y,,..;:eri. �Itl VA fi 4r.:;�/ .... ;,.,1 1. " ..12:rt-11,gr. � ,-, %At!' ,,,iti,11"' trea::��� ."*.' -���efe:,.....-,,,,,z,�1.:',,- ,. .�-,t - 4 re.:�-eir ...f." �,�-,.... � r- ._ - - - , wQra,going.overseas fi_Irsttime,s,i,mi:TSS involved in . -.--,:-:-:�=-:-..i.4.'�DX,, '4:4Vr, . ,�-� ,t..",,d,�-� � � �'/-15,�:-!,'4��y� :14- ��'. ....1.- i briefing-or.trainingpeopleTabout -Capability such as this? � � -:�,- .4L",':"� -.' - � - -.,, e ,- � ^�� - . - .Dr..-7Gottlieb -.TSS_;'far: ack-as I can remember / -- and rememberfora'ilong.,time -/.was�not -in operations in -A,,, 41.A,. e4.-k--1,0;.41-0444,-44,----. . , - TSS, I was just'inresearchand,development, so I would not -� :. ..., ./ 7)..:.::::"I'.'....z75.1?-tiStIr", f410A,..,1/4,,:.:.:I.5_k r.:.:::".... .". . �,,,,:.......3.3..t..5.1; i.f.:-.�.::.1.41,pr.:.49i. _. ....i.4.3,.�.....-'- st.,�' -7.2.-";;CI, . have gotten and what I called the .1-:�.J..:6--...t0it-y0,1/4.S.i.-.:.--�,,-.; something liiCe%�, through this'going':T)ormal intelligence channels ; .: _..�...s.,.; ,., ,-,'-'t to an Army.unit -N,--� .� - -����=-,�-� ,----?,..,,,-7- �:--.--c--- --:.' ',---- 6711g11.14=3.578.ed it informally with .:.:7.7.:-2.`._%, . �.., .A..-.1, .-�-; .i'1.1.� A-Y- ,7.7,-,,-,.--z -",-, :-�, - . S013:�.:' I guessTif.wefound soMethingjike this and we thought �- �����.:.;_-;.,,:,:c.,-.-.4,;?--y -7 -u-.' -.zrc . it related to a SOB'interest'ye.might it up and circumven 4:4T.i the rather laborioug'channelst � '.-....f-�-�,-;-V,--1,_�_,'-,-,:i-i:-.%.--1_,IA-!-.:...,,,-,.', - -- Mr. Maxwel1.7 h process �----�-�-�--�,..:5..- -----,-5,-zwz-;:,_>,,,---,,,,,..,-- 110,4 ;; t; � :_,,.:. .----e�-k-r,., ,. � ..- of vulnerability studied �',-.7:-..:-.:ii::!--- 4 -� - y ventla C e auJe IL wculu seeA , me tfldt -on c � � - � *..-=.i,:::-;,-,,:?4t--'�'-;-'iZ.Y.:.-5,.k.i.4?�::... � � �-� �-��-���%-,f.-;.--i`ef-. -,--"sz=-!-:9,c--* �� - . this was raised as a'possible interest, �,;.:-,::::-.:::22-',;-*:--.:1 been raised'otherdn'stances as am sure Dr. Gottlieb. Can I stop just a minute, because it had we might be able to do something that would be helpful here. (Witness confers with counsel.) Gottlieb. I sort of broke you off in mid-question. What I suggest I do is, I have been looking for an opening to make a comment -- I don't mean an opening where I can say anything I want, but a opening that would tie into a subject which we are talking about. And-s-ince you brought up vulner- ability studies, ever since I watched one of the public sessions on TV, specifically the one where Colby testified on 21 Ii the toxins, and where Helms and Karamessines did, I have a 22 23 24 25 thing about what I consider to be very misleading things that went on there. And I would like to comment on them. Now, they have to do with vulnerability studies, is why they come u here, and they have to do with vulner ity studies done by TOT Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 410 rie�t Str�et, S.E. Wathington. D.C. 20003 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20, 21 22 23 24 25 1.4�:e ''.�;Si.--On..D..a.:;170.any?1......0.,,i-l.1 i �.7...e.....e. ' ' t� 11- a ,t;.i � i . 1 h-. . :2-L - 1 V s r ' -) .....-. s-1," � ' � � 'Mr / Maxwell�.Aa .:good :a 'place 'as any. .__,, .-;. . _ -; ..,,,. . .-,,...--.-,...- , _. Dr...Gottlic13..:`.:rt'think'it-i.tai-Senator Hart that wads . ..,, . :-.f4i, ',2t'ekil:45S-.-ige-1.7.- - particularly-Interested'in'these-vulnerability studies that - , s?"-- - � wereoreceived.bTSLfrom�SOD and included in a file labeled a place to put tha MKNAUMI. Are you:following me? Mr. Maxwell. Dr. Gottl&eb. nd there was lulf,,! a point made at the hearings, ana I can't remember whether this was an explicit point, but it surely was a strongly inferred point, that the CIA had something, and the inference Wd3 something sinister, to do with these vulnerability studies. And the comment I want to make is that in fact CIA Isad nothing to do with eithe of the vulnerability studies I mentioned, CIA was simply a recipient, as I am sure many other Government groups were, of a report of SOD work done, not in response to any CIA require ment that I know of that they were working against, but done in their own research program, and quite properly, I think, t study the vulnerability of this country to covert BW; attacks. And I would like to straighten that out, because I think a grave disservice was done in many ways, but mostly it was jus a distortion of what really happened, that although CIA was t recipient of a report describing those studies, CIA had nothi to do with generating the requirement, nor did it have anythi TOPS Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 Cr. 11)C. - 4 0 W,thinqton. O.C. 20003 3 4 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 pproved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 to do in myremembrance withcarrying ittouti-Inordoes it ha anything to-do.withanjproposed'Operation-CIA.i.hought of or ---:- ever got .-VgRY.A4.0Mg,W2.:- involved; in. f And 'I ?arf'afr zdethe %oppos i te impressic - .. ,,,..:... . .. . .,:. was made ' . ,,. That 'is -on;'point; . ..,... .,, ,...:�_.7,-..,3t.,r;�;-�.-�,-, '-.'�,':.,..).t'i'7' i ' - .� - . :'7;/,-.'..1 :13; e-'N-1, :-,. The second point 'was .that7there was also an inference tha :.:.. j.:....,,,:i.z....i.--- . ... .. somehow this � was.-harmfuor; potentialfy 'harm. ful from the sta :2X4WW.i....i.W,,..7-,; pOint of contamination-to'eitherthe-building-where the water system was tested or the subway. And I.don't think that is an accurate deduction-to-be-drawn;-because in the case of the building, as I remember reading the report, it was just a dye that was put into the water to see how it diffused. And in the case of the subway system, as I remember it, was a perfectly normal organism-that is around everywhere, and it doesn't harm anybody. Or maybe it was even a tracer. But I don't know if I made that point clearly. I know there was an impression made on people's mind that, one, CIA had something sinister to do with these studies. And two, that the studies were somehowharmful to the structures or systems that were involved in them. Mr. Maxwell. For the sake of just continuing along this point for a moment, you said that CIA had nothing to do with generating requirements for those studies. Would it he fair to say that CIA had nothing to do with the ideas -- with the possible proposal of such studies by SOD rather than limiting it to the requirement? TOP ApprOved for Release: 2022/02/01 cdoo6g6-6. 0 a 410 First Street, S.E.. Washington. D.C. 20003 r 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 , 2C : 1.! 21 11, discussion to SDO because of its interest in both offensive and 22 defensive chemical and biological warfare. But in that circum- s-- _ . - conside that,m 'a ore general -c.P. ,---.�7L---4-i*.:o----- -0. ,-.4)--s- ,,-,-.e---,--.z...--,�f;�:.-. -- - -remembrance'of.those activities in . '..72E-,a: ,,,294i7Ah� . ,1,-;,--7�,�:. - � that period-was-e.:that-we hadnOthing to-do with it except to be - Dr."Gottlieb; I would agree with-qt.- , � � the'were Interested in a report of their .440X104A4A1c. -yourrecollection' one knowledgeable o part.'�.of:.CIAas.fto.MKNAOMI discussed , with personnel from -SDO-possible.vulnarability studies, ..);;:!:�044-11.-0474',0.,F-,4,';-.7-;Ye..i, � possible .applicability-of-Vulnerability studies to things the Agency .was -concerned -about-or -that .might -be -useful for the ' Agency? - -I want .to -make -sure -that -the -point -is made that while � or atatemen the the formal sense within the Servici in the kind of on the part of report like this,i. le to contaminate CIA may not -have -generated -the .requirement .in of the way the requirement would-be generated it is indeed your point that CIA was -involved discussions that would precede such proposals SOD. For instance,' fact you received a or another report that said it would be possib an entire building; or a battleship, or an installation of some sort by adding 'a chemical to the water system, that it would appear it would be natural to bring up that kind of stance it would appear that the CIA information and concern, 24 while not part of a requirement process, also maybe part of 25 ! SOD framing the vulnerability study without any sinister TOP CRET Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 pproved for Release: 7*.'t .1'4;V i' 1100AAMOO --- . .:. � -� ,... :....-.s.-v�-� ,----!...").�. ... ..Toc 77 -.- :-.�-irtr..;_c_t�.#-,--g � : '''''.--f.,..4.-,,.. ... connotations what5oeverZ7t4 � . ,. . _ ., .,�, " ��:::- ���� . a:f,,l's-1)�!�7-,,,..-....,..-..-;-1:J---;,5,:11'--:,... Dr. GottliebI'thinkunderstand what you mean. And in � --,*�'�-�,-- -,:. . best reo to- t is that- -wouldn't put it the way you hay D 4 4 0 4 410 First Strect. SE.. WA�ninglon, 0.C. 20003 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 I would put 'it simply...that'SOD had as'an important part of it , � mission-to*worry-about=the7vulnerability of'the-USA to covert BW attackI'consider-that:oriecof-their main-reasons for bei Those vulnerability'studies-werettaken-entirely as far as I am concernedTin.the-coritext'Of:that-non-CIA related requireme Now, the-study.havinTjbeen.planned-and.approved and finally executed;-I-have-no'problem-in-seeing-someone -in SOD saying, you fellows might be interested in this. That is my point. Mr. Maxwell; My point was that it is neither sinister necessarily or unlikely that part of the formative process of vulnerability studies was consultation between CIA and SOD. Dr. Gottlieb. My answer is that that could have happened I don't know that it did- in this case. It certainly was in my mind not the major precipitating cause for this thing happening. That is my point. Mr. Maxwell. The other point that I think should be made and should be reflected in the record, is that one of the concerns on the part of the Committee was the fact that SOD apparently conducted vulnerability studies without the approv or knowledge of those either public or private officials responsible for either the civil defense, the FDA administrat or the people who administer the subway system in New York. TOP .r+A Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 8 L'7. 9 l'301)091.o c- C_ CD 11 12 13 14 18 19 1.303)(4)15) C 21 1;(a)(4)0 !-;� C 24 A 25 23 ! � Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C000950'81-'5-*-5::t*'''.".::4. z6t , -". �-� -.� '� '`�-�:".....'�Wr"-;-:,,7.1'`,. ��-�"4!'.- �.�'52$�-�� '7.' V�Y � :!.�.. 4-' . � vy--sudies .:,!%.7.c..1"if.,11V.,11).....,%!J!.� _.):.i.i have been ulnerabilit t s using what ha been perceived1,1.ould be made is that the � - � -..--!,�-�-,...:,..-:c:-...�;:-..:,,--:,'-',....t--).:.�.,-,-..z.....:t5.,.-:�,:..%,-,,:-.� . ... .., �'':-�:-':�.-:::..Ari-,:0...--:=:':-:-.,..:17-:::-':�"''''''''.. .- as harmless agents'which�apparently have resulted in incapaci � � �* �;;.-�;-;�.,---(:�-�,�-�:,::���2-i.i.:71�47,,:;',.7:' .. � � tation and/or deathGiven'that, the point that an agent is -'4'-'7...'';Wrz.:7:".;:is�=�"'":-7,1:-:---...-.:-. -,.... regarded as safe and.normal' be seen in the context of what we later have discovered.about the results. . � .:. �- -.,-..: .,.:1..--,,���:�,,:rx;.� ..,: .."`.,. .1.:1-:,%.�:...- - � .........f.2:7::;i:.::::: ' Dr. Gottlieb. 1 am getting off the main point I want to make. I think the CIA was drawn into this thing by associati and not by direct participation or anything like that. And - that is what bothered�_me. Mr Maxwell The memorandum from also includ a paragraph which I would like to read, page 9. The numberin is up at the righthand top. I haven't reprinted all the page of th4t. It indicates: "The second reason to doubt OMB lagggeli came out of the question I raised as to whether any Accidents had arisen from the use of P.D.25. He said in a ve positive way, none. As it turned out, this answer could be called overly positive, for later on in the evening I was discussing the matter with where I had gone a insistence. when asked this same question, replied, yes, and added spontaneously, there is a case 4111111111 knows about. a woman and physician who had been subject to depression to some extent took LP 25 in an experi- ment and became severely and steadily depressed and committee TOP S- RET t" Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 n9t o 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 or that particular section in it. Mr. Maxwell. Do you recall learning about similar events prior to' 1953, or similar experiences? Dr. Gottlieb. You mean suicides that followed? No, I don't recollect that. (Witness confers with counsel.) Mr. Maxwell. Did you want to add anything to your answer?! 1 Mr. Maxwell. Do you recall the research that had been done Dr. Gottlieb. No. proved for Release: 2022102101C0009508& ET giSr4 ilYttSA.. v -# . 1.5 t414.140thel'''' ,,x400.4,004.m � 01,WW, - � V.. . "eler4.101..r �141 *.lgr.titir. fru. 1. 7suicide.three...weeks-jater7; While.,the:,connection is not � definite,.:knowledge'of:-this.could hardly'have allowed the ...., .,. .,........c,. , .........i.. .....i.,-...;..t.�-,....,.,,,,,i.:...,7:-...,-,z.,,,- - : .- -.5 ...:s. ^:?�,,,:i.17)", .!:- positive !-:answer permitted himself. This case is a .- _.51....12,i*.ii7:-'3' sharp warning to_us toTevOid.thi4..agent-in subjects who are depressed, or'who ha-ire,been.eubjeCt'.to-depression." I was wonderin4'whether..yoU'reCall'reading that? .-::_:..1::-..).,i-,-.',;:',.,.:::,.,-1,.:-.:.::� ... I - :'.7:.ii';',:�.4.1':-.2,',-..=-*'03FirtVpW.K,_,':!'-3,V........ Dr. Gottlieb.-...YI didn't: remember this report at all. I had no recollection of either the 'report i up to that time by TSS or any other agency in CIA or by other, Governmental agencies or academitions that were known to you, 1 1 about the effects of LSD? Dr. Gottlieb. I certainly don't recall that now. And if -I we are going to go into that, I would want to have my memory refreshed. Mr. Maxwell. Do you recall the kind of research that was : going on at that time in regard to LSD? TO Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 LIT a � 1. 9 10 11 12 16 (.2k=!)(4) c 17 410 First, 5.E.. WAtnlnylon. D.C. 20003 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ������,..a, * AV4-�?.. �����.,. r �- o. el ease: 2022/02/01 CO0095085 4,k Iii$4444MbUn#17WP*.- �ntIkle41:4.31%**504-LW4.V;t-, � . :Ix, � . P � 'airA 011' '0.4. ..'4�1fA.t1 .;ber,44. ' . � �1.onlyremember'f.that thr WA very litt of was a lot of materialcomingrosry'deskcirilot of .ee S other fields. An. I just couldn't discuss�that''comprehensively now, I mean in � � Mr. Rals ton * Do'you'recalll..ever seeing or reading repo: ; any detail::: EWIRIIINIWHAT Dr. Gottlieb..DOI-3',reca rea at now? No. am sdre that-I read'reports.on LSD. That is not my respor:s( But I don't remember them noW.. Mr. Lenzner. Did you ask him whether he had seen a special report? Mr. Ralston. Any report, not special, from IIIIIIIIW Mr. Lenzner. This report, by the way, that Elliot had asked about is dated 1952, the report by.' Mr. Maxwell. Do you recall independently the kinds of research that TSS had begun to'CiommisSion in this area at t time? Dr. Gottlieb. Not really. I have trouble specificall' recalling who was doing research that early for us. Mr. Maxwell. And there is a memorandum dated 26 Nove:7 1952 on the subject of Project ARTICHOKE from Colonel Edwa And in paragraph 2(h) it indicates that the Chief of OTS indicated that OTS would restrict itself to laboratory tyi TOP ?if �,��� ; Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 0- a 0 0 0 6 , 10 safa,t4) C., 11 13 Ii 14 : 15 16 17 C 18 19 20i 21 22 3 24 25 pproved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 hethi4141p6eM2.1:40.344. P%S..11:4� Wr;:' :Z11.1 4,1% 111-`1:11::fr � 81 JXrqggrrni?gAWN.PW1 Akg1kg.006XAMtfl'I�. *IS% ..i.'4,11:'''S"i141.7:7-A*eftlii."..-741t4- �SP l'14V"i1FIFC,4,;,70 -S4-31.1.452/4:467A:17 A- research'ind7experimentation'recalllthe.kindso - , Maxwell say-that OTS within'thejim v itation2o ..-th 7,eir:t.facilities-specific research � err.that,help�'you at all in A ;experimentation that was done? ... . .. . '.. .., -- ' � �-� �� � � ,....fw.. -other than medicalrequestedThy:;.ISSOin support of operational ....- ,::;.1.'�:z..i.::',:'6::7-..... 27 . ' . -ti0e.k....:7:%: :... � .1 aspects of Project ARTICH0KE.1?*4:,Do'.you'recall what that might -. ... �. .- . 71::... --.. will Conduct be? Dr. Gottlieb. ��� "-� Mr. Lenzner.- I wonder if at some this report in total? � Mr. Maxwell. Ten pages or 50, maybe a little bit more. Dr. Gottlieb. We thought you said it wasn't complete. Mr. -Maxwell. I didn't reproduce it completely, because I wanted to try to restrict tha amount of material. Mr. Lenzner. Can we look at the full report? Mr. Maxwell. Mr. Lenzner. Mr. Maxwell. point how long Certainly. Not now, but just at our leasure. Surely. When we go back to the office Was tonight, if you would like to do that, I Can find it. There is a memorandum dated 4 December 1952 for Morse Allen on the ARTICHOKE conference of 4 December. On page 3 it indicates thatelfign. gave a brief summary of the trip tiPastalit in June by an ARTICHOKE team which I have some information about. TOP CRET Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 . r i� � � VLF '1.1tAt - S,9154...40 �� �,� � � .... .1 7 a 0 cr. �t., � .4.�. -4' 9 10 11 12 I 13 14 15 16. 17 18 19 21 22 ! 24 20 25 I,- ar44P . No44.4.5! .444 Vg4.0117t*--� 4�,�,,.. ; ,-, .1. � .....-ru.. ,..�--?:--,;. ,.,....,,---.A.,,..�..,ac-.4.A _ --4;7whIgeollNYINotrAmAg4t.�... ir5firr7;r1114,n7' .4,-4,t.... tti:: detailed report pproved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 -Maxwell .�.' � .".-7r,"; about.the 5Viby:..the Navy team. . , .'.cf:.---:�27.-ce--,-,.:-,... -.1- ..;,...:.2.--�;�nwAr.l'e474-f...4-':.:t�-.1V-4;;;A�� There is verylittle-information,.available. about the later ����:'-:.':,;::"'..:::��141-7--7c---g-': z - zr-W. ;'1:;7':��� trip. And,I was:wonderingifyOu:recall, A, what the Navy � _ � , � was.doingaethatftime,:whatitheyijater:refer to, the Navy We'ita research. which. was' being conducted. "And "apparently the Navy ... _ , . .`.-'��� � was the only Service branch that was engaged in research. And secondly, whether-that'trip-differed in any significant way from the other ARTICHOKE Dr. Gottlieb. '. The only.way'I can help you is just to confirm what you have said, that .1 have a vague recollection of the Navy doing some work in this specific field of narcohypnosis in respect to interrogation. But I have no more details of that. Mr. Ralston. Dr. Gottlieb, do you recall if there was Navy intelligence involved in this work? Dr. Gottlieb. I really don't. My recollection, now that we are talking about -- so now that it is mentioned here in paragraph 12 that it was a university contract that the Navy was working through. And that was my recollection just then. Mr. Maxwell. Do you recall what the research was about, just in general? Dr. Gottlieb. That it was in this narcohypnosis, possibly use of barbituates, or closely related to ARTICHOKE. TOP -- CR ET Approved for Release: 2022/02/01 C00095085 pproved for Release: 2022/02/01 CO0095085 "tri.4."--.7.� had a.system:.for;L:opingwithl:that'problem, how they got cone -...-..4'.1.1-4:.:"T.:�:!i.*:\4;35:..-V&;i44.7k-4.kl_.r.t.k;:: � and"volunteeis,or-how'they handled that. 1 -.: ::: �.�-�-:.--.;-....,-;,--_----54-::F=i44,---------'7.-'-' ,. -t.q:7-.--N-..i.-07-1-4-!!s-7.--.4..-43,-,';'.--..-,�-�:!..:7" -:*.". � don't'think'we'second'guessed*them-on'it. !..:.-]:;:strZW15,...1:;:,:-.*:.__.. Mr. MaxwellWith'regard'to'a'point that was raised earl: .=�- � .- � ...:.--"t- _.-�,-,i,.).�,...iz.--.e4r.,:::1--k,7_.7,--1,"-: -..::.: :,. in regard to Mr:'.-Dannerman'S'comment'in the January ARTICHOKE 60M.OWiik..ig$0AtS, meetingi'in'regard.!to7.facilities-for:.criminale and the � . .-- � V.74-g5*X ..e.itr.,--4i.-:s.L..-, .7.�,:5f. .prAsr----n...44.;,.;,_-",;,...-,-:,, . criminallyinsane:being':usedas;testing.grounds, can you � � ::,,,n..;�r-s.,..,5.---gers . �..... recallat_forms:ofconsentiinighthave been expected_in -- .:".-..';'''''0,U.g5-g.W0-!40.41,-0,--� _ situationS.inVolvingcrIminals'!orcriminally insane for ----.(---4-"qg*g.t-V,W-