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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 The President's Daily Brief August 7, 1976 2 ret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 Exempt from general declassification schedule of E 0 11652 exemption category 5B( 1 declassified only on approval of the Director of Central Intelligence Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY August 7, 1976 Table of Contents Lebanon: Violations of the cease-fire occurred in most areas of the country yesterday. (Page 1) Turkey-Greece: 50X1 50X1 50X1 (Page 2) 50X1 (Page 4) Italy: Prime Minister Andreotti's Christian Democratic minority government won a vote of confidence in the Senate yesterday. (Page 4) USSR: The Soviet Union is apparently preparing to launch a lunar mission next week. The cosmonauts aboard Salyut 5 may be devoting most of their working time to intelligence-related tasks. (Page 6) Kenya-Uganda: A preliminary agreement reached yesterday on end- ing the month-long dispute between Kenya and Uganda largely satisfies Nairobi's conditions for improving relations. 50X1 (Page 6) Rhodesia-Tanzania-Mozambi ue: Notes: USSR; Spain; Thailand-Vietnam (Pages 9 and 10) FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 iv,,EDZTE,?..RAIVEAN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY LEBANON: Violations of the cease-fire oc- curred in most areas of the country yester- day. The Arab League has no immediate plans to position its forces in accordance with the agreement signed in Damascus a week ago. 50X1 An attempt to evacuate more of the wounded from the Tall Zatar refu- gee camp was broken off abruptly yesterday when several hundred in- habitants tried to force their way into the Red Cross vehicles in an effort to get out of the camp. Each side is accusing the other of opening fire on the convoy to block the escape. The pro-Christian radio has charged that the Palestinian leadership in the camp is allowing only Palestin- ian wounded, women, and children to leave, while forcing Lebanese to stay behind. The charges sug- gest the Christians may not permit further evacuations. As of yes- terday, the Red Cross was planning no further attempts. 50X1 --continued 1 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 50 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY SYRIA: 50X1 X1 \ 50X1 Pres- 50X1 sure on Asad to alter his Lebanon policy has increased with reported 50X1 Soviet threats to impose sanctions on Damascus, the increased flow of arms to Palestinian forces, more explicit Libyan support for the Palestinians, and new signs of un- rest in Syria. Two bombings oc- curred in Damascus early yesterday morning, and there have been bomb- ings or political assassinations in three major cities within the 50X1 past month. A week-long delay in the announce- ment of a new Syrian cabinet, al- though possibly involving other political considerations, almost certainly was related to discus- sions within the regime over Asad's Lebanon policy. --continued 2 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY The increasing problems Asad faces are probably responsible for his decision to reduce, at least temporarily, Syr- ian military pressure on the Palestinians and Lebanese leftists in the Sidon area of southern Lebanon. Soviet military deliver- ies to Syria evidently are going forward de- spite political prob- lems between Moscow and Damascus. Syrian forces withdrew late last month from Sidon to Jazzin. This withdrawal helped reduce Arab criticism of Asad, facilitated the negotiation of the Syrian- Palestinian agreement July 29, and led to a reduction of fighting this week. It also permitted large- scale resupply of Palestinian forces through the port of Sidon, however, and is therefore likely to prolong the fighting even if the Syrians succeed in efforts to create a new Christian force in the area strong enough to retake former Syrian po- sitions. the Syr- ians have already concluded that they made a mistake in withdrawing from Sidon. Most Syrian leaders believe the Palestinians are only stalling for time while seeking further external support. Presum- ably the Syrians are concerned that they may once again have eased up just before their strategy had achieved success. A Soviet shipment of trucks and other military support equipment arrived in Latakia on August 2, possibly the first of several such deliveries. The delivery last week was the first confirmed shipment to arrive in Syria since July 12 although the received new So- viet military equipment late last month. --continued 3 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY TURKEY-GREECE: 50X1 50X1 * ITALY: Prime Minister Andreotti's Christian Democratic minority government won a vote of confidence in the Senate yesterday. 50X1 50X1 * * The Communist Party's announcement that it would abstain in the confi- dence votes means that the Chris- tian Democrats-the only major party to vote affirmatively--will also be able to muster a majority in the Chamber of Deputies. A vote is expected there early next week. --continued 4 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY The Communists have scored an important success in local poli- tics by gaining a place in Rome's municipal gov- ernment for the first time. The Communists made it clear in the Senate debate that they are not giving Andreotti a "mandate" and that the party views his gov- ernment merely as an "intermediate phase." The statement is probably designed in part to reassure the Communist rank and file that the party has not sold out to the Christian Democrats. On the other hand, the Communists appear to be signaling that they will only co- operate with Andreotti for a lim- ited time and will demand further concessions as the price for con- tinued support. The capital has been without a gov- ernment since June, when the munic- ipal election made the Communists the largest party in the city but failed to produce a majority for the left as a whole. The stalemate was broken when the Communists, So- cialists, and Social Democrats agreed to form a leftist adminis- tration that will rely for its ma- jority on abstention in the city council by the small Republican Party. The council is expected to elect a mayor on Monday, and the post is reportedly slated to go to a Communist. When the Roman administration is installed, the Communists will be participating in the governments of eight of Italy's ten largest cities. The Communists won gov- erning roles in Milan, Turin, Ven- ice, and Naples following the par- ty's sharp gains in the round of municipal elections held in June 1975. * * * --continued 5 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 50X Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY USSR: The USSR appar- ently is preparing to launch a lunar mission next week, possibly by Monday. KENYA-UGANDA: A pre- liminary agreement reached yesterday on ending the month-long dispute largely satis- fies Nairobi's condi- tions for improving relations. The accord is subject to ratifi- cation by presidents Kenyatta and Amin. We believe the Soviets may try to place a spacecraft into a polar orbit around the moon. Such a mission, never attempted by either the USSR or the US, probably would provide data on variations in lunar gravity as well as photographic coverage of the moon's poles and extreme latitudes. The Soviets have launched 13 un- manned lunar probes since 1969. The program has included missions which returned lunar soil samples, put spacecraft into low orbits around the moon, and dep-loyed a lunar rover. Only six of these have been successful. 50X1 1 After three days of talks in Nai- robi, the two sides agreed to with- draw troops from the border, to halt threats to use force, and to cease their propaganda war. In- tercepts indicate that some Ugan- dan troops on the border were or- dered to withdraw earlier this week. The agreement includes guarantees for an end to the harassment of --continued 6 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 Cameroon Central African Republic Bangui Ethiopia *Yaounde Ecavo,r---1 Libreville Gabon Victo ta *Nairobi Brazzaville bura undi Ca bind Kinshasa Tanzania Lake Tanganyika Dar es Salaam Luanda ? Lake Nyasa Zambia Lusaka* bique Walvis Bay Af) Namibia (South-West Africa) Rhodesia A tIarrtic Ocean *Windhoek Botswana *Pretoria *Nhiputo Swazila South ho Indian Ocean 500 MILES 0 500 KILOMETERS 620238 8-76 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY RHODESIA-TANZANIA- MOZAMBI UE Kenyans in Uganda and compensation for Kenyan property seized by Uganda. The Ugandan government recognized a general obligation to pay its debts, and a special committee is to be established to arrange for the payment of money Nairobi says Uganda owes. A provision for the free flow of traffic between the two countries apparently will require Kenya even- tually to end its restrictions on deliveries of fuel to Uganda, and will obligate Uganda to stop con- fiscating goods bound from Kenya for other African countries. * * * 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 --continued 7 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY d Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY South Africa; 50X1 50X1 --continued 8 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY The Soviet aircraft carrier Kiev is north of the British Isles and should arrive in Northern Fleet waters early next week. The Spanish government appears likely to de- lay in deciding whether to permit exiled Span- ish Communist Party leader Santiago Car- rillo to return home. NOTES Two surface warships and an oiler rendezvoused with the Kiev last Tuesday to escort it on the final leg of its voyage to the Northern Fleet. The Kiev will probably remain in the Northern Fleet area for exer- cises and weapons familiarization tests but is expected to return eventually to the Black Sea. The two destroyers that escorted the Kiev out of the Mediterranean parted company with it last Tues- day. The two ships have moved north of the Azores to refuel from a tanker and probably will sail to Cuba. Soviet naval ships have not visited Cuba since June 1975. * * * 50X1 Carrillo's return is a political question and not a legal one. No criminal char es now stand a ainst him. --continued 9 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Thai Foreign Minister Phichai concluded his visit to Hanoi with an announcement that dip- lomatic relations have been established be- tween Thailand and Viet- nam. * * * The communique on diplomatic rec- ognition essentially follows the four-point formulation Vietnam used with the Philippines--peaceful coexistence; no bases to be used by foreign powers against the other party; the resolution of all dis- putes through negotiations; and the promotion of regional cooper- ation in the "interests of inde- pendence and neutrality." Thailand was the last of Hanoi's Southeast Asian neighbors to nor- malize relations. Two issues that were significant roadblocks in the past--the return of Vietnamese refugees living in Thailand since the end of the French Indochina war and the return of South Viet- namese aircraft flown to Thailand at the end of the Vietnam war last year--were apparently set aside. 10 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1 Top Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/07/05 : CIA-RDP79T00024A000200010006-1