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Publication Date:
March 19, 1962
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23: CIA-RDP79T00936A000600280001-0
19 MAR. 1962
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600280001-0
1. Argentina
2. Algeria
3. Adoula and Tshomb6
finally meet
Frondizi, maneuvering furiously
to avoid being unseated by the military,
has declared federal "intervention" in
all provinces won by the Peronist party
This in effect 50X1
nUlifies the election. As of now, the
military are calling the shots, and,
even if Frondizi comes through this
latest crisis, the electoral result
has turned him into a political in-
The general strike called by the
OAS has begun in Algeria. It is ac-
companied by an outpouring of verbal
defiance, but the expected wave of
terror has not yet developed. Moslems
are throwing up barricades around their
quarters in Algiers and Oran.
a. The cat-and-mouse game ended
yesterday when the two sat down to-
gether in ?IleOpoldville. We have a
better line on Tshombe's ,opening
position--an offer to trade financial
help in return for a loose federation--
than on Adoula's, but it is certain
that they will have to travel some
distance to get onto the same ground.
b. On the eve of the meeting
Adoula was taking an increasingly tough
line with the UN people, telling them
that, unless the Katanga problem is
solved by the end of April, the Leopold-
ville government would take things into
its own hands.. The UN thinks there is
more bark than bite here, but Embassy
Leopoldville is disturbed.
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I-1. r
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4. Guatemalan situation
There was a decline in violence
over the week end, but the fate of the
Ydigoras overnment is still u in
the air.
5. Soviet ambassador regis- As Foreign Minister Subandrio
ters pain over Indonesian tells it, the Soviet ambassador to
policy Djakarta was anything but diplomatic
when they talked about the latest
developments on New Guinea late
last week, charging that the Indonesians
were "in danger of falling into the
trap of America." Subandrio says
that his rejoinder was that the Indo-
nesians can take care of themselves
and that the Soviets ran the risk
Of pushing too hard. His conclusion:
the ambassador's real fear is that
the Soviets would be caught in a
position of putting up most of the
money while the US walks off with
thefl laurels.
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6. South Korean junta The military-civilian gulf in
deals blow to public South Korea has been opened wider by
cohesion last Friday's decree giving the junta
the right to black-ball civilian
politicians for the next 6 years.
President Yun, the only impottant
civilian holdover in the government,
has agreed to hold off on his threat
to resign, but the regime's already-
narrow base of, support seems certain
to be further constricted.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A000600280001-0
A. No Soviet flights have been scheduled for today bn the Berlin
B. The Pathet Lao yesterday resumed mortar bombardment of the Nam
Tha airfield, firing one round every two minutes.
C. A tense watchfulness prevails
but the Syrian-Israeli border
morning. Present indications
for trouble in order to: (1)
Syrian-Iraqi military entente
own political cracks.
in both Damascus and Tel Aviv,
has remained quiet since Saturday
are that the Syrians were spoiling
set the stage internally for a
, and (2) put some cement into their
D. The Japanese Socialist party is determined to make a big issue
over the government's agreement to repay the US $490 million
for post-war rehabilitation assistance. The outcome may be
a campaign of public demonstrations and violence such as
accompanied the security treaty issue in 1960.
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