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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/04/27 : CIA-RDP79T00936A007500070001-7 The President's Daily Brief 8 September 1969 19 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/04/27 : CIA-RDP79T00936A007500070001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/04/27 : CIA-RDP79T00936A007500070001-7 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY MIDDLE EAST The two Israeli prisoners are well and the Syrian Government may be getting ready to release them, accord- ing to an Italian diplomat stationed in Damascus. The Italian confirms that the Syrians were deeply embarrassed when the hijackers landed in Damascus. The release of the two Israelis, he says, has been delayed both by the inter- national hue and cry over "Syrian piracy" and by the in- transigence of extremists within Syria. He thinks the Syrians are now hunting for a gesture from the US which they can use to save face with the extremists. The Italian's version of the Syrian rationale for de- taining the Israelis probably is right as far as it goes. We are fairly certain, however, that Damascus was also hoping Israel could be pressed into releasing the two Syrian pilots it holds. The recent conciliatory signs thus suggest the Syrians have given up this hope. 50X1 FRANCE-ISRAEL FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/04/27 : CIA-RDP79T00936A007500070001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/04/27 : CIA-RDP79T00936A007500070001-7 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY EUROPE The problems of the European Communities will prob- ably dominate Pompidou's talks with Kiesinger this week in Bonn. /We assume Pompidou will do his best not to be pinned down, and the Germans are unlikely to press him too hard. In one important respect, German attitudes apparently have moved closer to those of France. Bonn now seems ready to try for an early agreement on the common agricultural policy, even though this could make British accession more difficult. Von Staden of the German Foreign Office tried to sweeten this pill by insisting to US officials that British interests would be kept in mind during any CAP negotiations, and by asserting that a CAP settlement need not be "everlastingly permanent." BRAZIL Brazilian security officials claim they are hot on the trail of Ambassador Elbrick's kidnapers. Even if the culprits are caught, however, the ruling triumvirate's days probably are numbered. 2 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/04/27 : CIA-RDP79T00936A007500070001-7 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/04/27 : CIA-RDP79T00936A007500070001-7 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY IRAN Negotiations between Iran and the western oil con- sortium on revenues for 1970 will begin in London this week. As usual, there is a large gap between Iranian de- mands and consortium revenue estimates. The meetings next week are likely to be a prelude to many months of stiff negotiations. 3 FOR THE PRESIDENT ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/04/27 : CIA-RDP79T00936A007500070001-7 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/04/27 : CIA-RDP79T00936A007500070001-7 Top Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2016/04/27 : CIA-RDP79T00936A007500070001-7