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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THE PRESIDENT'S DAILY BRIEF 17 MAY 1965 -TUT:7J-5-E-&13Ez_ 23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 ALIS- - r i -/\44 I eLITITAR7Y1'4 Atel-\VITY'cJLj - id To Son..Isidroi- 2 ZRamy. \Polp, 650516 _47552 t of Nati construction Caribbean Sea SANTO DOMINGO En Principal Rebel-Held Area E] Rebel-Infiltrated Area 30 STATUTE MILES Gulf of Mexico MEXICO SRIT/SH ? NOURAS GMAT LA EL SALVA OR CA R AG U A Atlantic Ocean AHANA 8- `" ? CUBA ?(:> "A41"4"4-P.'"25:?- RICO Caribbean Sea A TL ANTIC OCEAN 118 ?n Idta Puert0 E.51,111, lVf Llf-1- ? k3 dj.c.Srigo.ff Santi SANS! llo GO Vega d 4-; LA V GA Cot I SAN ? ElEas Pi?a lY"--San Juan "1.) JUAN 1)- ...v. a Neits CI. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC International boundary - RrovincIttboundary El) National capital 0 Provincia capital -1---1- R 'load Road 29 40 Miles 20 40 Kilometers 69 Canada micne EL uBblo -,yr? ZUA El Seib; miguey LA ROMANA Jalna DOMINGO \-.1-'?araho ',edema /"""?"' 8a San Pedro de Macoris La Romano 97553 ..... CARIBBEAN ? SEA 70 18 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 DAILY BRIEF 17 MAY 1965 Dominican Republic 50X1 LATE ITEM Forces loyal to junta leader Imbert continued today to press their drive against the rebels in the northern in- dustrial areas of Santo Domingo. Rebel resistance has so far been sparse. Loyalist casualties have been light, while over 600 rebel prisoners have been taken. Stiffer rebel resist- ance could develop at any time, but at present the loyalists are eager to con- tinue the fight. They are now deter- mined to make no significant political concessions to the rebels in any nego- tiations that may take place. On the other hand, the military setbacks,and growing shortages of vital supplies1 may be behind the Caamano group's abrupt reversal of its stand against dealing with the peace committee of the Organization of American States. Caamano agreed to meet with represen- tatives of the committee this morning. Results of this meeting have not yet come in. There have been no reports of rebel- instigated disturbances in other areas of the island. A rebel attempt to mount a general strike in Santiago failed. 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 20 10 100 105 110 20 15 10 ...._. ?*, ..14 if s'). k.. /S A . Ban Houel t?i? ?? Moan Nan ( Laing Phrae aradit , p ;'' ' BANGKOK ??????'IV OP S1 , t ' ? Sal ? lyang " \ Muong Loei Mnang Lorn Sak ' H A I ? 0 Phong Sa'17% 0 Luang Prabang 1Ne A Ratchasirna ) ' Poi C H Ko. h,?. Meng.tzu .A.,/ ,..".J.Thanh Lao Kay Cha 1, 'Sr ,4, Yen Bay 1...sien Bien ? " Phu V ETNA. 4 Sam Nen . ? 9 Plaine d r.._...,..; s ? Muong Sen Meng Khouang Vieng ? \ 1 0 0 Muang Khon Keen t? aha Sarekham ' N D Surin i et I N 1.... Thuy "????;"*.? Cao ORTH K HANO Hoa Binh 1 . Phu L% i / Thanh Hoa . ' 1.1? .., ' Vin , Key \ a? khek nnakhet Muang Minn kb ?Bass Iran? Stung MBO Kompong Thorncc OMpong Prey ... s, L V'gg .1'.- Dot 4 Tien `.44,/77? ? Soc Trang ,o,'--- ? Ca Mau ' Bang ' Nanming . 1 Lang So ??%???' filiby. 1. ;Om Cay c ., ? Mon Fo Bayard . Dd 0 m Haiphong. 'ILE CAC EN. iyarn 6in fl-lakan Ninh nh GULF OF Sti IU T ONKIN H A I N A Pa no Huang410 a Tinh 'l . so 5H ?, ...t DEMARCATION LINE m1._ ? D. , .Keng Tung , a 1) *, hi l?-?? TChnenifai ? ..? ?,. e m LMrrrp g 4.. Su hothai NakInTawan --- VD ..?,1 Saravane An oa ? *a o .., Pakse Quang Ngai ?. s0 .1.1.e14 ? , ,----, ,--ii rontom c Nakhon hachoengsao I \ IOW Finn IETNAM / I IA .1 Ban Me .., Kralle 1) Thuot Ninh Ho ? e^, a Trang C') Cham j??.../ Dalat ? Loc Ninh C? ?????..... '1 . ? an Rang \ ien Ho C, .. ? han TEl 10,4 -- .- .\ 1.--- cap.Saint..lacques i4 4 ,yjnh 0 k) ? 7LEs OE .0,10ULO CONOORE NAMES AND BOUNDARY REPRESENTATION I ARE NOT NECESSARILY AUTHORITATIVE isophon TONLE C SAP Pm . PHNOM PEN LI)'.i'be, C, Siianoukville c.,NAS RONG s ?,_ amp-t....., .... ? ---. N, -I ''' '?si% Reamn ? Ha s iLE CE 9-e, f'aiT.i= e da -7 a . -7 ?? POINTE PC CA U VIETNAM 1 ? ??????? ? . . International boundary National capital Road..- Railroad 80 1 p nu. 4-4-4- . 7 20, 40 0 2'0 40 Etb 120 Kilometers I ( 100 105 110 47238 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 50X1 DAILY BRIEF 17 MAY 1965 1. Vietnam 2. South Vietnam Communist propaganda has begun to react to last Saturday's "teach-in." A Chinese broadcast today described the event as marking a "new high in the opposition in US institutions of higher learning to US aggression in Vietnam." Moscow radio, in a similar vein, said the "teach-in" proves that the "vast majority" of students and faculty op- pose US policy. At home,the Chinese are intensify- ing their propaganda campaign to whip up popular support for the regime's po- licy toward Vietnam. Youths are being urged to undergo training in the militia and take up sports,such as swimming, which could have a military value. U-2 photography of 15 May indicates that construction is continuing on the second surface-to-air missile site near Hanoi. The first site is nearing com- pletion. There is no evidence that mis- sile equipment has arrived at either site. South Vietnamese sensitivity to the press stories emphasizing the Ameri- can role in the war has been.,displayed in an article in the 16 May issue of the Saigon Post. The paper is owned by Quat's Secretary of State, Bui Diem. The article .asserts that-the_war is basically a South Vietnamese war, "no matter what may be said, written,,or claimed., It complains that this fact has become blurred, and the impression is spread that this is "indeed an Ameri- can war." The blame for this is placed on-stories by foreign correspondents-, and on statements by US officials in Washington and-inSaigon. The writer describes this as a very important problem requiring:immediate so- lution so that no one will think that "our friends the AmericanWare fighting a:"basically Vietnamese war while the war-weary Vietnamese are sitting on their behinds doing nothing for their country." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 CYPRUS 3230 35.10' 33. MEDITERRANEAN 33.30' SEA SEA 3 ? r?? 34.30 . K HR }WOK HOU BAY ".\ ? ' . MORPHOUPeri BAY -- . 'I. 1 Fi,, 1 t 14 ..- :-..."...K7R-E-NIA ?''- _ \\ yt: Y R E I -74 . ?";.?-? .,,...i:F.,.-7--,... ,...k.t.., .?, . PI 14' -7)'-'-'''''.. ''' .:'. ? NICOSIA '1 !:%-'? .AJ . AMAGUSTA FAMAGUSTA I" RAY ?1?FAMAGUSTA -,..v441)-iN - 35.30'- ...1 ik . ..-dr I PATHOS n. PAPHO ,...11.T.16,A 650204 2 l,...a, A Pi 0 -1--Ifi : ? 41' ir fi .) ?,, L I ?A S1S f 11 .......-1- i ...''',?:-.-------2---P EPISKOPI BAY /". ? ? T.',:i.'"--:{, V.1.----, '''4, '....., 01_ LIMASSOL A K R OTIR I BAY 33 LA R-TA-C. ' BAY LARNACA MEDITERRANEAN 0 5 ? 10 15 2.0 SEA 25 Mks 34 30' ..... 0 S 10 15 2b 25 Kilometers 30' ? 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 50X1 3, Cyprus 4. Communist China 5. Bolivia Details are lacking but fighting appears to have flared up between Greek and Turkish Cypriots in the southern port city of Limassol. (See map.) the Turks claim that some of their forces were surrounded by Greek Cypriots this morning. They describe the situation as "very dangerous." United Nations officials in Nico- sia have been advised. Limassol Turks are being told by their superiors in the capital to "take defensive precau- tions calmly." The opposition intends to test the junta's mettle again this week. Under Communist and extreme leftist leadership, a general strike of mine workers and labor groups is scheduled to start tonight and student demonstrations tomorrow. The protests have been sparked by the junta's exile of pro-Communist la- bor leader Juan Lechin last weekend. ) The junta has alerted the national guard and probably can handle any inci- dents at this time. Bolivian mine workers are a volatile and explosive lot, however, and the possibility of prolonged violence exists. 50X1 50X2 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A00370010000115,xi 6. Israel 7. India . The Israelis are apparently willing to risk'serious fighting in order to block, Arab-efforts,to,divert the. Jokdan.waters. A.iast week Israel provoked an.inci- dent':on the Syrian border, subsequently shelling-Arab earth-moving equipment on. the Syrian side. A similar incident oc- curred last March. Syrian responses so far have been limited, but the danger of a large-scale clash increases with each incident. President Ayub has suddenly reversed his directive forbidding Pakistani air- craft to shoot down Indian reconnaissance aircraft overflying Pakistan. Thea Paki- stani ambassador has told the Department of State that the Pakistani Air Force has been ordered to take whatever action necessary to halt Indian reconnaissance overflights. 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/23 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003700100001-5