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Publication Date: 
April 23, 1965
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1- ?? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003600280001-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THE PRESIDENT'S DAILY BRIEF 23 APRIL 1965 50X1 23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003600280001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003600286001-7 SakoMn uhrankton -16 104 1... 106 \ Muang Nakhon P.hanom A Thakhek 4 C , e ,Savannakhet Muong Phine e4 ? - NORTH Dong Hol \VIETNA . DEMARCATION LINE 1--- -17B-...o Ho Su o(? g Tri Tchepone. QUANG ?.... TR1 1/4.. /it' Hue0 7 . THUA kTH1EN 108 ?/AUI DA NANG ?Ca Nang (Tourane) O AM,\:\. olaWIo an ng Ngal 0uc ohl ai Nhon Nhon , 0 ng CallSiam PHU . YEN oTuyHoa 11 A N o N. HOA ha Trang \ HO R" cv 1 14 - 12- 10 . THAIL,AND ?Sarin -14 iZ. "? fu" .-Warin Pak Chamrap t / I \...../.4 ong \,. Q U A N Dung )''''aravane \ ? QU LP e ( .* 0Attopeu .?f ? . 1.1Mn Dang G T1N? ' c.Q QUANG NGA1 TUM ? oKontum Sal iP PL I 18 Srep 1r reng D A (o Krat ie I ../ ifUANG .../ NGgigioDUC Pleiku An T c 1K BINH DINH k. ?BON -s ? Reap o . I. Pursat , -12 'Al\ M - 0 St t* .41,\; K oTrzo; g c......L.... 1 NI Mk V Kompong Cham DARLAC Ban) Me Thuot K ( TUYEN ihanouk ' le Re .0 Duong Dong\ ? % ..., -10?.4' \ 1 PHNOM PENHAfe, ci..., l'o ' ) 9 CL. , k... ?i' ? 4 M ' K I EN o Cha*HAti ix PHONG Ki Kampot Tien Long T ye LEN K (.1?... V IN ' /?." DAO PRO 1 0 oUrn on ,s, LON QUOC , Rach Cl 0/0 e,--01;4911, oPhuoc Binh E.-N..... oe.xo P H U 0 C TrAY BINH LONG "'NIA LON ay m PHUOC 0 BINH 0Phuoc Vinh DLIONG T H A N H ? BINH hu LO TUY ri . AU en )1 ANN Hoa oXuan Lo . ' NO ItA 4 . nh ? 1?3 ION ' 1 AN OC am An TUN' Tan UONG o y ho PHU oPhuoc L L. s.,0 C ung Tau BIEN HOA ruc GI '''? , ,... 0 K N HOA GSA DINH -1, Phu Vinh /l'I .1.... 4' V I NH 1. C.1. 1.3 14 , 4..) ...(vCr Son (Poulo Condone) CON SON ? CON SON Da Lai? DUG NIN TH It 'A ? an Rang 1., \ NON CU ,z, LAO BINH TH AN o an hid t \\ C SOUTH VIETNAM , ? 46536 ? , . 2,5 7,5 100 Miles ,.? .." .... ...... HON PANIANG G.11 1... S I 104 4 l',. o -9- '4' c Long 0 ha CHUONO n THIGH Hun BA XU AC oVinh LIEU F OF A M ' 14 111 811 BUNG o, BOUNDARY REPRESENTATION IS NOT NECESSARILY AUTHORITATIVE 106 ,.., i .5.0 0 25 50 75 160 Kilometers 198 110 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003600280001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A0036002800012ixi DAILY BRIEF 23 APRIL 1965 1. Vietnam A representative of the National Liberation Front for South Vietnam ar- rived today in Moscow to set up a perma- nent mission. This is the first tangible result of last week's meetings in Moscow, and the latest step in the Communist drive to surround the front with an aura of legitimacy. His first act was to is- sue a statement denouncing President Johnson's proposals for unconditional talks. 50X1 A preliminary scan of photography taken yesterday discloses five additional MIG fighters at Phuc Yen, bringing the total to 41. These planes probably flew in some time in the past two weeks. Two more dummy aircraft also turned up in the photography for a total of 21. In a talk yesterday with Ambassador Taylor, Premier Quat said he was not sat- isfied with the aggressiveness of his army. Among the measures he is consider- ing to overcome this are a shakeup in the officer corps and the raising of a force of 30,000 Nung tribesmen,who had a reputation as good combat soldiers un- der the French. Quat did not mention foreign troops. Ground action in the Viet An area south of Danang (See map.) has died down after government forces disengaged yes- terday. The press reports that the Viet Cong positions were attacked from the air today, but we have no word on the ef- fect. Elsewhere the lull in the fighting continues. 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003600280001-7 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for .Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003600280001-7 COMM 1.) 1 1 L.; MIN A. 0 200 400 M les I ? 200 400 Kllometers T .111:1,91,,,t1.7.4Ye Tar.. '4ga a 4 " c- 7- A m 11? IND u 141112 As ED d4Put ? LAKE T\ ' '''Cr el=1.\.? ...... _ BAIKAL . a! ..1,Pe,\ ..,-.:cn.p.,.. ? . 4.0. Jr.*, ..? .4,6 ..,4_ . ? 1 I 11;14 . eC ? 2 i ?Y' 41:,-,, z 3 I ,/ ." I. , . s i ,...t4...? -- ? i 0 , U a-......-.....N., Z 1 Chita. .'"," ? ..4`? St a rit - ? Jo Z: N.: 84 siN 'svic?...... II Ah i N / ....... *Ah?N 1/.hTfi? 1 * . ' , ,.>??? \? .......1., .: 9.,, _,,N.,"`e's-44.."-0.4..n.,. ?'' \ _ far.' ... ----- o .,..,:zoi..... ... ,+, ....e,r-r ....,... An.hsi a `,.?........? AS i iv Chareerk 0 . ? 1H--,,(q.- 'r S ..11,9 I ,..-7..p. ,,,;-'? ..,---... ss- i' :."'? 4' ? , J .p..\_/;.7..,, 4., --..? ? - 4, , .7,......,:,./ ULAN BATOR MONGOLIA g - AN, r.0 &Va. -s?k") ? Vt.". .p.I6floan$0 600,i00 c,eleo 5111(0? SFA A... ?4 , .494 ?:Ka:s,h.;? o .s1N ' ?41/4/ ? ???.?,:Zr = , *.V.4 14:17, ....LA. 11(.4 4.? >>. jcily 4 ? , I fo:kiar.44 ? -;.! , -rig V` Yin -ch10 an ) ? sours KoRkA Af.[ ss0 ZIke? - ? s'? . e ?? KATMAW /r.V#" ? .4.HUTAN . B,??ma ((... PARISTAN ? 4P,4) '11,t1 HWAN AS I Ns Lash io0 RMA Mandela if NA.44 PLAT EA .., : Iv", ,../17..n.nt0 i'Ve-sPAP-?NoRTH e , ",..,.... ? ,IETNAA4 1.- ....4...,Ali tx. ..V..,T121'N.n.A1:1 /I" /.......r..? ....v.. _ ... Orri,,eh Hoe c" ?413vi Var1 A 2' 0P aexa,? 10, d 1(0114G 0 W Wort.) r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79Ts0?011971316cAll100.A3s6E0A0280001-7 ptV1P 4 Lao " 50X1 De-classified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A00360028000117 2. Communist China 3. Communist China 4. USSR 5. Indonesia Production has apparently started at two new aircraft plants at Chengtu. (See map.) If all goes well, the first fighters--probably advanced model MIG-19s or MIG-21s--will roll off the production line later this year. They are badly needed to bolster China's aging fighter force. 50X 1 The Japanese representative to the Bandung anniversary celebration has pro- posed to Sukarno and the Tunku that they meet at an early date in Tokyo. ?Both have agreed, but details remain to be worked out. There is little pros- pect that meaningful progress toward a solution of the Malaysian problem would come out of such a meeting. Now that the Bandung festivities are near an end, the Indonesians can be expected to renew pressures on the US and step up their fight against Malaysia. 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003600280001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003600280001-7 t))(1 6. Congo 7. Laos Relations between President Kasa- vubu and Premier Tshombe are about to enter a new and difficult phase. Each suspects that the other is out to grab power, and these suspicions have been . assiduously fed by assorted politicians in Leopoldville. Tshombe almost certainly has his eye on eventually gaining the presi- dency, which will be the real locus of power under the new constitution. Kasavubu may seek to forestall this by dismissing the Tshombe government right after the elections. These are due to end some time next month. Tshombe has indicated that he would not take such a maneuver lying down. He is already moving a few of his merce- naries and a force of loyal Katangan gendarmes into Leopoldville on the pre- text of keeping order during the elec- tions. The two may still find a way to compromise their differences since the alternative seems almost surely politi- cal chaos. The government has worked out a compromise with the rightist military rebels holding out near Pak Sane. De- tails are fuzzy, but it appears the mutineers will be reassigned and go un- punished. The danger of fighting is probably over, but the US Embassy re- ports the affair has sharpened old an- tagonisms among Laotian generals. 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003600280001-7 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003600280001-7 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003600280001-7