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March 4, 1965
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003500220001-4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THE PRESIDENT'S DAILY BRIEF 4 MARCH 1965 50X1 23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003500220001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003500220001-4 DAILY BRIEF 4 MARCH 1965 1. Vietnam Saigon today is alive with talk of another coup, and some military and police moves which may be related have been noted. These coup rumors lack specifics but they do reflect the deep uneasiness which infects the South Viet- namese establishment following the de- parture of General Khanh. Much of this swirls around General Thi, whose power and ambition seem to be growing. Thi is said to be maneuver- ing to neutralize some of his fellow "young Turks." Many of them in turn are trying to engineer his ouster. Buddhist leaders appear to be mark- ing time. The influential Tri Quang says he supports Quat because Quat has "done nothing wrong yet." This is remi- niscent of Quang's initial stance to- ward the Huong government. There have been no further reports of Russian- speaking pilots in North Vietnam. No Chinese Communist or North Viet- namese military shifts which can be tied to the latest US air strikes have been noted. The Chinese have lately ordered that security on aircraft move- ment be tightened,and this could mask added southward fighter deployments. Hanoi has relaxed the alert its forces have been on for the past few days. The Soviet statement on Vietnam today went a bit further than previous pronouncements in empahsizing the con- sequences of US actions to US-Soviet relations. Ambassador Kohler calls the demonstration against the embassy to- day the "most aggressive and nastiest" in recent memory, despite the fact that protective measures were stepped up in anticipation,and the militia made a seri- ous effort to control the crowd. 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003500220001-4 5 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003500220001-4?3x1 t Mo-chiangR\ 162 C H 11 N Ssu?mao 1 1 _ i .. 1111 I" 0 N Nara 12 Ko.chiu?Co 164 ZU A '? 7..'" 4 ,.. ' ? ? 1. r / --- --- ." -- Nou \ Lai Chau ? "-...._...\ L.7,..........r.. \\0...4.Pien (Chen.pien1C X.. ..?......* `o Ha Giang (--(.../ Lao Kay Cao Bac Kano -----"*.-- P'ing.ku\dr?"----? 08 . . (Kuo-te) CHINA . ? cft-. / B g? 4.,..? ` Ning.ming 22- \ ( Ia.( ? ( ?./...1.. , i.? 'I- , ) ?., ( / ?1...a... ..-. -N?......., 5 . ? g Saly ?NU SA LY ' ID ' Son. ../ Dierr,iiiiien\,.., 1 ?-... .....,` / A. - ?../? ',,.. R T a V I N A 4k,.,,, e,. Th 1A4 Lang Son . Nguyen V.%?????-/?-? i .1) . i 0 Hon 22.F; "411111b. ALNIII; kr: '....?" HOUA So N i \ p g 1 .2 46 LUANG 5 / _ Muong Sai / \-r ...... . 1 ---k \,.' / , -A \..< , \ \ Samneuac PR ABANG \ \ ..?.L. HOU ": ..., ." e,- ? I oa Bin 0 ID Phu L PHAN ". .k..INinh B0 .., . -5. Ha I. ....i.- Duong illIWk Alb. ILE CAC BA ? ..... Di h 20 KO G . . /I ISayaboury? i .A. / e Muang Nan? 1-. / -j- / ?, / ? uang 0, ; , 'Phrae ant' ( ?i-- .i--.//- _. Luang .,. 0 Pr abahg ...?- ? I ',?\ T? ... CD ? ,Ban Ban .?,. ----) pha-u?,_/..? KhouniZ. Plaine de' sX I XGieng / ...,,? Art_ .(DK. houang..< i/-- -L?\,.. L,ANG\V"??..... ...," ' /2. ) 1 TaBVaianng ??????-\ . Vang.4,.. Vienga rj f '\.../ 4, .--,---? I ., r..1 R 1 1:1-1%A. N E VI ENil?IANE ! / 1 I ji P k S 'x V I TI ilL ....) f.? \.. . ) ? Thanh Ho. . i ?.L.( \ oCua Rao ?. 0 ?111... ',Cu Tru \--..N.,. N_. 4.4 \ 44 \ ID ne. \ Kam ? ...2.``. ."-. Keut / ..... ..A , -.. Lak ?... .1. A.,,) Sao GULF 0 F g Railroad 7' ONKIN nder reconstruction Tinh Du CAP MUI RON on 18 4 e ? e ri ? Ut aradit ?*1/4.+ 1 P 4' Udon Thani Nong Khai k HA N.1 MS Li A N ,t OD \