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February 2, 1965
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400370001-9 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY THE PRESIDENT'S DAILY BRIEF 2 FEBRUARY 1965 70P-aE-&FR-E-T.- 50X1 23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400370001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400370001-9 - DAILY BRIEF 2 FEBRUARY 1965 1. South Vietnam 2. Cuba Brazil 4. USSR There seems to be much talk behind the scenes about forming a new govern- ment, but no signs of progress are yet visible. General Khanh's original idea of a mixed military and civilian group-- similar to the old High Council in all but name--is apparently still the ob- jective. The Buddhists are demanding repre- sentation. The Catholics are avoiding any official identification with the council, and are generally pessimistic. Che Guevara, who has been travel- ing in Africa, has turned up in Commu- nist China. We suspect he is trying to smooth out difficulties growing out of a meeting of Latin American Communists in Havana last November at which the pro-Chinese elements criticized Havana's failure to condemn the pro-Soviets in the Latin American movement. President Castello Branco is think- ing of postponing this year's country- wide gubernatorial elections. The idea would be to maintain stability until the presidential election due next year. The government, which is not popular, is sure to come under heavy fire if it decides to do this. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400370001-9 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400370001:9_ (1 ?q Mo.chiang,7- 192 C H II N \ Ssu?maoo. I -- , '' \on I II rf Ou Neua..1...s >2 Ko.chiu . 104 = tzu : A ? ? , , ...sac 1.7- ,,,. ' ? I's. ) / / --- / -'" ..,\ Lai Chau \\0 j06 .f. ,. u?pien '..), ?.........' No Ha Giang Cao -'-''--,S Bac Kan P'ing-ku\ 08 30 Ching.hsi CHINA B g 4, s, ' Ning-ming 22 IA (pTa-lo \ ( - . 'C.f.i.: t......../ .Meng-la b o ,. BURMA ngng .e7-?-.,.) / \ o .?-? ...../ ...,----"Nam Tha .., HOUA \ Sop Ngln ....4.1._...,- .... ..-- ,...-- ? LuAN ie /1. : ? .____________,--- ? ...--k . .- J ???., ? ? ong Saly ' ,,,, 0 N U S A L Y QV . " Dien Bie Son? \ ...,....1.-?-?1 1 ?.--.. .- / ?(\ .?-?". / \??.-....? , Muong Sai / \ 1 ?????? :: .' \ ..---.$ , ,-- ,?-'c ?..< ,.r. \ N Samneua \ 1 1,124BANC.; HOLj 1 A, , 1 \ 4, ? ' R T N en Ba V I N A `9,r> CD , --,,.... --? HANOI- . . ..?? Hoa Bin ?\ er Phu . 1,.:-----..I-I.AN. .) Ninh Bin ..,. .: Th 1M A 4, L Lang Son . ? . i Nguyen ., n44,0 esly . Phu Lang Thuong Hon teal) KE e 'f %g 411t."IrONNis?, . i 0 ? Hal.41NIP ? ' .' r Duong 11?10414 41: g .. i ILE CAC BA .,. Di h 20 +..?___..., I_ ?SEK " rayaboury .) , ..,.. ,1",? .1' Muang 'Nan? ) , 0 '' 1 .., // L '? 4'1 ..% / .. uang _,,,, / -Phrae oar I - /-"' (ua ng ../ -), ,. ---. e Prabang ....."?----- ( N. CD Ban Ban Khouryt moine 6'lesX NxGieng ei. f x Jor4.c Khouang. 4 .r?-? 1.?\... ILK FIC UANGN ........ ,,, Ban 4....?....'W ). Ta Viang % \ Vangt Vienga r) ? --' k"., ..., ), I s' "I VI ENI1ANE ! ..., /Pak Sane l BORIKAANE \ ,f ? A Net1... T e A. / ..? Thanh Ho r??"??-????../ - Cua Rao 1,... -,\ N. . N.?. A ID \ Kam ,. s--- Keut , .. , _ .4. , - '-(La k 1. ? o -..) 0. Sao ?? ?Trung A. Bai 011iaL r_ ? GULF OF Railroad TONKI N oder reconstruction ? , Tinh 9AR min Ron 18 t- ,1?04 ?r 1. e- / Uttaradit c r" cr N ng Khai Udon. Than!. \ K I-CA M N1 i l' 1 N th,f71N \.01 10 . ,-- uang Khe .#6 Pak Hin h ? mynazal.4 ? tflr Boun NakhMonuaganom 0) 100-110 Do . ? . \ Dan Sai. uang Phitsanulok THAIL , Muang Sakon Nak AND t V. Thakhek on Mukdahan??S , ::" _..,, r Hoi Nial6 & . ' \ s.4 '''."-... Demarcation Line ay. Ban Walrorl- / .-.73- r ? g Ha. ?.... Sneankohet ) CO 0 ;:panng IB o H o u-a n . - el-8K47 ..Q Tri g LAOS ? TRANSPORTATION AND CONTROL ...,----..,...........____ va i Ban Thay onnroD ,?...73..1 ( ......, A V A NINA K H . uong? . e". u _ ti Nong ./- -"- se B... ,....., - / --A SOUTH \ 1 Selected .._..,EAv.--.--- 7--16 Ats JE y VIETNAM all-season road - - - Selected seasonal road - - - Trail 0 Route number Muang oYasothon WA1 M- , ,,,,c.117:va nA ..., .??? THC.',Ni.. Kh ...... a) f Ban '''=" ? Thatengi ????...... Se''.. 0 ......,, , / . ...: . /--? -A ' ,, ? moo .-.._...../ e r ... 1., -). - tiii _ ___ Other route 4---1---1- Railroad Controlled Areas-15 December 1964 Pro-Communist forces I I Anti-Communist regular forces ? National capital e Province capital . Suns . ' ang Ubo, ,,....N.... ''.-"--..t .,, Phse Chamrap Champissad GHAMPA;SAC 01 A ) . el .../c S1TH,ND I -... .. bon4 - N i? ,... .... ..1 S. r- I. i \ t.DONEkl ATTIOPEU lAttoi, ut er0? /1 _. I I ..../. ir , ) / / ?. I . \ ? ? ? Province boundary .2.5 sp 7.5 190 Miles CAMBO , 'At, 47 n. Bo Kham O o \ U. D . 1 A. 0 25 7' 5 190 Kilometers -----7---'-'''`,0. Stung Treng /-- - 1 - ?-- , i 50 i m Reap A GULF OF SIAM 192 TOW.E SAP NAMES AND DOUNIARILTRV REPRESENTATION ARE NOT NECEI AUTHORITATI VE . . : I I 50904 12-64 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400370001-9 1 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24: CIA-RDP79T00936A003400370001-9 5. Indonesia 7. Cyprus Small-scale Indonesian guer- rilla operations continue against main- land Malaysia and Borneo. The situation remains confused. General Phoumi is being increas- ingly open in his efforts to put some life in the dissident rightist forces which on Sunday attempted a military takeover in Vientiane. He has been making frantic efforts to get reinforce- ments, without apparent success. A small Phoumi force approaching the city this morning ran into artillery fire, but otherwise no fighting has occurred. Other opportunistic factions, in- cluding the police, seem to be biding their time in case Phoumi starts making some progress. The Soviets have apparently told Makarios in the past few days that they will not support him if his policy is to achieve union with Greece, or if he precipitates Turkish intervention. This follows Gromyko's recent policy state- ment mentioning federation, the solu- tion favored by the Turks. Both Athens and Nicosia have had a shock from these maneuvers. It is not yet clear how re- lations between the two will be affected and whether there is an opening for new negotiations. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400370001-9 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400370001-9 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003400370001-9