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Publication Date: 
October 29, 1964
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 THE PRESIDENT'S INTELLIGENCE CHECKLIST ISSUEQ BY THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 29 OCTOBER 1964 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 50X1 26 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 1. Communist China a. 50X1(1 50X1 50X1 an- other nuclear test, than the first one, "much larger" is scheduled for next March. c. If the Chinese do indeed have a second test in the works, 50X1 They may also want to lessen the damage it might do to them at the second "Bandung" conference scheduled for Algiers next spring. e. The prediction that the next shot will be larger suggests Chinese confidence in improving their next device, possibly by using both plutonium and U-235. By next March, both materials could be available in sufficient quantity. For The President Only - Top Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 2. South Vietnam 3. Sudan a. Suu apparently intends to announce his choice for prime minis- ter today. b. Our embassy has been in- formed that Suu will submit Huong's name to the High National Council for approval, with Vien as deputy prime minister. Ambassador Taylor had not heard directly from Suu, however, and was checking this morning. c. According to this version, Suu plans to name Huong as minister of defense as well. Vien will also serve as interior minister, the position he already holds. d. Khanh, as expected, will be armed forces commander in chief. e. Taylor comments that the Huong-Vien team would be about the best obtainable and should be able to work with the military. a. The Sudanese radio an- nounced this morning that a new, transitional government will be formed soon, but it is not at all clear who is doing what to whom. (Cont 'd) For The President Only - Top Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 b. The announcement fol- lowed talks between civilian leaders and military representa- tives. President Abboud's name was not mentioned, raising the possi- bility that he may have been ousted. there had been an in- ternal coup in the Sudanese armed forces. d. General Hasan Bashir Nasir, longtime number-two man in the Abboud military regime, was under house arrest. He was apparently removed by the commander of the Sudan's eastern forces, General Tahir, supported by younger officers. e. The army killed a num- ber of rioters yesterday as the demonstrations continued to spread from Khartoum to other northern cities. So far, there has been no evidence of an appreciable anti-American or antiforeign trend in the demonstrations. For The President Only - Top Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 4. Congo a. The Congolese rebels are again threatening foreigners held in their territory. d. In Nairobi yesterday, Ambassador Fredericks saw the rebel foreign minister, Thomas Kanza. He implied to Kanza that,if any Ameri- cans were harmed, the US might take drastic action. f. Kanza said the Stanley- ville authorities were not too concerned about US reprisals. 5. Bolivia a. La Paz may blow up again today. (Cont 'd) For The President Only - Top Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 6. East Germany b. Factory workers, teachers, and students are planning a "lib- erty march" on the presidential palace to protest government re- pression. The police and militia have managed to contain earlier demonstrations in La Paz, but feeling is running high. c. Police have been moved from Cochabamba to the mining town of Oruro to strengthen the local forces. Yesterday the mili- tary in Oruro reportedly failed to back up the police, who were attacked by dynamite-throwing miners. d. President Paz has ordered the reluctant Barrientos to stay in La Paz and attend to his vice- presidential duties. Barrientos had asked the embassy on Tuesday about possible evacuation. e. Despite the continuing disturbances, the embassy believes Paz is weathering the storm. a. Ulbricht's party is apparently having trouble ad- justing to the recent changes in Moscow. (Cont1d) For The President Only - TOD Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 7, USSR b. Only five of the thir- teen full members of the East German politburo have been seen since the changes took place,and Ulbricht himself was out of sight from 12 to 27 October. c. The politburo issued a qualified endorsement of the Moscow shift on 17 October and was to meet again on 26 October. No public an- nouncement has resulted. A cen- tral committee meeting may be under way today. a. / the meeting of Communist parties will be held in Moscow on 15 December, as scheduled. (Cont'd) 50X1 50X1 50X1 For The President Only - TOD Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 b. The Poles,whO said their party would:attend, told a British correspondent that the meeting will "freeze" the Sino-Soviet conflict, not push it to the limit. c. Gomulka's speech head- lined in the press this morning is consistent with this. For public consumption he Tust appear to be- lieve that the USSR and China can get together. d. Moscow's new leaders may have agreed to soften the tone of the meeting in order to avoid can- celing or postponing it, which would have been a major victory for Peiping. e. If the Poles are right, we may hear something soon from Moscow, where the subject is probably being discussed with the several visiting Communist party delegations. For The President Only - Top Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 NOTES A. France-MLF Ambassador Bohlen believes all indications point to a French program of vigorous opposition to the conclusion of any MLF agree- ment. Paris is already trying to dissuade the West Germans from joining. /the MLF would tend to limit cooperation under the French-German treaty and isolate Germany from other European countries ? as well as France if it began as a bilaterial US-German venture. B. USSR Soviet Defense Minister Malinewsky ap- pears to be ailing. C. Gabon-France The French may decide to send 'Alba back to Libreville after all. French of- ficials in:Paris are apparently fearful that his removal, will mean a takeover by more radical elements and repercussions in other French Af- rican dependencies. (Cont 'd) 50X1 50X1 ouA1 ? For The President Only - Top Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 E. Algeria-Cuba-Venezuela The Venezuelan FALN will soon receive shipments of small arms from Algeria F. Japan the top contenders for the prime ministry, Eisaku Sato For The President Only - Top Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7 DOCUMENT OF INTEREST 50X1 For The President Only - Top Secret Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003200220001-7