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Document Creation Date: 
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Publication Date: 
September 1, 1964
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/08/04: CIA-RDP79T00936A003000190001-3 THE PRESIDENT'S INTELLIGENCE CHECKLIST ISSUED BY THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCES AGENCY 50X1 1 SEPTEMBER 1964 TOP-SEGREI_ 26 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/08/04 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003000190001-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/08/04: CIA-RDP79T00936A003000190001-3 1. South Vietnam a. Khanh appears reluctant to try to reassert his leadership of the government. b. In a talk with Ambassador Taylor in Dalat yesterday, Khanh said he might make an appearance in Saigon in a few days to show that he is still premier and to quash rumors that he is mentally ill. Taylor got the impression, however, that Khanh was disinclined to head the government unless he had real authority. c. Although Khanh has some minor physical troubles, he seems primarily to fear a power play by the Dai Viets. He said the Mili- tary Revolutionary Council had asked him last week to stay on as head of government but he turned them down because of his distrust of the Dai Viet generals. d. Some key army divisions and police posts near Saigon are controlled by Dai Viet officers. A coup attempt on their part would probably trigger a violent reaction by the Buddhists. Viet Cong military activity has been unusually light since the leadership crisis began in Saigon. (Cont'd) Fe-sr The. PrAmeirleanf ("Ink/ _ Tnin carmt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/08/04: CIA-RDP79T00936A003000190001-3 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/08/04 : CIA-RDP79T00936A003000190001-3 INF CAMEROON \ l'5 24, N? D fi REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO !CENTRAL AFRICAN RETUBL.JC SUDAN ..-.,...,.. "I' 's'''''-'''''\. usANGe.?...)1:----.1" ...../.....i.N. :. ..- ......'.. .. Gemenc) UELE ' MOVEN -CONGO satar--Bunib? . 7N.....,..,..,...,...,' ".."%%. . / i z .. 0- r---1 Approximate Area of Uprising 0 100 290 MileS c....-!----- - -- --i "."?,......, JKIBA LI-ITU -. ,:,. c .-- -. "" ? iBuni a ? //...giF IMamtiasa UGANDA 0 , Stanleyvi I le ., , aqui I hatvi I le. Beende . 1 1 HAUT 'ONG? ,......, N9RD- KtiVU EU/ft. /170 UVETTE-CE ITRALE 0? r o 100 200 Kilometers "f; il Ikela . NF., ..., . \ LAKE GABON. ! '...N f"*".._) ,...?-?-?Ni 0 /*NJ \ 0?,.. BRAZZAVILLE r,, .."'",- -?-? ''''. EOPcbvraE '-' LAC LEOPOLD II r ...+?-N DOM BE ,LAC LEOPOLD II) SANKI"? .. pof. 1_21.1L K W I LU , s,%ert4NE Lusambo Go ........77/RWANDA.! Bukovu .t0 C.!.9.6?9" ,,, :5 icr .2 ..oPm t "MUT. . - ? ; indu : ????-? )PsultuNfil (t.4 A I, IEM A % Uvira ? BUJUMBURA ?c,..!..NTRPt( ., fd....s,...f.- ? , 1 iofa Kikwit )cl -. ' C K NGO-CENTRAL ; ? Gungu ..,...-., i ---41 ...) uluabourg OMAMI ----.._ 1: A NGANYIKA - .., ?- ma"- ---" ____ Bakw ga a? ?I U ''.------'7.Aib rtvi I I e MULELE t 4 / ? \ Rebel I ion . it,G i su -------- , KAS , . .. -\KWANGO j - ) I. I .r1... ? .1.............-.A..." Fs' ....-? ?r- -.i \ /I i 1\LUALA SOUTH ..?_,...?....r)1.............--: ? -1:1,