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= EZZI E9 EEM1 ==31 1=1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 THE PRESIDENT'S INTELLIGENCE REVIEW ISSUED BY THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 1 -3 APRIL 1964 MP-SEC:AF.I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 4-4r r7-77-1 (7=1 4 r=7; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 1. 3 April 1964 Brazil: The general atmosphere following the suc- cess of the revolution is acceptance and relief. Goulart and his anti-American brother-in-law Leonel Brizola have dropped from sight and may already have left the country. Without Goulart, the leftists are leaderless and will probably be out of circulation for awhile. In some states, known Communists were being rounded up even before the revolution was over. One of the new government's immediate problems is to avoid any sign of weakness and uncertainty that could bring the leftist leaders back into action. The Communists, cut off from the government, may turn to civil disorders and sabotage. A shakeup of government officials and military commanders is already underway. We cannot yet identify the individuals who will deal with the crucial ques- tions of economy, 'finance, and foreign affairs. Maz;.. zilli's first few cabinet appointments, however, are competent men of a generally moderate pro-Western orien- tation. One cloud has appeared on the horizon. A Rio broadcast has claimed that Sao Paulo Governor de Barros is threatening to break with the new regime over some of these appointments. TL- -r . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 104'? Sakon Nakhon . . .1 ? \INORTH Muang \Dong P.hanomoiciThakhek -., e . . .kSavannakhet???., Muong Phine _ 1/4..... C-14:6110 I tid HeNakhon \VIETNA 1 DEMARCATION LINE ....., \ 1 Bo Ho Su Quang Tri Tshepone: Q 0 A 14 G ? TRI. o St Di- i k-ri Hue? 7 ? `, THUA . (TI-IE N I CORPS ZONE 6bun DA HANG > 00 Nang (Tourane) -a .THAILAND e..? '`---... V . ,????-. Muang / LThorin ,,---- \../...-,k) i-16 QUANG froun lArcaravang \ V. N.2d Div sic, . \--.... Q1,./ ..." _ '4 AM 0 Hon . Chien Dang G TIN ' .. ,-----q., ' . ?Sure . .....-'' -11.. .?Wa rin Charnrap (., Pakse i I I ..,??????-???? ..,,-........... .../... / . : A. \ - ('? _;" 0Attopeu ? . K ?N T .1"-'? ': " ?????? 2iviai_p_14-1? Quang Ngai ?' C \ QUAN : Do. NGAI U M oHoai Nhon ,K \ o ontum 25th Division . \......... it. ong . v. , i "'It Siem Reap ..., o Pursat -4,,,, . 'Stung 4 C. A M '.., - 4'YEN ?:."' KOmpong 1 Thorn 0 .? -di' ----,.-44 i .4 V . 0 I Phuoc m SeCial Kopong Cham , ,......adoi. 5 PL'I.K 4 1 SO Pk _ ...?__ reng D I A /Toya DA.RLAC Kratie ) 1 .., Binh Thanh .. , QUANG NGiaghia 1 ' Zone 'IIIIIPlr'lliqN Pleiku An Tuc .1 BINH ...4INH P 1-1 Id.BON 's o Ban Me Thuot KHAN 23d Divisio --. TUYEN .uiNhon Nv oStng Cau II CORPS PHU . ZONE i HOA Trang c., ..'i,,, 7 , -12 ? to. ihanoukeille Reafn 0,. r-, ( --. , 5th Division i'"'???? PHNOM PENH ic-m k.;... _ -0,0 .C> '.; ( , , Capital Mi it. y Dist050.... , f 0TaLton Di V I S! on.>....\ t . r. -, mo .6%?\.....4 tke. ..) K1E14 Kampot f. AN PH CCaNOGLan . ?,-..."--. GIANC o Fla Tien Longo .?.,(:), 1 Xuyen .1-???''?. IN,.??.'"' Bo -0\ i ?Nin r????,.... i 0An PHU? Loc TAY INH NINH oNc.- ay Ninh ' ' P 0 r 1 N ti . Ph , .10N,G TN fj, i At. hu tiling N ? jGON N 'CM' " . ' n DINH oMy ho Doc ''i? ? oPh ucc Bin z'' '' ' ,... AM. OG LONG L DN Bao Loc HIJOC ;1. am uoc Vinh A NH BINH L (1 a Tuy HANH inh ? 0Xuan Loc rng at Sp_ _ PU4 t) DC ?/ . Harn Tan isc:17.1, III CORPS -Von D Lat ? .....? T 1-' D U C N I NH ' ";'- THU A o Di Linh ? ?Phan Rang pe ?I Zone BINH -`-i 0, A N (Phan.Thiet \ ial Zone \\ C., NON CU p LAI ZONE \ Duong Dons \ ? ' .??? 1...''' ,,, Vinh Long DAD PHU 1 A 0 .,',,,,i; o! QU?C ? Rach: Tau ruc Gian BIEN PICA 1 \ SOUTH VIETNAM .... i"........\\ .,1k (Adm;nistrative =nil 1/z:foci% 9th Division -)4';;YQ ' .... o botieldo, 4t Vi Thanh ntezi li ON 0 Khanh? -1, Phu Vinh*kN GO.)/t- \-0a ? 1 A " I " 9 n? 4' VINH Special Zone c> 0,7013 i .i ,s l..) l.) 1::=1 Military region boundary ? ...' NON PANIANG GULF OF HIEN Hung B A XU Y Vinh Loi Quan on o ? ? , IV 21 N S E ? CORPS .ZONE .........Division boundary SIAM' ' YEN - ,,,Z2Eon Son (Poulo Condone) mei NGam BU CON SON 34924 2,5 7.5. 190 Miles , ,5.0 0 25 50 75 160 Kilometets 1 :4 BOUNDARY REPRESENTATION 75 NOT NECESSARILY AUTHORITATIVE 106 _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 50X1 r==-1 r_ ri cl=1 r IF1 I I I I LJ t1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 2. Sino-Soviet Dispute: The USSR has begun its counterattack against Peiping. Pravda has now published a speech made in Feb- ruary by chief Soviet party theoretician Mikhail Suslov, advocating open opposition to the "incorrect views and dangerous actions" of the Chinese leaders. At the same time Pravda printed a lengthy comment on a "decision" of the partycalling for "ideological exposure" of the Chinese. The Suslov speech indicated that the USSR favors convening the next meeting of fraternal parties "to discuss" difficulties that have arisen in the Communist movement. Pravda also revealed that in a 7 March let- ter to Peiping the Soviet Union suggested a world con- ference ?of Communist parties in the fall of this year, following bilateral talks this spring. The way is now paved for further anti-Chinese pronouncements by Khruchchev during his current visit to Hungary and at his 70th birthday celebration in Moscow on 17 April. 3. south Vietnam: Khanh is still suspicious of some military and civiliangroups. There have also been rumors of friction between Khanh and Vice Premier Nguyen Ton Roan, leader of the southern Dai Viet faction. Several other Dai Viet members are in the cabinet. (Cont'd) 50X1 -T?L _ r. ? 1 . _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 t3 c=1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 The Viet Cong are maintaining a high degree of pressure on the government throughout the country. Most of this is in the form of terrorism, harassment, sabo- tage and propaganda, rather than significant military attacks. In the coastal areas of Quang Nai province, secu- rity conditions are deteriorating. The government has lost control of much of the area formerly considered secure. The Viet Cong can launch coordinated attacks with little warning and may be able to isolate Quang Nai from its neighbor- ing provinces. - The Communists, however, are still focussing most of their activity in the Mekong Delta, where the gov- ernment continues to make little headway. 4. Panama: Castroists and Communists may try to start-MTUnt incidents in Panama this weekend, amanian revolutionaries are read these have training in Cuba'. 50X1 50X1 50X1 Pan, 50X1 for armed violence'. returned home from 50x11 The banana workers strike, now involving 5,000 workers in the interior of Panama, may provide the op- portunity. Demonstrations are also planned in Panama City for this weekend, noting the anniversary of the unsuccessful Castro-supported rebellion of five years ago. If incidents start, the Panamanian national guard would be spread pretty thin trying to control them. Fnr Thia EN-L. T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 t ?1 r:=1 r=i t==1 r r-_- t ( , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 5. Cyprus: Makarios and Kuchuk have both told Am- bassiaUF-Wilkins that they do not believe UN mediator Tuomioja will be able to get a compromise between the Greek and Turkish communities. Kuchuk, complaining bitterly about Ankara's failure to take military action, claimed that his community now faces either slavery or emigration. ? Wilkins details Tuomioja's major problems as the absence of any desire to compromise, the absence of any Greek-Turkish Cypriot body with which the mediator can operate, and the three-month time limit on the UN peacekeeping force. Makarios, meanwhile, continues to press the UN peacekeeping force to re-establish freedom of movement throughout the island. The movement to bring former underground leader George Grivas back to Cyprus from Greece seems to be gaining strength. ? Several thousand Greek students pa- raded through Nicosia yesterday in his cause. Also, a special committee to promote his return has been formed and has scheduled a. demonstration for Monday. C.._ _ rt ? I . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 50X1 50X1 50X1 (= (1 r_ A I= I I-- ?I ii Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 6. Cyprus-USSA: The Soviets are unhappy about the resurgence of Cypriot feeling for union with Greece and are urging Makarios to resist./ /Uhion would mean that the sizeable Communist party on Cyprus would be subjected to Greece's strong anti-Communist laws. 7. Soviet Space Shot: The Soviet announcement naming the 2 April deep space probe "Zond-1" (Sounder-1) and making no mention of its Venus probe mission appears to have been a deliberate deception. The USSR may have issued the deceptive announce- ment because it detected something wrong with the probe which will interfere with accomplishment of its mission. Another possibility--less likely--is that the USSR is hedging. The Soviets may have decided not to commit their prestige until they can determine whether the Venlig mission can be achieved. 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized CO5; Arpl-pronved foIr RelQse. 2015/07724 : CIA-RDP79T00936A0025000800011-1 50X1 50X1 50X1 1.-1.00090009ZOOV9?60016LdCN-V10 VZ/L0/91.0Z aseaia JOI panaiddy Ado o Poz!1!ueS - Ped u! PoWsseldeCI fl :o SCZCO1,9 001 S3111.4 3 N3Gy dO d7 0 ? No- ?40\ Das ? .V.0? N131,43A VIEIVa V uanvs .94V ? V 3 S a el Nvans 1 NvocCA NVell .'"\ Oval ? ;4, A3Nani 1.-1.00090009ZOOV9?600?6Lda-VIO VZ/L0/91.0z aseaia JOI poAOJddy Ado o paz!i!ueS - Ped u! PoWsseldea L--; c- 1 LJ f;3 E=1 1? A UT] Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 8. British Elections: The Conservatives are trying to make up their minds over the scheduling of a general election. 9. tAR-UK-US:? Cairo propaganda is going all out against the UK, following last week's British retalia- tory air attack on a Yemeni border fort. Other Arab states are pitching in and are threaten- ing to reconsider their relations with the UK. Yemen has brought the case before the UN Security Council and is getting Soviet support for a condemnation of the British. (Cont Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 50X6 El L / I .1 1 1 1 F7171 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 Clashes could occur, however, if the Egyptians continue trying to stop arms and ammunition coming to the Yemeni royalists from the south. The Egyptians may also encourage an increase in activity by anti-British elements within the Federation and Aden city. Some sabotage action might follow. Meanwhile, the Egyptians have told us that their radio broadcasters have been ordered to stop all attacks on the US and U bases, including Wheelus. They appear to mean it, at east for now. 10. Cuba: Last week's highly-publicized political triar-Fanted up again the division within the Castro regime between "new" and "old" Communists. Castro was himself obliged to intervene to maintain "revolutionary unity." His defense of the old-guard Communist leaders may have put them further in his debt and helped assure his personal dominance of the regime. It also avoided what might have developed into an embarrassing contretemps with Moscow. r% ? J I_ ---/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 50X1 50X1 I I 1 1 1 1- 1 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 12. Laos: Souvanna Phouma arrived in North Vietnam on 2 Wina, starting a 10-day visit to Hanoi and Peiping to garner support for his coalition regime. His departure will delay a meeting of the three factions in the Plaine des Jarres. The always diffi- cult security arrangments have been worked out and a meeting could take place on his return next week. Also postponed by the trip is a final decision on Souvanna's threat to pull his neutralists out of Vien- tiane. Souvanna has been on the outs recently with Phoumi, who, the premier charges, is using the coali- tion as a front for all sorts of nefarious activities. Souvanna plans to visit Moscow, London, and Paris later on. 13. Ethiopia-Somalia: Only minor skirmishes have occurred in the Ogaden border area since the ceasefire agreement went into effect on 1 April. 1 50X11 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2015/07/24 : CIA-RDP79T00936A002500080001-1 50X1 50X1 50X1