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January 6, 1967
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Mystery deepened; yesterday ; around? the 'disappearance: over Southern Nevada Thursday of a? top : secret spy plane:;. '` Missing with. one.` man', 'aboard is an,l experimental SR 71.,. It was flying a ,f track: between Edwards cAir Force: Base, Cali?f.,:and Tonopah:.; Although the aircraft'-.was 'presumed down. on a flied course, .search plane;;;; and routine.' nii1itarq training, flight fEliir_tl i- . .P i 'a7..F lgn t)f n'!?ei'kii d:. . ;7, I cI-lifl fht? rry[ %til'N tt :;` pr10oye (,?' Lockheed Air- craft Corp., designer and builder -,of :the APPROVED FOR RELEASED BATE. m-21-201 1 Radio contact was lost at 4'p.m. Thur day as the SR-71:* passed..w.est. of Las . Vegas , on test' mission.. The Air' Force The SR-71;: designed for.. "world-wide strategics, reconnaissance," flies higher than 16. ;miles at''2,500 miles per hour, or? closet to flour.. times ,the cspeed of Its ` u.'tra - sensitive, 'infra-red heat: cameras can, photograph: 60,000 squar'e' miles of terrain-for every hour the plane ,? .announced development.of the plane: Prndiuction of the SR-71 soon' made the j, .famo,is U-2 -.obsolete.. ?Lockheed; 'alsb bor,i , t~ n eonrt 1, ,, f s~ ~.. f 'a +i ~} i l in ~a'?tlroo I1!t'~ 'from f;t3Cl ?11i' Pori.. 1i i ,r 11E r t?4~Eifkl6,i~.~>'the*-! doe ship ilU-e t ,;:, 'Edwards rlhd used for' further expfrimentntl0il. The, same airplane.last Nov. 21 caustic . earth-shakingsonic booms in?Las'-Vegas-''' when ?it' passed. on 'thc'c~me t?ra L.."f o l :;`'Air Force. officials at'Edwards had ni comment on the super syl' dis p panes- appearance other than that. the' searci - was continually in progress. of-space; Air Force officials- said it 'was "unfeasible that the craft could? escape the pull of gravity and be placed' in orbit around the earth: Exactly one year ago, another: SR-71 om EdWa,~s crashedk on a :roc ;,,plateau near Albert,' N.M.'. One? test pih ,% was killed and another bailed out,safel3. ~ JA All, 146 7 .S The wreckage of. an experi mental triplesonic ? reconnaissance,: jet from Edwards Air Force Base Was. located near an abandoned Y Nevada, and the body of.: ''its civilian pilot was found 10 miles away, the Air Force. reported Saturday. The body of Walter L. Ray, 33, of .;',7900 Farralone St., Canoga Park, was sighted by a search aircraft: in t` 'desolate country east of Leith Satur- LAS VEGAS CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ITLANT1C OCEAN It was four miles southeast of the ,.WRECKAGE SIT E-Mop shows site searchers Friday saw the wreckage of SR-71 experimental reconnais- of the javelin-shaped'SR-71, fastest ,,-sance jet was.fou'nd by Air Force. aiLernoon. Lockheed crewmen ejected over After discovery of the plane near ..,c- A/Tcv;rn.nnrl the craft rannrtPr search was begun for the pilot. GroaindTeam Reaches Scene ly landed almost intact, hitting soft earth in virtually level flight. One test pilot -was killed . and the other survived: Lockheed Aircraft Corp.; which delta wing design. The slim forward' s made the plane, was 'seen, from the 'triangle of the wing extends to the'.'; air late Saturday. A ground rescue tip of the nose section to give the The Air Force said the specific An'Edward' spokesman said Ray cause of death was not determined. had' sufficient fuel for' only' 90 mi-.'t It declined' to say whether the pilot . nutes of, flight in the SR-71 after had ejected. the, plane was last reported Thurs. Ray leaves his wife, Diane Carole; da Y his mother, Mrs. Thelma Amelia [: Ray,, Havana, III.; a brother, Vernon ; 0. Ray, Orange; and a.sister, Elmore.. Cealka, Elkhart, Ind. Spokesmen at Edwards declined' to, say why discovery. of. the wrecks :l age was not revealed until Saturday. r, An Air Force team of investigators ~; has been dispatched. to., conduct an is investigation -into .the cause: of the,'R The highly secret ' 2,000..m.p.h'. plane, powered by two huge jet en-;. `,.gores, was described by President Johnson in 1964 as the ,most ad-: vanced in the world, -capable of . speeds more than three times that'of. sound and, altitudes' of 'more than ,.1 80,000 feet. ? ' ? ' Secrecy has surrounded the came: t,; ra-carrying aircraft which is not' al='.`F ,lowed to be photographed at close i range.' The 100-fo6t-long, jet black plane is ' widely: considered a super,. ;:.spy plane successor to the U-2 ty'pe`:; reconnaissance' p I a n e. in which t5 7 American Francis' Gary Powers was `i shot down over'?Russia in 1960. ? . , One other. SR-71 crashed but was 'not destroyed last-February. Its two . r , By :-COLIN MCKINLAY R-J Associate Editor The body.of the.pilot of the super " secret Air ?; Force photo - reconnais sance plane was located Saturday afternoon about; three miles -from tlte' wreckage, 90 miles north Officials at Edwards Air; Force base said that the plane was ,a^ . SR-71, capable of fly?, ing 2,000 miles per hour ond,l an 80,000 ft: -ceiling.. Air Force officials' at, Ed wards ' identified the pilot. is Walter L. Ray, 33, of Canoga Park, Calif. Search . parties found ' his . body 'about : 3 p.m, It was not known if his, para-' chute had opened. The multi-million dollarplane'j crashed Friday. 'near Leitli,'1 Nev., ' an abandoned section. station - of ::the Union Pacific's Railroad.." Air' Force: officials' missing since _. Thursday: 1, =n ~ RAY'S BODY was located about 'three miles'- West' of'the plane, which was four miles southwest of Leith. Searchers said that .Ray ejected. from the plane at 45,000 feet, 'and his parachute should have opened at. 16,000, feet. ' At '. the time the body was. found; a 60-member search par-" ty from Las Vegas was about half-way to' Caliente._: In ' the group were military personnel, Clark County ' Sheriff's Deput- les and members of- the Sher- iff's Jeep Posse. The .search party' :'consisted of 16 vehicles and enough equip-, ment' for a sustained search of several days.. THE DEAD pilot, was a civil- 'ian employed by the Lockheed Aircraft Corp. An ' Air Force spokesman said that. a' helicopter, crew ex- amined the wreckage, and then military personnel placed ". a tight Ting-: of security " around it There .were some reports that 4the? plane was not an SR-71, ,but some-other secret Air Force 'plane -but Col.' James. Smith; information officer at Edwards 4.FB, where the flight -origi-nated, denied this. THE SR--71 is capable of ,worldwide.. reconnaissance, ac-. :cording . to an announcement of.,the? craft made July 24,?,1964; by, President Johnson By COLIN McKINLAY"? R-J Associate Editor CALIENTE - More than a crash` of a.secret U.S. Air Force spy plane. 'sohtlz of__here,_ but the normally quiet Meadow Val- ley. Wash is a hive of. activity by the military. THEY'RE- LOOKING for''a needle in a - haystack - a foot- long camera `which apparently popped off, the wing, of the 2,- 000 mile-an-hour reconnaissance plane when it crashed into the side of a mountain, four miles southwest of Leith,' Jan. -5. The . camera. may provide some. key to. the crash of the plane, which was fatal to its pilot, Walter L.. Ray, 33, em- ployed by the Lockheed Air- craft Corp.' .Or, it may' be' a part of the super-secret equip- ment. the craft uses to spy on the earth from altitudes of 80, 000 ft. This community - is bulging with Air Force personnel. Every guest room in town is full.. By day, they search, and by night, they rest.. ARMED GUARDS stop motor- ists in the Meadow Valley Wash and interview them. Southbound travelers get their first inkling that 'something is amiss when 'Reconnaissance-.'a 'Lane Missing Near Las Vegas r.` EDWARDS AFB, Calif. (UPI) =A sleek, black. SR71 Aircraft ra sophisticated and advanced .,type of strategic reconnaissance ,plane, was missing and ' pre-' sun- ed down' in Nevada, A he Air Force reported Friday.,:_" THE SR71,' more versatile than ' the U2 spy plane which was shot down over Russia, was believed down in a,remo to area east'of Las Vegas. An Air Force spokesman at .this sprawling flight research center `100 miles north of `Los Angeles said the craft- was on a . routine test flight -from, Ed- wards Thursday- when it-. dis= appeared. they 'are :'stopped by- militar' personnel near Elgin.' North-::;. bound motorists . are stopped' o.. ` near Carp. Both locations 'are:.,.:, small section stations on the main line of the the Union .Pacific Railroad. ra The Air ' Force--'has also; .. brought in construction equip. rnent to build five miles of dirt 'i ~r y road from Kane 'Springs Wash.,:`' (See SEEK, Page, 4), (Continued from Page 1) to ' the mountain where . the plane crashed so the parts can be .trucked out. Big "Low Boy" trucks,. empty, stand in vacant lots here as reminders of the trucked in equipment. "WE'RE GOING to get. that plane out, no matter what it costs," one 'military=: man. re- marxed. 'A resident of this town said, `We've had a number of mili- tary' airplane crashes around here, but we've never seen any- thing like the security for this crash. Ranchers on horseback are even being employed by the Air Force to search the rugged mountains for the era., The plane hit a `mountain some . unofficial . talk around h h f t t t t t crash scene, is believed to have been removed the same way. 'There were even some indi- cations-that the plane may not. have even been 'the .one the Air ,i Force. said it was. There was A HELICOPTER has ,already removed the spy 'plane's can opy. The body of the pilot, .who''. apparently ejected and ..was found : several miles west of. the own e cra a was one not j previously acknowledged ing among the Air Force Arsen- al, but this brought .only blank'`` THEIR BEST explanation was A tragedy has resulted in:and; unseasonal economic 'boom ' Caliente, and how long ` it will ; last may.. depend on the reco'vz with about a 45-degree slope, and this should give the : road-..,.,.,. building engineers of the' Air, ' Force some difficulties. ? About 80 men are constantly moving in and out of the com- munity. : Few of them will say anything. "It hasn't been like "other j1 crashes," said one resident.'' `'Everything is hush, hush.".' RANCHERS GET $5 a day for the use of a horse. " The plane was identified by' the'. Air' Force "" as the SR-71. The SR stands for strategic' re- connaissance: The plane is also,.:': known as the' YF-12, when it is[ used for other purposes. -President Johnson announced 'the'' existence 'of the, craft 'on'e} July 24, 1964,' but little is known :j of its capabilities. It. is an' ex. otic successor to the 'notorious U-2 spy plane shot::d own. over1`3 Russia.. The 'inquisitive Air,Force per-l sonnel in., Meadow Valley Wash' talkJo. all travelers..They . arevery. polite, but want. to know all about..everyone's, business-;, and destination in the area. - _; "They even went out and in- terviewed one . , rancher. , who.:. was ,.'.working ' in hi, own as that 'some military ` men were 4 using incorrect designations 'in their conversations. ' A -5- sm~ co cz bA 3..rn ?~- CO cri rA vv, V C) F?. V O i